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Merge pull request #23 from tkoolen/periodic-callback
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Add PeriodicCallback.
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ChrisRackauckas committed Oct 16, 2017
2 parents e602c07 + b5c7a24 commit d099203
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16 changes: 14 additions & 2 deletions
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Expand Up @@ -107,10 +107,22 @@ SavingCallback(save_func, saved_values::SavedValues;
- `save_func(t, u, integrator)` returns the quantities which shall be saved.
- `saved_values::SavedValues` contains vectors `t::Vector{tType}`,
`saveval::Vector{savevalType}` of the saved quantities. Here,
- `saved_values::SavedValues` contains vectors `t::Vector{tType}`,
`saveval::Vector{savevalType}` of the saved quantities. Here,
`save_func(t, u, integrator)::savevalType`.
- `saveat` Mimicks `saveat` in `solve` for ODEs.
- `save_everystep` Mimicks `save_everystep` in `solve` for ODEs.
- `tdir` should be `sign(tspan[end]-tspan[1])`. It defaults to `1` and should
be adapted if `tspan[1] > tspan[end]`.

## PeriodicCallback

`PeriodicCallback` can be used when a function should be called periodically in terms of integration time (as opposed to wall time), i.e. at `t = tspan[1]`, `t = tspan[1] + Δt`, `t = tspan[1] + 2Δt`, and so on. This callback can, for example, be used to model a digital controller for an analog system, running at a fixed rate.

A `PeriodicCallback` can be constructed as follows:

PeriodicCallback(f, Δt::Number; kwargs...)

where `f` is the function to be called periodically, `Δt` is the period, and `kwargs` are keyword arguments accepted by the `DiscreteCallback` constructor.
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions src/DiffEqCallbacks.jl
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Expand Up @@ -12,5 +12,6 @@ module DiffEqCallbacks

end # module
33 changes: 33 additions & 0 deletions src/periodic.jl
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@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
function PeriodicCallback(f, Δt::Number; initialize = DiffEqBase.INITIALIZE_DEFAULT, kwargs...)
# Value of `t` at which `f` should be called next:
tnext = Ref(typemax(Δt))
condition = (t, u, integrator) -> t == tnext[]

# Call f, update tnext, and make sure we stop at the new tnext
affect! = function (integrator)

# Schedule next call to `f` using `add_tstops!`, but be careful not to keep integrating forever
tnew = tnext[] + Δt
tstops = integrator.opts.tstops
for i in length(tstops) : -1 : 1 # reverse iterate to encounter large elements earlier
if, tnew, tstops.valtree[i]) # TODO: relying on implementation details
tnext[] = tnew
add_tstop!(integrator, tnew)

# Initialization: first call to `f` should be *before* any time steps have been taken:
initialize_periodic = function (c, t, u, integrator)
@assert integrator.tdir == sign(Δt)
initialize(c, t, u, integrator)
tnext[] = t

DiscreteCallback(condition, affect!; initialize = initialize_periodic, kwargs...)

export PeriodicCallback
57 changes: 57 additions & 0 deletions test/periodic_tests.jl
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@@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
using Base.Test, OrdinaryDiffEq, DiffEqCallbacks

tmin = 0.1
tmax = 5.2

for tmax_problem in [tmax; Inf]
# Test with both a finite and an infinite tspan for the ODEProblem.
# Having support for infinite tspans is one of the main reasons for implementing PeriodicCallback
# using add_tstop!, instead of just passing in a linspace as the tstops solve argument.
# (the other being that the length of the internal tstops collection would otherwise become
# linear in the length of the integration time interval.
# Testing a finite tspan is necessary because a naive implementation could add tstops after
# tmax and thus integrate for too long (or even indefinitely).

# Dynamics: two independent single integrators:
du = [0; 0]
u0 = [0.; 0.]
dynamics = (t, u) -> eltype(u).(du)
prob = ODEProblem(dynamics, u0, (tmin, tmax_problem))

# Callbacks periodically increase the input to the integrators:
Δt1 = 0.5
increase_du_1 = integrator -> du[1] += 1
periodic1_initialized = Ref(false)
initialize1 = (c, t, u, integrator) -> periodic1_initialized[] = true
periodic1 = PeriodicCallback(increase_du_1, Δt1; initialize = initialize1)

Δt2 = 1.
increase_du_2 = integrator -> du[2] += 1
periodic2 = PeriodicCallback(increase_du_2, Δt2)

# Terminate at tmax (regardless of whether the tspan of the ODE problem is infinite).
terminator = DiscreteCallback((t, u, integrator) -> t == tmax, terminate!)

# Solve.
sol = solve(prob, Tsit5(); callback = CallbackSet(terminator, periodic1, periodic2), tstops = [tmax])

# Ensure that initialize1 has been called
@test periodic1_initialized[]

# Make sure we haven't integrated past tmax:
@test sol.t[end] == tmax

# Make sure that the components of du have been incremented the appropriate number of times.
Δts = [Δt1, Δt2]
expected_num_calls = map(Δts) do Δt
floor(Int, (tmax - tmin) / Δt) + 1
@test du == expected_num_calls

# Make sure that the final state matches manual integration of the piecewise linear function
foreach(Δts, sol.u[end], du) do Δt, u_i, du_i
@test u_i Δt * sum(1 : du_i - 1) + rem(tmax - tmin, Δt) * du_i atol = 1e-5
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions test/runtests.jl
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Expand Up @@ -8,4 +8,5 @@ tic()
@time @testset "Manifold tests" begin include("manifold_tests.jl") end
@time @testset "StepsizeLimiter tests" begin include("stepsizelimiter_tests.jl") end
@time @testset "Saving tests" begin include("saving_tests.jl") end
@time @testset "Periodic tests" begin include("periodic_tests.jl") end

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