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CurrentModule = Pigeons

[Julia code as input to pigeons](@id input-julia)

In typical Bayesian statistics applications, it is easiest to specify the model in a modelling language, such as Turing, but sometimes to get more flexibility or speed it is useful to implement the density evaluation manually as a "black-box" Julia function.

Here we show how this is done using our familiar [unidentifiable toy example](@ref unidentifiable-example).

We first create a custom type, MyLogPotential to control dispatch on the interface target.

using Pigeons 
using Random
using StatsFuns

struct MyLogPotential 

Next, we make MyLogPotential a function-like object, so that we can write expressions of the form my_log_potential([0.5, 0.5]) and hence MyLogPotential satisfies the log_potential interface:

function (log_potential::MyLogPotential)(x) 
    p1, p2 = x
    if !(0 < p1 < 1) || !(0 < p2 < 1)
        return -Inf64 
    p = p1 * p2
    return StatsFuns.binomlogpdf(log_potential.n_trials, p, log_potential.n_successes)

# e.g.:
my_log_potential = MyLogPotential(100, 50)
my_log_potential([0.5, 0.5])

Next, we need to specify how to create fresh state objects:

Pigeons.initialization(::MyLogPotential, ::AbstractRNG, ::Int) = [0.5, 0.5]

We can now run the sampler:

pt = pigeons(
        target = MyLogPotential(100, 50), 
        reference = MyLogPotential(0, 0)
nothing # hide

Notice that we have specified a reference distribution, in this case the same model but with no observations (hence the prior). Indeed, in contrast to targets specified using Turing.jl, it is not possible to construct a reference automatically from Julia "black-box" targets.

The default_explorer() is the SliceSampler.

Sampling from the reference distribution

Ability to sample from the reference distribution can be beneficial, e.g. to jump modes in multi-modal distribution. For black-box Julia function targets, this is done as follows:

function Pigeons.sample_iid!(::MyLogPotential, replica, shared)
    state = replica.state 
    rng = replica.rng 
    rand!(rng, state)

pt = pigeons(
        target = MyLogPotential(100, 50), 
        reference = MyLogPotential(0, 0)
nothing # hide

Changing the explorer

Here is an example using AutoMALA instead of the default SliceSampler. We only need to add methods to make our custom type MyLogPotential conform the LogDensityProblems interface:

using LogDensityProblems

LogDensityProblems.dimension(lp::MyLogPotential) = 2
LogDensityProblems.logdensity(lp::MyLogPotential, x) = lp(x)

pt = pigeons(
        target = MyLogPotential(100, 50), 
        reference = MyLogPotential(0, 0), 
        explorer = AutoMALA(default_autodiff_backend = :ForwardDiff) 
nothing # hide

Pigeons have several built-in explorer kernels such as AutoMALA and a SliceSampler. However when the state space is neither the reals nor the integers, or for performance reasons, it may be necessary to create custom exploration MCMC kernels. This is described on the [custom explorers page](@ref input-explorers).

Manipulating the output

Some common post-processing are shown below, see [the section on output processing for more information](@ref output-overview).

using MCMCChains
using StatsPlots

pt = pigeons(
        target = MyLogPotential(100, 50), 
        reference = MyLogPotential(0, 0), 
        explorer = AutoMALA(default_autodiff_backend = :ForwardDiff),
        record = [traces])
samples = Chains(pt)
my_plot = StatsPlots.plot(samples)
StatsPlots.savefig(my_plot, "julia_posterior_densities_and_traces.html"); 

<iframe src="../julia_posterior_densities_and_traces.html" style="height:500px;width:100%;"></iframe>