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496 lines (419 loc) · 42 KB


Scaleway Instances are virtual machines in the cloud. Different Instance types offer different technical specifications in terms of vCPU, RAM, bandwidth and storage. Once you have created your Instance and installed your image of choice (e.g. an operating system), you can connect to your Instance via SSH to use it as you wish. When you are done using the Instance, you can delete it from your account.

(switchcolumn) <Message type="tip"> To retrieve information about the different images available to install on Scaleway Instances, check out our Marketplace API. (switchcolumn)


Refer to our dedicated concepts page to find definitions of all concepts and terminology related to Instances.

(switchcolumn) (switchcolumn)


  1. Configure your environment variables

    <Message type="note"> This is an optional step that seeks to simplify your usage of the Instances API. See Availability Zones below for help choosing an Availability Zone. You can find your Project ID in the Scaleway console.

    export SCW_SECRET_KEY=\"<API secret key>\"
    export SCW_DEFAULT_ZONE=\"<Scaleway Availability Zone>\"
    export SCW_PROJECT_ID=\"<Scaleway Project ID>\"
  2. Create an Instance: Run the following command to create an Instance. You can customize the details in the payload (name, description, type, tags etc) to your needs: use the information below to adjust the payload as necessary.

    curl -X POST \\
      -H \"X-Auth-Token: $SCW_SECRET_KEY\" \\
      -H \"Content-Type: application/json\" \\
      \"$SCW_DEFAULT_ZONE/servers\" \\
        -d '{
          \"name\": \"my-new-instance\", 
          \"project\": \"'\"$SCW_PROJECT_ID\"'\",
          \"commercial_type\": \"GP1-S\", 
          \"image\": \"544f0add-626b-4e4f-8a96-79fa4414d99a\",
          \"enable_ipv6\": true,
          \"volumes\": {
              \"name\": \"my-volume\",
              \"size\": 300000000000,
              \"volume_type\": \"l_ssd\"
     | Parameter       | Description                                                                                                                                              | Valid values                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    |

    | --------------- | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | name | A name of your choice for the Instance (string) | Any string containing only alphanumeric characters, dots, spaces and dashes, e.g. \"my-new-instance\". | | project | The Project in which the Instance should be created (string) | Any valid Scaleway Project ID (see above), e.g. \"b4bd99e0-b389-11ed-afa1-0242ac120002\" | | commercial-type | The commercial Instance type to create (string) | Any valid ID of a Scaleway commercial Instance type, e.g. \"GP1-S\", \"PRO2-M\". Use the List Instance Types endpoint to get a list of all valid Instance types and their IDs. | | image | The image to install on the Instance, e.g. a particular OS (string) | Any valid Scaleway image ID, e.g. \"544f0add-626b-4e4f-8a96-79fa4414d99a\" which is the ID for the Ubuntu 22.04 Jammy Jellyfish image. Use the List Instance Images endpoint to get a list of all available images and their IDs, or check out the Scaleway Marketplace API. | | enable_ipv6 | Whether to enable IPv6 on the Instance (boolean) | true or false | | volumes | An object that specifies the storage volumes to attach to the Instance. For more information, see Creating an Instance: the volumes object in the Technical information section of this quickstart. | A (dictionary) object with a minimum of one key (\"0\") whose value is another object containing the parameters \"name\" (a name for the volume), \"size\" (the size for the volume, in bytes), and \"volume_type\" (\"l_ssd\", \"b_ssd\" or \"unified\"). Additional keys for additional volumes should increment by 1 each time (the second volume would have a key of 1.) Further parameters are available, and it is possible to attach existing volumes rather than creating a new one, or create a volume from a snapshot. |

  3. List your Instances: run the following command to get a list of all the Instances in your account, with their details:

    curl -X GET \\
      -H \"Content-Type: application/json\" \\
      -H \"X-Auth-Token: $SCW_SECRET_KEY\" \\
  4. Delete an Instance: run the following command to delete an Instance, specified by its Instance ID:

    curl -X DELETE \\
      -H \"X-Auth-Token: $SCW_SECRET_KEY\" \\
      -H \"Content-Type: application/json\" \\

    The expected successful response is empty.

