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add mulstyle feature
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refactor linear combination multiplication

try to get rid of allocations in lincomb mul

show coefficients

more details in uniform scaling mul

opt-out of allocation testing

fix mulstyle error in kronecker, improve coverage
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dkarrasch committed Nov 21, 2019
1 parent 8201996 commit 88171b8
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Showing 12 changed files with 134 additions and 89 deletions.
17 changes: 17 additions & 0 deletions src/LinearMaps.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -19,6 +19,23 @@ const MapOrMatrix{T} = Union{LinearMap{T},AbstractMatrix{T}}

Base.eltype(::LinearMap{T}) where {T} = T

abstract type MulStyle end

struct FiveArg <: MulStyle end
struct ThreeArg <: MulStyle end

mulstyle(::Type{FiveArg}, ::Type{FiveArg}) = FiveArg
mulstyle(::Type{ThreeArg}, ::Type{FiveArg}) = ThreeArg
mulstyle(::Type{FiveArg}, ::Type{ThreeArg}) = ThreeArg
mulstyle(::Type{ThreeArg}, ::Type{ThreeArg}) = ThreeArg
mulstyle(::LinearMap) = ThreeArg # default
if VERSION v"1.3.0-alpha.115"
mulstyle(::AbstractMatrix) = FiveArg
mulstyle(::AbstractMatrix) = ThreeArg
mulstyle(A::LinearMap, As::LinearMap...) = mulstyle(mulstyle(A), mulstyle(As...))

Base.isreal(A::LinearMap) = eltype(A) <: Real
LinearAlgebra.issymmetric(::LinearMap) = false # default assumptions
LinearAlgebra.ishermitian(A::LinearMap{<:Real}) = issymmetric(A)
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2 changes: 2 additions & 0 deletions src/blockmap.jl
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Expand Up @@ -14,6 +14,8 @@ end

BlockMap{T}(maps::As, rows::S) where {T,As<:Tuple{Vararg{LinearMap}},S} = BlockMap{T,As,S}(maps, rows)

mulstyle(A::BlockMap) = mulstyle(A.maps...)

function check_dim(A::LinearMap, dim, n)
n == size(A, dim) || throw(DimensionMismatch("Expected $n, got $(size(A, dim))"))
return nothing
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129 changes: 54 additions & 75 deletions src/linearcombination.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,17 +1,20 @@
struct LinearCombination{T, As<:Tuple{Vararg{LinearMap}}} <: LinearMap{T}
struct LinearCombination{T, MS<:MulStyle, As<:Tuple{Vararg{LinearMap}}} <: LinearMap{T}
function LinearCombination{T, As}(maps::As) where {T, As}
function LinearCombination{T, MS, As}(maps::As) where {T, MS<:MulStyle, As}
N = length(maps)
sz = size(maps[1])
for n in 1:N
size(maps[n]) == sz || throw(DimensionMismatch("LinearCombination"))
promote_type(T, eltype(maps[n])) == T || throw(InexactError())
for Ai in maps
size(Ai) == sz || throw(DimensionMismatch("LinearCombination"))
promote_type(T, eltype(Ai)) == T || throw(InexactError())
new{T, As}(maps)
MS === FiveArg && mulstyle(maps...) === ThreeArg && throw("wrong mulstyle in constructor")
new{T, MS, As}(maps)

LinearCombination{T}(maps::As) where {T, As} = LinearCombination{T, As}(maps)
LinearCombination{T,MS}(maps::As) where {T, MS<:MulStyle, As} = LinearCombination{T, mulstyle(maps...), As}(maps)

