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Fastfill & Netverify

Fastfill & Netverify SDK for Android

Jumio’s Netverify® ID Verification allows businesses to establish the genuine identity of their users by verifying government-issued IDs in real-time. ID Verification is used by financial service organizations and leading brands to create trust for safe onboarding, money transfers, and user authentication.

Table of Content

Release notes

For technical changes, please read our transition guide SDK version: 3.5.0


The basic setup is required before continuing with the following setup for Netverify.

Using the SDK requires an activity declaration in your AndroidManifest.xml.


You can specify your own theme (see chapter Customization). The orientation can be sensor based or locked with the attribute android:screenOrientation.


If an optional module is not linked, the scan method is not available but the library size is reduced. The Sample app apk size with the products Netverify, BAM, Document Verification and Authentication included is currently 26.56 MB.

Dependency Mandatory Description Size (Jumio libs only) x Jumio Core library 4.11 MB x Netverify library 537.61 KB
androidx.appcompat:appcompat:1.1.0 x Android appcompat library -
androidx.cardview:cardview:1.0.0 x Android cardview library (Netverify only) - x Android database object mapping library -
androidx.constraintlayout:constraintlayout:1.1.3 x Android constraint layout library - Barcode Scanning - Face library 95.43 KB
com.facetec:zoom-authentication:8.0.11@aar Zoom face scanning library 9.00 MB Android material design library - Jumio SDK Javadoc - US / CAN Barcode Scanning 2.25 MB US / CAN Barcode Scanning Alternative (reduced size) 39.44 KB MRZ scanning 2.09 MB eMRTD Scanning 788.14 KB
org.bouncycastle:bcprov-jdk15on:1.61 eMRTD Scanning -
net.sf.scuba:scuba-sc-android:0.0.18 eMRTD Scanning - Template Matcher 1.08 MB

Dependency conflicts

If the dependency is used in the application, the following lines have to be added to the application tag in the AndroidManifest.xml to avoid merge issues (see AndroidManifest.xml in Sample app):



The operationality of the Google Mobile Vision API can be checked with the following SDK method (see NetverifyFragment in Sample app):

GoogleVisionStatus NetverifySDK.isMobileVisionOperational(Activity activity, int requestCode);

This method returns an enum GoogleVisionStatus which can have the following 3 values:

  • OPERATIONAL: API is up-to-date and can be used
  • NOT_OPERATIONAL: API is not available
  • DIALOG_PENDING: API is available but an user-resolvable error occured. The system dialog for the resolvable error is displayed (see Google API reference)

In case of DIALOG_PENDING, the requestCode provided in the method above can used to react to the result of the dialog in the method onActivityResult() as follows (see MainActivity in Sample app)):

	protected void onActivityResult(int requestCode, int resultCode, Intent data) {
		if (requestCode == NetverifyFragment.GOOGLE_VISION_REQUEST_CODE) {
			// Handle the system dialog result - try to initialize the SDK again if the error was resolved


Netverify usage with BAM

If you use Netverify and BAM Checkout in your app, add the following dependency:

implementation ""

Root detection

Applications implementing the SDK shall not run on rooted devices. Use either the below method or a self-devised check to prevent usage of SDK scanning functionality on rooted devices.

NetverifySDK.isRooted(Context context);

Device supported check

Call the method isSupportedPlatform to check if the device platform is supported by the SDK.



To create an instance for the SDK, perform the following call as soon as your activity is initialized.

private static String YOURAPITOKEN = ""; 
private static String YOURAPISECRET = "";

NetverifySDK netverifySDK = NetverifySDK.create(yourActivity, YOURAPITOKEN, YOURAPISECRET, JumioDataCenter.US);

Make sure that your customer API token and API secret are correct, specify an instance of your activity and provide a reference to identify the scans in your reports (max. 100 characters or null). If your customer account is in the EU data center, use JumioDataCenter.EU instead.

