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mlubin committed Apr 27, 2016
1 parent d49bba4 commit 681435d
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Showing 5 changed files with 263 additions and 275 deletions.
9 changes: 4 additions & 5 deletions src/deprecated.jl
Expand Up @@ -55,12 +55,11 @@ end
@deprecate addSolution addsolution
@deprecate addToExpression JuMP.addtoexpr
@deprecate addUserCut JuMP.addusercut
@deprecate affToStr(c::GenericAffExpr) JuMP.aff_str(JuMP.REPLMode,c)
@deprecate affToStr JuMP.affstr
@deprecate affToStr string
@deprecate buildInternalModel
@deprecate chgConstrRHS JuMP.setRHS
@deprecate conToStr(c::GenericRangeConstraint) JuMP.con_str(JuMP.REPLMode,c)
@deprecate exprToStr(c::SOCExpr) JuMP.expr_str(JuMP.REPLMode,c)
@deprecate conToStr string
@deprecate exprToStr string
@deprecate getCategory getcategory
@deprecate getConstraintBounds JuMP.constraintbounds
@deprecate getDual getdual
Expand All @@ -74,7 +73,7 @@ end
@deprecate getUpper getupperbound
@deprecate getValue getvalue
@deprecate getVar getvariable
@deprecate quadToStr(c::GenericQuadExpr) JuMP.quad_str(JuMP.REPLMode,c)
@deprecate quadToStr string
@deprecate registerNLFunction JuMP.register
@deprecate setCategory setcategory
@deprecate setLower setlowerbound
Expand Down
11 changes: 0 additions & 11 deletions src/print.jl
Expand Up @@ -702,9 +702,6 @@ function aff_str(mode, a::AffExpr, show_constant=true)
return ret
# Backwards compatability shim
affstr(a::AffExpr) = aff_str(REPLMode,a)

# Precompile for faster boot times
Base.precompile(aff_str, (Type{JuMP.REPLMode}, AffExpr, Bool))
Base.precompile(aff_str, (Type{JuMP.IJuliaMode}, AffExpr, Bool))
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -765,8 +762,6 @@ function quad_str(mode, q::GenericQuadExpr, sym)

# Backwards compatability shim
quadstr(q::GenericQuadExpr) = quad_str(REPLMode,q)
# Handlers to use correct symbols
quad_str(::Type{REPLMode}, q::GenericQuadExpr) =
quad_str(REPLMode, q, repl)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -818,8 +813,6 @@ function con_str(mode, c::GenericRangeConstraint, sym)
# Backwards compatability shim
constr(c::GenericRangeConstraint) = con_str(REPLMode,c)
# Handlers to use correct symbols
con_str(::Type{REPLMode}, c::GenericRangeConstraint; args...) =
con_str(REPLMode, c, repl)
Expand All @@ -840,8 +833,6 @@ function con_str(mode, c::QuadConstraint, sym)
r = (s == :<=) ? sym[:leq] : (s == :>= ? sym[:geq] : sym[:eq])
"$(quad_str(mode,c.terms)) $r 0"
# Backwards compatability shim
constr(c::QuadConstraint) = con_str(REPLMode,c)
# Handlers to use correct symbols
con_str(::Type{REPLMode}, c::QuadConstraint; args...) =
con_str(REPLMode, c, repl)
Expand All @@ -867,8 +858,6 @@ con_str(::Type{REPLMode}, c::SOCConstraint; args...) =
con_str(REPLMode, c, repl)
con_str(::Type{IJuliaMode}, c::SOCConstraint; mathmode=true) =
math(con_str(IJuliaMode, c, ijulia), mathmode)
# Backwards compatability shim
constr(c::SOCConstraint) = con_str(REPLMode,c)

