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776 lines (638 loc) · 24.8 KB


This project contains code for a blogging web application that will enable users to easily share, express and publish content in the form of blogs.

Technologies Used

  • python
  • flask

Getting Started


You can use the git clone command as follows:

user@username:~$ git clone 
user@username:~$ cd  Mmust-Jowa
user@username:~$ python -m venv my_venv # create a virtual env to manage your dependecies
user@username:~$ source my_venv/bin/activate  # for linux users
user@username:~$ pip3 install -r requirements.txt  #install all the dependecies used in this project
user@username:~$ flask run  # use this command to start the server


Admin registration

Admin gets registered to the system by making a request to the endpoint below

     Content-type: application/json

request body:
    first_name: string,
    last_name: string,
    email: string,
    password: string,
    confirm: string  

The status_code of the response == 201 if the registration is successfull else returns a bad request error.(400). user should double check the registration credentials.

Admin Login

Admin gets logged into the system by making a post request to the following endpoint

User is given an access and a refresh token, while The status_code of the response == 200 if the login is successfull else returns unauthorized error.(401).

Total Blogs

On the dashboard, admin is able to see the total number of blogs. he/she has written.

  • url: GET

  • headers:
      content-type: application/json
      Authorization: Bearer <token>
  • Example of a response  body.
    • where 10 is the total number of blogs.

    The status_code of the response == 200 if the get request was successful else Unauthorized error (401) is thrown. user should ensure that all the access token is valid.

Total Comments

On the dashboard, admin is able to see the total comments of the blogs. he/she has written.

  • url: GET

  • headers:
      content-type: application/json
      Authorization: Bearer <token>
  • Example of a response  body.
    • where 10 is the total number of comments.

    The status_code of the response == 200 if the get request was successful else Unauthorized error (401) is thrown. user should ensure that all the access token is valid.

Latest Five News Blogs

On the dashboard, admin is able to see latest five news blogs that he/she has written.

  • url: GET
  • headers:
      content-type: application/json
      Authorization: Bearer <token>
  • The response is an array containing five elements.
    Example of a response body of a single element in an array
    "id": 7,
    "image": "1234.jpg",
    "published_on": "Mon, 13 Nov 2023 20:47:48 GMT",
    "title": "This news blog was added by daniel",
    "total_comments": 3

} ``` The status_code of the response == 200 if the get request was successful else Unauthorized error (401) is thrown. user should ensure that the access token is valid.

Update News Blogs On the dashboard.

Since only the latest five news blogs are displayed on the dahboard, the admin may need to upadate them.

  • url: PUT< id>
  • headers:
      content-type: application/json
  • Request Body:
        title: string
        slug: string 
        body: string
    Example of a request body
        "title": "This is an updated title",
        "slug": "This is an updated description",
        "body": "This is an updated body"
    The status_code of the response == 202 if the blog was updated successfully else a not found error(404) is thrown. user should ensure that the id provided is valid.

Delete News Blogs On the Dashboard

Admin has the previledge to delete any of the latest news blogs

All News Blogs

The admin is able to get all the news blogs associated with him/her.

  • url: GET

  • headers:
      content-type: application/json
      Authorization: Bearer <token>
  • The response is an array containing all news blogs and associated comments.
    Example of a response body of a single element in the array
    "body": "These sectors will be a tool for integrating communities while advancing ",
    "comments": [
        "commented_on": "Sun, 12 Nov 2023 09:40:15 GMT",
        "content": "This is another  cool blog",
        "is_anonymous": false
        "commented_on": "Sun, 12 Nov 2023 09:40:15 GMT",
        "content": "This is another  cool blog",
        "is_anonymous": true
    "image_id": "123457.jpg",
    "published_on": "Fri, 10 Nov 2023 13:12:40 GMT",
    "slug": "The problems in Meru are a mix of politics and cultural hate for women ",
    "title": "The problems in Meru are a mix of politics and cultural hate for women"

    The status_code of the response == 200 if the get request was successful else Unauthorized error (401) is thrown. user should ensure that the access token is valid.