Note: Log into your Jumio customer portal, and you can find your customer API token and API secret on the "Settings" page under "API credentials". We strongly recommend you to store credentials outside your app.


ID verification

By default the Jumio SDK enables Netverify which performs a full ID verification in the default mode.

Use ID verification to receive a verification status and verified data positions (see Callback for Netverify). Ensure that your customer account is allowed to use this feature. A callback URL can be specified for individual transactions (for constraints see chapter Callback URL). This setting overrides any callback URL you have set in the Jumio Customer Portal.

Note: Not possible for accounts configured as Fastfill only.


Set the following setting to switch to Fastfill mode (which performs data extraction only)


Identity Verification is automatically enabled if it is activated for your account. Note: Identity Verification requires portrait orientation in your app. Set the following setting to disable Identity Verification on a transaction level:



You can specify issuing country (ISO 3166-1 alpha-3 country code), ID type(s) and/or document variant to skip their selection during the scanning process.
Note: Fastfill does not support paper IDs, except German ID cards.


ArrayList<NVDocumentType> documentTypes = new ArrayList<>();

Transaction identifiers

The customer internal reference allows you to identify the scan (max. 100 characters).

Note: Must not contain sensitive data like PII (Personally Identifiable Information) or account login.


Use the following property to identify the scan in your reports (max. 100 characters).


You can also set a user reference (max. 100 characters).

Note: The user reference must not contain sensitive data like PII (Personally Identifiable Information) or account login.



Use setEnableEMRTD to read the NFC chip of an eMRTD.

netverifySDK.setEnableEMRTD (true);

Note: Not available for Fastfill as it is a Netverify feature.

Analytics Service

Use the following setting to explicitly send debug information to Jumio.


Note: Only set this property to true if you are asked by Jumio Customer Service.

You receive a list of the current DebugSessionID by using getDebugID. This method can be called either after initializing or before dismissing the SDK.


Offline scanning

If you want to use Fastfill in offline mode please contact Jumio Customer Service at or Once this feature is enabled for your account, you can find your offline token in your Jumio customer portal on the "Settings" page under "API credentials".

netverifySDK.create(rootActivity, YOUROFFLINETOKEN, COUNTRYCODE)

Note: COUNTRYCODE is an optional parameter and can also be passed as null. In this case no country is preselected in the SDK.

Possible countries: ISO 3166-1 alpha-3 country code

Use the nv-barcode-vision library instead of the nv-barcode libary and add the following meta-data tags to your AndroidManifest.xml:

			android:value="@integer/google_play_services_version" />

Watchlist screening

Jumio Screening is supported on the Jumio Android SDK. The following SDK method is used to set watchlist screening on transaction level. Enable to override the default search, or disable watchlist screening for this transaction.


This method can be used to define the search profile for watchlist screening:



In case Fastfill is used (enableVerification=false), data extraction can be limited to be executed on device only by enabling setDataExtractionOnMobileOnly


Use setCameraPosition to configure the default camera (front or back).



Customization tool

Jumio Surface is a web tool that offers the possibility to apply and visualize, in real-time, all available customization options for Netverify / Fastfill SDK as well as an export feature to import the applied changes straight into your codebase.

Use the tab "Customize SDK" to check out all the screens and adapt the look & feel of the SDK to your needs.

The tab "XML Output" visualizes all the colors that can be customized. As visualized in the code there, the SDK can be customized to fit your application's look and feel by specifying Theme.Netverify as a parent style and overriding attributes within this theme.

After customizing the SDK, you can copy the code from the theme CustomNetverifyTheme to your Android app styles.xml file.

Customize look and feel

There are 2 possibilities for applying the customized theme that was explained in the previous chapter:

  • Customizing theme in AndroidManifest
  • Customizing theme at runtime

Customizing theme in AndroidManifest

Apply the CustomNetverifyTheme that you defined before by replacing Theme.Netverify in the AndroidManifest.xml:

						... />

Customizing theme at runtime

To customize the theme at runtime, overwrite the theme that is used for Netverify in the manifest by calling the following property. Use the resource id of a customized theme that uses Theme.Netverify as parent.


