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Merge pull request #30 from isaacsas/massaction-rate-updates
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Expanding MassActionJump input options
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ChrisRackauckas committed Apr 14, 2018
2 parents 5760198 + 60fda23 commit d73172c
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Showing 4 changed files with 209 additions and 24 deletions.
59 changes: 56 additions & 3 deletions src/jumps.jl
Expand Up @@ -41,13 +41,18 @@ struct MassActionJump{T,S} <: AbstractJump

function MassActionJump{T,S}(rates::T, rs::S, ns::S, scale_rates::Bool) where {T,S}
function MassActionJump{T,S}(rates::T, rs::S, ns::S, scale_rates::Bool) where {T <: AbstractVector,S}
sr = copy(rates)
if scale_rates && !isempty(sr)
scalerates!(sr, rs)
new(sr, rs, ns)
function MassActionJump{T,S}(rate::T, rs::S, ns::S, scale_rates::Bool) where {T <: Number,S}
sr = scale_rates ? scalerate(rate, rs) : rate
new(sr, rs, ns)

MassActionJump(usr::T, rs::S, ns::S; scale_rates = true ) where {T,S} = MassActionJump{T,S}(usr, rs, ns, scale_rates)

Expand All @@ -67,9 +72,22 @@ JumpSet() = JumpSet((),(),nothing,nothing)
JumpSet(jb::Void) = JumpSet()

# For Varargs, use recursion to make it type-stable

JumpSet(jumps::AbstractJump...) = JumpSet(split_jumps((), (), nothing, nothing, jumps...)...)

# handle vector of mass action jumps
function JumpSet(vjs, cjs, rj, majv::Vector{T}) where {T <: MassActionJump}
if isempty(majv)
error("JumpSets do not accept empty mass action jump collections; use \"nothing\" instead.")

maj = setup_majump_to_merge(majv[1].scaled_rates, majv[1].reactant_stoch, majv[1].net_stoch)
for i = 2:length(majv)
massaction_jump_combine(maj, majv[i])

JumpSet(vjs, cjs, rj, maj)

@inline split_jumps(vj, cj, rj, maj) = vj, cj, rj, maj
@inline split_jumps(vj, cj, rj, maj, v::VariableRateJump, args...) = split_jumps((vj..., v), cj, rj, maj, args...)
@inline split_jumps(vj, cj, rj, maj, c::ConstantRateJump, args...) = split_jumps(vj, (cj..., c), rj, maj, args...)
Expand All @@ -85,10 +103,45 @@ regular_jump_combine(rj1::Void,rj2::RegularJump) = rj2
regular_jump_combine(rj1::Void,rj2::Void) = rj1
regular_jump_combine(rj1::RegularJump,rj2::RegularJump) = error("Only one regular jump is allowed in a JumpSet")

# functionality to merge two mass action jumps together

# if given containers of rates and stoichiometry directly create a jump
function setup_majump_to_merge(sr::T, rs::AbstractVector{S}, ns::AbstractVector{S}) where {T <: AbstractVector, S <: AbstractArray}
MassActionJump(sr, rs, ns)

# if just given the data for one jump (and not in a container) wrap in a vector
function setup_majump_to_merge(sr::T, rs::S, ns::S) where {T <: Number, S <: AbstractArray}
MassActionJump([sr], [rs], [ns])

# when given a collection of reactions to add to maj
function majump_merge!(maj::MassActionJump{U,V}, sr::U, rs::V, ns::V) where {U <: AbstractVector, V <: AbstractVector}
append!(maj.scaled_rates, sr)
append!(maj.reactant_stoch, rs)
append!(maj.net_stoch, ns)

# when given a single jump's worth of data to add to maj
function majump_merge!(maj::MassActionJump{U,V}, sr::T, rs::S, ns::S) where {U <: AbstractVector, V <: AbstractVector, T <: Number, S <: AbstractArray}
push!(maj.scaled_rates, sr)
push!(maj.reactant_stoch, rs)
push!(maj.net_stoch, ns)

# when maj only stores a single jump's worth of data (and not in a collection)
# create a new jump with the merged data stored in vectors
function majump_merge!(maj::MassActionJump{T,S}, sr::T, rs::S, ns::S) where {T <: Number, S <: AbstractArray}
MassActionJump([maj.scaled_rates, sr], [maj.reactant_stoch, rs], [maj.net_stoch, ns])

massaction_jump_combine(maj1::MassActionJump, maj2::Void) = maj1
massaction_jump_combine(maj1::Void, maj2::MassActionJump) = maj2
massaction_jump_combine(maj1::Void, maj2::Void) = maj1
massaction_jump_combine(maj1::MassActionJump, maj2::MassActionJump) = error("Only one mass action jump type is allowed in a JumpSet")
massaction_jump_combine(maj1::MassActionJump, maj2::MassActionJump) = majump_merge!(maj1, maj2.scaled_rates, maj2.reactant_stoch, maj2.net_stoch)

##### helper methods for unpacking rates and affects! from constant jumps #####
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32 changes: 20 additions & 12 deletions src/massaction_rates.jl
@@ -1,40 +1,48 @@
# Stochiometry for a given reaction is a vector of pairs mapping species id to
# Stochiometry for a given reaction is a vector of pairs mapping species id to
# stochiometric coefficient.

