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MMO Engine - Client

Another try to build a mmo game client.

Build Status - Columns and their card count Lines of Code Quality Gate Coverage Technical Debt Rating Code Smells Bugs Vulnerabilities Security Rating



  • Application Layer (hardware & os - mainly platform-dependent things and core)
  • Game Logic Layer (game logic)
  • Game View Layer (game presentation - renderer & sound, also networking belongs to game view)
    • Network Layer
  • Main & Desktop (application startup)

All this maven modules are dependencies from main module which are called from desktop module.

Additional modules:

  • Shared Commons Library (shared with proxy & gameserver, includes network protocol)
  • desktop (contains natives for different platforms, belongs indirect to application layer)

Game Directories

  • data (all game specific data)
  • temp (temporary files, write access required)
  • docs (Documentation, will not be copied into zip archiv)
  • assets (Work in Progress directory for artists, will not be copied into zip archiv)
  • config (configuration files for game engine - but no game specific configuration files!)

Flow Chart


Deploy shared-commons-library

mvn clean install deploy -DuniqueVersion=false

Important! If anything in shared-commons-library was changed, you have to increment version, else proxy server maybe doesn't get the right snapshot.

Rebuild texture atlases

Important! Textures which will be packed to texture atlases with data/misc/packer/packer.json config file will be cached in temp directory.
To rebuild them, you have to clear the cache with this optional parameter:


Build ZIP archiv


mvn clean install

Then you can find a ZIP Archiv in directory desktop/target with all files required for game.


Finally a little not about the z-level. By default, 2D games have only two axes: x and y.
But maybe you also want to support a "render order" or even floors and underground tunnels.
Then you need a render order and a specific system of layers to hide or show.
I have introduced a z-level system as follows:

Every tmx layer requires a z-level. Else the client cannot load them.
Additionally, you have to make the render order in tiled, so it's already right in tmx format.
Next all your layers get a z-level like this: floor.renderOrder
The player is rendered on z-level 1.5 by default.

For example:
z-level "1.0" is the ground floor and "2.0" is the second floor.
If you want to introduce a layer with street lights whose lamps should hanging over the player, you need a z-level "1.6".
But attention! If the player is in second floor, the lamp will not be rendered!


The source code is licensed under Apache 2.0 license.
But assets in directory data/ can be licensed under different licenses! Check LICENSE files in this directories!

Special thanks

Great thank you to Christoph Engelbert (noctarius), Daniel Ludwig (code-disaster, Pathway), Mario Zechner (badlogic) and Patrick Dworski (Nostritius) for many, many tips!

Also thanks to Reiner "Tiles" Prokein for that great work! We use his water animations.