mulstyle(::LinearCombination{T,MS}) where {T, MS<:MulStyle} = MS

# basic methods
Base.size(A::LinearCombination) = size(A.maps[1])
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -39,106 +42,82 @@ julia> LinearMap(ones(Int, 3, 3)) + CS + I + rand(3, 3);
function Base.:(+)(A₁::LinearMap, A₂::LinearMap)
size(A₁) == size(A₂) || throw(DimensionMismatch("+"))
T = promote_type(eltype(A₁), eltype(A₂))
return LinearCombination{T}(tuple(A₁, A₂))
return LinearCombination{T, mulstyle(A₁, A₂)}(tuple(A₁, A₂))
function Base.:(+)(A₁::LinearMap, A₂::LinearCombination)
size(A₁) == size(A₂) || throw(DimensionMismatch("+"))
T = promote_type(eltype(A₁), eltype(A₂))
return LinearCombination{T}(tuple(A₁, A₂.maps...))
return LinearCombination{T, mulstyle(A₁, A₂)}(tuple(A₁, A₂.maps...))
Base.:(+)(A₁::LinearCombination, A₂::LinearMap) = +(A₂, A₁)
function Base.:(+)(A₁::LinearCombination, A₂::LinearCombination)
size(A₁) == size(A₂) || throw(DimensionMismatch("+"))
T = promote_type(eltype(A₁), eltype(A₂))
return LinearCombination{T}(tuple(A₁.maps..., A₂.maps...))
return LinearCombination{T, mulstyle(A₁, A₂)}(tuple(A₁.maps..., A₂.maps...))
Base.:(-)(A₁::LinearMap, A₂::LinearMap) = +(A₁, -A₂)

# comparison of LinearCombination objects, sufficient but not necessary
Base.:(==)(A::LinearCombination, B::LinearCombination) = (eltype(A) == eltype(B) && A.maps == B.maps)

# special transposition behavior
LinearAlgebra.transpose(A::LinearCombination) = LinearCombination{eltype(A)}(map(transpose, A.maps))
LinearAlgebra.adjoint(A::LinearCombination) = LinearCombination{eltype(A)}(map(adjoint, A.maps))
LinearAlgebra.transpose(A::LinearCombination) = LinearCombination{eltype(A), mulstyle(A)}(map(transpose, A.maps))
LinearAlgebra.adjoint(A::LinearCombination) = LinearCombination{eltype(A), mulstyle(A)}(map(adjoint, A.maps))

# multiplication with vectors
if VERSION < v"1.3.0-alpha.115"

function A_mul_B!(y::AbstractVector, A::LinearCombination, x::AbstractVector)
# no size checking, will be done by individual maps
A_mul_B!(y, A.maps[1], x)
l = length(A.maps)
if l>1
z = similar(y)
for n in 2:l
A_mul_B!(z, A.maps[n], x)
y .+= z
for Atype in (AbstractVector, AbstractMatrix)
@eval Base.@propagate_inbounds function LinearAlgebra.mul!(y::$Atype, A::LinearCombination, x::$Atype,
α::Number=true, β::Number=false)
@boundscheck check_dim_mul(y, A, x)
return _lincombmul!(y, A, x, α, β)
return y

else # 5-arg mul! is available for matrices

# map types that have an allocation-free 5-arg mul! implementation
const FreeMap = Union{MatrixMap,UniformScalingMap}

function A_mul_B!(y::AbstractVector, A::LinearCombination{T,As}, x::AbstractVector) where {T, As<:Tuple{Vararg{FreeMap}}}
# no size checking, will be done by individual maps
A_mul_B!(y, A.maps[1], x)
for n in 2:length(A.maps)
mul!(y, A.maps[n], x, true, true)
return y
function A_mul_B!(y::AbstractVector, A::LinearCombination, x::AbstractVector)
# no size checking, will be done by individual maps
A_mul_B!(y, A.maps[1], x)
l = length(A.maps)
if l>1
z = similar(y)
for n in 2:l
An = A.maps[n]
if An isa FreeMap
mul!(y, An, x, true, true)
A_mul_B!(z, A.maps[n], x)
y .+= z
@inline function _lincombmul!(y, A::LinearCombination{<:Any,FiveArg}, x, α::Number, β::Number)
if iszero(α) # trivial cases
iszero(β) && (fill!(y, zero(eltype(y))); return y)
isone(β) && return y
# β != 0, 1
rmul!(y, β)
return y
mul!(y, first(A.maps), x, α, β)
@inbounds for An in Base.tail(A.maps)
mul!(y, An, x, α, true)
return y
return y