## SOSConstraint
Expand Down
18 changes: 9 additions & 9 deletions test/expr.jl
Expand Up @@ -20,28 +20,28 @@ facts("[expr] Test expression construction") do
context("AffExpr") do
# Test affstr
a1 = x[1] + LongName + 5
@fact JuMP.affstr(a1) --> "x[1] + LongName + 5"
@fact string(a1) --> "x[1] + LongName + 5"
# Test like term collection
a2 = 2*(x[2] + LongName + x[2]) + 0
@fact JuMP.affstr(a2) --> "4 x[2] + 2 LongName"
@fact string(a2) --> "4 x[2] + 2 LongName"
# Test appending functionality
push!(a1, 5.0, x[2])
@fact JuMP.affstr(a1) --> "x[1] + LongName + 5 x[2] + 5"
@fact string(a1) --> "x[1] + LongName + 5 x[2] + 5"
append!(a1, a2)
@fact JuMP.affstr(a1) --> "x[1] + 3 LongName + 9 x[2] + 5"
@fact string(a1) --> "x[1] + 3 LongName + 9 x[2] + 5"
append!(a1, 2.0)
@fact JuMP.affstr(a1) --> "x[1] + 3 LongName + 9 x[2] + 7"
@fact string(a1) --> "x[1] + 3 LongName + 9 x[2] + 7"
append!(a1, LongName)
@fact JuMP.affstr(a1) --> "x[1] + 4 LongName + 9 x[2] + 7"
@fact string(a1) --> "x[1] + 4 LongName + 9 x[2] + 7"

context("QuadExpr") do
# Test JuMP.quadstr
# Test string
q1 = x[1]*x[2] + 27.2*LongName + 5
@fact JuMP.quadstr(q1) --> "x[1]*x[2] + 27.2 LongName + 5"
@fact string(q1) --> "x[1]*x[2] + 27.2 LongName + 5"
# Test like term collection
q2 = x[1]*x[2] + x[2]*x[1]
@fact JuMP.quadstr(q2) --> "2 x[1]*x[2]"
@fact string(q2) --> "2 x[1]*x[2]"

Expand Down
124 changes: 62 additions & 62 deletions test/macros.jl
Expand Up @@ -51,29 +51,29 @@ facts("[macros] Check @constraint basics") do
t = 10

@constraint(m, 3x - y == 3.3(w + 2z) + 5)
@fact JuMP.constr(m.linconstr[end]) --> "3 x - y - 3.3 w - 6.6 z $eq 5"
@fact string(m.linconstr[end]) --> "3 x - y - 3.3 w - 6.6 z $eq 5"
@constraint(m, 3x - y == (w + 2z)*3.3 + 5)
@fact JuMP.constr(m.linconstr[end]) --> "3 x - y - 3.3 w - 6.6 z $eq 5"
@fact string(m.linconstr[end]) --> "3 x - y - 3.3 w - 6.6 z $eq 5"
@constraint(m, (x+y)/2 == 1)
@fact JuMP.constr(m.linconstr[end]) --> "0.5 x + 0.5 y $eq 1"
@fact string(m.linconstr[end]) --> "0.5 x + 0.5 y $eq 1"
@constraint(m, -1 <= x-y <= t)
@fact JuMP.constr(m.linconstr[end]) --> "-1 $leq x - y $leq 10"
@fact string(m.linconstr[end]) --> "-1 $leq x - y $leq 10"
@constraint(m, -1 <= x+1 <= 1)
@fact JuMP.constr(m.linconstr[end]) --> "-2 $leq x $leq 0"
@fact string(m.linconstr[end]) --> "-2 $leq x $leq 0"
@constraint(m, -1 <= x <= 1)
@fact JuMP.constr(m.linconstr[end]) --> "-1 $leq x $leq 1"
@fact string(m.linconstr[end]) --> "-1 $leq x $leq 1"
@constraint(m, -1 <= x <= sum{0.5, i = 1:2})
@fact JuMP.constr(m.linconstr[end]) --> "-1 $leq x $leq 1"
@fact string(m.linconstr[end]) --> "-1 $leq x $leq 1"
@fact_throws @constraint(m, x <= t <= y)

@expression(m, aff, 3x - y - 3.3(w + 2z) + 5)
@fact JuMP.affstr(aff) --> "3 x - y - 3.3 w - 6.6 z + 5"
@fact string(aff) --> "3 x - y - 3.3 w - 6.6 z + 5"

