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File metadata and controls

454 lines (323 loc) · 11.5 KB


A group associates a name to a list of principals <api-principals>. It is useful in order to handle permissions. Groups are defined in buckets.

A group is a mapping with the following attributes:

  • data: attributes of the group object
    • id: the group object id
    • last_modified: the timestamp of the last modification
    • members: a list of principals <api-principals>
  • permissions: the ACLs <ACL> for the group object (e.g who is allowed to read or update the group object itself.)

When used in permissions definitions, the full group URI has to be used:

    "write": ["/buckets/blog/groups/authors", "github:lili"],
    "read": ["system.Everyone"]

Creating a group

Replacing a group

Modify a group

Retrieving a group

Retrieving all groups

Deleting all groups

Deleting a group