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File metadata and controls

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The DataStreams.jl package aims to define a generic and performant framework for the transfer of "table-like" data. (i.e. data that can, in some sense, be described by rows and columns).

The framework achieves this by defining a system of Data.Source types and methods to describe how they "provide" data; as well as Data.Sink types and methods around how they "receive" data. This allows Data.Sources and Data.Sinks to implement their interfaces separately, without needing to be aware of each other. The end result is an ecosystem of packages that "automatically" talk with each other, with adding an additional package requiring no additional machinery in an existing packages.

Data.Source Interface

The Data.Source interface requires the following definitions, where MyPkg would represent a package wishing to implement the framework:

  • Data.schema(::MyPkg.Source) => Data.Schema; get the Data.Schema of a Data.Source. Typically the Source type will store the Data.Schema directly, but this isn't strictly required. See ?Data.Schema or docs below for more information on Data.Schema
  • Data.isdone(::MyPkg.Source, row, col) => Bool; indicates whether the Data.Source will be able to provide data, given a row and col.

Optional definition:

  • Data.reference(::MyPkg.Source) => Vector{UInt8}; Sometimes, a Source needs the Sink to keep a reference to memory to keep a data structure valid. A Source can implement this method to return a Vector{UInt8} that the Sink will need to handle appropriately.

A Data.Source also needs to "register" the type (or types) of streaming it supports. Currently defined streaming types in the DataStreams framework include:

  • Data.Field: a field is the intersection of a specific row and column; this type of streaming will traverse the "table" structure by row, accessing each column on each row
  • Data.Column: this type of streaming will provide entire columns at a time

A Data.Source "registers" to support field-based streaming by defining the following:

  • Data.streamtype(::Type{MyPkg.Source}, ::Type{Data.Field}) = true; declares that MyPkg.Source supports field-based streaming
  • Data.getfield{T}(::MyPkg.Source, ::Type{T}, row, col) => Nullable{T}; returns a value of type Nullable{T} given a specific row and col from MyPkg.Source

And for column-based streaming:

  • Data.streamtype(::Type{MyPkg.Source}, ::Type{Data.Column}) = true
  • Data.getcolumn{T}(::Data.Source, ::Type{T}, col) => AbstractVector{T}

Data.Sink Interface

Similar to a Data.Source, a Data.Sink needs to "register" the types of streaming it supports, it does so through the following definition:

  • Data.streamtypes(::Type{MyPkg.Sink}) = [Data.Field[, Data.Column]]; "registers" the streaming preferences for MyPkg.Sink. A Sink type should list the stream type or types it supports. If the Sink supports streaming of multiple types, it should list them in order of preference (i.e. the more natural or performant type first).

A Data.Sink should also implement specific forms of constructors that allow convenience in many higher-level streaming functions:

  • MyPkg.Sink{T <: Data.StreamType}(source, ::Type{T}, append::Bool, args...); given an instance of a Data.Source, the type of streaming T, whether the user desires to append source or not, and any necessary args..., construct an appropriate instance of MyPkg.Sink ready to receive data from source.
  • MyPkg.Sink{T <: Data.StreamType}(sink, source, ::Type{T}, append::Bool); similar to above, but instead of constructing a new Sink, an existing Sink is given as a first argument, which may be modified before being returned, ready to receive data from source.

And finally, a Data.Sink needs to implement the meat of the framework, the actual streaming method. For a Sink supporting field-based streaming, the following method should be defined:

  •!(source, ::Type{Data.Field}, sink::MyPkg.Sink, append::Bool); given a generic Data.Source, continue streaming data until Data.isdone(source, row, col) == true. The streaming method should usually check Data.isdone(source, 1, 1) && return sink before starting the actual streaming to account for a potentially empty Data.Source.

And for column-based streaming:

  •!(source, ::Type{Data.Column}, sink::MyPkg.Sink, append::Bool)