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This repo contains a Pytorch implementation of ConvLSTM (Shi et al. 2015).

Acknowledgement: This file is modified upon the implementation of ndrplz. Because that implementation was slightly different from the one in the paper, we modified it to make the implementation in full accordance with the paper.

[Shi et al. 2015] Shi, X. et al. Convolutional LSTM Network: A Machine Learning Approach for Precipitation Nowcasting. In NIPS, 2015.

How to install

This repo is implemented and designed according to Pytorch, and thus, it can be used just as an original Pytorch module.

You will simply need to:

  • install Pytorch (My version is 1.6.0)
  • put the under your project folder
  • call import convlstm or something like from convlstm import ConvLSTM

How to initialize

The ConvLSTM class should be initialized as follows:

clstm = ConvLSTM(input_dim, hidden_dim, kernel_size, num_layers, batch_first = False, bias = True, return_all_layers = False):


  • input_dim: the number of channels in the input
  • hidden_dim: the number of channels in the hidden features
  • kernel_size: size of kernel in convolutions. We recommend square kernels with sizes being odd numbers
  • num_layers: the number of ConvLSTM layers stacked upon each other
  • batch_first: whether or not the input is in batch first mode. Detailed later.
  • bias: whether to use bias for convolution
  • return_all_layers: whether to return computations from all layers or not. Detailed later.

How to call

You simply need to invoke out = clstm(X) where X is some tensor with valid shape.


  • X: a tensor of shape [B, T, C, H, W] if batch_first = True. Otherwise, [T, B, C, H, W].
    • B: batch_size
    • T: length of the sequence
    • C: channels
    • H, W: height and width

Return values

The return values will be a tuple of two elements out = [h, c], where:

  • h: a list of length num_layers if return_all_layers = True. In this case, each h[i] will denote the output at layer i, and will have shape [B, T, hidden, H, W], where hidden is the hidden_dim. Otherwise, h will be a list of length 1, and h[0] will be the output of the final layer with shape [B, T, hidden, H, W].
  • c: a list of length num_layers if return_all_layers = True. In this case, each c[i] will be a list of length 2. c[i][0], c[i][1] will have shape [B, hidden, H, W], and will denote the final states of layer i after the last element in the input sequence has been computed. Otherwise, c will be a list of length 1, and c[0][0], c[0][1] will be the final states of the last layer.