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Merge 70442bc into a0f5016
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dkarrasch committed Jan 8, 2020
2 parents a0f5016 + 70442bc commit a31cd71
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Showing 6 changed files with 432 additions and 135 deletions.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion Project.toml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
name = "LinearMaps"
uuid = "7a12625a-238d-50fd-b39a-03d52299707e"
version = "2.5.2"
version = "2.6"

LinearAlgebra = "37e2e46d-f89d-539d-b4ee-838fcccc9c8e"
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227 changes: 185 additions & 42 deletions

Large diffs are not rendered by default.

31 changes: 18 additions & 13 deletions src/LinearMaps.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -48,15 +48,17 @@ Base.length(A::LinearMap) = size(A)[1] * size(A)[2]

# check dimension consistency for y = A*x and Y = A*X
function check_dim_mul(y::AbstractVector, A::LinearMap, x::AbstractVector)
m, n = size(A)
(m == length(y) && n == length(x)) || throw(DimensionMismatch("mul!"))
return nothing
function check_dim_mul(Y::AbstractMatrix, A::LinearMap, X::AbstractMatrix)
m, n = size(A)
(m == size(Y, 1) && n == size(X, 1) && size(Y, 2) == size(X, 2)) || throw(DimensionMismatch("mul!"))
return nothing
# @info "checked vector dimensions" # uncomment for testing
m, n = size(A)
(m == length(y) && n == length(x)) || throw(DimensionMismatch("mul!"))
return nothing
function check_dim_mul(Y::AbstractMatrix, A::LinearMap, X::AbstractMatrix)
# @info "checked matrix dimensions" # uncomment for testing
m, n = size(A)
(m == size(Y, 1) && n == size(X, 1) && size(Y, 2) == size(X, 2)) || throw(DimensionMismatch("mul!"))
return nothing

# conversion of AbstractMatrix to LinearMap
convert_to_lmaps_(A::AbstractMatrix) = LinearMap(A)
Expand All @@ -66,9 +68,12 @@ convert_to_lmaps(A) = (convert_to_lmaps_(A),)
@inline convert_to_lmaps(A, B, Cs...) =
(convert_to_lmaps_(A), convert_to_lmaps_(B), convert_to_lmaps(Cs...)...)

Base.:(*)(A::LinearMap, x::AbstractVector) = mul!(similar(x, promote_type(eltype(A), eltype(x)), size(A, 1)), A, x)
function Base.:(*)(A::LinearMap, x::AbstractVector)
size(A, 2) == length(x) || throw(DimensionMismatch("mul!"))
return @inbounds mul!(similar(x, promote_type(eltype(A), eltype(x)), size(A, 1)), A, x)
function LinearAlgebra.mul!(y::AbstractVector, A::LinearMap, x::AbstractVector, α::Number=true, β::Number=false)
length(y) == size(A, 1) || throw(DimensionMismatch("mul!"))
@boundscheck check_dim_mul(y, A, x)
if isone(α)
iszero(β) && (A_mul_B!(y, A, x); return y)
isone(β) && (y .+= A * x; return y)
Expand All @@ -92,8 +97,8 @@ function LinearAlgebra.mul!(y::AbstractVector, A::LinearMap, x::AbstractVector,
# the following is of interest in, e.g., subspace-iteration methods
function LinearAlgebra.mul!(Y::AbstractMatrix, A::LinearMap, X::AbstractMatrix, α::Number=true, β::Number=false)
(size(Y, 1) == size(A, 1) && size(X, 1) == size(A, 2) && size(Y, 2) == size(X, 2)) || throw(DimensionMismatch("mul!"))
Base.@propagate_inbounds function LinearAlgebra.mul!(Y::AbstractMatrix, A::LinearMap, X::AbstractMatrix, α::Number=true, β::Number=false)
@boundscheck check_dim_mul(Y, A, X)
@inbounds @views for i = 1:size(X, 2)
mul!(Y[:, i], A, X[:, i], α, β)
Expand Down
217 changes: 156 additions & 61 deletions src/blockmap.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,14 +1,14 @@
struct BlockMap{T,As<:Tuple{Vararg{LinearMap}},Rs<:Tuple{Vararg{Int}}} <: LinearMap{T}
struct BlockMap{T,As<:Tuple{Vararg{LinearMap}},Rs<:Tuple{Vararg{Int}},Rranges<:Tuple{Vararg{UnitRange{Int}}},Cranges<:Tuple{Vararg{UnitRange{Int}}}} <: LinearMap{T}
function BlockMap{T,R,S}(maps::R, rows::S) where {T, R<:Tuple{Vararg{LinearMap}}, S<:Tuple{Vararg{Int}}}
for A in maps
promote_type(T, eltype(A)) == T || throw(InexactError())
rowranges, colranges = rowcolranges(maps, rows)
return new{T,R,S}(maps, rows, rowranges, colranges)
return new{T,R,S,typeof(rowranges),typeof(colranges)}(maps, rows, rowranges, colranges)