(switchcolumn) <Message type="requirement">


Technical information

Availability Zones

Instances can be deployed in the following Availability Zones:

Paris fr-par-1 fr-par-2 fr-par-3
Amsterdam nl-ams-1 nl-ams-2
Warsaw pl-waw-1 pl-waw-2

(switchcolumn) (switchcolumn)


Most listing requests receive a paginated response. Requests against paginated endpoints accept two query arguments:

  • page, a positive integer to choose which page to return.
  • per_page, an positive integer lower or equal to 100 to select the number of items to return per page. The default value is 50.

Paginated endpoints usually also accept filters to search and sort results.These filters are documented along each endpoint documentation.

The X-Total-Count header contains the total number of items returned.

(switchcolumn) (switchcolumn)

Creating an Instance: the volumes object

When creating an Instance, the volumes object is a required part of the payload. This is a dictionary with a minimum of one key (\"0\") whose value is another object setting parameters for that volume. Additional keys for additional volumes should increment by 1 each time (the second volume would have a key of 1.)

Note that volume size must respect the volume constraints of the Instance's commercial_type: for each type of Instance, a minimum amount of storage is required, and there is also a maximum that cannot be exceeded. Some Instance types support only Block Storage (b_ssd), others also support local storage (l_ssd) ). Read more about these constraints in the List Instance types documentation, specifically the volume_constraints parameter for each type listed in the response

You can use the volumes object in different ways. The table below shows which parameters are required for each of the following use cases:

Use case Required params Optional params Notes
Create a volume from a snapshot of an image volume_type, size, boot If the size parameter is not set, the size of the volume will equal the size of the corresponding snapshot of the image.
Attach an existing volume id, name boot
Create an empty volume name, volume_type, size organization, project, boot
Create a volume from a snapshot base_snapshot, name, volume_type organization, project, boot

(switchcolumn) <Message type="note"> This information is designed to help you correctly configure the volumes object when using the Create an Instance or Update an Instance methods. (switchcolumn)

Going further

For more help using Scaleway Instances, check out the following resources:

Installation & Usage


PHP 7.4 and later. Should also work with PHP 8.0.


To install the bindings via Composer, add the following to composer.json:

  "repositories": [
      "type": "vcs",
      "url": ""
  "require": {
    "GIT_USER_ID/GIT_REPO_ID": "*@dev"

Then run composer install

Manual Installation

Download the files and include autoload.php:


Getting Started

Please follow the installation procedure and then run the following:

require_once(__DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php');

// Configure API key authorization: scaleway
$config = OpenAPI\Client\Configuration::getDefaultConfiguration()->setApiKey('X-Auth-Token', 'YOUR_API_KEY');
// Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
// $config = OpenAPI\Client\Configuration::getDefaultConfiguration()->setApiKeyPrefix('X-Auth-Token', 'Bearer');

$apiInstance = new OpenAPI\Client\Api\BootscriptsApi(
    // If you want use custom http client, pass your client which implements `GuzzleHttp\ClientInterface`.
    // This is optional, `GuzzleHttp\Client` will be used as default.
    new GuzzleHttp\Client(),
$zone = 'zone_example'; // string | The zone you want to target
$bootscript_id = 'bootscript_id_example'; // string

try {
    $result = $apiInstance->getBootscript($zone, $bootscript_id);
} catch (Exception $e) {
    echo 'Exception when calling BootscriptsApi->getBootscript: ', $e->getMessage(), PHP_EOL;

