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42 Seoul Cursus

This repository contains a collection of projects I completed during my time at 42 Seoul Cursus. Each folder represents a different project, with information and source code included.

⚠ If you take my code as it is and get evaluated, you can get "cheat". The code is recommended for reference only.

⭕️ Project List

Circle Project Description
0 libft My very first own C library
1 get_next_line Reading a line on a fd is way too tedious
ft_printf Because putnbr and putstr aren’t enough
Born2beroot Build servers on virtual machines (no code)
2 minitalk Implementing a basic client-server communication program using signals
push_swap Sorting algorithm visualizer and optimizer
so_long 2D game development using the Minilibx library
3 philosophers Solving the dining philosophers problem
minishell Implementation of a basic Unix shell (2 people project)
4 netPractice Focusing on networking practice and gaining hands-on experience with networking concepts and protocols (no code)
cub3d Simple 3D game engine using raycasting techniques (2 people project)
5 cpp_module Developing C++ modules to enhance programming skills in C++ programming
ft_irc Implementing an Internet Relay Chat (IRC) server (3 people project)
inception Broaden your knowledge of system dministration by using Docker. You will virtualize several Docker images, creating them in your new personal virtual machine
6 ft_transcendence This project is an ongoing project. Detailed information and status updates for this project are pending. As of now, it is actively being worked on


42Seoul Cursus Project repository






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