    Total Number of News Post

    • url: GET

    • headers:
        content-type: application/json
        Authorization: Bearer <token>
      • Example of a response  body.
      • where 10 is the total number of news post.

      The status_code of the response == 200 if the get request was successful else Unauthorized error (401) is thrown. user should ensure that all the access token is valid.

    Total Number of comments associated with news posts

    • url: GET

    • headers:
        content-type: application/json
        Authorization: Bearer <token>
      • Example of a response  body.
      • where 10 is the total number of comments post.

      The status_code of the response == 200 if the get request was successful else Unauthorized error (401) is thrown. user should ensure that all the access token is valid.

All Business Blogs

The admin is able to get all busness blogs associated with him/her.

  • url: GET

  • headers:
      content-type: application/json
      Authorization: Bearer <token>
  • The response is an array containing all business blogs and associated comments.
    Example of a response body of a single element in the array
    "body": "These sectors will be a tool for integrating communities while advancing ",
    "comments": [
        "commented_on": "Sun, 12 Nov 2023 09:40:15 GMT",
        "content": "This is another  cool blog",
        "is_anonymous": false
        "commented_on": "Sun, 12 Nov 2023 09:40:15 GMT",
        "content": "This is another  cool blog",
        "is_anonymous": true
    "image_id": "123457.jpg",
    "published_on": "Fri, 10 Nov 2023 13:12:40 GMT",
    "slug": "The problems in Meru are a mix of politics and cultural hate for women ",
    "title": "The problems in Meru are a mix of politics and cultural hate for women"

    The status_code of the response == 200 if the get request was successful else Unauthorized error (401) is thrown. user should ensure that the access token is valid.

    Total Number of Business Post

    • url: GET

    • headers:
        content-type: application/json
        Authorization: Bearer <token>
      • Example of a response  body.
      • where 10 is the total number of news post.

      The status_code of the response == 200 if the get request was successful else Unauthorized error (401) is thrown. user should ensure that all the access token is valid.

    Total Number of comments associated with business posts

    • url: GET

    • headers:
        content-type: application/json
        Authorization: Bearer <token>
      • Example of a response  body.
      • where 10 is the total number of comments post.

      The status_code of the response == 200 if the get request was successful else Unauthorized error (401) is thrown. user should ensure that all the access token is valid.

All Sports Blogs

The admin is able to get all sports blogs associated with him/her.

  • url: GET

  • headers:
      content-type: application/json
      Authorization: Bearer <token>

    The status_code of the response == 200 if the get request was successful else Unauthorized error (401) is thrown. user should ensure that the access token is valid.

    Total Number of Sports Post

    • url: GET

    • headers:
        content-type: application/json
        Authorization: Bearer <token>
      • Example of a response  body.
      • where 10 is the total number of news post.

      The status_code of the response == 200 if the get request was successful else Unauthorized error (401) is thrown. user should ensure that all the access token is valid.

    Total Number of comments associated with sports posts

    • url: GET

    • headers:
        content-type: application/json
        Authorization: Bearer <token>
      • Example of a response  body.
      • where 10 is the total number of comments post.

      The status_code of the response == 200 if the get request was successful else Unauthorized error (401) is thrown. user should ensure that all the access token is valid.

All Entertainment Blogs

The admin is able to get all entertainment blogs associated with him/her.

  • url: GET

  • headers:
      content-type: application/json
      Authorization: Bearer <token>

    The status_code of the response == 200 if the get request was successful else Unauthorized error (401) is thrown. user should ensure that the access token is valid.

    Total Number of Entertainment Post

    • url: GET

    • headers:
        content-type: application/json
        Authorization: Bearer <token>
      • Example of a response  body.
      • where 10 is the total number of news post.

      The status_code of the response == 200 if the get request was successful else Unauthorized error (401) is thrown. user should ensure that all the access token is valid.

    Total Number of comments associated with entertainment posts

    • url: GET

    • headers:
        content-type: application/json
        Authorization: Bearer <token>
      • Example of a response  body.
      • where 10 is the total number of comments post.