function LinearAlgebra.mul!(y::AbstractVector, A::LinearCombination{T,As}, x::AbstractVector, α::Number=true, β::Number=false) where {T, As<:Tuple{Vararg{FreeMap}}}
length(y) == size(A, 1) || throw(DimensionMismatch("mul!"))
if isone(α)
iszero(β) && (A_mul_B!(y, A, x); return y)
!isone(β) && rmul!(y, β)
elseif iszero(α)
@inline function _lincombmul!(y, A::LinearCombination{<:Any,ThreeArg}, x, α::Number, β::Number)
if iszero(α)
iszero(β) && (fill!(y, zero(eltype(y))); return y)
isone(β) && return y
# β != 0, 1
rmul!(y, β)
return y
else # α != 0, 1
if iszero(β)
A_mul_B!(y, A, x)
rmul!(y, α)
return y
elseif !isone(β)
rmul!(y, β)
end # β-cases
end # α-cases

for An in A.maps
mul!(y, An, x, α, true)
mul!(y, first(A.maps), x, α, β)
l = length(A.maps)
if l>1
z = similar(y)
@inbounds for n in 2:l
An = A.maps[n]
muladd!(mulstyle(An), y, An, x, α, z)
return y
return y

@inline muladd!(::Type{FiveArg}, y, A, x, α, _) = mul!(y, A, x, α, true)
@inline function muladd!(::Type{ThreeArg}, y, A, x, α, z)
A_mul_B!(z, A, x)
y .+= isone(α) ? z : z .* α

A_mul_B!(y::AbstractVector, A::LinearCombination, x::AbstractVector) = mul!(y, A, x)

At_mul_B!(y::AbstractVector, A::LinearCombination, x::AbstractVector) = A_mul_B!(y, transpose(A), x)
At_mul_B!(y::AbstractVector, A::LinearCombination, x::AbstractVector) = mul!(y, transpose(A), x)

Ac_mul_B!(y::AbstractVector, A::LinearCombination, x::AbstractVector) = A_mul_B!(y, adjoint(A), x)
Ac_mul_B!(y::AbstractVector, A::LinearCombination, x::AbstractVector) = mul!(y, adjoint(A), x)
2 changes: 2 additions & 0 deletions src/transpose.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -5,6 +5,8 @@ struct AdjointMap{T, A<:LinearMap{T}} <: LinearMap{T}

mulstyle(A::Union{TransposeMap,AdjointMap}) = mulstyle(A.lmap)

# transposition behavior of LinearMap objects
LinearAlgebra.transpose(A::TransposeMap) = A.lmap
LinearAlgebra.adjoint(A::AdjointMap) = A.lmap
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23 changes: 18 additions & 5 deletions src/uniformscalingmap.jl
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Expand Up @@ -11,6 +11,8 @@ UniformScalingMap(λ::Number, M::Int, N::Int) =
UniformScalingMap::T, sz::Dims{2}) where {T} =
(sz[1] == sz[2] ? UniformScalingMap(λ, sz[1]) : error("UniformScalingMap needs to be square"))

mulstyle(::UniformScalingMap) = FiveArg

# properties
Base.size(A::UniformScalingMap) = (A.M, A.M)
Base.isreal(A::UniformScalingMap) = isreal(A.λ)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -91,11 +93,22 @@ function _scaling!(y, J::UniformScalingMap, x, α::Number=true, β::Number=false
rmul!(y, β)
return y
else # α != 0, 1
iszero(β) && (y .= λ .* x .* α; return y)
isone(β) && (y .+= λ .* x .* α; return y)
# β != 0, 1
y .= y .* β .+ λ .* x .* α
return y
if iszero(β)
iszero(λ) && return fill!(y, zero(eltype(y)))
isone(λ) && return y .= x .* α
y .= λ .* x .* α
return y
elseif isone(β)
iszero(λ) && return y
isone(λ) && return y .+= x .* α
y .+= λ .* x .* α
return y
else # β != 0, 1
iszero(λ) && (rmul!(y, β); return y)
isone(λ) && (y .= y .* β .+ x .* α; return y)
y .= y .* β .+ λ .* x .* α
return y

