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[Lab 2: Predator-Prey Agents](@id lab02)

The Predator-Prey Model

In the next two labs you will implement your own, simplified, agent-based simulation of a predator-prey model. The model will contain wolves, sheep, and - to feed your sheep - some grass. Running and plotting your final result could look something like the plot below.


As you can see, in this model, the wolves unfortunately died out :(. In this lab we will first define what our agent simulation does on a high level. Then you will write the core methods for finding food (find_food), to specify what an animal eats (eat!), and how it reproduces (reproduce!).

High level-description

In an agent simulation we assume that we have a bunch of agents (in our case grass, sheep, and wolves) that act in some environment (we will call it a world). At every iteration of the simulation each agent will perform a step in which it performs some of the actions that it can take. For example, a grass agent will grow a little at every step. A sheep agent will try to find some grass and reproduce.

In short:

  • Wolves, sheep, and grass exist in a one dimensional world Dict(1=>🐺, 2=>🐑, 3=>🌿, 4=>🌿, ...) and are identified by a unique ID
  • Each agent can perform certain actions (eating, growing, reproducing, dying...)
  • In one iteration of the simulation each agent performs its actions

Code skeleton

To get started we need a type hierarchy. The first abstract type Agent acts as the root of our tree. All animals and plants will be subtypes of Agent. There are different kinds of animals and plants so it makes sense to create an Animal type which will be the supertype of all animals. The same is true for Plants. Finally, we need a simple world which consist of a dictionary of agent IDs to agents, and a field that holds the current maximum ID (so that we can generate new ones).

abstract type Agent end
abstract type Animal <: Agent end
abstract type Plant <: Agent end

mutable struct World{A<:Agent}
function World(agents::Vector{<:Agent})
    World(Dict(id(a)=>a for a in agents), maximum(id.(agents)))

# optional: you can overload the `show` method to get custom
# printing of your World
function, w::World)
    println(io, typeof(w))
    for (_,a) in w.agents
        println(io,"  $a")

The function world_step! will advance your whole world by one step applying the function agent_step! to each agent. Note that this function assumes that all Agents have a unique id.

function world_step!(world::World)
    # make sure that we only iterate over IDs that already exist in the 
    # current timestep this lets us safely add agents
    ids = deepcopy(keys(world.agents))

    for id in ids
        # agents can be killed by other agents, so make sure that we are
        # not stepping dead agents forward
        !haskey(world.agents,id) && continue

        a = world.agents[id]
nothing # hide

The agent_step! function will have multiple methods and is the first function in this lab that uses dispatch. The method for plants checks if a plant is fully grown. If it is, nothing happens. While has not reached is maximum size, the plant will grow a little each time agent_step! is called.

function agent_step!(a::Plant, w::World)
    if size(a) != max_size(a)
nothing # hide

The agent_step! method for animals is different. At the beginning of each step an animal looses energy. Afterwards it tries to find some food, which it will subsequently eat. If the animal then has less than zero energy it dies and is removed from the world. If it has positive energy it will try to reproduce.

function agent_step!(a::Animal, w::World)
    if rand() <= foodprob(a)
        dinner = find_food(a,w)
        eat!(a, dinner, w)
    if energy(a) <= 0
    if rand() <= reprprob(a)
    return a
nothing # hide

The Grass Agent

The first concrete type we implement is the basis of life in our simulation and source of all energy: Grass. Our Grass will be growing over time and it will need a certain amount of time steps to fully grow before it can be eaten. We will realise this with a countdown field. At every step of the simulation the countdown will decrease until it reaches zero at which point the grass is fully grown. This has to be reflected in the fields of our grass struct:

mutable struct Grass <: Plant

Note that Grass is a mutable type because the size field will change during the simulation. Let us assume that all plants have at least the fields id, size, and max_size, because all plants need some time to fully grow. If this is the case we can make Grass a subtype of Plant (via <:) and define a common interface for all Plants.

