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File metadata and controls

152 lines (118 loc) · 5.63 KB

Getting Started

Create a Synthetic Dataset

To begin, we will need some data. We can create synthetic measurements of path delays using the generate command. Creating this dataset first needs an underlying network, with nodes representing routers and edges corresponding to links. In the /high-order-tomography/data/rocketfuel/ directory, we have provided several real-world networks from the Rocketfuel database, stored as edgelists. Let's create a scenario based on the AS2914 topology.

Navigate to the high-order-tomography root directory, and run the following:

$ hot generate \
    ./data/rocketfuel/AS2914.txt \
    ./data/generated/AS2914samples.csv \
    ./data/generated/AS2914links.json \
    --monitors 5 --samples 100000


Constructing graph from ./data/rocketfuel/AS2914.txt...
Selecting monitor paths...
Sampling delays...
Writing delay data to ./data/generated/AS2914samples.csv...
Writing routing matrix to ./data/generated/AS2914links.json...
Done! Sampled 100000 delays from 10 monitor paths traversing 18 logical links.

In this scenario, we have randomly designated 5 leaves from the AS2914 network as "monitor nodes". For each of the 10 pairs of monitor nodes, we have selected a between these nodes as a "monitor path". The monitor paths do not span the entire network; rather, as the output of the generate command indicates, these 10 monitor paths only utilize 18 logical links, leading to a 10x18 routing matrix. The contents of this ground-truth routing matrix are contained in the newly created file ./data/rocketfuel/AS2914links.json:

    [0, 2, 6, 7],
    [4, 6],
    [0, 1, 3, 8],
    [0, 6, 7],
    [2, 4, 5],
    [2, 3, 4, 5],
    [8, 7],
    [2, 4],
    [0, 1, 8],
    [1, 4, 6, 9],
    [8, 9, 5, 7],
    [0, 8]

(Note the order of lists and of the numbers within them may be different, as these represent unordered sets.) Each list corresponds to a link, and the numbers indicate which paths utilize the link. For example, the set [0, 2, 6, 7] represents that the routing matrix contains a column where rows 0, 2, 6, and 7 have an entry of one, while all other entries are zero.

The second newly created file, ./data/rocketfuel/AS2914samples.csv, is an array of path delay samples. Each column corresponds to a monitor path, and each row is a sample of the total delay along that path.

Infer the Routing Matrix

Next, we will try to use the data in ./data/rocketfuel/AS2914samples.csv to try and reconstruct the routing matrix represented in ./data/rocketfuel/AS2914links.json. From the high-order-tomography directory, run the following:

$ hot infer \
    ./data/generated/AS2914samples.csv \
    ./output/AS2914/ \
    --order 3 --alphas 1e-40 1e-30 --powers 0.95 --thresholds 0.85 \
    --max-size 4 --l1-weight 1.0 --l1-exponent 0.5 --n-groups 50


Estimating bounding topology...
Estimating common cumulants...: 100% 60/60 [00:29<00:00,  2.03it/s]

The first argument is the synthetic dataset we created in the previous section, and the second argument is the directory where the routing matrix estimate and auxiliary files will be written. The remaining settings are tunable parameters that are described in the command line documentation.

The directory high-order-tomography/output/AS2914/ contains 5 new files. For the purposes of this tutorial, we are only interested in predicted-links.json. The file contains several attributes recording the parameters to reproduce this particular estimate, as well as the predicted-links attribute itself. The value of the predicted-links attribute is a list-of-lists encoding a routing matrix in the same format as ./data/rocketfuel/AS2914links.json: each list is a link, containing the set of monitor paths that utilize the link.

Evaluating the Prediction

How accurate was the prediction? We can find out using the evaluate command:

$ hot evaluate ./output/AS2914/predicted-links.json ./data/generated/AS2914links.json

The first line of the output evaluates the bounding topology, i.e., estimate for which common cumulants are nonzero. The precision and recall indicate that the bounding topology estimate was 100% accurate; i.e., the algorithm was able to determine exactly which path sets correspond to nonzero common cumulants:

Bounding topology precision: 1.0000, recall: 1.0000

The next lines indicate the true positives. These are all of the columns of the routing matrix (represented by the list of paths corresponding to nonzero entries) that the algorithm correctly identified:

Found 17 true positives:
    {0, 2, 6, 7}
    {4, 6}
    {0, 1, 3, 8}
    {0, 6, 7}
    {2, 4, 5}
    {2, 3, 4, 5}
    {8, 7}
    {0, 1, 8}
    {1, 4, 6, 9}
    {8, 9, 5, 7}
    {0, 8}

The next lines indicate the false positives, i.e., columns of the routing matrix that the algorithm falsely detected:

Found 4 false positives:

The next lines are the columns of the routing matrix that were missed:

Missed 1 false negatives:
    {2, 4}

Finally, the last line reports the precision, recall, and F1 score of the routing matrix estimate:

Routing topology precision: 0.8095, recall: 0.9444, f1: 0.8718