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Updated OrderedSet, OrderedDict tests
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* Tests should pass on v0.3, v0.4
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kmsquire committed Mar 5, 2015
1 parent 207f11d commit e51ccc6
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Showing 5 changed files with 471 additions and 12 deletions.
10 changes: 10 additions & 0 deletions src/hashdict.jl
Expand Up @@ -530,3 +530,13 @@ next(v::ValueIterator{HashDict}, i) = (v.dict.vals[i], skip_deleted(v.dict,i+1))

next{K,V}(v::KeyIterator{HashDict{K,V,Ordered}}, i) = (v.dict.keys[v.dict.order[i]], skip_deleted(v.dict,i+1))
next{K,V}(v::ValueIterator{HashDict{K,V,Ordered}}, i) = (v.dict.vals[v.dict.order[i]], skip_deleted(v.dict,i+1))

if VERSION >= v"0.4.0-dev+980"
push!(t::HashDict, p::Pair) = setindex!(t, p.second, p.first)
push!(t::HashDict, p::Pair, q::Pair) = push!(push!(t, p), q)
push!(t::HashDict, p::Pair, q::Pair, r::Pair...) = push!(push!(push!(t, p), q), r...)

push!(d::HashDict, p) = setindex!(d, p[2], p[1])
push!(d::HashDict, p, q) = push!(push!(d, p), q)
push!(d::HashDict, p, q, r...) = push!(push!(push!(d, p), q), r...)
22 changes: 17 additions & 5 deletions src/ordereddict.jl
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
# ordered dict

import Base: haskey, get, get!, getkey, delete!, push!, pop!, empty!,
setindex!, getindex, sizehint, length, isempty, start,
setindex!, getindex, length, isempty, start,
next, done, keys, values, setdiff, setdiff!,
union, union!, intersect, isequal, filter, filter!,
hash, eltype
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -51,10 +51,22 @@ copy(d::OrderedDict) = OrderedDict(d)

## Most functions are simply delegated to the wrapped HashDict

@compat @delegate OrderedDict.d [ haskey, get, get!, getkey, delete!, pop!,
empty!, setindex!, getindex, sizehint,
length, isempty, start, next, done, keys,
values ]
@delegate OrderedDict.d [ haskey, get, get!, getkey, delete!, pop!,
empty!, setindex!, getindex,
length, isempty, start, next, done, keys,
values ]

sizehint(d::OrderedDict, sz::Integer) = (sizehint(d.d, sz); d)

if VERSION >= v"0.4.0-dev+980"
push!(d::OrderedDict, kv::Pair) = (push!(d.d, kv); d)
push!(d::OrderedDict, kv::Pair, kv2::Pair) = (push!(d.d, kv, kv2); d)
push!(d::OrderedDict, kv::Pair, kv2::Pair, kv3::Pair...) = (push!(d.d, kv, kv2, kv3...); d)

push!(d::OrderedDict, kv) = (push!(d.d, kv); d)
push!(d::OrderedDict, kv, kv2...) = (push!(d.d, kv, kv2...); d)

similar{K,V}(d::OrderedDict{K,V}) = OrderedDict{K,V}()
in{T<:OrderedDict}(key, v::Base.KeyIterator{T}) = key in keys(v.dict.d.d)
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion src/orderedset.jl
Expand Up @@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ OrderedSet() = OrderedSet{Any}()
OrderedSet(xs) = OrderedSet{eltype(xs)}(xs)

show(io::IO, s::OrderedSet) = (show(io, typeof(s)); print(io, "("); !isempty(s) && Base.show_vector(io, s,'[',']'); print(io, ")"))
show(io::IO, s::OrderedSet) = (show(io, typeof(s)); print(io, "("); !isempty(s) && Base.show_comma_array(io, s,'[',']'); print(io, ")"))

@delegate OrderedSet.dict [isempty, length]

