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486 lines (407 loc) · 25.9 KB

Command line reference

The following documents the CLI options


usage: ksconf [-h] [--version] [--force-color]
              {check,combine,diff,promote,merge,minimize,sort,unarchive} ...

Ksconf: Kintyre Splunk CONFig tool

This utility handles a number of common Splunk app maintenance tasks in a small
and easy to deploy package.  Specifically, this tools deals with many of the
nuances with storing Splunk apps in git, and pointing live Splunk apps to a git
repository.  Merging changes from the live system's (local) folder to the
version controlled (default) folder, and dealing with more than one layer of
"default" (which splunk can't handle natively) are all supported tasks.

positional arguments:
    check               Perform basic syntax and sanity checks on .conf files
    combine             Combine configuration files across multiple source
                        directories into a single destination directory. This
                        allows for an arbitrary number of splunk configuration
                        layers to coexist within a single app. Useful in both
                        ongoing merge and one-time ad-hoc use. For example,
                        combine can consolidate 'users' directory across
                        several instances after a phased server migration.
    diff                Compare settings differences between two .conf files
                        ignoring spacing and sort order
    promote             Promote .conf settings from one file into another
                        either in batch mode (all changes) or interactively
                        allowing the user to pick which stanzas and keys to
                        integrate. Changes made via the UI (stored in the
                        local folder) can be promoted (moved) to a version-
                        controlled directory.
    merge               Merge two or more .conf files
    minimize            Minimize the target file by removing entries
                        duplicated in the default conf(s)
    sort                Sort a Splunk .conf file creating a normalized format
                        appropriate for version control
    unarchive           Install or upgrade an existing app in a git-friendly
                        and safe way

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --version             show program's version number and exit
  --force-color         Force TTY color mode on. Useful if piping the output a
                        color-aware pager, like 'less -R'

ksconf check

usage: ksconf check [-h] [--quiet] FILE [FILE ...]

Provide basic syntax and sanity checking for Splunk's .conf files. Use
Splunk's builtin 'btool check' for a more robust validation of keys and
values. Consider using this utility as part of a pre-commit hook.

positional arguments:
  FILE         One or more configuration files to check. If '-' is given, then
               read a list of files to validate from standard input

optional arguments:
  -h, --help   show this help message and exit
  --quiet, -q  Reduce the volume of output.

ksconf combine

usage: ksconf combine [-h] [--target TARGET] [--dry-run] [--banner BANNER]
                      source [source ...]

Merge .conf settings from multiple source directories into a combined target
directory.   Configuration files can be stored in a '/etc/*.d' like directory
structure and consolidated back into a single 'default' directory.

This command supports both one-time operations and recurring merge jobs.  For
example, this command can be used to combine all users knowledge objects (stored
in 'etc/users') after a server migration, or to merge a single user's settings
after an their account has been renamed.  Recurring operations assume some type
of external scheduler is being used.  A best-effort is made to only write to
target files as needed.

The 'combine' command takes your logical layers of configs (upstream, corporate,
splunk admin fixes, and power user knowledge objects, ...) expressed as
individual folders and merges them all back into the single 'default' folder
that Splunk reads from.  One way to keep the 'default' folder up-to-date is
using client-side git hooks.

No directory layout is mandatory, but but one simple approach is to model your
layers using a prioritized 'default.d' directory structure. (This idea is
borrowed from the Unix System V concept where many services natively read their
config files from '/etc/*.d' directories.)


In a typical enterprise deployment of Splunk, a single app can easily have
multiple logical sources of configuration:  (1) The upstream app developer, (2)
local developer app-developer adds organization-specific customizations or
fixes, (3) splunk admin tweaks the inappropriate 'indexes.conf' settings, and
(4) custom knowledge objects added by your subject matter experts.  Ideally we'd
like to version control these, but doing so is complicated because normally you
have to manage all 4 of these logical layers in one 'default' folder.  (Splunk
requires that app settings be located either in 'default' or 'local'; and
managing local files with version control leads to merge conflicts; so
effectively, all version controlled settings need to be in 'default', or risk
merge conflicts.)  So when a new upstream version is released, someone has to
manually upgrade the app being careful to preserve all custom configurations.
The solution provided by the 'combine' functionality is that all of these
logical sources can be stored separately in their own physical directories
allowing changes to be managed independently.  (This also allows for different
layers to be mixed-and-matched by selectively including which layers to
combine.)  While this doesn't completely remove the need for a human to review
app upgrades, it does lower the overhead enough that updates can be pulled in
more frequently, thus reducing the divergence potential.  (Merge frequently.)


