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Package Design

In a heterogeneous field, such as Machine Learning, one quickly finds himself/herself collaborating with very smart people of quite different educational backgrounds. This is as much a privilege and opportunity as it can be time-consuming to reach a consensus on how to design, name, and implement functionality. Naturally, there were quite a lot of discussions to be had and disagreements to be settled in order to even reach the current state of MLDataPattern. That said, some details are not yet set into stone, but a moving target.

We welcome anyone interested in contributing ideas and/or code to our community, but would ask you to use this document in order to catch up on the current status of the discussion before making any assertion about how something should be done. This section is our attempt to summarize our position on design issues and to justify why some of the maybe more controversial design decisions were made to be as they are.

Design Principles

While some design goals are arguably generic no-brainer for any software project, we would still like to take the time to write down the key principles and opportunities that we identified while devising and implementing this package.

# Julia First

As the name JuliaML subtly hints, the mission of our organization is to design and implement Machine Learning functionality in Julia itself. We believe that the design of the language allows us to experiment with API design ideas that may not be feasible or sensible in other languages that suffer from the two-language problem much more significantly. Naturally, that is not as black or white as it sounds, since even Julia itself out-sources certain computation to BLAS (which is a good thing!). As a rough guide: unless there is a really compelling argument, we only consider code that is written solely in Julia to be merged into the JuliaML ecosystem.

# Data Agnostic

One of the interesting strong points of the Julia language is its rich and developer-friendly type system. User-created types are as much first class as any other language-provided one. We recognize this as a quite unique opportunity in modern scientific computing and want to make sure that working with custom types is not penalized when using basic functionality such as data partitioning. Thus we made it a key design priority to make as little assumptions as possible about the data at hand. For instance, we do not require custom data-source-types to share a common super-type.

# Type Stable

The impact of type-stable code on its performance is not necessarily a clean cut issue. That said, you do not want to have type-inference problems in some inner loop of your algorithm. As such we consider it of key importance that all core functions offer a type-stable API. Notice that this has the consequence that this API must be specified using positional and dispatch-friendly arguments. This can be unintuitive at times, because the ordering of the arguments does not always offer itself to some meaningful convention or interpretation.

# Convenient

While efficiency is important, we can sometimes be prone to overthink and indeed overestimate the impact of certain factors to the overall performance of our code. Type stability is one such factor. While compile-time dispatch and clever inlining can be very impactful for a computational kernel, it need not make a significant performance difference for top-level user-facing functions. These - more often than not - out-source the actual computation to some type-stable functions anyways. Yet, usability can suffer significantly if the function signature is unintuitive just because it has been over-engineered solely for the purpose of being type-stable and to avoid keyword arguments.

We tackle this issue by what we consider a middle ground solution. While all our core functions offer a type-stable API, which may in general be less intuitive to use, we also provide a keyword-based convenience method for most. Usually those keyword arguments are designed to be more tolerant with the parameter values and types they accept. However, this can come at the price of poisoning the type-inference of the calling scope.

# Extensible

If you find yourself working on an unusual problem, chances are that the standard methods or patterns implemented by this package just don't work or only partially work for your use-case. Not all interesting problems, and certainly not those on the forefront of science, lend themselves to the same kind of treatment. One example could be that you need to implement some special way of sub-sampling your data. It is important to us that one can do such a thing in a sensible way and also still be able to use to rest of the package.

The situation that we judge as probably the most common, though, will be that users will want to work with their own special data containers. Therefore we put our core priority on making sure that doing so is as simple and non-disruptive as possible. Thus we settled on the solution of using duck-typing for custom data containers for the sole reason to avoid influencing the overall design-decisions of your experiment with some super-type requirement.

Furthermore, all the functions and (abstract) types, that are necessary in order for you to be able to provide support for your own custom data-source-type, are defined in a special light-weight package called LearnBase. This way package developers need not pollute their REQUIRE file with heavy dependencies just to support the JuliaML ecosystem.

# Well Tested

While test coverage can give a rough estimate of how much effort was spend in testing your code, it is still just a proxy variable when it comes to test quality. We do not have a solution to this problem, but we put a large emphasis on testing the actual functionality of our code. As such we can also only consider pull requests that provide sensible and meaningful tests for their proposed changes (so coverage alone won't cut it).

# Cross-Community

The initial authors of this package consider it of importance to work through aesthetic-based disagreements, and so to converge towards common solutions to the underlying problems where possible. Machine Learning is a field that crosses over many disciplines and we should try to make use of this opportunity to learn from each other where we can. So if you came across this package and found that it doesn't address your specific use case in the way you would have expected it to, let us know! Maybe we can converge to a common solution.

That said, please keep in mind that it may not always be feasible to please everyone at all times. In such cases we should try to break the corresponding issue down into sub-issues that provide a more promising ground for actionable changes or refactors.

Design Overview

This section will serve as a documentation of how and why specific parts of MLDataPattern was designed the way it is. As such it is not a user's guide, but instead a discussion intended to inform potential contributors and users of why things are the way they are currently.

Support for Custom Data Container

We identified quite early in our design discussions, that we wanted to support custom data-container-types as first class citizen in our data access pattern. Consequently, we had to carefully think about what kind of functionality and information any data-source-type must expose in order to achieve this in a clean and efficient manner. Luckily we found that this can be reduced to surprisingly little, as subsetting/partitioning of data really just breaks down to keeping track of indices, and doesn't actually involve the data until the very end (see motivation for a thorough discussion of this).

