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Performance tips

The package ADNLPModels.jl is designed to easily model optimization problems andto allow an efficient access to the NLPModel API. In this tutorial, we will see some tips to ensure the maximum performance of the model.

Use in-place constructor

When dealing with a constrained optimization problem, it is recommended to use in-place constraint functions.

using ADNLPModels, NLPModels
f(x) = sum(x)
x0 = ones(2)
lcon = ucon = ones(1)
c_out(x) = [x[1]]
nlp_out = ADNLPModel(f, x0, c_out, lcon, ucon)

c_in(cx, x) = begin
  cx[1] = x[1]
  return cx
nlp_in = ADNLPModel!(f, x0, c_in, lcon, ucon)
using BenchmarkTools
cx = rand(1)
x = 18 * ones(2)
@btime cons!(nlp_out, x, cx)
@btime cons!(nlp_in, x, cx)

The difference between the two increases with the dimension.

Note that the same applies to nonlinear least squares problems.

F(x) = [
    x[1] + x[2]^2;
    exp(x[1] + 0.5)
x0 = ones(2)
nequ = 4
nls_out = ADNLSModel(F, x0, nequ)

F!(Fx, x) = begin
  Fx[1] = x[1]
  Fx[2] = x[1] + x[2]^2
  Fx[3] = sin(x[2])
  Fx[4] = exp(x[1] + 0.5)
  return Fx
nls_in = ADNLSModel!(F!, x0, nequ)
Fx = rand(4)
@btime residual!(nls_out, x, Fx)
@btime residual!(nls_in, x, Fx)

This phenomenon also extends to related backends.

Fx = rand(4)
v = ones(2)
@btime jprod_residual!(nls_out, x, v, Fx)
@btime jprod_residual!(nls_in, x, v, Fx)

Use only the needed operations

It is tempting to define the most generic and efficient ADNLPModel from the start.

using ADNLPModels, NLPModels, Symbolics
f(x) = (x[1] - x[2])^2
x0 = ones(2)
lcon = ucon = ones(1)
c_in(cx, x) = begin
  cx[1] = x[1]
  return cx
nlp = ADNLPModel!(f, x0, c_in, lcon, ucon, show_time = true)

However, depending on the size of the problem this might time consuming as initializing each backend takes time. Besides, some solvers may not require all the API to solve the problem. For instance, Percival.jl is matrix-free solver in the sense that it only uses jprod, jtprod and hprod.

using Percival
stats = percival(nlp)

Therefore, it is more efficient to avoid preparing Jacobian and Hessian backends in this case.

nlp = ADNLPModel!(f, x0, c_in, lcon, ucon, jacobian_backend = ADNLPModels.EmptyADbackend, hessian_backend = ADNLPModels.EmptyADbackend, show_time = true)

or, equivalently, using the matrix_free keyword argument

nlp = ADNLPModel!(f, x0, c_in, lcon, ucon, show_time = true, matrix_free = true)


This package implements several backends for each method and it is possible to design your own backend as well. Then, one way to choose the most efficient one is to run benchmarks.

using ADNLPModels, NLPModels, OptimizationProblems

The package OptimizationProblems.jl provides a collection of optimization problems in JuMP and ADNLPModels syntax.

meta = OptimizationProblems.meta;

We select the problems that are scalable, so that there size can be modified. By default, the size is close to 100.

scalable_problems = meta[(meta.variable_nvar .== true) .& (meta.ncon .> 0), :name]
using NLPModelsJuMP
list_backends = Dict(
  :forward => ADNLPModels.ForwardDiffADGradient,
  :reverse => ADNLPModels.ReverseDiffADGradient,
using DataFrames
nprob = length(scalable_problems)
stats = Dict{Symbol, DataFrame}()
for back in union(keys(list_backends), [:jump])
  stats[back] = DataFrame("name" => scalable_problems,
                 "time" => zeros(nprob),
                 "allocs" => zeros(Int, nprob))
using BenchmarkTools
nscal = 1000
for name in scalable_problems
  n = eval(Meta.parse("OptimizationProblems.get_" * name * "_nvar(n = $(nscal))"))
  m = eval(Meta.parse("OptimizationProblems.get_" * name * "_ncon(n = $(nscal))"))
  @info " $(name) with $n vars and $m cons"
  global x = ones(n)
  global g = zeros(n)
  global pb = Meta.parse(name)
  global nlp = MathOptNLPModel(OptimizationProblems.PureJuMP.eval(pb)(n = nscal))
  b = @benchmark grad!(nlp, x, g)
  stats[:jump][stats[:jump].name .== name, :time] = [median(b.times)]
  stats[:jump][stats[:jump].name .== name, :allocs] = [median(b.allocs)]
  for back in keys(list_backends)
    nlp = OptimizationProblems.ADNLPProblems.eval(pb)(n = nscal, gradient_backend = list_backends[back], matrix_free = true)
    b = @benchmark grad!(nlp, x, g)
    stats[back][stats[back].name .== name, :time] = [median(b.times)]
    stats[back][stats[back].name .== name, :allocs] = [median(b.allocs)]
using Plots, SolverBenchmark
costnames = ["median time (in ns)", "median allocs"]
costs = [
  df -> df.time,
  df -> df.allocs,


profile_solvers(stats, costs, costnames)