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Dave Kimber edited this page Jun 4, 2024 · 6 revisions

What is quip?

A game engine, written in Clojure, utilising the excellent Quil library.

It's a project I've been working on to allow me to create games for Lisp Game Jams.

Is it any good?

It's pretty okayish?

It's not the most fully featured game engine, and it has some performance issues with particularly complex games.

But it lets you make games using Clojure in a functional style. That's a win in my book.

Getting started

The easiest way to get going is to use the quip Leiningen template:

lein new com.github.kimbsy/quip <project-name>

This will create a game project containing two scenes, menu and level-01.

you can run your game locally with Leiningen:

lein run

Or from the repl:


You can build your game as a .jar for distribution.

# build
lein uberjar

# run
java -jar target/uberjar/<project>-<version>-standalone.jar

Taking a look at the example games gives a few simple demonstrations of how to use animated sprites, basic music and sound effects, and others.

For more advanced examples feel free to check out my games on

⚠️ These games were all made for game jams under tight time constraints, so the code is of ... mixed quality.

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