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Eskapade supports the use of Apache Spark for parallel processing of large data volumes. Jobs can run on a single laptop using Spark libraries as well as on a Spark/Hadoop cluster in combination with YARN. This section describes how to setup and configure Spark for use with Eskapade. For examples on running Spark jobs with Eskapade, see the Spark tutorial.


Eskapade supports both batch and streaming processing with Apache Spark.


A working setup of the Apache Spark libraries is included in both the Eskapade docker and vagrant image (see section Installation). For installation of Spark libraries in a custom setup, please refer to the Spark documentation.

Spark installation

The environment variables SPARK_HOME and PYTHONPATH need be set and to point to the location of the Spark installation and the Python libraries of Spark and py4j (dependency). In the Eskapade docker, for example, it is set to:

$ echo $SPARK_HOME


The Spark configuration can be set in two ways:

  1. an Eskapade macro (preferred)
  2. an Eskapade link

This is demonstrated in the following tutorial macro:

$ eskapade_run python/eskapade/tutorials/

Both methods are described below. For a full explanation of Spark configuration settings, see Spark Configuration. In case configuration settings seem not to be picked up correctly, please check Notes at the end of this section.

Eskapade macro (preferred)

This method allows to specify settings per macro, i.e. per analysis, and is therefore the preferred way for bookkeeping analysis-specific settings.

The most easy way to start a Spark session is:

from eskapade import process_manager
from eskapade.spark_analysis import SparkManager

spark = sm.create_session(eskapade_settings=settings)
sc = spark.sparkContext

The default Spark configuration file python/eskapade/config/spark/spark.cfg will be picked up. It contains the following settings:


The default Spark settings can be adapted here for all macros at once. In case, alternative settings are only relevant for a single analysis, those settings can also be specified in the macro using the argument variables in the create_session method of the SparkManager:

from eskapade import process_manager
from eskapade.spark_analysis import SparkManager

spark = sm.create_session(spark_settings=[('', 'es_spark_alt_config'), ('spark.master', 'local[42]')])

sm = process_manager.service(SparkManager)
spark = sm.create_session(eskapade_settings=settings,

Where all arguments are optional:

  • eskapade_settings default configuration file as specified by the sparkCfgFile key in ConfigObject (i.e. spark.cfg)
  • config_path alternative path to configuration file
  • spark_settings list of key-value pairs to specify additional Spark settings
  • enable_hive_support: switch to disable/enable Spark Hive support
  • include_eskapade_modules: switch to include/exclude Eskapade modules in Spark job submission (e.g. for user-defined functions)

Eskapade link

This method allows to (re-)start Spark sessions from within a SparkConfigurator link. This means that by specifying multiple instances of this link in a macro, multiple Spark sessions with different settings can sequentially be run. This can be useful for larger analysis jobs that contain multiple Spark queries with very different CPU/memory needs - although the recently introduced Dynamic allocation feature is a more elegant way to achieve this behaviour.

Configurations for Spark jobs are set via the SparkConf class that holds a list of key/value pairs with settings, e.g.:

from eskapade import Chain
from eskapade.spark_analysis import SparkConfigurator

conf_link = SparkConfigurator(name='SparkConfigurator', spark_settings=[('spark.master', 'local[3]')])
conf_link.log_level = 'INFO'
config = Chain('Config')

Note that the SparkConfigurator stops any existing Spark session before starting a new one. This means that the user should make sure all relevant data is stored at this point, since all cached Spark data will be cleared from memory.


The most important parameters to play with for optimal performance:

  • num-executors
  • executor-cores
  • executor-memory
  • driver-memory

Dynamic allocation

Since version 2.1, Spark allows for dynamic resouce allocation. This requires the following settings:

  • spark.dynamicAllocation.enabled=true
  • spark.shuffle.service.enabled=true

Depending on the mode (standalone, YARN, Mesos), an additional shuffle service needs to be set up. See the documentation for details.


The logging level of Spark can be controlled in two ways:

  1. through $SPARK_HOME/conf/
  1. through the SparkContext in Python:
spark = process_manager.service(SparkManager).get_session()

PS: the loggers in Python can be controlled through:

import logging
print(logging.Logger.manager.loggerDict) # obtain list of all registered loggers

However, not all Spark-related loggers are available here (as they are JAVA-based).


There are a few pitfalls w.r.t. setting up Spark correctly:

1. If the environment variable PYSPARK_SUBMIT_ARGS is defined, its settings may override those specified in the macro/link. This can be prevented by unsetting the variable:


or in the macro:

import os
del os.environ['PYSPARK_SUBMIT_ARGS']

The former will clear the variable from the shell session, whereas the latter will only clear it in the Python session.

2. In client mode not all driver options set via SparkConf are picked up at job submission because the JVM has already been started. Those settings should therefore be passed through the SPARK_OPTS environment variable, instead of using SparkConf in an Eskapade macro or link:

SPARK_OPTS=--driver-java-options=-Xms1024M --driver-java-options=-Xmx4096M --driver-java-options=-Dlog4j.logLevel=info --driver-memory 2g

3. In case a Spark machine is not connected to a network, setting the SPARK_LOCAL_HOSTNAME environment variable or the key in SparkConf to the value localhost may fix DNS resolution timeouts which prevent Spark from starting jobs.