SDK Workflow

Starting the SDK

Use the initiate method to preload the SDK and avoid the loading spinner after the SDK start.

netverifySDK.initiate(new NetverifyInitiateCallback() {
	public void onNetverifyInitiateSuccess() {
	public void onNetverifyInitiateError(String errorCode, String errorMessage, boolean retryPossible) {

To show the SDK, call the respective method below within your activity or fragment.

Activity: netverifySDK.start();
Fragment: startActivityForResult(netverifySDK.getIntent(), NetverifySDK.REQUEST_CODE);

Note: The default request code is 200. To use another code, override the public static variable NetverifySDK.REQUEST_CODE before displaying the SDK.

Retrieving information (Fastfill)

Implement the standard onActivityResult method in your activity or fragment for successful scans (Activity.RESULT_OK) and user cancellation notifications (Activity.RESULT_CANCELED). Call netverifySDK.destroy() once you received the result and you don't need the instance anymore. If you want to scan multiple documents, you don't need to call delete on the netverifySDK instance. In that case, please check if the internal resources are deallocated by calling netverifySDK.checkDeallocation(<NetverifyDeallocationCallback>). Once this callback is executed, it is safe to start another workflow. This check is optional and should only be called once the SDK has returned a result and another document scan needs to be performed.

protected void onActivityResult(int requestCode, int resultCode, Intent data) {
	if (requestCode == NetverifySDK.REQUEST_CODE) {
		if (resultCode == Activity.RESULT_OK) {
		} else if (resultCode == Activity.RESULT_CANCELED) {
			// String scanReference = data.getStringExtra(NetverifySDK.EXTRA_SCAN_REFERENCE);
			// String errorMessage = data.getStringExtra(NetverifySDK.EXTRA_ERROR_MESSAGE);
			// String errorCode = data.getStringExtra(NetverifySDK.EXTRA_ERROR_CODE);
		// if (netverifySDK != null) {
		// 	netverifySDK.destroy();
		//      netverifySDK.checkDeallocation(deallocationCallback)
		// 	netverifySDK = null;
		// }


Parameter Type Max. length Description
selectedCountry String 3 ISO 3166-1 alpha-3 country code as provided or selected
selectedDocumentType NVDocumentType PASSPORT, DRIVER_LICENSE, IDENTITY_CARD or VISA as provided or selected
idNumber String 100 Identification number of the document
personalNumber String 14 Personal number of the document
issuingDate Date Date of issue
expiryDate Date Date of expiry
issuingCountry String 3 Country of issue as ISO 3166-1 alpha-3 country code
lastName String 100 Last name of the customer
firstName String 100 First name of the customer
dob Date Date of birth
gender NVGender Gender M, F or X
originatingCountry String 3 Country of origin as ISO 3166-1 alpha-3 country code
addressLine String 64 Street name
city String 64 City
subdivision String 3 Last three characters of ISO 3166-2:US or ISO 3166-2:CA subdivision code
postCode String 15 Postal code
mrzData NetverifyMrzData MRZ data, see table below
optionalData1 String 50 Optional field of MRZ line 1
optionalData2 String 50 Optional field of MRZ line 2
placeOfBirth String 255 Place of Birth
extractionMethod NVExtractionMethod Extraction method used during scanning (MRZ, OCR, BARCODE, BARCODE_OCR or NONE)
emrtdStatus EMRTDStatus Verification status of an eMRTD scan VERIFIED (eMRTD scanned and authenticated), DENIED (eMRTD scanned and not authenticated) or NOT_AVAILABLE (no NFC on device or eMRTD feature disabled), NOT_PERFORMED (NFC disabled on device)


