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Things that KaTeX does not (yet) support

Ron Kok edited this page Feb 19, 2018 · 29 revisions

This is a list of functions, features, and extensions that KaTeX does not currently support. It is not comprehensive. Sources include KaTeX’s GitHub Issues pages and the list at

Array nuances

\hline, \cline, \multicolumn, \hfill, \vline (#269)

Characters for direct input

⊥ ⊨ ≝ ⋗ ⋖ © ∌ € ₹ ₽


Blackboard bold for small letters and digits (#473)




\textsc, i.e., small caps (#471)

Persian, Arabic alphabet and numerals (#212 and #729)

Upright lower-case Greek (#564)

Functions from LaTeX packages

astrosymbols (#373)


\atopwithdelims, \overwithdelims

\brace, \brack



\cfrac (#85)




\includegraphics (#898)

\leftroot, \uproot

\newline (#171)

\oiint, \oiiint (#392)

\overbracket, \underbracket

\projlim, \varprojlim, \injlim, \varinjlim, \varliminf, \varlimsup



\tag (#899)

\wideparen (#560)



Measurement, spacing, shifts



\moveleft, \moveright


\negthickspace, \negthinspace


\rotatebox (#681)


\setlength (#687)

\shoveleft, \shoveright




Functions from KaTeX Extensions that don’t yet exist

\ce (#50)

\class, \cssId (#90)


Extension architecture (#762)

Right-to-left (#343)

\def, \newcommand (#250) (KaTeX macros can be defined in the rendering options)


\definecolor (#750)

\newenvironment (#37)

\renewcommand, \renewenvironment


Auto-break (#327, #1023)

Automatic left/right delimiters, as in nath package (#806)

Equation numbering (#350)

Canvas output

SVG output (#375)

Intermediate representation (HAST?)


\if, \fi, \ifx, \else, \ifmmode

\def, \newcommand

MathJax non-standard functions

\array KaTeX supports \begin{array}
\cases KaTeX supports \begin{cases}
\class, \cssId
\Rule KaTeX supports \rule
\Space KaTeX supports \space
\Tiny KaTeX supports \tiny


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