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File metadata and controls

648 lines (465 loc) · 27.6 KB

Prefer Immutability

Our principal goal as programmers is to reduce complexity. At any point in a program, we can reason about the state of a constant trivially -- its state is the state upon assignment. By contrast, the state of a variable can change endlessly.

With judicious use, immutable objects can lead to quicker execution speed and lower memory usage. The hash value of a String, the query parameters of an immutable URL, and the distance traced by an immutable sequence of points are all immutable as well. We can cache their values for later use instead of recompute them on every access. We can also share an immutable object with clients without requiring those clients to defensively copy it.

An immutable value is safe in many ways. For example, String is immutable and so its hashCode value is immutable. Consequently, it is safe to use as a String as a key in a Map: The lower order bits of that hash will never change, and so an inserted key will never reside in the wrong bucket. An immutable value is also thread-safe, because a client must acquire a lock only to read data that another client can concurrently modify. An immutable value renders that moot.

A good approach for creating immutable types is to define types that are simply data, and which do not have behavior. For example, consider the SecondsWatched class, which tracks the seconds watched values in a video:

public class SecondsWatched {
    public final long lastSecondWatched;
    public final long totalSecondsWatched;

    public SecondsWatched(long lastSecondWatched, long totalSecondsWatched) {
        /* Preconditions checks here... */

        this.lastSecondWatched = lastSecondWatched;
        this.totalSecondsWatched = totalSecondsWatched;

    /* Method equals, hashCode, and toString follow here. */

Note that this instance is immutable because its lastSecondsWatched and totalSecondsWatched fields are final, and hence cannot be reassigned.

The VideoUserProgress instance composes a SecondsWatched instance of this class:

public final class VideoUserProgress extends ContentItemUserProgress {
    public final SecondsWatched secondsWatched;
    public final Optional<Date> lastWatchedDate;

    /* Constructor, equals, hashCode, and toString follow here. */

Again, SecondsWatched is immutable. So is an instance of the Date class. A constructed Optional cannot be reassigned to refer to another (possibly null) value, and so it is immutable as well. By virtue of the VideoUserProgress composing instances of immutable classes, and making those fields final, then each VideoUserProgress instance is immutable as well.

Note that for such immutable classes, we do not provide getter methods for each field. Instead, these fields are have public visibility. This is because getter methods are typically paired with corresponding setter methods for access control, but immutable values can by definition not be set.

Prefer interfaces over implementations

The Java standard library has a rich suite of interfaces for collections: List, Map, SortedMap, Set, and SortedSet. The standard implementations of these interfaces include ArrayList, LinkedList, HashMap, TreeMap, HashSet, and TreeSet.

For their parameters and return values, method signatures should refer to the most generalizable collection type that is most appropriate. For example, consider the VideoSubtitleSequence class, which represents a transcript for a video:

public final class VideoSubtitleSequence {
  private final ImmutableList<VideoSubtitle> subtitles;

  public VideoSubtitleSequence(List<VideoSubtitle> subtitles) {
    this.subtitles = ImmutableList.copyOf(subtitles);


A transcript is an ordering of VideoSubtitle instances. Its constructor has a parameter type of List. It does not specify a list implementation, such as ArrayList:

public VideoSubtitleSequence(ArrayList<VideoSubtitle> subtitles) { ... }

This constructor could not be invoked if the client had a value of type List, LinkedList, or some other List implementation. The client would have to create and populate a temporary ArrayList simply for the purposes of calling this method.

Likewise, the constructor does not choose a superinterface of List, such as Collection or Iterable:

public VideoSubtitleSequence(Collection<VideoSubtitle> subtitles) { ... }

Because Set extends Collection, a client could construct a VideoSubtitleSequence with a Set of VideoSubtitle instances. But the iteration order for a Set implementation is undefined. Therefore the order in which the client adds VideoSubtitle instances to the set is not guaranteed, or even likely, to equal the iteration order when the video plays.

Adding a Database Table

If you need to persist a new type of data to SQLite, there are quite a few steps you need to go through. Fortunately, they are all quite straightforward and self-contained.

Define any table names

Create a new class that defines the names of any tables you need to create. You must also create a SelectStatementSource for each of them; this allows you to later execute queries against the table with the given name.

