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React drag guide lines

A React Library to enable draglines for perfect placement of draggable items

You can check the demo here


using npm

npm i -S react-drag-guide-lines

using yarn

yarn add -S react-drag-guide-lines

Parent Component

Add the following import to your parent component

Parent import

import { ReactAlignLinesContainer } from 'react-drag-guide-lines';

Parent code

instead of your parent you can wrap your draggable children with the following code

return (
  <ReactAlignLinesContainer styles={{...yourprops}}>
    { => <YourComponent {...props}>)}

Parent Props

Title About Required type Values Default Values
emptyState Empty state component if there are no children, shows up when showEmptyState is true or children is empty list true ReactNode ReactNode undefined
showEmptyState (depricated) boolean to check if we need to show empty state or not false boolean true, false false
limit Limit the lines to the boundaries false boolean true, false false
styles Styles for the wrapper, horizontal Lines and Vertical Lines false styles values undefined
directions when the item is dragged it specifies when to show the draglines false string[] sub array of ['tt', 'bb', 'll', 'rr', 'hc', 'wc', 'lr', 'rl', 'tb', 'bt'] ['tt', 'bb', 'll', 'rr', 'hc', 'wc', 'lr', 'rl', 'tb', 'bt'] more here

Styles required to pass from parent for different styles like backgroundColor, width or height

  wrapper?: React.CSSProperties,
  xLineStyle?: React.CSSProperties,
  yLineStyle?: React.CSSProperties,
Default Values
  wrapper: { ...wrapperStyles },
  xLineStyle: { ...horizontalStyles },
  yLineStyle: { ...verticalStyles },

directions is a collection of array which specifies when to show the drag lines.

values are collection of the bottom options provided.

possible values
option explanation
tt top of the dragging element and top of the relative elements
bb bottom of the dragging element and bottom of the relative elements
ll left side of the dragging element and left of the relative elements
rr right side of the dragging element and right of the relative elements
hc center of heights of dragging element and the relative elements
wc center of widths of dragging element and the relative elements
lr left of the dragging element and the right of the relative element
rl right of the dragging element and the left of the relative elements
tb top of the dragging element and the bottom of the relative element
bt bottom of the dragging element and the top of the relative element

directions: ['tt', 'bb', 'll', 'rr', 'hc', 'wc', 'lr', 'rl', 'tb', 'bt']

Child Component


import { IDragOperations } from 'react-drag-guide-lines';


to your props you can add a new Prop dragOperations with IDragOperations as type

interface IChildProps {
  // your props
  dragOperations?: IDragOperations

Child Code

add data-x and data-y props to your child props and use the functions of IDragOperations appropriately

const ChildComponent = (props: IChildProps) => {
  const {  dragOperations, } = props;

  // call this function when you end dragging
  const handleDragEnd = () => {
        // your code

    // call this function when you start dragging
    const handleDragStart = () => {
        // Your code

    // call this function when you are dragging
    const handleDragging = () => {
        // Your code
        // dragX - difference between current x position and previous x position
        // dragY - difference between current y position and previous y position
        dragOperations?.onDrag({ x: dragX, y: dragY });

    return (
          // your props

export default ChildComponent;

You can check the example code here

Made with love in India