      The status_code of the response == 200 if the get request was successful else Unauthorized error (401) is thrown. user should ensure that all the access token is valid.

Create Blogs

After being logged into the system, admin can be able to create a blog.

  • url: POST
  • headers:
      content-type: application/json
      Authorization: Bearer <token>
  • Request Body:
        title: string
        slug: string 
        body: string 
        image_id: string 
        category: string
    Example of a request body
        "title": "Title of the blog",
        "slug": "a brief description about the blog",
        "body": "The body of the blog",
        "image_id": "A unique id of an image associated with the blog",
        "category": "Either of the following: [News, Business, Sports, Entertainment]"
    The status_code of the response == 201 if the blog was created successfully else a bad request error(400) is thrown. user should ensure that all the fields above are included.

Update Blogs

After being logged into the system, admin can be able to update a blog.

  • url: POST /category/<blog_id>
  • replace category with the blog category ie News, Business
  • replace blog_id with the specific blog id ie 1, 2, 3
  • headers:
      content-type: application/json
  • Request Body:
        title: string
        slug: string 
        body: string 
        image_id: string 
        category: string
    Example of a request body
        "title": "This is an updated title",
        "slug": "This is an updated description",
        "body": "This is an updated body",
        "image": "This is an updated image",
        "category": "Either of the following: [News, Business, Sports, Entertainment]"
    The status_code of the response == 202 if the blog was updated~ successfully else a bad request error(400) is thrown. user should ensure that all the fields above are included.

Delete Blogs

Admin has the previledge to delete any of his/her blogs

  • url: DELETE

    • replace category with the exact category
    • replace with the specific blog id
  • headers:
      content-type: application/json

    The status_code of the response == 204 if the blog was deleted successfully else a not found error(404) is thrown. user should ensure that the image id provided is valid.


Updating admin profile

  • url: PUT
  • headers:
      content-type: application/json
      Authorization: Bearer <token>
  • Request Body:
        image: base64 optional
        first_name: string optional
        last_name: string optional
        contact: string optional
    The status_code of the response == 202 if the profile was updated successfully else Unaunthorized(401) error is thrown. user should ensure that the oldpassword is correct and the access token provided is valid.

Get All Admin Profile Info

  • url: GET
  • headers:
      content-type: application/json
      Authorization: Bearer <token>
  • {
      "contact": "12345678",
      "first_name": "Antony",
      "last_name": "Kariuki",
      "image_id": null
    The status_code of the response == 200 if the data fetching was a success else Unaunthorized(401) error is thrown. user should ensure that the token provided is valid.


Home page of the blog app

A limited number of blogs from each category are displayed here . Blogs are displayed according to the time they were created with the latest blog being the first.

  • url: GET

  • The response body of the * RESPONSE* have the following fields

    Exampe of a Response Body:
      "author": "Antony Kariuki",
      "id": 7,
      "image_id": "",
      "published_on": "Tue, 14 Nov 2023 07:34:44 GMT",
      "slug": "All eyes on EPRA ahead of monthly fuel price review ",
      "title": "All eyes on EPRA ahead of monthly fuel price review "
      "author": "Antony Kariuki",
      "id": 7,
      "image_id": "",
      "published_on": "Tue, 14 Nov 2023 07:34:44 GMT",
      "slug": "All eyes on EPRA ahead of monthly fuel price review ",
      "title": "All eyes on EPRA ahead of monthly fuel price review "
  • Note: Only three blogs per category are returned in the response

News Blogs

when a user clicks on the news button on the navbar, the frontend sends a request to the backed which then returnes all blogs associated with the news category.

  • url: GET

  • The response body is a list/array of all the news blogs.

  • Response Body of a single blog in the array:
        title: string
        slug: string 
        author: string 
        image_id: string 
        published_on: string
    Exampe of a Response Body of a single blog in the array
    	"image_id": "0123456712325.jpg",
    	"published_on": "Tue, 07 Nov 2023 11:14:27 GMT",
    	"slug": "This is a long blog",
    	"title": "This is a long blog"

Business Blogs

when a user clicks on the business button on the navbar, the frontend sends a request to the backed which then returnes all blogs associated with the business category.