For example, the following UserDatabaseTables class defines a single SQLite table named UserSession, and creates a SelectStatementSource for it:

final class UserDatabaseTables {
  private UserDatabaseTables() {}

  static final class Names {
    public static final String USER_SESSION = "UserSession";

  static final class Sources {
    public static final SelectStatementSource USER_SESSION = SelectStatementSource.table(Names.USER_SESSION);

Define the table columns

Create a new class that defines the names of all the columns in the table. Note that here you are simply defining their names; their types are defined separately in a migration below.

For example, the following UserDatabaseTableColumns defines the columns for the UserSession table:

public final class UserDatabaseTableColumns {
  private UserDatabaseTableColumns() {}

  public static final class UserSessionTable {
    public static final ResultColumn KAID = ResultColumn.withName("kaid");
    public static final ResultColumn NICKNAME = ResultColumn.withName("nickname");

    public static final List<ResultColumn> ALL_COLUMNS = ImmutableList.of(

As seen above, it is also typically helpful to define a static ALL_COLUMNS field. This is so you can easily build a SelectStatement that selects all columns from rows that satisfy a given condition.

Define a migration

We define a migration any time the schema for a given table changes. When the app is first launched on a device, the table does not exist; therefore the first migration we must perform is to actually create the table.

The following shows how the migrations defined for the user database:

public static List<SqlStatement> getMigrations() {
  return ImmutableList.of(
    rawSql("CREATE TABLE " + Names.USER_SESSION + " (" +
             KAID + " TEXT PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL," +
             NICKNAME + " TEXT NULL," +
             IS_PHANTOM + " BOOLEAN NOT NULL," +
             AUTH_TOKEN_VALUE + " TEXT NOT NULL," +
             AUTH_TOKEN_SECRET + " TEXT NOT NULL," +
    rawSql("CREATE INDEX UserSessionIsActiveIndex ON " + Names.USER_SESSION + "(" +
             IS_ACTIVE +
    rawSql("ALTER TABLE " + Names.USER_SESSION + " ADD COLUMN " +

This first creates the table, and then adds an index on its IS_ACTIVE column. Later we decided to store the AVATAR_URL for a user; therefore we had to define an additional migration to add this to any existing table.

Typically you only need to define a CREATE TABLE migration. Also you should create any CREATE INDEX migrations as needed.

Define a transformer

If you want to persist instances of MyClass to your new table, then we must specify how to convert between a MyClass instance and the columns in the table. This is what a transformer does. There are two directions to the transformation.

When writing to the database, a EntityToDatabaseRowTransformer implementation converts from an instance of type T to the corresponding column values:

public interface EntityToDatabaseRowTransformer<T> {
    Map<String, Object> transformEntityIntoRow(T data);

When reading from the database, a DatabaseRowToEntityTransformer implementation converts from the column values to an instance of type T:

public interface DatabaseRowToEntityTransformer<T> {
  T transformRowIntoEntity(Map<String, Object> row);

For example, the UserSessionEntityTransformer implements both these interfaces, thereby defining both transformations for a UserSession:

public UserSession transformRowIntoEntity(final Map<String, Object> row) {
  final User user = new User(
      (String) row.get(KAID.toString()),
      (String) row.get(NICKNAME.toString()),

  return new UserSession(
      new OAuthAccessToken(
              (String) row.get(AUTH_TOKEN_VALUE.toString()),
              (String) row.get(AUTH_TOKEN_SECRET.toString())

public Map<String, Object> transformEntityIntoRow(final UserSession userSession) {
  final Builder<String, Object> builder = ImmutableNullableMap.builder();

  return builder
      .put(KAID.toString(), userSession.user.kaid)
      .put(NICKNAME.toString(), userSession.user.nickname.orNull())
      .put(IS_PHANTOM.toString(), fromBoolean(userSession.user.isPhantom))
      .put(AVATAR_URL.toString(), fromUriOptional(userSession.user.avatarUrl))
      .put(AUTH_TOKEN_VALUE.toString(), userSession.authToken.value)
      .put(AUTH_TOKEN_SECRET.toString(), userSession.authToken.secret)

Define a database client

We now have all the primitives needed to create and modify a table with values of some type T. To modify such a table, use the static factory methods or builders of the following classes to create corresponding SQLite statements:

  • SelectStatement
  • InsertStatement
  • UpdateStatement
  • DeleteStatement

Once you have such a statement, you can execute it by passing it to the corresponding method of a Database. Note that if you are using a SelectStatement, you must pass a DatabaseRowToEntityTransformer parameter to convert each selected row to an instance of its corresponding type. Likewise, if you are using an InsertStatement or a UpdateStatement, you must pass a EntityToDatabaseRowTransformer parameter to convert each instance to the collection of column values.