id(a::Agent) =  # every agent has an ID so we can just define id for Agent here

Base.size(a::Plant) = a.size
max_size(a::Plant) = a.max_size
grow!(a::Plant) = a.size += 1
nothing # hide
<div class="admonition is-category-exercise">
<header class="admonition-header">Exercise</header>
<div class="admonition-body">
  1. Define a constructor for Grass which, given only an ID and a maximum size $m$, will create an instance of Grass that has a randomly initialized size in the range $(1,m)$.
  2. Create some Grass agents inside a World and run a few world_step!s.
<details class = "solution-body">
<summary class = "solution-header">Solution:</summary><p>

The constructor for grass with random growth countdown:

Grass(id,m) = Grass(id, rand(1:m), m)

# optional: overload show function for Grass
function, g::Grass)
    x = size(g)/max_size(g) * 100
    print(io,"🌿 #$(id(g)) $(round(Int,x))% grown")
nothing # hide

Creation of a world with a few grass agents:

w = World([Grass(id,3) for id in 1:2])
for _ in 1:3
    @info w

Sheep eat grass

Our simulated Sheep will have a certain amount of energy $E$, a reproduction probability $p_r$, and a probablity to find food $p_f$ in each iteration of our simulation. Additionally, each sheep with get some amout of energy from eating a Grass which is computed with the variable $\Delta E$.. The corresponding struct then looks like this

mutable struct Sheep <: Animal

Again we will use Sheep as a generic example for an Animal which leaves us with the interface below. We only have setters for energy because all other fields of our animals will stay constant.

# get field values
energy(a::Animal) =
Δenergy(a::Animal) = a.Δenergy
reprprob(a::Animal) = a.reprprob
foodprob(a::Animal) = a.foodprob

# set field values
energy!(a::Animal, e) = = e
incr_energy!(a::Animal, Δe) = energy!(a, energy(a)+Δe)

# optional: overload the show method for Sheep
function, s::Sheep)
    e = energy(s)
    d = Δenergy(s)
    pr = reprprob(s)
    pf = foodprob(s)
    print(io,"🐑 #$(id(s)) E=$e ΔE=$d pr=$pr pf=$pf")
nothing # hide

In every iteration of the simulation each sheep will get a chance to eat some grass. The process of one animal eating a plant (or another animal) will be implemented via the eat!(a::Agent,b::Agent,::World) function. Calling the function will cause agent a to eat agent b, possibly mutating them and the world. The eat! function will do something different for different input types and is our first practical example of multiple dispatch.

<div class="admonition is-category-exercise">
<header class="admonition-header">Exercise</header>
<div class="admonition-body">

Implement a function eat!(::Sheep, ::Grass, ::World) which increases the sheep's energy by $\Delta E$ multiplied by the size of the grass.

After the sheep's energy is updated the grass is eaten and its size counter has to be set to zero.

Note that you do not yet need the world in this function. It is needed later for the case of wolves eating sheep.

<details class = "solution-body">
<summary class = "solution-header">Solution:</summary><p>
function eat!(a::Sheep, b::Grass, w::World)
    incr_energy!(a, size(b)*Δenergy(a))
    b.size = 0
nothing # hide

Below you can see how a fully grown grass is eaten by a sheep. The sheep's energy changes size of the grass is set to zero.

grass = Grass(1,5,5)
sheep = Sheep(2,10.0,2.0,0.1,0.1)
world = World([grass, sheep])

Note that the order of the arguments has a meaning here. Calling eat!(grass,sheep,world) results in a MethodError which is great, because Grass cannot eat Sheep.


Wolves eat sheep

<div class="admonition is-category-exercise">
<header class="admonition-header">Exercise</header>
<div class="admonition-body">

Next, implement a Wolf with the same properties as the sheep ($E$, $\Delta E$, $p_r$, and $p_f$) as well as its eat! method. The eat! method for wolves increases the wolf's energy by energy(sheep)*Δenergy(wolf) and kills the sheep (i.e. removes the sheep from the world). Both eat! and agent_step! need to be able to remove agents from the world so it makes sense to create another function kill_agent!(::Animal,::World). Please implement it as well to make your agent_step! work.