@inbounds @fastmath function evalrxrate(speciesvec::AbstractVector{T}, rateconst,
stochmat::AbstractVector{Pair{S,V}})::typeof(rateconst) where {T,S,V}
@fastmath function evalrxrate(speciesvec::AbstractVector{T}, rateconst,
stochmat::AbstractVector{Pair{S,V}})::typeof(rateconst) where {T,S,V}
val = one(T)

for specstoch in stochmat
@inbounds for specstoch in stochmat
specpop = speciesvec[specstoch[1]]
val *= specpop
for k = 2:specstoch[2]
@inbounds for k = 2:specstoch[2]
specpop -= one(specpop)
val *= specpop

return rateconst * val
rateconst * val

@inline @inbounds @fastmath function executerx!(speciesvec::AbstractVector{T},
net_stoch::AbstractVector{Pair{S,V}}) where {T,S,V}
for specstoch in net_stoch
@inline @fastmath function executerx!(speciesvec::AbstractVector{T},
net_stoch::AbstractVector{Pair{S,V}}) where {T,S,V}
@inbounds for specstoch in net_stoch
speciesvec[specstoch[1]] += specstoch[2]

@inbounds function scalerates!(unscaled_rates, stochmat::Vector{Vector{Pair{S,T}}}) where {S,T}
for i in eachindex(unscaled_rates)
function scalerates!(unscaled_rates::Vector{U}, stochmat::Vector{Vector{Pair{S,T}}}) where {U,S,T}
@inbounds for i in eachindex(unscaled_rates)
coef = one(T)
for specstoch in stochmat[i]
@inbounds for specstoch in stochmat[i]
coef *= factorial(specstoch[2])
unscaled_rates[i] /= coef

function scalerate(unscaled_rate::U, stochmat::Vector{Pair{S,T}}) where {U <: Number, S, T}
coef = one(T)
@inbounds for specstoch in stochmat
coef *= factorial(specstoch[2])
unscaled_rate /= coef
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion test/bimolerx_test.jl
Expand Up @@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ dotestmean = true
doprintmeans = false

# SSAs to test
SSAalgs = (Direct(),FRM()) #,DirectFW(), FRM(), FRMFW())
SSAalgs = (Direct(),DirectFW(), FRM(), FRMFW())

Nsims = 32000
tf = .01
Expand Down
140 changes: 132 additions & 8 deletions test/linearreaction_test.jl
@@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
# calculates the mean from N stochastic A->B reactions at different rates
# this really tests different ways of constructing the jump problems
using DiffEqBase, DiffEqJump
using Base.Test

Expand All @@ -13,7 +14,7 @@ tf = .1
baserate = .1
A0 = 100
exactmean = (t,ratevec) -> A0 * exp(-sum(ratevec) * t)
SSAalgs = [FRM(), FRMFW(), Direct(), DirectFW()]
SSAalgs = [Direct()]#, DirectFW(), FRM(), FRMFW()]

rates = ones(Float64, Nrxs) * baserate;
cumsum!(rates, rates)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -72,7 +73,7 @@ function A_to_B_vec(N, method)

# uses a mass action jump to represent all reactions
# uses a single mass action jump to represent all reactions
function A_to_B_ma(N, method)
reactstoch = Vector{Vector{Pair{Int,Int}}}();
netstoch = Vector{Vector{Pair{Int,Int}}}();
Expand All @@ -89,8 +90,8 @@ function A_to_B_ma(N, method)

# uses a mass action jump to represent half the reactions and a vector of constant jumps for the other half
# stores them in a JumpSet
# uses one mass action jump to represent half the reactions and a vector
# of constant jumps for the other half. Stores them in a JumpSet
function A_to_B_hybrid(N, method)
# half reactions are treated as mass action and half as constant jumps
switchidx = (N//2).num
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -122,8 +123,8 @@ function A_to_B_hybrid(N, method)

# uses a mass action jump to represent half the reactions and a vector of constant jumps for the other half
# passes them to JumpProblem as a splatted tuple
# uses a mass action jump to represent half the reactions and a vector
# of constant jumps for the other half. Passes them to JumpProblem as a splatted tuple
function A_to_B_hybrid_nojset(N, method)
# half reactions are treated as mass action and half as constant jumps
switchidx = (N//2).num
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -155,8 +156,131 @@ function A_to_B_hybrid_nojset(N, method)

#jump_prob_gens = [A_to_B_tuple, A_to_B_vec, A_to_B_ma, A_to_B_hybrid, A_to_B_hybrid_nojset]
jump_prob_gens = [A_to_B_tuple, A_to_B_ma, A_to_B_hybrid]