API Endpoints

All URIs are relative to

Class Method HTTP request Description
BootscriptsApi getBootscript GET /instance/v1/zones/{zone}/bootscripts/{bootscript_id} Get bootscripts
BootscriptsApi listBootscripts GET /instance/v1/zones/{zone}/bootscripts List bootscripts
DefaultApi attachServerVolume POST /instance/v1/zones/{zone}/servers/{server_id}/attach-volume
DefaultApi detachServerVolume POST /instance/v1/zones/{zone}/servers/{server_id}/detach-volume
DefaultApi getDashboard GET /instance/v1/zones/{zone}/dashboard
IPsApi createIp POST /instance/v1/zones/{zone}/ips Reserve a flexible IP
IPsApi deleteIp DELETE /instance/v1/zones/{zone}/ips/{ip} Delete a flexible IP
IPsApi getIp GET /instance/v1/zones/{zone}/ips/{ip} Get a flexible IP
IPsApi listIps GET /instance/v1/zones/{zone}/ips List all flexible IPs
IPsApi updateIp PATCH /instance/v1/zones/{zone}/ips/{ip} Update a flexible IP
ImagesApi createImage POST /instance/v1/zones/{zone}/images Create an Instance image
ImagesApi deleteImage DELETE /instance/v1/zones/{zone}/images/{image_id} Delete an Instance image
ImagesApi getImage GET /instance/v1/zones/{zone}/images/{image_id} Get an Instance image
ImagesApi listImages GET /instance/v1/zones/{zone}/images List Instance images
ImagesApi setImage PUT /instance/v1/zones/{zone}/images/{id} Update image
ImagesApi updateImage PATCH /instance/v1/zones/{zone}/images/{image_id} Update image
InstanceTypesApi getServerTypesAvailability GET /instance/v1/zones/{zone}/products/servers/availability Get availability
InstanceTypesApi listServersTypes GET /instance/v1/zones/{zone}/products/servers List Instance types
InstancesApi createServer POST /instance/v1/zones/{zone}/servers Create an Instance
InstancesApi deleteServer DELETE /instance/v1/zones/{zone}/servers/{server_id} Delete an Instance
InstancesApi getServer GET /instance/v1/zones/{zone}/servers/{server_id} Get an Instance
InstancesApi listServerActions GET /instance/v1/zones/{zone}/servers/{server_id}/action List Instance actions
InstancesApi listServers GET /instance/v1/zones/{zone}/servers List all Instances
InstancesApi serverAction POST /instance/v1/zones/{zone}/servers/{server_id}/action Perform action
InstancesApi updateServer PATCH /instance/v1/zones/{zone}/servers/{server_id} Update an Instance
PlacementGroupsApi createPlacementGroup POST /instance/v1/zones/{zone}/placement_groups Create a placement group
PlacementGroupsApi deletePlacementGroup DELETE /instance/v1/zones/{zone}/placement_groups/{placement_group_id} Delete the specified placement group
PlacementGroupsApi getPlacementGroup GET /instance/v1/zones/{zone}/placement_groups/{placement_group_id} Get a placement group
PlacementGroupsApi getPlacementGroupServers GET /instance/v1/zones/{zone}/placement_groups/{placement_group_id}/servers Get placement group servers
PlacementGroupsApi listPlacementGroups GET /instance/v1/zones/{zone}/placement_groups List placement groups
PlacementGroupsApi setPlacementGroup PUT /instance/v1/zones/{zone}/placement_groups/{placement_group_id} Set placement group
PlacementGroupsApi setPlacementGroupServers PUT /instance/v1/zones/{zone}/placement_groups/{placement_group_id}/servers Set placement group servers
PlacementGroupsApi updatePlacementGroup PATCH /instance/v1/zones/{zone}/placement_groups/{placement_group_id} Update a placement group
PlacementGroupsApi updatePlacementGroupServers PATCH /instance/v1/zones/{zone}/placement_groups/{placement_group_id}/servers Update placement group servers
PrivateNICsApi createPrivateNIC POST /instance/v1/zones/{zone}/servers/{server_id}/private_nics Create a private NIC connecting an Instance to a Private Network
PrivateNICsApi deletePrivateNIC DELETE /instance/v1/zones/{zone}/servers/{server_id}/private_nics/{private_nic_id} Delete a private NIC
PrivateNICsApi getPrivateNIC GET /instance/v1/zones/{zone}/servers/{server_id}/private_nics/{private_nic_id} Get a private NIC
PrivateNICsApi listPrivateNICs GET /instance/v1/zones/{zone}/servers/{server_id}/private_nics List all private NICs
PrivateNICsApi updatePrivateNIC PATCH /instance/v1/zones/{zone}/servers/{server_id}/private_nics/{private_nic_id} Update a private NIC
