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Tuning models

In MLJ tuning is implemented as a model wrapper. After wrapping a model in a tuning strategy and binding the wrapped model to data in a machine, fitting the machine instigates a search for optimal model hyperparameters, within the specified range, and then uses all supplied data to train the best model. Making predictions using this fitted machine then amounts to predicting using a machine based on the unwrapped model with the specified hyperparameters optimized. In this way the wrapped model may be viewed as a "self-tuning" version of the unwrapped model.

Tuning a single hyperparameter

import Base.eval
using MLJ
X = (x1=rand(100), x2=rand(100), x3=rand(100));
y = 2X.x1 - X.x2 + 0.05*rand(100); 
tree_model = @load DecisionTreeRegressor; 

Let's tune min_purity_increase in the model above, using a grid-search. Defining hyperparameter ranges and wrapping the model:

r = range(tree_model, :min_purity_increase, lower=0.001, upper=1.0, scale=:log);
self_tuning_tree_model = TunedModel(model=tree_model,
                                    resampling = CV(nfolds=3),
                                    tuning = Grid(resolution=10),
                                    ranges = r,
                                    measure = rms); 

Incidentally, for a numeric hyperparameter, the object returned by range can be iterated after specifying a resolution:

iterator(r, 5)

Non-numeric hyperparameters are handled a little differently:

selector_model = FeatureSelector(); 
r2 = range(selector_model, :features, values = [[:x1,], [:x1, :x2]]); 

Returning to the wrapped tree model:

self_tuning_tree = machine(self_tuning_tree_model, X, y); 
fit!(self_tuning_tree, verbosity=0);

We can inspect the detailed results of the grid search with report(self_tuning_model) or just retrieve the optimal model, as here:


Predicting on new input observations using the optimal model:

predict(self_tuning_tree, (x1=rand(3), x2=rand(3), x3=rand(3)))

Tuning multiple nested hyperparameters

The following model has another model, namely a DecisionTreeRegressor, as a hyperparameter:

tree_model = @load DecisionTreeRegressor
forest_model = EnsembleModel(atom=tree_model); 
julia> tree_model = DecisionTreeRegressor()
julia> forest_model = EnsembleModel(atom=tree_model); 

Nested hyperparameters can be inspected using params (or just type @more in the REPL after instantiating forest_model):


Ranges for nested hyperparameters are specified using dot syntax:

r1 = range(forest_model, :(atom.n_subfeatures), lower=1, upper=3); 
r2 = range(forest_model, :bagging_fraction, lower=0.4, upper=1.0); 
self_tuning_forest_model = TunedModel(model=forest_model, 
                                      ranges=[r1, r2],
self_tuning_forest = machine(self_tuning_forest_model, X, y); 
fit!(self_tuning_forest, verbosity=0)

In this two-parameter case, a plot of the grid search results is also available:

using Plots

It is also possible to specify different resolutions for each dimension of the grid. See Grid below for details.