@constraint(m, 3 + 5*7 <= 0)
@fact JuMP.constr(m.linconstr[end]) --> "0 $leq -38"
@fact string(m.linconstr[end]) --> "0 $leq -38"

@expression(m, qaff, (w+3)*(2x+1)+10)
@fact JuMP.quadstr(qaff) --> "2 w*x + 6 x + w + 13"
@fact string(qaff) --> "2 w*x + 6 x + w + 13"

facts("[macros] Checking @variable with reverse direction bounds") do
Expand All @@ -89,18 +89,18 @@ facts("[macros] sum{}") do
@variable(m, y)
C = [1 2 3; 4 5 6; 7 8 9]
@constraint(m, sum{ C[i,j]*x[i,j], i in 1:2, j = 2:3 } <= 1)
@fact JuMP.constr(m.linconstr[end]) --> "2 x[1,2] + 3 x[1,3] + 5 x[2,2] + 6 x[2,3] $leq 1"
@fact string(m.linconstr[end]) --> "2 x[1,2] + 3 x[1,3] + 5 x[2,2] + 6 x[2,3] $leq 1"
@constraint(m, sum{ C[i,j]*x[i,j], i = 1:3, j in 1:3; i != j} == y)
@fact JuMP.constr(m.linconstr[end]) --> "2 x[1,2] + 3 x[1,3] + 4 x[2,1] + 6 x[2,3] + 7 x[3,1] + 8 x[3,2] - y $eq 0"
@fact string(m.linconstr[end]) --> "2 x[1,2] + 3 x[1,3] + 4 x[2,1] + 6 x[2,3] + 7 x[3,1] + 8 x[3,2] - y $eq 0"

@constraint(m, sum{ C[i,j]*x[i,j], i = 1:3, j = 1:i} == 0);
@fact JuMP.constr(m.linconstr[end]) --> "x[1,1] + 4 x[2,1] + 5 x[2,2] + 7 x[3,1] + 8 x[3,2] + 9 x[3,3] $eq 0"
@fact string(m.linconstr[end]) --> "x[1,1] + 4 x[2,1] + 5 x[2,2] + 7 x[3,1] + 8 x[3,2] + 9 x[3,3] $eq 0"

@constraint(m, sum{ 0*x[i,1], i=1:3} == 0)
@fact JuMP.constr(m.linconstr[end]) --> "0 $eq 0"
@fact string(m.linconstr[end]) --> "0 $eq 0"

@constraint(m, sum{ 0*x[i,1] + y, i=1:3} == 0)
@fact JuMP.constr(m.linconstr[end]) --> "3 y $eq 0"
@fact string(m.linconstr[end]) --> "3 y $eq 0"


Expand All @@ -110,16 +110,16 @@ facts("[macros] Problem modification") do
C = [1 2 3; 4 5 6; 7 8 9]

@constraint(m, sum{ x[i,j]*(C[i,j]-1), i in 1:3, j = 1:3; i != j} == 0)
@fact JuMP.constr(m.linconstr[end]) --> "x[1,2] + 2 x[1,3] + 3 x[2,1] + 5 x[2,3] + 6 x[3,1] + 7 x[3,2] $eq 0"
@fact string(m.linconstr[end]) --> "x[1,2] + 2 x[1,3] + 3 x[2,1] + 5 x[2,3] + 6 x[3,1] + 7 x[3,2] $eq 0"

con = @constraint(m, sum{ C[i,j]*x[i,j], i = 1:3, j = 1:3; i != j} == 0)
@fact JuMP.constr(m.linconstr[end]) --> "2 x[1,2] + 3 x[1,3] + 4 x[2,1] + 6 x[2,3] + 7 x[3,1] + 8 x[3,2] $eq 0"
@fact string(m.linconstr[end]) --> "2 x[1,2] + 3 x[1,3] + 4 x[2,1] + 6 x[2,3] + 7 x[3,1] + 8 x[3,2] $eq 0"

@variable(m, y, objective = 0, inconstraints = [con], coefficients = [-1.0])
@fact JuMP.constr(m.linconstr[end]) --> "2 x[1,2] + 3 x[1,3] + 4 x[2,1] + 6 x[2,3] + 7 x[3,1] + 8 x[3,2] - y $eq 0"
@fact string(m.linconstr[end]) --> "2 x[1,2] + 3 x[1,3] + 4 x[2,1] + 6 x[2,3] + 7 x[3,1] + 8 x[3,2] - y $eq 0"

