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PM> Install-Package Kentor.jQueryWizard

bower install KentorWizard


This wizard provides basic wizard functionality such as next and previous step buttons and breadcrumb navigation.


To use breadcrumb navigation simply use the class <div class="wizard-breadcrumb"></div>. The breadcrumb link text is, if not undefined, retrived from the ´data-step-header´ else it will display the step number.


A basic HTML example

    <meta charset="utf-8"/>
    <title>Kentor Wizard Exemple</title>
    //using NuGet
    <script src="Scripts/jquery-1.10.2.js"></script>
    <script src="Scripts/wizard.js"></script>
    //using Bower
    <script src="bower_components/jquery/jquery.js"></script>
    <script src="bower_components/KentorWizard/js/wizard.js"></script>

    <div class="wizard" data-forward-button-text="Next">
        <div class="wizard-title-wrapper page-title-divider">
            <div class="wizard-title">My Title</div>
        <div class="wizard-header">
            <div class="wizard-step-label">
            <p>This is set with the text from data-step-header as 
	            shown below in the last wizard-step</p>
		<div class="wizard-step">
			<p>This is the first step</p>

        <div class="wizard-step">
			<p>This is the second step</p>
        <div class="wizard-step" data-step-header="Preview"
		        <p>This is the third and in this example the last step</p>
        <div class="wizard-footer">
            <div class="wizard-back">
                <button type="button" class="wizard-back-button">Back</button>
	    <div class="wizard-breadcrumb"></div>
            <div class="wizard-forward">
                <button type="button" class="wizard-forward-button">Next</button>


The wizard takes an object as an argument which enables the possibility to "overload" some wizard functions.

Without an argument these default options will take effect

 var defaultOpts = {
 nextHandler: function () { },
            onloadHandler: function () { },
            backHandler: function () { },
            wizardStepRendered: function () { },
            stepText: "Step {0} of {1}",
            shiftAnimationHide: function (stepToHide) { stepToHide.hide(); },
            shiftAnimationShow: function (stepToShow) {; },
            breadcrumbDivider: " | ",
            allowMultipleClick: false,
            focusFirst: true

An example on how to "overload" the wizard options

		//This function is called when .wizard-forward-button is clicked.  
           nextHandler: function(event) {
			 if(event.IsLastPage) { 
        //This function is called when loading the wizard.                
           onloadHandler: function(event) {
           alert("Loading wizard")
		//This function is called when .wizard-back-button is clicked.
           backHandler: function(event) {
           alert("You are now going to the previous step")
		//This is set to .wizard-step-label. To change language set stepText. 
           stepText: "Steg {0} av {1}",
		//This function is called to hide the previous step.
           shiftAnimationHide: function (stepToHide) { stepToHide.slideUp(); },
		//This function is called to show the next step.
           shiftAnimationShow: function (stepToShow) { stepToShow.slideDown(); },
		   //This is set between breadcrumb buttons
		    breadcrumbDivider: "<<<<>>>>>",
            //If true double click on buttons will execute two click events
            allowMultipleClick: false,
	   //When a step is rendered the wizard will as default if a form is used focus on the first input
	   focusFirst: false

More Examples

Add a new button


<div class="wizard-footer">
	<div class="myWizard-doSomething">
		<button type="button" class="myWizard-doSomething-button">Save</button>



	myWizard: function (myDoSomethingHandler, options) {
		$(this).find("myWizard-doSomething-button").click(function (event) {
			if(myDoSomethingHandler !== null) {





Use breadcrumbs with bootstrap example

<div class="wizard-breadcrumb"></div>
onloadHandler: function () {