For example, in the UserDatabase class, the following FETCH_ALL_SESSIONS_STATEMENT is a query that selects all columns from all rows of the UserSession table:

private static final SelectStatement FETCH_ALL_SESSIONS_STATEMENT = SelectStatement.selectColumns(

The fetchAllUserSessions method below executes this query against a database by invoking fetchObjects on its Database instance. Its SESSION_TRANSFORMER instance implements DatabaseRowToEntityTransformer, and thereby converts each returned row to a UserSession instance.

public Set<UserSession> fetchAllUserSessions() {
  return ImmutableSet.copyOf(mDatabase.fetchObjects(

Similarly, the insertOrUpdateUserSession method below inserts a given UserSession by invoking insertOrReplaceRows on its Database instance. The Names.USER_SESSION specifies the table to insert into, the ImmutableList.of static factory method creates the list of UserSession instances to insert, and the SESSION_TRANSFORMER instance implements EntityToDatabaseRowTransformer and thereby converts each UserSession instance to its row values:

public void insertOrUpdateUserSession(final UserSession userSession) {

Use Google Guava

From the Google Guava web page:

The Guava project contains several of Google's core libraries that we rely on in our Java-based projects: collections, caching, primitives support, concurrency libraries, common annotations, string processing, I/O, and so forth.

Some of the packages are indispensable for disciplined Java development:


The Preconditions class is found in the package. Use it in every constructor you define to ensure that a client is constructing a valid instance. By catching such invalid data when the instance is created, we can determine the source of the invalid parameters by navigating the stacktrace. If we checked for validity upon use, we not only put the burden on every client to ensure that the data is valid, and this precludes finding where the invalid data comes from.

Method checkNotNull

The checkNotNull method accepts a parameter and throws an NullPointerException if it is null. It returns that parameter if it is not. Use it for objects:

public final class ApiClient {
    public final ContentApi contentApi;
    public final UserApi userApi;

    public ApiClient(ContentApi contentApi, UserApi userApi) {
        this.contentApi = Preconditions.checkNotNull(contentApi);
        this.userApi = Preconditions.checkNotNull(userApi);

Therefore a client of an ApiClient instance can be ensured that it has contentApi and userApi fields that are not null. It does not need to defend itself against these conditions.

Method checkArgument

The checkArgument method asserts that its expression is true. If not, it throws an IllegalArgumentException. It's best to provide a second parameter that provides a more detailed message for the IllegalArgumentException. This message should include any parameter in the expression that evaluated as false. This makes debugging easier. For example:

public final class SecondsWatched {
    public final long lastSecondWatched;
    public final long totalSecondsWatched;

    public SecondsWatched(long lastSecondWatched, long totalSecondsWatched) {
        Preconditions.checkArgument(lastSecondWatched >= 0,
                "lastSecondWatched cannot be negative: " + lastSecondWatched);
        Preconditions.checkArgument(totalSecondsWatched >= 0,
                "totalSecondsWatched cannot be negative: " + totalSecondsWatched);

        this.lastSecondWatched = lastSecondWatched;
        this.totalSecondsWatched = totalSecondsWatched;

Object utilities

For immutable objects that are just data and define no behavior, it's useful to implement equals, hashCode, and toString.

Implementing equals

The template for implementing equals is:

public final class VideoSubtitle {
    public final long timeMillis;
    public final String text;
    public boolean equals(Object o) {
        if (this == o) return true;
        if (!(o instanceof VideoSubtitle)) return false;

        VideoSubtitle that = (VideoSubtitle) o;

        return (timeMillis == that.timeMillis
                && text.equals(that.text));

As shown above, do not forget to use the equals method to compare instance fields that are objects (i.e. extend Object). Accidentally using == will test for identity, or whether both operands refer to the same object (i.e. the same instance at the same address in memory).

Defining an equals method is especially useful for testing, as it allow us to leverage the assertEquals method:

long expectedTimeMillis = 123;
String expectedText = "Let's count to three."
VideoSubtitle expectedSubtitle =
        new VideoSubtitle(expectedTimeMillis, expectedText);

assertEquals(expectedSubtitle, actualSubtitle);

If these values are not equal, then assertEquals prints both arguments in the thrown assertion. (Which is only helpful if toString is implemented, as described below!)

