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Documentation using Sphinx and

Without documentation, however wonderful your software, other potential adopters and developers simply won't be very interested in it.

The good news is that there are several tools that will make presenting and publishing it very easy, leaving you only to write the content and mark it up appropriately.

For documentation, we'll use Sphinx to generate it, and Read the Docs to publish it. GitHub will be a helpful middleman.

If you have a package for which you'd like to create documentation, you might as well start producing that right away. If not, you can do it in a new dummy project.

Set up your working environment

The virtualenv

As usual, create and activate a new virtualenv:

virtualenv documentation-tutorial
cd documentation-tutorial/
source bin/activate

The package or project

If you have an existing package to write documentation for

If your package is on GitHub already and you want to start writing documention for, clone it now using Git. And of course, start a new branch:

git checkout -b first-docs

You can merge your docs into your master branch when they start to look respectable.

If you don't have an existing package that needs docs

If you don't have a suitable existing package on GitHub, create a repository on GitHub the way you did before. Call it my-first-docs. Then create a Git repository locally:

mkdir my-first-docs
cd my-first-docs/
# Converts the directory into a git repository
git init
# Point this repo at the GitHub repo you just created
git remote add origin<your git username>/my-first-docs.git
# Create a new branch in which to do your work
git checkout -b first-docs

Create a docs directory

And either way, create a docs directory for your docs to live in:

mkdir docs


Install Sphinx

pip install sphinx

It might take a minute or so, it has quite a few things to download and install.


sphinx-quickstart will set up the source directory for your documentation. It'll ask you a number of questions. Mostly you can just accept the defaults it offers, and some are just obvious, but there are some you will want to set yourself as noted below:

Root path for the documentation
Project name
<your name>'s first docs, or the name of your application
Source file suffix
.rst is the default. (Django's own documentation uses .txt. It doesn't matter too much.)

You'll find a number of files in your docs directory now, including index.rst. Open that up.

Using Sphinx & reStructuredText

reStructuredText elements

Sphinx uses reStructuredText. will tell you most of what you need to know to get started. Focus on the basics:

  • paragraphs
  • lists
  • headings ('sections', as Sphinx calls them)
  • quoted blocks
  • code blocks
  • emphasis, strong emphasis and literals

Edit a page

Create an Introduction section in the index.rst page, with a little text in it; save it.

Create a new page

You have no other pages yet. In the same directory as index.rst, create one called all-about-me.rst or something appropriate. Perhaps it might look like:

All about me

I'm Daniele Procida, a Django user and developer.

I've contributed to:

*   django CMS
*   Arkestra
*   Django

Sphinx needs to know about it, so in index.rst, edit the .. toctree:: section to add the all-about-me page:

.. toctree::
   :maxdepth: 2


Save both pages.

Render your documentation

In the docs directory:

make html

This tells Sphinx to render your source pages. Pay attention to its warnings - they're helpful!


Sphinx can be fussy, and sometimes about things you weren't expecting. For example, you well encounter something like:

WARNING: toctree contains reference to nonexisting document u'all-about-me'
checking consistency...
<your repository>/my-first-docs/docs/all-about-me.rst::
WARNING: document isn't included in any toctree

Quite likely, what has happened here is that you indented all-about-me in your .. toctree:: with four spaces, when Sphinx is expecting three.

If you accepted the sphinx-quickstart defaults, you'll find the rendered pages in docs/_build/html. Open the index.html it has created in your browser. You should find in it a link to your new all-about-me page too.

Publishing your documentation

Exclude unwanted rendered directories

Remember .gitignore? It's really useful here, because you don't want to commit your rendered files, just the source files.

In my .gitignore, I make sure that directories I don't want committed are listed. Check that:


are listed in .gitignore.

Add, commit and push

git add the files you want to commit; commit them, and push to GitHub.

If this is your first ever push to GitHub for this project, use:

git push origin master


git push origin first-docs # or whatever you called this branch

Now have a look at the .rst documentation files on GitHub. GitHub does a good enough job of rendering the files for you to read them at a glance, though it doesn't always get it right (and sometimes seems to truncate them).

However, we want to get them onto Read the Docs. So go to, and sign up for an account if you don't have one.

You need to Import a project:

Give it the details of your GitHub project in the repo field -<your git username>/my-first-docs.git, or whatever it is - and hit Create.

And now Read the Docs will actually watch your GitHub project, and build, render and host your documents for you automatically.

It will update every night, but you can do better still: on GitHub:

  1. select settings for your project (not for your account) in the navigation panel on the right-hand side
  2. choose Webhooks & Services
  3. enable ReadTheDocs under Add Service dropdown

... and now, every time you push documents to GitHub, Read the Docs will be informed that you have new documents to be published. It's not magic, but it's pretty close.