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ArchiSteamFarm V5.2.4.2

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@JustArchi-ArchiBot JustArchi-ArchiBot released this 24 Mar 21:51


Changes since V5.2.3.7:

Package maintainers: we've renamed our license file from LICENSE-2.0.txt to LICENSE.txt. The license terms didn't change, only the file path that you may reference in your packages. See #2539 for more details.


ASF is available for free, this release was made possible thanks to the people that decided to support the project, and among those many Ukrainian contributors that improved ASF across all those years, who are currently fighting for their country and lives. If you're grateful for what we're doing, please consider a donation to their cause. Developing ASF requires massive amount of time and knowledge, especially when it comes to Steam (and its problems). Even $1 is highly appreciated and shows that you care. Thank you!

Children support CrisisRelief support UNHCR support Other support

If instead, or in addition to, you'd like to donate directly to the ASF project, you can find the usual links below. However, we ask you to prioritize Ukrainian cause first and foremost, and we're also sending aid from our own pockets - especially part of the funds gathered from our sponsors and patrons for the last and upcoming month.

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