Parameter Type Max. length Description
format NVMRZFormat
line1 String 50 MRZ line 1
line2 String 50 MRZ line 2
line3 String 50 MRZ line 3
idNumberValid boolean True if ID number check digit is valid, otherwise false
dobValid boolean True if date of birth check digit is valid, otherwise false
expiryDateValid boolean True if date of expiry check digit is valid or not available, otherwise false
personalNumberValid boolean True if personal number check digit is valid or not available, otherwise false
compositeValid boolean True if composite check digit is valid, otherwise false

Error codes

Code Message Description
A[x][yyyy] We have encountered a network communication problem Retry possible, user decided to cancel
B[x][yyyy] Authentication failed Secure connection could not be established, retry impossible
C[x]0401 Authentication failed API credentials invalid, retry impossible
E[x]0000 No Internet connection available Retry possible, user decided to cancel
F00000 Scanning not available this time, please contact the app vendor Resources cannot be loaded, retry impossible
G00000 Cancelled by end-user No error occurred
H00000 The camera is currently not available Camera cannot be initialized, retry impossible
I00000 Certificate not valid anymore. Please update your application End-to-end encryption key not valid anymore, retry impossible
J00000 Transaction already finished User did not complete SDK journey within session lifetime

The first letter (A-J) represents the error case. The remaining characters are represented by numbers that contain information helping us understand the problem situation([x][yyyy]). Please always include the whole code when filing an error related issue to our support team.

Custom UI

Netverify can be also implemented as a custom scan view. This means that only the scan view (including the scan overlays) are provided by the SDK. The handling of the lifecycle, document selection, readability confirmation, intermediate callbacks, and all other steps necessary to complete a scan have to be handled by the client application that implements the SDK.

Note: The new 3D face liveness capturing technology is not optimised for tablets. When using Identity Verification, the selfie scanner will fallback to a simple face capturing functionality instead. Portrait orientation support is required in your app.

To use the custom scan view with a plain scanning user interface, specify an instance of your class which implements the NetverifyCustomSDKInterface. You will receive a NetverifyCustomSDKController object.

NetverifyCustomSDKController netverifyCustomSDKController = sdk.start(yourNetverifyCustomSDKInterface);

Upon onNetverifyCountriesReceived within yourNetverifyCustomSDKInterface, specify country, document type, and document variant to receive all relevant scan parts for the specific document.

public void onNetverifyCountriesReceived(HashMap<String, NetverifyCountry>
countryList, String userCountryCode) {
    // List<ScanSide> netverifyScanSides = netverifyCustomSDKController.setDocumentConfiguration(netverifyCountries.get("USA"), NVDocumentType.PASSPORT, NVDocumentVariant.PLASTIC);

NetverifyCountry methods:

public String getIsoCode();
public Set<NVDocumentType> getDocumentTypes();
public Set<NVDocumentVariant> getDocumentVariants(NVDocumentType documentType);


NVDocumentVariant values: PAPER, PLASTIC


NVScanSide values: FRONT, BACK, FACE

onNetverifyUserConsentRequried within yourNetverifyCustomSDKInterface is invoked when the end-user’s consent to Jumio’s privacy policy is legally required. onUserConsented needs to be called after the end-user has accepted

After onNetverifyResourcesLoaded within yourNetverifyCustomSDKInterface, start scanning by providing a ScanSide from the list, instances of the class NetverifyCustomScanView and NetverifyCustomConfirmationView, and an instance of your class which implements the NetverifyCustomScanInterface. You will receive a NetverifyCustomScanPresenter object.

Add your NetverifyCustomScanView to your layout and specify desired layout attributes using

  • a certain width, and height as wrap_content
  • or a certain height, and width as wrap_content
  • or width and height as match_parent (full screen).

Using width or height as wrap_content, the NetverifyCustomScanView attribute ratio needs to be set to any float value between screen width/screen height (e.g. portrait 720/1280 = ~0.6) and 4:3 (1.33). If your NetverifyCustomScanView is added to your layout via xml, specify the namespace below to access the custom attribute yourNameSpace:ratio. Face scans should only be done in portrait orientation with a recommended ratio of 0.7 or smaller.