SecurityGroupsApi createSecurityGroup POST /instance/v1/zones/{zone}/security_groups Create a security group
SecurityGroupsApi createSecurityGroupRule POST /instance/v1/zones/{zone}/security_groups/{security_group_id}/rules Create rule
SecurityGroupsApi deleteSecurityGroup DELETE /instance/v1/zones/{zone}/security_groups/{security_group_id} Delete a security group
SecurityGroupsApi deleteSecurityGroupRule DELETE /instance/v1/zones/{zone}/security_groups/{security_group_id}/rules/{security_group_rule_id} Delete rule
SecurityGroupsApi getSecurityGroup GET /instance/v1/zones/{zone}/security_groups/{security_group_id} Get a security group
SecurityGroupsApi getSecurityGroupRule GET /instance/v1/zones/{zone}/security_groups/{security_group_id}/rules/{security_group_rule_id} Get rule
SecurityGroupsApi listDefaultSecurityGroupRules GET /instance/v1/zones/{zone}/security_groups/default/rules Get default rules
SecurityGroupsApi listSecurityGroupRules GET /instance/v1/zones/{zone}/security_groups/{security_group_id}/rules List rules
SecurityGroupsApi listSecurityGroups GET /instance/v1/zones/{zone}/security_groups List security groups
SecurityGroupsApi setSecurityGroup PUT /instance/v1/zones/{zone}/security_groups/{id} Update a security group
SecurityGroupsApi setSecurityGroupRule PUT /instance/v1/zones/{zone}/security_groups/{security_group_id}/rules/{security_group_rule_id} Set security group rule
SecurityGroupsApi setSecurityGroupRules PUT /instance/v1/zones/{zone}/security_groups/{security_group_id}/rules Update all the rules of a security group
SecurityGroupsApi updateSecurityGroup PATCH /instance/v1/zones/{zone}/security_groups/{security_group_id} Update a security group
SecurityGroupsApi updateSecurityGroupRule PATCH /instance/v1/zones/{zone}/security_groups/{security_group_id}/rules/{security_group_rule_id} Update security group rule
SnapshotsApi createSnapshot POST /instance/v1/zones/{zone}/snapshots Create a snapshot from a specified volume or from a QCOW2 file
SnapshotsApi deleteSnapshot DELETE /instance/v1/zones/{zone}/snapshots/{snapshot_id} Delete a snapshot
SnapshotsApi exportSnapshot POST /instance/v1/zones/{zone}/snapshots/{snapshot_id}/export Export a snapshot
SnapshotsApi getSnapshot GET /instance/v1/zones/{zone}/snapshots/{snapshot_id} Get a snapshot
SnapshotsApi listSnapshots GET /instance/v1/zones/{zone}/snapshots List snapshots
SnapshotsApi setSnapshot PUT /instance/v1/zones/{zone}/snapshots/{snapshot_id} Set snapshot
SnapshotsApi updateSnapshot PATCH /instance/v1/zones/{zone}/snapshots/{snapshot_id} Update a snapshot
UserDataApi deleteServerUserData DELETE /instance/v1/zones/{zone}/servers/{server_id}/user_data/{key} Delete user data
UserDataApi getServerUserData GET /instance/v1/zones/{zone}/servers/{server_id}/user_data/{key} Get user data
UserDataApi listServerUserData GET /instance/v1/zones/{zone}/servers/{server_id}/user_data List user data
UserDataApi setServerUserData PATCH /instance/v1/zones/{zone}/servers/{server_id}/user_data/{key} Add/set user data
VolumeTypesApi listVolumesTypes GET /instance/v1/zones/{zone}/products/volumes List volume types
VolumesApi applyBlockMigration POST /instance/v1/zones/{zone}/block-migration/apply Migrate a volume and/or snapshots to SBS (Scaleway Block Storage)
VolumesApi createVolume POST /instance/v1/zones/{zone}/volumes Create a volume
VolumesApi deleteVolume DELETE /instance/v1/zones/{zone}/volumes/{volume_id} Delete a volume
VolumesApi getVolume GET /instance/v1/zones/{zone}/volumes/{volume_id} Get a volume
VolumesApi listVolumes GET /instance/v1/zones/{zone}/volumes List volumes
VolumesApi planBlockMigration POST /instance/v1/zones/{zone}/block-migration/plan Get a volume or snapshot's migration plan
VolumesApi setVolume PUT /instance/v1/zones/{zone}/volumes/{id} Update volume
VolumesApi updateVolume PATCH /instance/v1/zones/{zone}/volumes/{volume_id} Update a volume



Authentication schemes defined for the API:


  • Type: API key
  • API key parameter name: X-Auth-Token
  • Location: HTTP header


To run the tests, use:

composer install


About this package

This PHP package is automatically generated by the OpenAPI Generator project:

  • API version: v1
  • Build package: org.openapitools.codegen.languages.PhpClientCodegen