JuMP.setRHS(con, 3)
@fact JuMP.constr(m.linconstr[end]) --> "2 x[1,2] + 3 x[1,3] + 4 x[2,1] + 6 x[2,3] + 7 x[3,1] + 8 x[3,2] - y $eq 3"
@fact string(m.linconstr[end]) --> "2 x[1,2] + 3 x[1,3] + 4 x[2,1] + 6 x[2,3] + 7 x[3,1] + 8 x[3,2] - y $eq 3"

facts("[macros] Using pre-built affine is OK in macro") do
Expand All @@ -128,14 +128,14 @@ facts("[macros] Using pre-built affine is OK in macro") do
@variable(m, y)
temp = x + 2y + 1
@constraint(m, 3*temp - x - 2 >= 0)
@fact JuMP.constr(m.linconstr[end]) --> "6 y + 2 x $geq -1"
@fact string(m.linconstr[end]) --> "6 y + 2 x $geq -1"
# More complex expression
a = 1.0*x
@constraint(m, (2+2)*((3+4)*(1+a)) == 0)
@fact JuMP.constr(m.linconstr[end]) --> "28 x $eq -28"
@fact JuMP.affstr(a) --> "x"
@fact string(m.linconstr[end]) --> "28 x $eq -28"
@fact string(a) --> "x"

@fact JuMP.constr(@LinearConstraint(1 + 0*temp == 0)) --> "0 $eq -1"
@fact string(@LinearConstraint(1 + 0*temp == 0)) --> "0 $eq -1"

facts("[macros] Test ranges in @variable") do
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -184,13 +184,13 @@ facts("[macros] Three argument @constraint") do
@variable(m, y[2:2:6])

@constraint(m, c, x[4] - y[4] == 1)
@fact JuMP.constr(m.linconstr[c.idx]) --> "x[4] - y[4] $eq 1"
@fact string(m.linconstr[c.idx]) --> "x[4] - y[4] $eq 1"

@constraint(m, d[i in 1:5,j=6:-2:2], x[i] - y[j] == 2)
@fact JuMP.constr(m.linconstr[d[4,4].idx]) --> "x[4] - y[4] $eq 2"
@fact string(m.linconstr[d[4,4].idx]) --> "x[4] - y[4] $eq 2"

@constraint(m, q[i=1:5], x[i]^2 == 1)
@fact JuMP.constr(m.quadconstr[q[5].idx]) --> "x[5]² - 1 $eq 0"
@fact string(m.quadconstr[q[5].idx]) --> "x[5]² - 1 $eq 0"

facts("[macros] @constraints") do
Expand All @@ -203,10 +203,10 @@ facts("[macros] @constraints") do
ref[i=1:3], y[1] + y[i] >= i

@fact JuMP.constr(m.linconstr[1]) --> "x + y[1] $eq 1"
@fact JuMP.constr(m.linconstr[2]) --> "2 y[1] $geq 1"
@fact JuMP.constr(m.linconstr[3]) --> "y[1] + y[2] $geq 2"
@fact JuMP.constr(m.linconstr[4]) --> "y[1] + y[3] $geq 3"
@fact string(m.linconstr[1]) --> "x + y[1] $eq 1"
@fact string(m.linconstr[2]) --> "2 y[1] $geq 1"
@fact string(m.linconstr[3]) --> "y[1] + y[2] $geq 2"
@fact string(m.linconstr[4]) --> "y[1] + y[3] $geq 3"

facts("[macros] @NLconstraints") do
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -243,46 +243,46 @@ facts("[macros] @objective with quadratic") do
@variable(m, x[1:5])
@objective(m, Max, sum{i*x[i]*x[j], i=1:5, j=5:-1:1; isodd(i) && iseven(j)} + 2x[5])