Upon onNetverifyCameraAvailable within yourNetverifyCustomScanInterface, you can perform the following actions using the netverifyCustomScanViewController:

  • Get the active scan mode
  • Get the help text for the active scan mode
  • Check if front and back camera available
  • Check if front camera used
  • Switch between front and back camera
  • Check if flash available
  • Check if flash enabled
  • Switch flash mode (on or off)
  • Check if scan fallback is possible
  • Switch from default scan mode (MRZ or bar code) to fallback - remember to get the new scan mode and help text with the available getters after that
  • Stop/Retry card scanning
  • Pause/Resume extraction - the camera preview keeps running in the meantime

Call showShutterButton to determine if the image will be taken manually. If so, display your shutter button and call takePicture() once clicked.

To handle the activity lifecycle correctly, call pause and resume from the NetverifyCustomSDKController and NetverifyCustomScanPresenter if currently active.

Implement the following methods within

  • NetverifyCustomScanInterface for camera, extraction, confirmation view and special notifications.
  • NetverifyCustomSDKInterface for general SDK notifications.

Upon onNetverifyPresentConfirmationView, you can hide the scan view and show the confirmation view (asking user to confirm the image), retry, and/or confirm the scan. The NetverifyConfirmationType defines the reason for the confirmation that needs to be displayed to the user.

  • GENERIC the quality of the document
  • CHECK_DOCUMENT_SIDE - if the scanned side matches the requested one

Note: yourNetverifyCustomScanView can be added to your layout by specifying any desired layout attributes.

Upon onNetverifyNoUSAddressFound after a Fastfill US Driver License back side scan in barcode mode, you can start a front side scan in OCR mode (fallback) to receive the address (if needed) and/or confirm the scan.

Upon onNetverifyFaceInLandscape, notify the user that he should rotate the device to portrait orientation to continue with face scanning.

Upon onNetverifyShowLegalAdvice, it is necessary to display the provided legal advice to the user.

Upon onNetverifyDisplayBlurHint, it is necessary to notify the user that the image is blurry and therefore can't be taken. (Manual image capturing only)

Upon onNetverifyScanForPartFinished, call netverifyCustomScanViewController.destroy() to release all resources before scanning the next part, until all parts are scanned. Once completed, call netverifyCustomSDKController.finish() to finish the scan.

Upon onNetverifyScanForPartCanceled, the scanning for this part has been canceled by the SDK and can be retried.

getNetverifyCustomNfcInterface() is called when the NFC scan is getting prepared. If no NFC scan should be done, Null can be returned here. Please check the documentation for NetverifyCustomNfcInterface

Upon onNetverifyStartNfcExtraction, the NFC scan can be started and controlled with the provided NetverifyCustomNfcPresenter. Once an eId is provided NFC scanning starts automatically.

The position and image of the close button for face scanning can be customized. Please have a look at the NetverifyCustomScanView

Retrieving information

Result & Error handling

Instead of using the standard method onActivityResult, implement the following methods within yourNetverifyCustomSDKInterface for successful scans and error notifications:

The method onNetverifyFinished(NetverifyDocumentData documentData, String scanReference) has to be implemented to handle data after successful scans.

Upon onNetverifyError(String errorCode, String errorMessage, boolean retryPossible, String scanReference), you can show the error message and/or call netverifyCustomSDKController.retry() if retryPossible.

Note: Error codes are listed here.

Clean up

After handling the result, it is very important to clean up the SDK by calling netverifyCustomSDKController.destroy() and netverifySDK.destroy(). If you want to scan multiple documents, you don't need to call delete on the netverifySDK instance. In that case, please check if the internal resources are deallocated by calling netverifySDK.checkDeallocation(<NetverifyDeallocationCallback>). Once this callback is executed, it is safe to start another workflow. This check is optional and should only be called once the SDK has returned a result and another document scan needs to be performed.


To get information about callbacks, Netverify Retrieval API, Netverify Delete API, Global Netverify settings, and more, please read our page with server related information.