# uses a vector of mass action jumps of vectors to represent half the reactions and a vector
# of constant jumps for the other half. Passes them to JumpProblem as a JumpSet
function A_to_B_hybrid_vecs(N, method)
# half reactions are treated as mass action and half as constant jumps
switchidx = (N//2).num

# mass action reactions
majumps = Vector{MassActionJump}()
for i in 1:switchidx
push!(majumps, MassActionJump([rates[i]], [[1 => 1]], [[1 => -1, 2=>1]] ))

# jump reactions
jumpvec = Vector{ConstantRateJump}()
for i in (switchidx+1):N
ratefunc = (u,p,t) -> rates[i] * u[1]
affect! = function (integrator)
integrator.u[1] -= 1
integrator.u[2] += 1
push!(jumpvec, ConstantRateJump(ratefunc, affect!))
jset = JumpSet((), jumpvec, nothing, majumps)
prob = DiscreteProblem([A0,0], (0.0,tf))
jump_prob = JumpProblem(prob, method, jset; save_positions=(false,false))


# uses a vector of scalar mass action jumps to represent half the reactions and a vector
# of constant jumps for the other half. Passes them to JumpProblem as a JumpSet
function A_to_B_hybrid_vecs_scalars(N, method)
# half reactions are treated as mass action and half as constant jumps
switchidx = (N//2).num

# mass action reactions
majumps = Vector{MassActionJump}()
for i in 1:switchidx
push!(majumps, MassActionJump(rates[i], [1 => 1], [1 => -1, 2=>1] ))

# jump reactions
jumpvec = Vector{ConstantRateJump}()
for i in (switchidx+1):N
ratefunc = (u,p,t) -> rates[i] * u[1]
affect! = function (integrator)
integrator.u[1] -= 1
integrator.u[2] += 1
push!(jumpvec, ConstantRateJump(ratefunc, affect!))
jset = JumpSet((), jumpvec, nothing, majumps)
prob = DiscreteProblem([A0,0], (0.0,tf))
jump_prob = JumpProblem(prob, method, jset; save_positions=(false,false))


# uses a vector of scalar mass action jumps to represent half the reactions and a vector
# of constant jumps for the other half. Passes them to JumpProblem as a single splatted tuple.
function A_to_B_hybrid_tups_scalars(N, method)
# half reactions are treated as mass action and half as constant jumps
switchidx = (N//2).num

# mass action reactions
majumpsv = Vector{MassActionJump}()
for i in 1:switchidx
push!(majumpsv, MassActionJump(rates[i], [1 => 1], [1 => -1, 2=>1] ))

# jump reactions
jumpvec = Vector{ConstantRateJump}()
for i in (switchidx+1):N
ratefunc = (u,p,t) -> rates[i] * u[1]
affect! = function (integrator)
integrator.u[1] -= 1
integrator.u[2] += 1
push!(jumpvec, ConstantRateJump(ratefunc, affect!))

jumps = ((maj for maj in majumpsv)..., (jump for jump in jumpvec)...)
prob = DiscreteProblem([A0,0], (0.0,tf))
jump_prob = JumpProblem(prob, method, jumps...; save_positions=(false,false))


# uses a mass action jump to represent half the reactions and a tuple
# of constant jumps for the other half. Passes them to JumpProblem as a JumpSet.
function A_to_B_hybrid_tups(N, method)
# half reactions are treated as mass action and half as constant jumps
switchidx = (N//2).num

# mass action reactions
majumps = Vector{MassActionJump}()
for i in 1:switchidx
push!(majumps, MassActionJump([rates[i]], [[1 => 1]], [[1 => -1, 2=>1]] ))

# jump reactions
jumpvec = Vector{ConstantRateJump}()
for i in (switchidx+1):N
ratefunc = (u,p,t) -> rates[i] * u[1]
affect! = function (integrator)
integrator.u[1] -= 1
integrator.u[2] += 1
push!(jumpvec, ConstantRateJump(ratefunc, affect!))
jumps = ((jump for jump in jumpvec)...)
jset = JumpSet((), jumps, nothing, majumps)
prob = DiscreteProblem([A0,0], (0.0,tf))
jump_prob = JumpProblem(prob, method, jset; save_positions=(false,false))


jump_prob_gens = [A_to_B_tuple, A_to_B_vec, A_to_B_ma, A_to_B_hybrid, A_to_B_hybrid_nojset,
A_to_B_hybrid_vecs, A_to_B_hybrid_vecs_scalars, A_to_B_hybrid_tups,A_to_B_hybrid_tups_scalars]
#jump_prob_gens = [A_to_B_tuple, A_to_B_ma, A_to_B_hybrid, A_to_B_hybrid_vecs, A_to_B_hybrid_vecs_scalars,A_to_B_hybrid_tups_scalars]

for method in SSAalgs
for jump_prob_gen in jump_prob_gens
Expand Down

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