Implementing equals with inheritance

If there is a base class, then the derived class equals implementation should call the base class equals implementation. For example, consider the abstract base class ContentItemUserProgress:

public abstract class ContentItemUserProgress {
    public final ContentItemIdentifier contentItemIdentifier;
    public final UserProgressLevel progressLevel;

    public boolean equals(Object o) {
        if (this == o) return true;
        if (!(o instanceof ContentItemUserProgress)) return false;

        ContentItemUserProgress that = (ContentItemUserProgress) o;

        return (contentItemIdentifier.equals(that.contentItemIdentifier) &&
                progressLevel == that.progressLevel);

The subclass VideoUserProgress tests that the instance fields in the base class are equal before testing that its own instance fields are equal:

public final class VideoUserProgress extends ContentItemUserProgress {
    public final SecondsWatched secondsWatched;
    public final Optional<Date> lastWatchedDate;

    public boolean equals(Object o) {
        if (this == o) return true;
        if (!(o instanceof VideoUserProgress)) return false;

        if (!super.equals(o)) return false;

        VideoUserProgress that = (VideoUserProgress) o;

        return (secondsWatched.equals(that.secondsWatched) &&

Implementing hashCode

The Objects method from the package contains a hashCode method that computes a hash value for a list of arguments. Use it to compute the hash code of all the instance fields of a class:

public int hashCode() {
    return Objects.hashCode(lastSecondWatched, totalSecondsWatched);

Implementing hashCode with inheritance

If there is a base class, then the derived class hashCode implementation should call the base class hashCode implementation. For example, again consider the base class ContentItemUserProgress:

public final class VideoUserProgress extends ContentItemUserProgress {
    public final SecondsWatched secondsWatched;
    public final Optional<Date> lastWatchedDate;

    public int hashCode() {
        return Objects.hashCode(contentItemIdentifier, progressLevel);

The subclass VideoUserProgress mixes in the superclass hashCode value into the hashCode value that it returns:

public final class VideoUserProgress extends ContentItemUserProgress {
    public final SecondsWatched secondsWatched;
    public final Optional<Date> lastWatchedDate;

    public int hashCode() {
        return Objects.hashCode(super.hashCode(), secondsWatched, lastWatchedDate);

Implementing toString

The MoreObjects class from the package has a useful toStringHelper method that, as its name implies, helps construct a toString value. Again, consider the SecondsWatched class:

public class SecondsWatched {
    public final long lastSecondWatched;
    public final long totalSecondsWatched;

    public String toString() {
        return MoreObjects.toStringHelper(this)
                .add("lastSecondWatched", lastSecondWatched)
                .add("totalSecondsWatched", totalSecondsWatched)

If SecondsWatched is instantiated with a lastSecondWatched value of 5 and a totalSecondsWatched value of 10, then invoking its toString method will return:

SecondsWatched={lastSecondWatched=5, totalSecondsWatched=10}

Implementing toString with inheritance

If there is a base class, it may be helpful for it to provide a protected factory method that creates a ToStringHelper instance and adds to it the base class fields. The derived class implementation of toString can then invoke this base class factory method and add to it the derived class fields before returning. For example, again consider the base class ContentItemUserProgress:

public abstract class ContentItemUserProgress {
    public final ContentItemIdentifier contentItemIdentifier;
    public final UserProgressLevel progressLevel;

    protected MoreObjects.ToStringHelper getToStringHelper() {
        return MoreObjects.toStringHelper(this)
                .add("contentItemIdentifier", contentItemIdentifier)
                .add("kind", getItemKind())
                .add("progressLevel", progressLevel);

The subclass VideoUserProgress then adds its own fields to the ToStringHelper before returning:

public final class VideoUserProgress extends ContentItemUserProgress {
    public final SecondsWatched secondsWatched;
    public final Optional<Date> lastWatchedDate;

    public String toString() {
        return getToStringHelper()
                .add("secondsWatched", secondsWatched)
                .add("lastWatchedDate", lastWatchedDate)

Immutable Collections

As described earlier, immutability is a critical aspect of controlling complexity in our programs. As such, for each of the collection interfaces List, Map, SortedMap, Set, and SortedSet, Guava defines an implementation whose instances are immutable. This is only possible because the mutating methods of each collection interface, such as add, set, or remove, are defined as optional operations. The underlying implementation can choose to implement the method as specified by the interface, or throw an UnsupportedOperationException. The collections defined by Guava choose the latter.

The standard libraries for some languages, such as Objective-C and Scala, instead define separate types for mutable and immutable collections.