Expand Down
249 changes: 246 additions & 3 deletions test/test_ordereddict.jl
Expand Up @@ -7,9 +7,9 @@ using Base.Test
@test typeof(OrderedDict([(1,2.0)])) == OrderedDict{Int,Float64}
@test typeof(OrderedDict([("a",1),("b",2)])) == OrderedDict{ASCIIString,Int}
if VERSION >= v"0.4.0-dev+980"
@test typeof(OrderedDict(1 => 1.0)) == OrderedDict{Int,Float64}
@test typeof(OrderedDict(1 => 1.0, 2 => 2.0)) == OrderedDict{Int,Float64}
@test typeof(OrderedDict(1 => 1.0, 2 => 2.0, 3 => 3.0)) == OrderedDict{Int,Float64}
@test typeof(OrderedDict(Pair(1, 1.0))) == OrderedDict{Int,Float64}
@test typeof(OrderedDict(Pair(1, 1.0), Pair(2, 2.0))) == OrderedDict{Int,Float64}
@test typeof(OrderedDict(Pair(1, 1.0), Pair(2, 2.0), Pair(3, 3.0))) == OrderedDict{Int,Float64}

# empty dictionary
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -57,3 +57,246 @@ end

@test od60[14] == 15

# Copied and modified from Base/test/dict.jl

# OrderedDict
h = OrderedDict()
for i=1:10000
h[i] = i+1
@test collect(h) == collect(zip(1:10000, 2:10001))

for i=1:2:10000
delete!(h, i)
for i=1:2:10000
h[i] = i+1

for i=1:10000
@test h[i]==i+1

for i=1:10000
delete!(h, i)
@test isempty(h)

h[77] = 100
@test h[77]==100

for i=1:10000
h[i] = i+1

for i=1:2:10000
delete!(h, i)

for i=10001:20000
h[i] = i+1

for i=2:2:10000
@test h[i]==i+1

for i=10000:20000
@test h[i]==i+1

h = OrderedDict{Any,Any}([("a", 3)])
@test h["a"] == 3
h["a","b"] = 4
@test h["a","b"] == h[("a","b")] == 4
h["a","b","c"] = 4
@test h["a","b","c"] == h[("a","b","c")] == 4

z = OrderedDict()
get_KeyError = false
catch _e123_
get_KeyError = isa(_e123_,KeyError)
@test get_KeyError

_d = OrderedDict([("a", 0)])
@test isa([k for k in filter(x->length(x)==1, collect(keys(_d)))], Vector{Any})

## TODO: this should work, but inference seems to be working incorrectly
#d = OrderedDict(((1, 2), (3, 4)))
d = OrderedDict([(1, 2), (3, 4)])
@test d[1] === 2
@test d[3] === 4
## TODO: @compat only rewrites Dict, not OrderedDict
# d2 = OrderedDict(1 => 2, 3 => 4)
# d3 = OrderedDict((1 => 2, 3 => 4))
# @test d == d2 == d3
# @test typeof(d) == typeof(d2) == typeof(d3) == OrderedDict{Int,Int}
@test typeof(d) == OrderedDict{Int,Int}

#d = OrderedDict(((1, 2), (3, "b")))
d = OrderedDict([(1, 2), (3, "b")])
@test d[1] === 2
@test d[3] == "b"
# d2 = OrderedDict(1 => 2, 3 => "b")
# d3 = OrderedDict((1 => 2, 3 => "b"))
# @test d == d2 == d3
# @test typeof(d) == typeof(d2) == typeof(d3) == OrderedDict{Int,Any}
@test typeof(d) == OrderedDict{Int,Any}

#d = OrderedDict(((1, 2), ("a", 4)))
d = OrderedDict([(1, 2), ("a", 4)])
@test d[1] === 2
@test d["a"] === 4
# d2 = OrderedDict(1 => 2, "a" => 4)
# d3 = OrderedDict((1 => 2, "a" => 4))
# @test d == d2 == d3
# @test typeof(d) == typeof(d2) == typeof(d3) == OrderedDict{Any,Int}
@test typeof(d) == OrderedDict{Any,Int}

#d = OrderedDict(((1, 2), ("a", "b")))
d = OrderedDict([(1, 2), ("a", "b")])
@test d[1] === 2
@test d["a"] == "b"
# d2 = OrderedDict(1 => 2, "a" => "b")
# d3 = OrderedDict((1 => 2, "a" => "b"))
# @test d == d2 == d3
# @test typeof(d) == typeof(d2) == typeof(d3) == OrderedDict{Any,Any}
@test typeof(d) == OrderedDict{Any,Any}