@fact JuMP.quadstr(m.obj) --> "x[1]*x[2] + 3 x[2]*x[3] + x[1]*x[4] + 3 x[3]*x[4] + 5 x[2]*x[5] + 5 x[4]*x[5] + 2 x[5]"
@fact string(m.obj) --> "x[1]*x[2] + 3 x[2]*x[3] + x[1]*x[4] + 3 x[3]*x[4] + 5 x[2]*x[5] + 5 x[4]*x[5] + 2 x[5]"

facts("[macros] @constraint with quadratic") do
m = Model()
@variable(m, x[1:5])

@constraint(m, x[3]*x[1] + sum{x[i]*x[5-i+1], i=1:5; 2 <= i <= 4} + 4x[5] == 1)
@fact JuMP.constr(m.quadconstr[end]) --> "x[1]*x[3] + x[3]² + 2 x[2]*x[4] + 4 x[5] - 1 $eq 0"
@fact string(m.quadconstr[end]) --> "x[1]*x[3] + x[3]² + 2 x[2]*x[4] + 4 x[5] - 1 $eq 0"

@constraint(m, sum{sum{(x[i] - 2)*x[j],j=4:5},i=2:3} >= -3*x[2]*2*x[4])
@fact JuMP.constr(m.quadconstr[end]) --> "7 x[2]*x[4] + x[3]*x[4] + x[2]*x[5] + x[3]*x[5] - 4 x[4] - 4 x[5] $geq 0"
@fact string(m.quadconstr[end]) --> "7 x[2]*x[4] + x[3]*x[4] + x[2]*x[5] + x[3]*x[5] - 4 x[4] - 4 x[5] $geq 0"

foo(x) = x
@constraint(m, x[1] foo(x[1])^2)
@fact JuMP.constr(m.quadconstr[end]) --> "-x[1]² + x[1] $leq 0"
@fact string(m.quadconstr[end]) --> "-x[1]² + x[1] $leq 0"

@constraint(m, sum{x[i],i=1:2}*sum{x[i],i=2:3} >= 0)
@fact JuMP.constr(m.quadconstr[end]) --> "x[1]*x[2] + x[2]² + x[1]*x[3] + x[2]*x[3] $geq 0"
@fact string(m.quadconstr[end]) --> "x[1]*x[2] + x[2]² + x[1]*x[3] + x[2]*x[3] $geq 0"
@constraint(m, x[1]^2 + x[2]*x[3] >= 0)
@fact JuMP.constr(m.quadconstr[end]) --> "x[1]² + x[2]*x[3] $geq 0"
@fact string(m.quadconstr[end]) --> "x[1]² + x[2]*x[3] $geq 0"
@constraint(m, x[1]^2 + (x[2]+3)*(x[3]-1) >= 0)
@fact JuMP.constr(m.quadconstr[end]) --> "x[1]² + x[2]*x[3] + 3 x[3] - x[2] - 3 $geq 0"
@fact string(m.quadconstr[end]) --> "x[1]² + x[2]*x[3] + 3 x[3] - x[2] - 3 $geq 0"
@constraint(m, sum{x[i],i=1:2}^2 >= 0)
@fact JuMP.constr(m.quadconstr[end]) --> "x[1]² + 2 x[1]*x[2] + x[2]² $geq 0"
@fact string(m.quadconstr[end]) --> "x[1]² + 2 x[1]*x[2] + x[2]² $geq 0"

myquadexpr = x[1]*x[2]
@constraint(m, sum{i*myquadexpr + x[i], i=1:3} + sum{x[i] + myquadexpr*i, i=1:3} == 0)
@fact JuMP.constr(m.quadconstr[end]) --> "12 x[1]*x[2] + 2 x[1] + 2 x[2] + 2 x[3] $eq 0"
@fact string(m.quadconstr[end]) --> "12 x[1]*x[2] + 2 x[1] + 2 x[2] + 2 x[3] $eq 0"

@constraint(m, (x[1] + x[2])*sum{ 0*x[i] + x[3], i=1:3} == 0)
@fact JuMP.constr(m.quadconstr[end]) --> "3 x[1]*x[3] + 3 x[2]*x[3] $eq 0"
@fact string(m.quadconstr[end]) --> "3 x[1]*x[3] + 3 x[2]*x[3] $eq 0"