Expand All @@ -28,28 +28,28 @@ Determines the range of rows for each block row and the range of columns for eac
map in `maps`, according to its position in a virtual matrix representation of the
block linear map obtained from `hvcat(rows, maps...)`.
function rowcolranges(maps, rows)::Tuple{Vector{UnitRange{Int}},Vector{UnitRange{Int}}}
rowranges = Vector{UnitRange{Int}}(undef, length(rows))
colranges = Vector{UnitRange{Int}}(undef, length(maps))
function rowcolranges(maps, rows)
rowranges = ()
colranges = ()
mapind = 0
rowstart = 1
for rowind in 1:length(rows)
xinds = vcat(1, map(a -> size(a, 2), maps[mapind+1:mapind+rows[rowind]])...)
for row in rows
xinds = vcat(1, map(a -> size(a, 2), maps[mapind+1:mapind+row])...)
cumsum!(xinds, xinds)
mapind += 1
rowend = rowstart + size(maps[mapind], 1) - 1
rowranges[rowind] = rowstart:rowend
colranges[mapind] = xinds[1]:xinds[2]-1
for colind in 2:rows[rowind]
rowranges = (rowranges..., rowstart:rowend)
colranges = (colranges..., xinds[1]:xinds[2]-1)
for colind in 2:row
mapind +=1
colranges[mapind] = xinds[colind]:xinds[colind+1]-1
colranges = (colranges..., xinds[colind]:xinds[colind+1]-1)
rowstart = rowend + 1
return rowranges, colranges
return rowranges::NTuple{length(rows), UnitRange{Int}}, colranges::NTuple{length(maps), UnitRange{Int}}

Base.size(A::BlockMap) = (last(A.rowranges[end]), last(A.colranges[end]))
Base.size(A::BlockMap) = (last(last(A.rowranges)), last(last(A.colranges)))

# concatenation
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -299,75 +299,82 @@ LinearAlgebra.transpose(A::BlockMap) = TransposeMap(A)
LinearAlgebra.adjoint(A::BlockMap) = AdjointMap(A)

# multiplication with vectors
# multiplication helper functions

function A_mul_B!(y::AbstractVector, A::BlockMap, x::AbstractVector)
require_one_based_indexing(y, x)
m, n = size(A)
@boundscheck (m == length(y) && n == length(x)) || throw(DimensionMismatch("A_mul_B!"))
@inline function _blockmul!(y, A::BlockMap, x, α, β)
maps, rows, yinds, xinds = A.maps, A.rows, A.rowranges, A.colranges
mapind = 0
@views @inbounds for rowind in 1:length(rows)
yrow = y[yinds[rowind]]
@views @inbounds for (row, yi) in zip(rows, yinds)
yrow = selectdim(y, 1, yi)
mapind += 1
A_mul_B!(yrow, maps[mapind], x[xinds[mapind]])
for colind in 2:rows[rowind]
mul!(yrow, maps[mapind], selectdim(x, 1, xinds[mapind]), α, β)
for _ in 2:row
mapind +=1
mul!(yrow, maps[mapind], x[xinds[mapind]], true, true)
mul!(yrow, maps[mapind], selectdim(x, 1, xinds[mapind]), α, true)
return y

function At_mul_B!(y::AbstractVector, A::BlockMap, x::AbstractVector)
require_one_based_indexing(y, x)
m, n = size(A)
@boundscheck (n == length(y) && m == length(x)) || throw(DimensionMismatch("At_mul_B!"))
@inline function _transblockmul!(y, A::BlockMap, x, α, β, transform)
maps, rows, xinds, yinds = A.maps, A.rows, A.rowranges, A.colranges
mapind = 0
# first block row (rowind = 1) of A, meaning first block column of A', fill all of y
@views @inbounds begin
xcol = x[xinds[1]]
for colind in 1:rows[1]
mapind +=1
A_mul_B!(y[yinds[mapind]], transpose(maps[mapind]), xcol)
# first block row (rowind = 1) of A, meaning first block column of A', fill all of y
xcol = selectdim(x, 1, first(xinds))
for rowind in 1:first(rows)
mul!(selectdim(y, 1, yinds[rowind]), transform(maps[rowind]), xcol, α, β)
# subsequent block rows of A, add results to corresponding parts of y
for rowind in 2:length(rows)
xcol = x[xinds[rowind]]
for colind in 1:rows[rowind]
mapind = first(rows)
# subsequent block rows of A (block columns of A'),
# add results to corresponding parts of y
# TODO: think about multithreading
for (row, xi) in zip(Base.tail(rows), Base.tail(xinds))
xcol = selectdim(x, 1, xi)
for _ in 1:row
mapind +=1
mul!(y[yinds[mapind]], transpose(maps[mapind]), xcol, true, true)
mul!(selectdim(y, 1, yinds[mapind]), transform(maps[mapind]), xcol, α, true)
return y

function Ac_mul_B!(y::AbstractVector, A::BlockMap, x::AbstractVector)
require_one_based_indexing(y, x)
m, n = size(A)
@boundscheck (n == length(y) && m == length(x)) || throw(DimensionMismatch("At_mul_B!"))
maps, rows, xinds, yinds = A.maps, A.rows, A.rowranges, A.colranges
mapind = 0
# first block row (rowind = 1) of A, fill all of y
@views @inbounds begin
xcol = x[xinds[1]]
for colind in 1:rows[1]
mapind +=1
A_mul_B!(y[yinds[mapind]], adjoint(maps[mapind]), xcol)
# subsequent block rows of A, add results to corresponding parts of y
for rowind in 2:length(rows)
xcol = x[xinds[rowind]]
for colind in 1:rows[rowind]
mapind +=1
mul!(y[yinds[mapind]], adjoint(maps[mapind]), xcol, true, true)
# multiplication with vectors & matrices

Base.@propagate_inbounds A_mul_B!(y::AbstractVector, A::BlockMap, x::AbstractVector) =
mul!(y, A, x)

Base.@propagate_inbounds A_mul_B!(y::AbstractVector, A::TransposeMap{<:Any,<:BlockMap}, x::AbstractVector) =
mul!(y, A, x)

Base.@propagate_inbounds At_mul_B!(y::AbstractVector, A::BlockMap, x::AbstractVector) =
mul!(y, transpose(A), x)

Base.@propagate_inbounds A_mul_B!(y::AbstractVector, A::AdjointMap{<:Any,<:BlockMap}, x::AbstractVector) =
mul!(y, A, x)

Base.@propagate_inbounds Ac_mul_B!(y::AbstractVector, A::BlockMap, x::AbstractVector) =
mul!(y, adjoint(A), x)

for Atype in (AbstractVector, AbstractMatrix)
@eval Base.@propagate_inbounds function LinearAlgebra.mul!(y::$Atype, A::BlockMap, x::$Atype,
α::Number=true, β::Number=false)
require_one_based_indexing(y, x)
@boundscheck check_dim_mul(y, A, x)
return _blockmul!(y, A, x, α, β)

for (maptype, transform) in ((:(TransposeMap{<:Any,<:BlockMap}), :transpose), (:(AdjointMap{<:Any,<:BlockMap}), :adjoint))
@eval Base.@propagate_inbounds function LinearAlgebra.mul!(y::$Atype, wrapA::$maptype, x::$Atype,
α::Number=true, β::Number=false)
require_one_based_indexing(y, x)
@boundscheck check_dim_mul(y, wrapA, x)
return _transblockmul!(y, wrapA.lmap, x, α, β, $transform)
return y

Expand All @@ -388,3 +395,91 @@ end
# show(io, T)
# print(io, '}')
# end

# BlockDiagonalMap

struct BlockDiagonalMap{T,As<:Tuple{Vararg{LinearMap}},Ranges<:Tuple{Vararg{UnitRange{Int}}}} <: LinearMap{T}
function BlockDiagonalMap{T,As}(maps::As) where {T, As<:Tuple{Vararg{LinearMap}}}
for A in maps
promote_type(T, eltype(A)) == T || throw(InexactError())
# row ranges
inds = vcat(1, size.(maps, 1)...)
cumsum!(inds, inds)
rowranges = ntuple(i -> inds[i]:inds[i+1]-1, Val(length(maps)))
# column ranges
inds[2:end] .= size.(maps, 2)
cumsum!(inds, inds)
colranges = ntuple(i -> inds[i]:inds[i+1]-1, Val(length(maps)))
return new{T,As,typeof(rowranges)}(maps, rowranges, colranges)

BlockDiagonalMap{T}(maps::As) where {T,As<:Tuple{Vararg{LinearMap}}} =
BlockDiagonalMap(maps::LinearMap...) =
BlockDiagonalMap{promote_type(map(eltype, maps)...)}(maps)

for k in 1:8 # is 8 sufficient?
Is = ntuple(n->:($(Symbol(:A,n))::AbstractMatrix), Val(k-1))
# yields (:A1, :A2, :A3, ..., :A(k-1))
L = :($(Symbol(:A,k))::LinearMap)
# yields :Ak
mapargs = ntuple(n -> :(LinearMap($(Symbol(:A,n)))), Val(k-1))
# yields (:LinearMap(A1), :LinearMap(A2), ..., :LinearMap(A(k-1)))

@eval begin
SparseArrays.blockdiag($(Is...), $L, As::Union{LinearMap,AbstractMatrix}...) =
BlockDiagonalMap($(mapargs...), $(Symbol(:A,k)), convert_to_lmaps(As...)...)
function$(Is...), $L, As::Union{LinearMap,AbstractMatrix}...; dims::Dims{2})
if dims == (1,2)
return BlockDiagonalMap($(mapargs...), $(Symbol(:A,k)), convert_to_lmaps(As...)...)
throw(ArgumentError("dims keyword in cat of LinearMaps must be (1,2)"))

Base.size(A::BlockDiagonalMap) = (last(A.rowranges[end]), last(A.colranges[end]))

LinearAlgebra.issymmetric(A::BlockDiagonalMap) = all(issymmetric, A.maps)
LinearAlgebra.ishermitian(A::BlockDiagonalMap{<:Real}) = all(issymmetric, A.maps)
LinearAlgebra.ishermitian(A::BlockDiagonalMap) = all(ishermitian, A.maps)

LinearAlgebra.adjoint(A::BlockDiagonalMap{T}) where {T} = BlockDiagonalMap{T}(map(adjoint, A.maps))
LinearAlgebra.transpose(A::BlockDiagonalMap{T}) where {T} = BlockDiagonalMap{T}(map(transpose, A.maps))

Base.:(==)(A::BlockDiagonalMap, B::BlockDiagonalMap) = (eltype(A) == eltype(B) && A.maps == B.maps)

Base.@propagate_inbounds A_mul_B!(y::AbstractVector, A::BlockDiagonalMap, x::AbstractVector) =
mul!(y, A, x, true, false)

Base.@propagate_inbounds At_mul_B!(y::AbstractVector, A::BlockDiagonalMap, x::AbstractVector) =
mul!(y, transpose(A), x, true, false)

Base.@propagate_inbounds Ac_mul_B!(y::AbstractVector, A::BlockDiagonalMap, x::AbstractVector) =
mul!(y, adjoint(A), x, true, false)

for Atype in (AbstractVector, AbstractMatrix)
@eval Base.@propagate_inbounds function LinearAlgebra.mul!(y::$Atype, A::BlockDiagonalMap, x::$Atype,
α::Number=true, β::Number=false)
require_one_based_indexing(y, x)
@boundscheck check_dim_mul(y, A, x)
return _blockscaling!(y, A, x, α, β)

@inline function _blockscaling!(y, A::BlockDiagonalMap, x, α, β)
maps, yinds, xinds = A.maps, A.rowranges, A.colranges
# TODO: think about multi-threading here
@views @inbounds for i in eachindex(yinds, maps, xinds)
mul!(selectdim(y, 1, yinds[i]), maps[i], selectdim(x, 1, xinds[i]), α, β)
return y
34 changes: 18 additions & 16 deletions src/wrappedmap.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -30,28 +30,13 @@ Base.:(==)(A::MatrixMap, B::MatrixMap) =
(eltype(A)==eltype(B) && A.lmap==B.lmap && A._issymmetric==B._issymmetric &&
A._ishermitian==B._ishermitian && A._isposdef==B._isposdef)

if VERSION v"1.3.0-alpha.115"

LinearAlgebra.mul!(y::AbstractVector, A::WrappedMap, x::AbstractVector, α::Number=true, β::Number=false) =
mul!(y, A.lmap, x, α, β)

LinearAlgebra.mul!(Y::AbstractMatrix, A::MatrixMap, X::AbstractMatrix, α::Number=true, β::Number=false) =
mul!(Y, A.lmap, X, α, β)


LinearAlgebra.mul!(Y::AbstractMatrix, A::MatrixMap, X::AbstractMatrix) =
mul!(Y, A.lmap, X)


# properties
Base.size(A::WrappedMap) = size(A.lmap)
LinearAlgebra.issymmetric(A::WrappedMap) = A._issymmetric
LinearAlgebra.ishermitian(A::WrappedMap) = A._ishermitian
LinearAlgebra.isposdef(A::WrappedMap) = A._isposdef

# multiplication with vector
# multiplication with vectors & matrices
A_mul_B!(y::AbstractVector, A::WrappedMap, x::AbstractVector) = A_mul_B!(y, A.lmap, x)
Base.:(*)(A::WrappedMap, x::AbstractVector) = *(A.lmap, x)

Expand All @@ -61,6 +46,23 @@ At_mul_B!(y::AbstractVector, A::WrappedMap, x::AbstractVector) =
Ac_mul_B!(y::AbstractVector, A::WrappedMap, x::AbstractVector) =
ishermitian(A) ? A_mul_B!(y, A.lmap, x) : Ac_mul_B!(y, A.lmap, x)

if VERSION v"1.3.0-alpha.115"
for Atype in (AbstractVector, AbstractMatrix)
@eval Base.@propagate_inbounds LinearAlgebra.mul!(y::$Atype, A::WrappedMap, x::$Atype,
α::Number=true, β::Number=false) =
mul!(y, A.lmap, x, α, β)
# This is somewhat suboptimal, because the absence of 5-arg mul! for MatrixMaps
# doesn't allow to define a 5-arg mul! for WrappedMaps which do have a 5-arg mul!
# I'd assume, however, that 5-arg mul! becomes standard in Julia v≥1.3 anyway
# the idea is to let the fallback handle 5-arg calls
for Atype in (AbstractVector, AbstractMatrix)
@eval Base.@propagate_inbounds LinearAlgebra.mul!(Y::$Atype, A::WrappedMap, X::$Atype) =
mul!(Y, A.lmap, X)

# combine LinearMap and Matrix objects: linear combinations and map composition
Base.:(+)(A₁::LinearMap, A₂::AbstractMatrix) = +(A₁, WrappedMap(A₂))
Base.:(+)(A₁::AbstractMatrix, A₂::LinearMap) = +(WrappedMap(A₁), A₂)
Expand Down

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