  • url: GET

  • The response body is a list/array of all the business blogs.

  • Response Body of a single blog in the array:
        title: string
        slug: string 
        author: string 
        image_id: string 
        published_on: string
    Exampe of a Response Body of a single blog in the array
    	"image_id": "0123456712325.jpg",
    	"published_on": "Tue, 07 Nov 2023 11:14:27 GMT",
    	"slug": "This is a long blog",
    	"title": "This is a long blog"

Sports Blogs

  • url: GET

  • Response Body of a single blog in the array:
        title: string
        slug: string 
        author: string 
        image_id: string 
        published_on: string
    Exampe of a Response Body of a single blog in the array
    	"image_id": "0123456712325.jpg",
    	"published_on": "Tue, 07 Nov 2023 11:14:27 GMT",
    	"slug": "This is a long blog",
    	"title": "This is a long blog"

Entertainment Blogs

  • url: GET

  • Response Body of a single blog in the array:
        title: string
        slug: string 
        author: string 
        image_id: string 
        published_on: string
    Exampe of a Response Body of a single blog in the array
    	"image_id": "0123456712325.jpg",
    	"published_on": "Tue, 07 Nov 2023 11:14:27 GMT",
    	"slug": "This is a long blog",
    	"title": "This is a long blog"

Single Blog

when a user clicks on a single blog, the frontend sends a request with the image_id related to the blog and the category of the blog to the backed where the backend returns all the info related to the blog. on the url below, replace CATEGORY with the the blog category ie Business and imaged_id with the image id.

  • url: GET< id>

  • where the category is either News, Business and the id is the image

  • Response Body of a single blog in the array:
        id: string
        title: string
        slug: string 
        author: string 
        image_id: string 
        published_on: string
    Exampe of a Response Body of a single blog in the array
    	"image_id": "0123456712325.jpg",
    	"published_on": "Tue, 07 Nov 2023 11:14:27 GMT",
    	"slug": "This is a long blog",
    	"title": "This is a long blog"

Latest Blog per category


Exampe of a Response Body
    "id": 1,
    "image": "",
     "published_on": "Sat, 18 Nov 2023 14:35:11 GMT",
     "title": "This news blog was added by daniel"


User Blogs

This endpoint return all the blog associated with the author.

  • url: GET

    • where fullname is the name of the author
  • Exampe of a Response Body
            "image_id": "123.5.jpg",
            "published_on": "Sun, 12 Nov 2023 11:15:13 GMT",
            "slug": "This is image with id: 123.5.jpg",
            "title": "This title was updated by daniel gathaga"
  • where 1 is the total number of blogs writen by the author

Create Comment

when a user clicks on a single blog, the frontend sends a request with the image_id related to the blog and the category of the blog to the backed where the backend returns all the info related to the blog. on the url below, replace CATEGORY with the the blog category ie Business and imaged_id with the image id.

  • url: POST>/< id>

  • where the category is either News, Business and the id is the image

  • and id is the id associated with that blog

  • Request Body:
        content: string
        is_anonymous: bool optional

    The status_code of the response == 201 if the comment was created successfully else a bad request error(400) error is thrown. user should ensure that comment textbox is filled.

All Author Blogs

When a user click on a single blog page, the full content of the blog including then author is displayed. When a user clicks on the username, the frontend send a request to the backend to get all user blogs.

  • url: GET Byrone
    • where "Kingsly Byrone" is the username displayed with the blog.

    • The response body is an array where the a single element of the array looks as follows.

    • Example of request response:
          "image_id": "",
          "published_on": "Mon, 20 Nov 2023 12:37:00 GMT",
          "slug": "</Link> jjjj",
          "title": "Helloooo"
          "image_id": "",
          "published_on": "Sat, 18 Nov 2023 11:43:22 GMT",
          "slug": "President Ruto featured on Time Magazine’s ‘Top 100 climate leaders’ list",
          "title": "President Ruto featured on Time Magazine’s ‘Top 100 climate leaders’ list"
      Where 17 is the total number of blogs written by a author.