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2 changes: 2 additions & 0 deletions src/wrappedmap.jl
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const MatrixMap{T} = WrappedMap{T,<:AbstractMatrix}

mulstyle(A::WrappedMap) = mulstyle(A.lmap)

LinearAlgebra.transpose(A::MatrixMap{T}) where {T} =
WrappedMap{T}(transpose(A.lmap); issymmetric=A._issymmetric, ishermitian=A._ishermitian, isposdef=A._isposdef)
LinearAlgebra.adjoint(A::MatrixMap{T}) where {T} =
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6 changes: 5 additions & 1 deletion test/blockmap.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -6,6 +6,7 @@ using Test, LinearMaps, LinearAlgebra
A11 = rand(elty, 10, 10)
A12 = rand(elty, 10, n2)
L = @inferred hcat(LinearMap(A11), LinearMap(A12))
@test @inferred(LinearMaps.mulstyle(L)) == matrixstyle
@test L isa LinearMaps.BlockMap{elty}
A = [A11 A12]
x = rand(10+n2)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -36,6 +37,7 @@ using Test, LinearMaps, LinearAlgebra
A21 = rand(elty, 20, 10)
L = @inferred vcat(LinearMap(A11), LinearMap(A21))
@test L isa LinearMaps.BlockMap{elty}
@test @inferred(LinearMaps.mulstyle(L)) == matrixstyle
A = [A11; A21]
x = rand(10)
@test size(L) == size(A)
Expand All @@ -62,6 +64,7 @@ using Test, LinearMaps, LinearAlgebra
A = [A11 A12; A21 A22]
@inferred hvcat((2,2), LinearMap(A11), LinearMap(A12), LinearMap(A21), LinearMap(A22))
L = [LinearMap(A11) LinearMap(A12); LinearMap(A21) LinearMap(A22)]
@test @inferred(LinearMaps.mulstyle(L)) == matrixstyle
@test @inferred !issymmetric(L)
@test @inferred !ishermitian(L)
x = rand(30)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -102,12 +105,13 @@ using Test, LinearMaps, LinearAlgebra
@test Matrix(adjoint(B)) == C'

@testset "adjoint/transpose" begin
for elty in (Float32, Float64, ComplexF64), transform in (transpose, adjoint)
A12 = rand(elty, 10, 10)
A = [I A12; transform(A12) I]
L = [I LinearMap(A12); transform(LinearMap(A12)) I]
@test @inferred(LinearMaps.mulstyle(L)) == matrixstyle
if elty <: Complex
if transform == transpose
@test @inferred issymmetric(L)
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8 changes: 7 additions & 1 deletion test/kronecker.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -9,6 +9,7 @@ using Test, LinearMaps, LinearAlgebra
LB = LinearMap(B)
LK = @inferred kron(LA, LB)
@test @inferred size(LK) == size(K)
@test LinearMaps.mulstyle(LK) == LinearMaps.ThreeArg
for i in (1, 2)
@test @inferred size(LK, i) == size(K, i)
Expand All @@ -31,6 +32,11 @@ using Test, LinearMaps, LinearAlgebra
@test @inferred kron(LA, LB)' == @inferred kron(LA', LB')
@test (@inferred kron(LA, B)) == (@inferred kron(LA, LB)) == (@inferred kron(A, LB))
@test @inferred ishermitian(kron(LA'LA, LB'LB))
A = rand(2, 5); B = rand(4, 2)
K = @inferred kron(A, LinearMap(B))
@test Matrix(K) kron(A, B)
K = @inferred kron(LinearMap(B), A)
@test Matrix(K) kron(B, A)
A = rand(3, 3); B = rand(2, 2); LA = LinearMap(A); LB = LinearMap(B)
@test @inferred issymmetric(kron(LA'LA, LB'LB))
@test @inferred ishermitian(kron(LA'LA, LB'LB))
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -59,7 +65,7 @@ using Test, LinearMaps, LinearAlgebra
@test Matrix(kronsum(transform(LA), transform(LB))) transform(KSmat)
@test Matrix(transform(LinearMap(kronsum(LA, LB)))) Matrix(transform(KS)) transform(KSmat)
@inferred kronsum(A, A, LB)
@test @inferred(kronsum(A, A, LB)) == @inferred((A, A, B))
@test Matrix(@inferred LA^⊕(3)) == Matrix(@inferred A^⊕(3)) Matrix(kronsum(LA, A, A))
@test @inferred(kronsum(LA, LA, LB)) == @inferred(kronsum(LA, kronsum(LA, LB))) == @inferred(kronsum(A, A, B))
@test Matrix(@inferred kronsum(A, B, A, B, A, B)) Matrix(@inferred kronsum(LA, LB, LA, LB, LA, LB))
Expand Down
22 changes: 17 additions & 5 deletions test/linearcombination.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ using Test, LinearMaps, LinearAlgebra, BenchmarkTools
CS! = LinearMap{ComplexF64}(cumsum!,
(y, x) -> (copyto!(y, x); reverse!(y); cumsum!(y, y)), 10;
v = rand(10)
v = rand(ComplexF64, 10)
u = similar(v)
b = @benchmarkable mul!($u, $CS!, $v)
@test run(b, samples=3).allocs == 0
Expand All @@ -13,12 +13,20 @@ using Test, LinearMaps, LinearAlgebra, BenchmarkTools
@test mul!(u, L, v) n * cumsum(v)
b = @benchmarkable mul!($u, $L, $v)
@test run(b, samples=5).allocs <= 1
for α in (false, true, rand(ComplexF64)), β in (false, true, rand(ComplexF64))
@test mul!(copy(u), L, v, α, β) Matrix(L)*v*α + u*β

A = 2 * rand(ComplexF64, (10, 10)) .- 1
B = rand(ComplexF64, size(A)...)
M = @inferred LinearMap(A)
N = @inferred LinearMap(B)
@test @inferred(LinearMaps.mulstyle(M)) == matrixstyle
@test @inferred(LinearMaps.mulstyle(N)) == matrixstyle
LC = @inferred M + N
@test @inferred(LinearMaps.mulstyle(LC)) == matrixstyle
@test @inferred(LinearMaps.mulstyle(LC + I)) == matrixstyle
@test @inferred(LinearMaps.mulstyle(LC + 2.0*I)) == matrixstyle
v = rand(ComplexF64, 10)
w = similar(v)
b = @benchmarkable mul!($w, $M, $v)
Expand All @@ -27,10 +35,14 @@ using Test, LinearMaps, LinearAlgebra, BenchmarkTools
b = @benchmarkable mul!($w, $LC, $v)
@test run(b, samples=3).allocs == 0
for α in (false, true, rand(ComplexF64)), β in (false, true, rand(ComplexF64))
b = @benchmarkable mul!($w, $LC, $v, $α, $β)
@test run(b, samples=3).allocs == 0
b = @benchmarkable mul!($w, $(LC + I), $v, $α, $β)
@test run(b, samples=3).allocs == 0
if testallocs
b = @benchmarkable mul!($w, $LC, $v, $α, $β)
@test run(b, samples=3).allocs == 0
b = @benchmarkable mul!($w, $(I + LC), $v, $α, $β)
@test run(b, samples=3).allocs == 0
b = @benchmarkable mul!($w, $(LC + I), $v, $α, $β)
@test run(b, samples=3).allocs == 0
y = rand(ComplexF64, size(v))
@test mul!(copy(y), LC, v, α, β) Matrix(LC)*v*α + y*β
@test mul!(copy(y), LC+I, v, α, β) Matrix(LC + I)*v*α + y*β
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5 changes: 5 additions & 0 deletions test/runtests.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,4 +1,9 @@
using Test, LinearMaps
import LinearMaps: FiveArg, ThreeArg

const matrixstyle = VERSION v"1.3.0-alpha.115" ? FiveArg : ThreeArg

const testallocs = false


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