Furthermore, we wanted to make sure that the decision to opt-in to our ecosystem had as little impact to the overall design of the user code as possible. This had the consequence of not being able to impose a common super-type for data containers. Additionally, we could not rely on Base functions, such as size, to be implemented for the data at hand. Worse, we could not be confident that (even if implemented) these methods would consistently have the same second-hand interpretation in terms of what denotes the number of observations.

Thus we decided to define custom functions with singular interpretation for these purposes. This has a price, however. If a user would like to provide support for his/her custom data-source-type, he/she would need to add at least some JuliaML dependency in order to define methods for the required functions. To keep this dependency reasonable small, we created a light-weight package called LearnBase. The sole purpose of this package is to define common types and functions used through the JuliaML ecosystem. Thus, to opt-in to the ecosystem with your custom package, the LearnBase dependency is all that you will need to accomplish that (if it isn't then you likely found a bug!).

Representing Data Subsets

As we mentioned before, as long as we can somehow keep track of the indices, we don't actually require the data source to offer a lot of special functionality. The question that remained, though, is how to track the indices in a sensible and non-intrusive manner. When in doubt, we try to follow the Julia design by example. Consider the SubArray type. In our current context, we can think about it as really just a special case implementation for a data container decorator that keeps track of the indices (especially since the release of 0.5).

We will call an object that connects some data container to some subset-indices a Subset. We decided that it would be preferable to allow data containers to specify their own type of subset. For example, a SubArray would be a good choice as a subset for some Matrix. See customsubset for more information on how to provide a custom subset type for your data container.

To keep user-effort manageable, we provide a generic subset implementation for those types that do not want to implement their own special version. In other words: Unless a custom subset-type is provided, a subset of some given data will be represented by a type called DataSubset. The main purpose for the existence of DataSubset - or any special data subset for that matter - is two-fold:

  1. To delay the evaluation of a sub-setting operation until an actual batch of data is needed.
  2. To accumulate subsetting indices when different data access pattern are used in combination with each other (which they usually are). (i.e.: train/test splitting -> K-fold CV -> Minibatch-stream)

This design aspect is particularly useful if the data is not located in memory, but on the hard-drive or some remote location. In such a scenario one wants to load only the required data only when it is actually needed.

What about Streaming Data?

So far we talked about data as if it were an universal truth that it can be split somewhere or subsetted somehow. This need not be true for all kinds of data we are interested in working with.

This package differentiates between two kinds of data sources that we will call iteration-based (represented as Data Iterator), and index-based (represented as Data Container) respectively. None is the superset of the other, but a user type can be both. This also implies that none require a type to have some specific super-type.

Data Iterator

A data iterator is really just the same as a plain Julia iterator that need not (but may) know how many elements it can provide. It also makes no guarantees about being able to be sub-setted, so there is no contract that states that a data iterator must implement a function that allows to query an observation of some specific index.

Each element must either be a single observation or a batch of observations; the choice is up to the data iterator. That said it is important that all provided elements are of the same type and of the same structure (e.g. batch size).

There is no hard distinction between a data iterator that provides the data itself, or a data iterator that just iterates over some other data iterator/container in some manner. For example the data iterator RandomBatches iterates over randomly sampled batches of the data container that you pass to it in its constructor.

Data Container

A data container is any type that knows how many observations it represents (exposed via nobs) and implements a method for getobs that allows to query individual observations or batches of observations.

There is no contract that states getobs must return some specific type. What it returns is up to the data container. The only requirement is that it is consistent. A single observation should always have the same type and structure, as should a batch of some specific size. Take a look at the section on container for more information about the interface and requirements.

A data container need not also be a data iterator! There is no contract that iterating over a data container makes sense in terms of its observations. For example: iterating over a matrix will not iterate over its observations, but instead over each individual element of the matrix.

Any data container can be promoted to be a data iterator as well as a data container by boxing it into a DataView, such as BatchView or ObsView. See the section on dataviews for more information.

Tuples and Labeled Data

We made the decision quite early in the development cycle of this package to give Tuple special semantics. More specifically, we use tuples to tie together different data sources on a per-observation basis.

All the access-pattern provided by this packages can be called with data sources or tuples of data sources. For the later to work we need to understand the assumptions made when using Tuple.

  1. All elements of the Tuple must contain the same total number of observations
  2. If the data set as a whole contains targets, these must be part of the last element of the tuple.

Consider the following toy problem. Let's say we have a numeric feature vector x with three observations. Furthermore we have a separate target vector y with the three corresponding targets.

julia> x = [1,2,3]
3-element Array{Int64,1}:

julia> y = [:a,:b,:c]
3-element Array{Symbol,1}:

Naturally we think of these two data sources as one data set. That means that we require the access pattern to treat them as such. For example if you want to shuffle your data set, you can't just shuffle x and y independently, because that would break the connection between observations.

# !!WRONG!!
julia> shuffleobs(x), shuffleobs(y)

This is why the access pattern provided by this package allow for Tuple arguments. The functions will assume that the elements of the tuple are linked by observation index and make sure that all operations performed on the data preserves the per-observation link.

# correct
julia> shuffleobs((x,y))

The second assumption we mentioned only concerns supervised data (i.e. data where each observation has a corresponding target). Simply put, if there are any targets, they must be contained in the last tuple element. All the access pattern provided by this package build on that convention.

julia> targets((x,y))
3-element Array{Symbol,1}: