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File metadata and controls

127 lines (98 loc) · 4.83 KB

Contribute / Develop / Debug

Any contribution are welcome.

You can develop in any way you want but the PR (pull request) must pass the tests before review/merge.

Branch to PR

  • padawan: Please do not PR to master branch.

Tests required to pass

  • Diagnosis: composer diagnose
  • Syntax check: php-cs (Compliant to PSR-2 and PSR-12)
  • Unit test: phpunit
  • Mess detection: php-md
  • Static analysis: PHPStan, Psalm, Phan
  • Code coverage: COVERALLS
    • Only if access token of COVERALLS is set in ./tests/conf/COVERALLS.env.

Directory structure

View the directory structure

  • Files/directories with * below are the ones that you don't usually touch unless it's necessary.
├── src/
│   ├── Parser.php ................... The main class.
│   ├── ParserProtectedMethods.php ... Place the protected methods here. Parent
│   │                                  class of "Parser".
│   ├── ParserStaticMethods.php ...... Place the static methods here. Parent class
│   │                                  of "ParserProtectedMethods".
│   └── interfaces/
│        ├── ParserConstants.php ..... Define here the class constants here.
│        └── ParserInterface.php ..... Define the public methods of "Parser" class
│                                      here.
├── tests/ ........................... Place the PHPUnit tests here.
│   ├── ParserTest.php
│   ├── ...
│   │
│   ├── * conf ....................... Configuration files of the tests.
│   └── * ............... Test runner script.
├── samples/ ......................... Sample usage of the class.
│   └── Main.php
├── bench/
│   └── HashBench.php ...... Sample of benchmark. Create one if you want to compare
│                            methods or functions' speed, if you wander which
│                            implementation is better. Don't forget that readable is
│                            better than faster in this repo.
├── * .dockerignore ........ Dir/files to ignore including to the containers.
├── * .gitattributes ....... Dir/files to ignore including to the composer packages.
├── * .gitignore ........... Dir/files to ignore commit.
├── * .phpcs.xml ........... Config file of PHP-CS.
├── * .scrutinizer.yml ..... Config file of Scrutinizer for code quality check.
├── * .travis.yml .......... Config file of Travis-CI for testing on other PHP versions.
├── * ........ This file.
├── * Dockerfile ........... Sample Docker container to run the script in./samples/ on
│                            PHP8-alpha.
├── * composer.json ........ Composer config file.
├── * composer.lock ........ Do not commit this file.
├── * docker-compose.yml ... Used for Docker and docker-compose user.
├── * LICENSE .............. MIT license.
├── * ............ The main README.
├── * .devcontainer/ ....... Contains Docker container files for VS Code users.
├── * .testcontainer/ ...... Contains Docker container files for non VS Code users.
├── * .init/ ............... Contains files for initialization of this package.
├── * bin/ ................. Phar archived file will be placed here. Mostly not used.
├── * report/ .............. Coverage reports from PHPUnit will be placed here.
└── * vendor/ .............. Composer vendor directory. It will be created by
                             composer. Don't commit this dir as well.


This repo provides several ways to run the tests before PR.

Develop on local (The ordinary way)

  • Installed in local
    • PHP ^7.1, composer
// Install dependencies for development
composer install
// Run tests
composer test local all
  • Note: For Windows10 users it is recommended to develop via WSL2

Recommended development

  • Installed in local
    • VS Code, remote-containers (VS Code Extension) and Docker

If you have the above installed then you don't need PHP, composer, etc. in your local environment.

Just press F1 in your VS Code and search for "Remote-Containers: Reopen in Container" and select it (This will take time for the first launch). Then VS Code will connect to the VS Code server in the container with all the stuff you need.

Open a new terminal in VS Code then run the below command to run the tests.

composer test all verbose

Develop via Docker + docker-compose (No PHP in local env)

  • Installed in local
    • Docker and docker-compose (no PHP)

In your terminal run:

docker-compose run --rm --entrypoint='/bin/sh' --workdir='/app' -v $(pwd):/app dev

Then run the tests inside the container.

composer test all verbose