Construction from individual elements

To construct an immutable collection from individual elements, invoke the correct overload form of its of static factory method:

public static final List<ResultColumn> ALL_COLUMNS = ImmutableList.of(

Construction from another collection

To construct an immutbale collection with the contents of an collection, such as an Iterable or an array, call the correct overload of its copyOf static factory method:

public final class NodeTree {
  public final List<NodeTableEntity> nodes;
  public final Set<NodeToNodeTableEntity> relationships;

  public NodeTree(final List<NodeTableEntity> nodes, final Set<NodeToNodeTableEntity> relationships) {
    this.nodes = ImmutableList.copyOf(nodes);
    this.relationships = ImmutableSet.copyOf(relationships);


Construction with a builder

Finally, if you cannot statically construct such an immutable instance, use an instance of its corresponding builder class. Such an instance is mutable and accumulates elements. Calling build constructs an immutable instance with those accumulated elements:

public static List<VideoSubtitle> readSubtitles(JsonReader reader) throws IOException {
  ImmutableList.Builder<VideoSubtitle> builder = ImmutableList.builder();

  while (reader.hasNext()) {


Defensive copying

A class should defensively copy any collection instance that it is injected with. For example, consider the JavaScriptCommand class:

public final class JavaScriptCommand {
  public final String methodName;
  public final List<Parameter> parameters;

  public JavaScriptCommand(String methodName, List<Parameter> parameters) {
    this.methodName = Preconditions.checkNotNull(methodName);
    this.parameters = ImmutableList.copyOf(parameters);


If a client constructs a JavaScriptCommand instance, and then mutates the List instance that it passed in as the parameters value, then the JavaScriptCommand instance will not reflect those mutations. By defensively copying, it enforces its immutability.

Note that the copyOf method above will use reflection to test whether its parameter is also an ImmutableList instance. If so, then it simply returns its parameter instead of constructing a new ImmutableList instance. This is because we must only make defensive copies to guard against unexpected mutations, but immutable instances by definition do not afford that.

Consequently, the following test will pass:

List<String> original = ImmutableList.of("foo", "bar");
List<String> copy = ImmutableList.copyOf(original);

assertSame(original, copy);
assertTrue(original == copy);

Guarding aginst null

Finally, ImmutableList and ImmutableSet prohibit null elements, while ImmutableMap prohibits null keys or values. Attempting to construct such an instance will throw a NullPointerException. If you require an ImmutableMap that permits null values, we have an ImmutableNullableMap instance. But before building a List or Set analogue, thoroughly consider alternative designs.

Using Optional

We have seen how checkNotNull ensures that instances are not mistakenly constructed with null values. But if a parameter value or a return value belonging to a method signature can be null, then we precede its type with the @Nullable annotation. For example:

public static @Nullable URI toUri(final @Nullable String value) throws URISyntaxException {
  return (value != null) ? new URI(value) : null;

We can even annotate variable declarations:

@Nullable URI downloadUrl = toUri(downloadUrlString);

In more modern languages, nullability is encoded by the type system. In Swift, for example, a type suffixed with ? can assume null, while a type that stands alone cannot:

let x: String = "foo"
let y: String? = null

let z: String = null  // compilation error

In Java, The Optional class from Guava is a library-level imitation of this concept. It is not as robust and so it is not a substitute. But nonetheless it succeeds in forcing us to account for null values at compile-time.

For example, consider an toIso8601 method that converts a Date parameter to a string in ISO 8601 format. It expects that its Date parameter is not null, and even uses Preconditions.checkNotNull to assert this.

A client may store the date at which a video was last watched by the user. It could convert the corresponding Date instance to ISO 8601 like so:

Date lastWatchedDate = ...
String lastWatchedIso8601 = toIso8601(lastWatchedDate);

But this does not capture that lastWatchedDate can be null if the user has never watched the corresponding video before. Consequently, toIso8601 will be invoked with a null parameter, which in turn will cause its Preconditions.checkNotNull statement to throw a NullPointerException at runtime.

By representing lastWatchedDate as an Optional, we can force accounting for the nullability of lastWatchedDate at compile-time. The client must explicitly test for the presence of a contained Date value before extracting it from the optional and passing it to the toIso8601 method:

Optional<Date> lastWatchedDate = ...
@Nullable String lastWatchedString = lastWatchedDate.isPresent()
    ? toIso8601(lastWatchedDate.get())
    : null;

Using Predicates and Functions


Using Lists and Maps


Using FluentIterable