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Rene Pöschl edited this page Jan 25, 2018 · 4 revisions

Contributing to KiCad 3D-model libraries

  1. If you don't have one, create an account on GitHub.

  2. Fork this repository under your account. Read how

  3. Clone your newly created fork. Read how

  4. Create a new branch with a meaningful name

    git commit -b branch-name
    git push --set-upstream origin branch-name
  5. Add the files you changed.

    • If you did not add new files
      git add -u
      git commit -m "place your commit message here"
    • If you added new files to the repository
      git add directory-name
      1. Make sure that you only add the 3d model files to the repository.
        • You can use a local .gitignore file to exclude unwanted files.
        • Or add each file separately
        • If you added a file accidentally remove it with
          git rm --cached
      2. Check that you added only the correct files before committing
        git status
  6. Commit your changes to your local repository

    git commit -m "A meaningful commit message"
  7. Push to your branch:

    git push
  8. Create a pull request. Read how

  9. Include your references, for example a datasheet, in the comments.

  10. Include a screenshot of the 3d model that showcases how your model will look like when used inside KiCad.

    1. Make sure your 3d model files are at the appropriate location for KiCad to find them.
    2. Make a pcb_new file using the footprints for which your models are designed for.
    3. Open the 3d viewer.
    4. Create a screenshot.
  11. Wait until a librarian approves your work. Discussion and corrections might be needed.

Contribution of third party models

Contributing to this lib generally requires that the person committing the files is the current license holder. (Easiest way: The contributor created the models.) Sometimes it is tempting to contribute models of a third party. (Example a manufacturer supplied model) In most cases these models are licensed under an incompatible license. To accept such models we need the explicit consent by the current license holder that the models will be licensed under the license of our library. (Creative commons with symbol exception. See license file)

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