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    using LossFunctions

Efficient Sum and Mean

In many situations we are not really that interested in the individual loss values (or derivatives) of each observation, but the sum or mean of them; be it weighted or unweighted. For example, by computing the unweighted mean of the loss for our training set, we would effectively compute what is known as the empirical risk. This is usually the quantity (or an important part of it) that we are interesting in minimizing.

When we say "weighted" or "unweighted", we are referring to whether we are explicitly specifying the influence of individual observations on the result. "Weighing" an observation is achieved by multiplying its value with some number (i.e. the "weight" of that observation). As a consequence that weighted observation will have a stronger or weaker influence on the result. In order to weigh an observation we have to know which array dimension (if there are more than one) denotes the observations. On the other hand, for computing an unweighted result we don't actually need to know anything about the meaning of the array dimensions, as long as the targets and the outputs are of compatible shape and size.

The naive way to compute such an unweighted reduction, would be to call mean or sum on the result of the element-wise operation. The following code snipped show an example of that. We say "naive", because it will not give us an acceptable performance.

julia> loss = L1DistLoss()

julia> loss.([2,5,-2], [1.,2,3])
3-element Vector{Float64}:

julia> sum(loss.([2,5,-2], [1.,2,3])) # WARNING: Bad code

This works as expected, but there is a price for it. Before the sum can be computed, the solution will allocate a temporary array and fill it with the element-wise results. After that, sum will iterate over this temporary array and accumulate the values accordingly. Bottom line: we allocate temporary memory that we don't need in the end and could avoid.

For that reason we provide special methods that compute the common accumulations efficiently without allocating temporary arrays.

julia> sum(L1DistLoss(), [2,5,-2], [1.,2,3])

julia> mean(L1DistLoss(), [2,5,-2], [1.,2,3])

Up to this point, all the averaging was performed in an unweighted manner. That means that each observation was treated as equal and had thus the same potential influence on the result. In the following we will consider situations in which we do want to explicitly specify the influence of each observation (i.e. we want to weigh them). When we say we "weigh" an observation, what it effectively boils down to is multiplying the result for that observation (i.e. the computed loss) with some number. This is done for every observation individually.

To get a better understand of what we are talking about, let us consider performing a weighting scheme manually. The following code will compute the loss for three observations, and then multiply the result of the second observation with the number 2, while the other two remains as they are. If we then sum up the results, we will see that the loss of the second observation was effectively counted twice.

julia> result = L1DistLoss().([2,5,-2], [1.,2,3]) .* [1,2,1]
3-element Vector{Float64}:

julia> sum(result)

The point of weighing observations is to inform the learning algorithm we are working with, that it is more important to us to predict some observations correctly than it is for others. So really, the concrete weight-factor matters less than the ratio between the different weights. In the example above the second observation was thus considered twice as important as any of the other two observations.

julia> sum(L1DistLoss(), [2,5,-2], [1.,2,3], [1,2,1], normalize=false)

julia> mean(L1DistLoss(), [2,5,-2], [1.,2,3], [1,2,1])