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Main Objective is to recommend similar products in e-commerce using product content (ASIN, title, brand, color, images, type of the product, price, etc).

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Amazon Product Recommendation System (Content Based) :

Problem Definition and Data Requirements :

  • Main Objective is to recommend similar products in e-commerce using product content (ASIN, title, brand, color, images, type of the product, price, etc).

  • Brought down number of data points from 183k to 16k by Data Cleaning.

  • For text based content we used NLP techniques and for images we used Deep Learning techniques and for measuring goodness of our solution A/B testing will be a good option.

  • Required Data available at :

  • we have give a json file which consists of all information about the products :

  • Number of data points : 183138 Number of features/variables: 19


Data Cleaning :

  • 64956 of 183138 products have brand information. That's approx 35.4%.
  • Only 28,395 (15.5% of whole data) products with price information
  • Number of data points After eliminating price=NULL : 28395
  • Number of data points After eliminating color=NULL : 28385
  • We brought down the number of data points from 183K to 28K.
  • For those of who have powerful computers and some time to spare, you are recommended to use all of the 183K images.
  • Some examples of dupliacte titles that differ only in the last few words
  • we have 2325 products which have same title but different color, user doesn't want to be recommended of same product of different sizes or different colors.
  • Number of data points after dedupe: 16042

Data Preprocessing :

  • nltk is used alot for text pre-processing
  • stopwrds removal is not good for all types of algorithm.
  • we use the list of stop words that are downloaded from nltk lib.
  • we take each title and we text-preprocess it.
  • Stemming : Convert each of the word in root form, We tried using stemming on our titles and it didnot work very well.

Modelling :

  • Bag of Words :- bag_of_words_model(doc_id, num_results), call the bag-of-words model for a product to get similar products.

  • TF-IDF: featurizing text based on word-importance, def tfidf_model(doc_id, num_results):

  • IDF: based product similarity, If title is not very big, def idf_model(doc_id, num_results):

  • Till now we tried three techniques :- TF-idf > idf > BOW (in terms of better output)

  • Output look like this :



  • Word2Vec : (featurizing text based on semantic similarity) :
  • word2vec requires very large data corpus to work well
  • we take small sample :- those word which are in our titles
  • def avg_w2v_model(doc_id, num_results):
  • Some output was not available in BOW & tf-idf because they treated 'tiger' and 'tigers' different words
  • Word2wVec gives semantics similarity (many animals print type shirt), which is not given by BOW and TfIdf



  • TF-IDF weighted Word2Vec : def weighted_w2v_model(doc_id, num_results):

  • for every title we build a weighted vector representation

  • Weighted similarity using brand and color : def idf_w2v_brand(doc_id, w1, w2, num_results):

  • Recommendations using CNN :




Main Objective is to recommend similar products in e-commerce using product content (ASIN, title, brand, color, images, type of the product, price, etc).






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