@fact JuMP.constr(@QuadConstraint(1 + 0*myquadexpr == 0)) --> "1 $eq 0"
@fact string(@QuadConstraint(1 + 0*myquadexpr == 0)) --> "1 $eq 0"

@variable(m, y)
@fact JuMP.constr(@QuadConstraint(1 + (2y)*y == 0)) --> "2 y² + 1 $eq 0"
@fact JuMP.constr(@QuadConstraint(1 + y *y*2 == 0)) --> "2 y² + 1 $eq 0"
@fact string(@QuadConstraint(1 + (2y)*y == 0)) --> "2 y² + 1 $eq 0"
@fact string(@QuadConstraint(1 + y *y*2 == 0)) --> "2 y² + 1 $eq 0"
z = 2y
@fact JuMP.constr(@QuadConstraint(y*y + y*z == 0)) --> "3 y² $eq 0"
@fact string(@QuadConstraint(y*y + y*z == 0)) --> "3 y² $eq 0"

facts("[macros] Triangular indexing, iteration") do
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -330,19 +330,19 @@ facts("[macros] @expression") do
model = Model()
@variable(model, x[1:3,1:3])
@expression(model, expr, sum{i*x[i,j] + j, i=1:3,j in 1:3})
@fact JuMP.affstr(expr) --> "x[1,1] + x[1,2] + x[1,3] + 2 x[2,1] + 2 x[2,2] + 2 x[2,3] + 3 x[3,1] + 3 x[3,2] + 3 x[3,3] + 18"
@fact string(expr) --> "x[1,1] + x[1,2] + x[1,3] + 2 x[2,1] + 2 x[2,2] + 2 x[2,3] + 3 x[3,1] + 3 x[3,2] + 3 x[3,3] + 18"

@fact_throws @expression(model, blah[i=1:3], x[i,1]^2)

@expression(model, y[i=1:2], sum{x[i,1]; i == 1})
@fact JuMP.affstr(y[1]) --> "x[1,1]"
@fact JuMP.affstr(y[2]) --> "0"
@fact string(y[1]) --> "x[1,1]"
@fact string(y[2]) --> "0"

# deprecated versions
@expression(expr2, sum{i*x[i,j] + j, i=1:3,j in 1:3})
@fact JuMP.affstr(expr2) --> "x[1,1] + x[1,2] + x[1,3] + 2 x[2,1] + 2 x[2,2] + 2 x[2,3] + 3 x[3,1] + 3 x[3,2] + 3 x[3,3] + 18"
@fact string(expr2) --> "x[1,1] + x[1,2] + x[1,3] + 2 x[2,1] + 2 x[2,2] + 2 x[2,3] + 3 x[3,1] + 3 x[3,2] + 3 x[3,3] + 18"
expr2 = @expression(sum{i*x[i,j] + j, i=1:3,j in 1:3})
@fact JuMP.affstr(expr2) --> "x[1,1] + x[1,2] + x[1,3] + 2 x[2,1] + 2 x[2,2] + 2 x[2,3] + 3 x[3,1] + 3 x[3,2] + 3 x[3,3] + 18"
@fact string(expr2) --> "x[1,1] + x[1,2] + x[1,3] + 2 x[2,1] + 2 x[2,2] + 2 x[2,3] + 3 x[3,1] + 3 x[3,2] + 3 x[3,3] + 18"