Hint: You can use delete! to remove agents from the dictionary in your world.

<details class = "solution-body">
<summary class = "solution-header">Solution:</summary><p>
mutable struct Wolf <: Animal

function eat!(wolf::Wolf, sheep::Sheep, w::World)
    incr_energy!(wolf, energy(sheep)*Δenergy(wolf))

kill_agent!(a::Animal, w::World) = delete!(w.agents, id(a))

# optional: overload the show method for Wolf
function, w::Wolf)
    e = energy(w)
    d = Δenergy(w)
    pr = reprprob(w)
    pf = foodprob(w)
    print(io,"🐺 #$(id(w)) E=$e ΔE=$d pr=$pr pf=$pf")
nothing # hide

With a correct eat! method you should get results like this:

grass = Grass(1,5,5);
sheep = Sheep(2,10.0,1.0,0.1,1.0);
wolf  = Wolf(3,20.0,2.0,0.1,1.0);
world = World([grass, sheep, wolf])

The sheep is removed from the world and the wolf's energy increased by $\Delta E$.

Finding food for sheep

using StatsBase
function find_food(a::Animal, w::World)
    as = filter(x->eats(a,x), w.agents |> values |> collect)
    isempty(as) ? nothing : sample(as)

eats(::Sheep,g::Grass) = size(g) > 0
eats(::Wolf,::Sheep) = true
eats(::Agent,::Agent) = false

The next mechanism in our simulation models an animal's search for food. For example, a sheep can only try to eat if the world currently holds some grass. The process of finding food for a given animal will be implemented by the function find_food(s::Sheep, ::World). It will either return nothing (if the sheep does not find grass) or sample a random Grass from all available Grass agents.

<div class="admonition is-category-exercise">
<header class="admonition-header">Exercise</header>
<div class="admonition-body">

Implement the method find_food(::Sheep, ::World) which first returns either a Grass (sampled randomly from all Grasses with a size larger than zero) or returns nothing.

  1. Hint: For the functional programming way of coding this can use filter and isa to filter for a certain type and StatsBase.sample to choose a random element from a vector. You can get an Iterator of values of your dictionary via values which you might want to collect before passing it to sample.
  2. Hint: You could also program this with a for-loop that iterates over your agents in a random order.
<details class = "solution-body">
<summary class = "solution-header">Solution:</summary><p>
using StatsBase  # needed for `sample`
# you can install it by typing `]add StatsBase` in the REPL

function find_food(a::Sheep, w::World)
    as = filter(x->isa(x,Grass) && size(x)>0, w.agents |> values |> collect)
    isempty(as) ? nothing : sample(as)

To test your function your can create sheep with different $p_f$. A sheep with $p_f=1$ will always find some food if there is some in the world, so you should get a result like below.

grass = Grass(1,5,5);
sheep = Sheep(2,10.0,1.0,0.1,1.0);
wolf  = Wolf(3,20.0,2.0,0.1,1.0);
world = World([grass, sheep, wolf])

dinner = find_food(sheep,world)

Finding food for wolves

<div class="admonition is-category-exercise">
<header class="admonition-header">Exercise</header>
<div class="admonition-body">

Implement a function find_food(::Wolf, ::World) which returns either nothing or a randomly sampled Sheep from all existsing sheep.

<details class = "solution-body">
<summary class = "solution-header">Solution:</summary><p>
function find_food(a::Wolf, w::World)
    as = filter(x->isa(x,Sheep), w.agents |> values |> collect)
    isempty(as) ? nothing : sample(as)

General food finding

<div class="admonition is-category-exercise">
<header class="admonition-header">Exercise</header>
<div class="admonition-body">

Identify the code duplications between find_food(::Sheep,::World) and find_food(::Wolf,::World) and generalize the function to find_food(::Animal, ::World).

