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A super simple CLI and API for using Google Cloud Build.

NPM Version Build Status codecov semantic-release


$ npm install gcbuild

Command Line

gcb is a convenient way to submit jobs to Google Cloud Build. To use as a command line application:

$ npm install --save-dev gcbuild

Then from your package.json, it's super easy to add a deploy script:

"scripts": {
  "deploy": "gcb"

Positional arguments


Location of the sources to be deployed. If not specified, assumes the current working directory.



The YAML or JSON file to use as the build configuration file. Defaults to 'cloudbuild.yaml' if not specified.


The tag to use with a "docker build" image creation.


# Create an image for the current working directory.
$ gcb

# If there's a Dockerfile in the CWD, I can also specify a tag
$ gcb --tag my-image-name

# Use a build file not named `cloudbuild.yaml`
$ gcb --config suchbuild.json

# Perform a build from another location on disk
$ gcb ~/Code/verydocker


You can also use this as a regular old API.

import {build} from 'gcb';

async function main() {
  await build({
    source: '/path/to/source',


This library uses google-auth-library under the hood to provide authentication. That means you can authenticate a few ways.

Using a service account

One of the reasons this library exists is to provide a nodejs native deployment in environments where you don't want to have the Cloud SDK installed.

For this method, you'll need to create a service account, and download a key.

  1. In the GCP Console, go to the Create service account key page.
  2. From the Service account drop-down list, select New service account.
  3. In the Service account name field, enter a name.
  4. From the Role drop-down list, select Project > Owner.
  5. Click Create. A JSON file that contains your key downloads to your computer.
$ gcb .

Using application default credentials

If you plan on only using this from your machine, and you have the Google Cloud SDK installed, you can just use application default credentials like this:

$ gcloud auth login
$ gcloud auth application-default login
$ gcloud config set project 'YOUR-AWESOME-PROJECT'
$ gcb .