facts("[macros] Conditions in constraint indexing") do
Expand All @@ -351,11 +351,11 @@ facts("[macros] Conditions in constraint indexing") do
@constraint(model, c1[i=1:9;isodd(i)], x[i] + x[i+1] <= 1)
@NLconstraint(model, c2[i=["red","blue","green"], k=9:-2:2; (i == "red" && isodd(k)) || (k >=4 && (i == "blue" || i == "green"))], x[k]^3 <= 1)
@fact length(model.linconstr) --> 5
@fact JuMP.constr(model.linconstr[1]) --> "x[1] + x[2] $leq 1"
@fact JuMP.constr(model.linconstr[2]) --> "x[3] + x[4] $leq 1"
@fact JuMP.constr(model.linconstr[3]) --> "x[5] + x[6] $leq 1"
@fact JuMP.constr(model.linconstr[4]) --> "x[7] + x[8] $leq 1"
@fact JuMP.constr(model.linconstr[5]) --> "x[9] + x[10] $leq 1"
@fact string(model.linconstr[1]) --> "x[1] + x[2] $leq 1"
@fact string(model.linconstr[2]) --> "x[3] + x[4] $leq 1"
@fact string(model.linconstr[3]) --> "x[5] + x[6] $leq 1"
@fact string(model.linconstr[4]) --> "x[7] + x[8] $leq 1"
@fact string(model.linconstr[5]) --> "x[9] + x[10] $leq 1"
@fact length(model.nlpdata.nlconstr) --> 10

Expand All @@ -378,9 +378,9 @@ facts("[macros] Norm parsing") do
@constraint(model, -2norm2{x[i,j], i in 1:2, j=1:2} + x[1,2] >= -1)
@constraint(model, -2norm2{x[i,j], i=1:2, j in 1:2; iseven(i+j)} + x[1,2] >= -1)
@constraint(model, 1 >= 2*norm2{x[i,1], i in 1:2})
@fact JuMP.constr(model.socconstr[1]) --> "2.0 $Vert[x[1,1],x[1,2],x[2,1],x[2,2]]$Vert$sub2 $leq x[1,2] + 1"
@fact JuMP.constr(model.socconstr[2]) --> "2.0 $Vert[x[1,1],x[2,2]]$Vert$sub2 $leq x[1,2] + 1"
@fact JuMP.constr(model.socconstr[3]) --> "2.0 $Vert[x[1,1],x[2,1]]$Vert$sub2 $leq 1"
@fact string(model.socconstr[1]) --> "2.0 $Vert[x[1,1],x[1,2],x[2,1],x[2,2]]$Vert$sub2 $leq x[1,2] + 1"
@fact string(model.socconstr[2]) --> "2.0 $Vert[x[1,1],x[2,2]]$Vert$sub2 $leq x[1,2] + 1"
@fact string(model.socconstr[3]) --> "2.0 $Vert[x[1,1],x[2,1]]$Vert$sub2 $leq 1"
@fact_throws @constraint(model, (x[1,1]+1)*norm2{x[i,j], i=1:2, j=1:2} + x[1,2] >= -1)
@fact_throws @constraint(model, norm2{x[i,j], i=1:2, j=1:2} + x[1,2] >= -1)
Expand All @@ -390,17 +390,17 @@ facts("[macros] Extraneous terms in QuadExpr (#535)") do
@variable(model, x)
@variable(model, y)
@constraint(model, x*x <= y*y)
@fact JuMP.constr(model.quadconstr[1]) --> "x² - y² $leq 0"
@fact string(model.quadconstr[1]) --> "x² - y² $leq 0"

facts("[macros] Special-case binary multiplication in addtoexpr_reorder (#537)") do
dual = Model()
@variable(dual, α[1:3] <= 0)
@variable(dual, γ >= 0)
@constraint(dual, ones(3)*γ .<= α)
@fact JuMP.constr(dual.linconstr[1]) --> "γ - α[1] $leq 0"
@fact JuMP.constr(dual.linconstr[2]) --> "γ - α[2] $leq 0"
@fact JuMP.constr(dual.linconstr[3]) --> "γ - α[3] $leq 0"
@fact string(dual.linconstr[1]) --> "γ - α[1] $leq 0"
@fact string(dual.linconstr[2]) --> "γ - α[2] $leq 0"
@fact string(dual.linconstr[3]) --> "γ - α[3] $leq 0"

facts("[macros] Indices in macros don't leak out of scope (#582)") do
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -454,7 +454,7 @@ facts("[macros] Issue #621") do
q = x^2
a = x+1
con = @QuadConstraint(a+q*3 <= 0)
@fact JuMP.constr(con) --> "3 x² + x + 1 $leq 0"
@fact string(con) --> "3 x² + x + 1 $leq 0"

facts("[macros] @variables and @constraints") do
Expand Down

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