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Development Standards

Front End Development



Consider this the canonical resource for contributing Javascript and CSS. We are currently in the process of modernizing our front end development procedures. You will see a lot of different styles around the code base for front end JavaScript and CSS.

Our modern front end development stack includes the following tools:

We use the following libraries:

Previously, JavaScript development has been done in monolithic files or inside templates. jQuery was added as a global object via an include in the base template to an external source. There are no standards currently to JavaScript libraries, this aims to solve that.

The requirements for modernizing our front end code are:

  • Code should be modular and testable. One-off chunks of JavaScript in templates or in large monolithic files are not easily testable. We currently have no JavaScript tests.
  • Reduce code duplication.
  • Easy JavaScript dependency management.

Modularizing code with Browserify is a good first step. In this development workflow, major dependencies commonly used across JavaScript includes are installed with Bower for testing, and vendorized as standalone libraries via Gulp and Browserify. This way, we can easily test our JavaScript libraries against jQuery/etc, and have the flexibility of modularizing our code. See JavaScript Bundles for more information on what and how we are bundling.

To ease deployment and contributions, bundled JavaScript is checked into the repository for now. This ensures new contributors don't need an additional front end stack just for making changes to our Python code base. In the future, this may change, so that assets are compiled before deployment, however as our front end assets are in a state of flux, it's easier to keep absolute sources checked in.

Getting Started

You will need a working version of Node and NPM to get started. We won't cover that here, as it varies from platform to platform.

To install these tools and dependencies:

npm install

This will install locally to the project, not globally. You can install globally if you wish, otherwise make sure node_modules/.bin is in your PATH.

Next, install front end dependencies:

bower install

The sources for our bundles are found in the per-application path static-src, which has the same directory structure as static. Files in static-src are compiled to static for static file collection in Django. Don't edit files in static directly, unless you are sure there isn't a source file that will compile over your changes.

To test changes while developing, which will watch source files for changes and compile as necessary, you can run Gulp with our development target:

gulp dev

Once you are satisfied with your changes, finalize the bundles (this will minify library sources):

gulp build

If you updated any of our vendor libraries, compile those:

gulp vendor

Make sure to check in both files under static and static-src.

Making Changes

If you are creating a new library, or a new library entry point, make sure to define the application source file in gulpfile.js, this is not handled automatically right now.

If you are bringing in a new vendor library, make sure to define the bundles you are going to create in gulpfile.js as well.

Tests should be included per-application, in a path called tests, under the static-src/js path you are working in. Currently, we still need a test runner that accumulates these files.


If merging several branches with JavaScript changes, it's important to do a final post-merge bundle. Follow the steps above to rebundle the libraries, and check in any changed libraries.

JavaScript Bundles

There are several components to our bundling scheme:

Vendor library

We repackage these using Browserify, Bower, and Debowerify to make these libraries available by a require statement. Vendor libraries are packaged separately from our JavaScript libraries, because we use the vendor libraries in multiple locations. Libraries bundled this way with Browserify are available to our libraries via require and will back down to finding the object on the global window scope.

Vendor libraries should only include libraries we are commonly reusing. This currently includes jQuery and Knockout. These modules will be excluded from libraries by special includes in our gulpfile.js.

Minor third party libraries
These libraries are maybe used in one or two locations. They are installed via Bower and included in the output library file. Because we aren't reusing them commonly, they don't require a separate bundle or separate include. Examples here would include jQuery plugins used on one off forms, such as jQuery Payments.
Our libraries

These libraries are bundled up excluding vendor libraries ignored by rules in our gulpfile.js. These files should be organized by function and can be split up into multiple files per application.

Entry points to libraries must be defined in gulpfile.js for now. We don't have a defined directory structure that would make it easy to imply the entry point to an application library.