# TODO: this is a BoundsError on v0.3, ArgumentError on v0.4
#@test_throws ArgumentError first(OrderedDict())
@test first(OrderedDict([(:f, 2)])) == (:f,2)

# issue #1821
d = OrderedDict{UTF8String, Vector{Int}}()
d["a"] = [1, 2]
@test_throws MethodError d["b"] = 1
@test isa(repr(d), AbstractString) # check that printable without error

# issue #2344
local bar
bestkey(d, key) = key
bestkey{K<:AbstractString,V}(d::Associative{K,V}, key) = string(key)
bar(x) = bestkey(x, :y)
@test bar(OrderedDict([(:x, [1,2,5])])) == :y
@test bar(OrderedDict([("x", [1,2,5])])) == "y"

@test isequal(OrderedDict(), OrderedDict())
@test isequal(OrderedDict([(1, 1)]), OrderedDict([(1, 1)]))
@test !isequal(OrderedDict([(1, 1)]), OrderedDict())
@test !isequal(OrderedDict([(1, 1)]), OrderedDict([(1, 2)]))
@test !isequal(OrderedDict([(1, 1)]), OrderedDict([(2, 1)]))

# Generate some data to populate dicts to be compared
data_in = [ (rand(1:1000), randstring(2)) for _ in 1:1001 ]

# Populate the first dict
d1 = OrderedDict{Int, AbstractString}()
for (k,v) in data_in
d1[k] = v
data_in = collect(d1)
# shuffle the data
for i in 1:length(data_in)
j = rand(1:length(data_in))
data_in[i], data_in[j] = data_in[j], data_in[i]
# Inserting data in different (shuffled) order should result in
# equivalent dict.
d2 = OrderedDict{Int, AbstractString}()
for (k,v) in data_in
d2[k] = v

@test isequal(d1, d2)
d3 = copy(d2)
d4 = copy(d2)
# Removing an item gives different dict
delete!(d1, data_in[rand(1:length(data_in))][1])
@test !isequal(d1, d2)
# Changing a value gives different dict
d3[data_in[rand(1:length(data_in))][1]] = randstring(3)
!isequal(d1, d3)
# Adding a pair gives different dict
d4[1001] = randstring(3)
@test !isequal(d1, d4)

@test isequal(OrderedDict(), sizehint(OrderedDict(),96))

# Here is what currently happens when dictionaries of different types
# are compared. This is not necessarily desirable. These tests are
# descriptive rather than proscriptive.
@test !isequal(OrderedDict([(1, 2)]), OrderedDict([("dog", "bone")]))
@test isequal(OrderedDict{Int,Int}(), OrderedDict{AbstractString,AbstractString}())

# get! (get with default values assigned to the given location)

## TODO: get! not implemented for OrderedDict
# let f(x) = x^2, d = OrderedDict((8, 19))

# @test get!(d, 8, 5) == 19
# @test get!(d, 19, 2) == 2

# @test get!(d, 42) do # d is updated with f(2)
# f(2)
# end == 4

# @test get!(d, 42) do # d is not updated
# f(200)
# end == 4

# @test get(d, 13) do # d is not updated
# f(4)
# end == 16

# @test d == OrderedDict((8, 19), (19, 2), (42, 4))
# end

# issue #5886
d5886 = OrderedDict()
for k5886 in 1:11
d5886[k5886] = 1
for k5886 in keys(d5886)
# undefined ref if not fixed
d5886[k5886] += 1

# issue #8877
## TODO: merge not implemented for OrderedDict
# let
# a = OrderedDict("foo" => 0.0, "bar" => 42.0)
# b = OrderedDict("フー" => 17, "バー" => 4711)
# @test is(typeof(merge(a, b)), OrderedDict{UTF8String,Float64})
# end

# issue 9295
d = OrderedDict()
@test is(push!(d, ('a', 1)), d)
@test d['a'] == 1
@test is(push!(d, ('b', 2), ('c', 3)), d)
@test d['b'] == 2
@test d['c'] == 3
@test is(push!(d, ('d', 4), ('e', 5), ('f', 6)), d)
@test d['d'] == 4
@test d['e'] == 5
@test d['f'] == 6
@test length(d) == 6

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