Hint: You can introduce a new function eats(::Agent,::Agent)::Bool which specifies which type of agent eats another type of agent.

Once you have done this, remove the two more specific functions for sheep and wolves and restart the REPL once you have deleted those old methods to clean up your namespace.

<details class = "solution-body">
<summary class = "solution-header">Solution:</summary><p>
function find_food(a::Animal, w::World)
    as = filter(x->eats(a,x), w.agents |> values |> collect)
    isempty(as) ? nothing : sample(as)

eats(::Sheep,g::Grass) = size(g) > 0
eats(::Wolf,::Sheep) = true
eats(::Agent,::Agent) = false

Eating nothing

<div class="admonition is-category-exercise">
<header class="admonition-header">Exercise</header>
<div class="admonition-body">

What happens if you call eat!(wolf, find_food(wolf,world), world) and there are no sheep anymore? Or if the wolf's $p_f&lt;1$?

Consider the world below and the for-loop which represents a simplified simulation in which the wolf tries to eat a sheep in each iteration. Why does it fail?

sheep = [Sheep(id,10.0,1.0,1.0,1.0) for id in 1:2]
wolf  = Wolf(3,20.0,1.0,1.0,1.0)
world = World(vcat(sheep, [wolf]))

for _ in 1:4
    dinner = find_food(wolf,world)
    @show world

Hint: You can try to overload the eat! function appropriately.

<details class = "solution-body">
<summary class = "solution-header">Solution:</summary><p>
# make sure any animal can also eat `nothing`
eat!(a::Animal,b::Nothing,w::World) = nothing

sheep = [Sheep(id,10.0,5.0,1.0,1.0) for id in 1:2]
wolf  = Wolf(3,20.0,10.0,1.0,1.0)
world = World(vcat(sheep, [wolf]))

for _ in 1:4
    local dinner # hide
    @show world
    dinner = find_food(wolf,world)


Currently our animals can only eat. In our simulation we also want them to reproduce. We will do this by adding a reproduce! method to Animal.

<div class="admonition is-category-exercise">
<header class="admonition-header">Exercise</header>
<div class="admonition-body">

Write a function reproduce! that takes an Animal and a World. Reproducing will cost an animal half of its energy and then add an almost identical copy of the given animal to the world. The only thing that is different from parent to child is the ID. You can simply increase the max_id of the world by one and use that as the new ID for the child.

<details class = "solution-body">
<summary class = "solution-header">Solution:</summary><p>
function reproduce!(a::Animal, w::World)
    energy!(a, energy(a)/2)
    new_id = w.max_id + 1= deepcopy(a)
    â.id = new_id
    w.agents[id(â)] = â
    w.max_id = new_id

You can avoid mutating the id field by reconstructing the child from scratch:

function reproduce!(a::A, w::World) where A<:Animal
    energy!(a, energy(a)/2)
    a_vals = [getproperty(a,n) for n in fieldnames(A) if n!=:id]
    new_id = w.max_id + 1
    â = A(new_id, a_vals...)
    w.agents[id(â)] = â
    w.max_id = new_id
nothing # hide

Finally! world_step!

With all our functions in place we can finally run the world_step! function.

Some grass that is growing:

gs = [Grass(id,8) for id in 1:3]
world = World(gs)
for _ in 1:4
    @show world

Some sheep that are reproducing and then dying:

ss = [Sheep(id,5.0,2.0,1.0,1.0) for id in 1:2]
world = World(ss)
for _ in 1:3
    @show world

All of it together!

gs = [Grass(id,5) for id in 1:5]
ss = [Sheep(id,10.0,5.0,0.5,0.5) for id in 6:10]
ws = [Wolf(id,20.0,10.,0.1,0.1) for id in 11:12]

world = World(vcat(gs, ss, ws))
for _ in 1:2
    @show world

The code for this lab is inspired by the predator-prey model of Agents.jl