The 'combine' command is similar to running the 'merge' subcommand recursively
against a set of directories.  One key difference is that this command will
gracefully handle non-conf files intelligently too.


    ├── README
    ├── default.d
    │   ├── 10-upstream
    │   │   ├── app.conf
    │   │   ├── data
    │   │   │   └── ui
    │   │   │       ├── nav
    │   │   │       │   └── default.xml
    │   │   │       └── views
    │   │   │           ├── authentication_metrics.xml
    │   │   │           ├── cisco_security_overview.xml
    │   │   │           ├── getting_started.xml
    │   │   │           ├── search_ip_profile.xml
    │   │   │           ├── upgrading.xml
    │   │   │           └── user_tracking.xml
    │   │   ├── eventtypes.conf
    │   │   ├── macros.conf
    │   │   ├── savedsearches.conf
    │   │   └── transforms.conf
    │   ├── 20-my-org
    │   │   └── savedsearches.conf
    │   ├── 50-splunk-admin
    │   │   ├── indexes.conf
    │   │   ├── macros.conf
    │   │   └── transforms.conf
    │   └── 70-firewall-admins
    │       ├── data
    │       │   └── ui
    │       │       └── views
    │       │           ├── attacks_noc_bigscreen.xml
    │       │           ├── device_health.xml
    │       │           └── user_tracking.xml
    │       └── eventtypes.conf


    cd Splunk_CiscoSecuritySuite
    ksconf combine default.d/* --target=default

positional arguments:
  source                The source directory where configuration files will be
                        merged from. When multiple sources directories are
                        provided, start with the most general and end with the
                        specific; later sources will override values from the
                        earlier ones. Supports wildcards so a typical Unix
                        'conf.d/##-NAME' directory structure works well.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --target TARGET, -t TARGET
                        Directory where the merged files will be stored.
                        Typically either 'default' or 'local'
  --dry-run, -D         Enable dry-run mode. Instead of writing to TARGET,
                        preview changes as a 'diff'. If TARGET doesn't exist,
                        then show the merged file.
  --banner BANNER, -b BANNER
                        A warning banner to discourage manual editing of conf

ksconf diff

usage: ksconf diff [-h] [-o FILE] [--comments] CONF1 CONF2

Compares the content differences of two .conf files

This command ignores textual differences (like order, spacing, and comments) and
focuses strictly on comparing stanzas, keys, and values.  Note that spaces
within any given value will be compared.  Multiline fields are compared in are
compared in a more traditional 'diff' output so that long savedsearches and
macros can be compared more easily.

positional arguments:
  CONF1                 Left side of the comparison
  CONF2                 Right side of the comparison

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -o FILE, --output FILE
                        File where difference is stored. Defaults to standard
  --comments, -C        Enable comparison of comments. (Unlikely to work

ksconf promote

usage: ksconf promote [-h] [--batch | --interactive] [--force] [--keep]
                      SOURCE TARGET

Propagate .conf settings applied in one file to another.  Typically this is used
to take local changes made via the UI and push them into a default (or
default.d/) location.

NOTICE:  By default, changes are *MOVED*, not just copied.

Promote has two different modes:  batch and interactive.  In batch mode all
changes are applied automatically and the (now empty) source file is removed.
In interactive mode the user is prompted to pick which stanzas and keys to
integrate.  This can be used to push  changes made via the UI, which are stored
in a 'local' file, to the version-controlled 'default' file.  Note that the
normal operation moves changes from the SOURCE file to the TARGET, updating both
files in the process.  But it's also possible to preserve the local file, if

If either the source file or target file is modified while a promotion is under
progress, changes will be aborted.  And any custom selections you made will be
lost.  (This needs improvement.)

positional arguments:
  SOURCE             The source configuration file to pull changes from.
                     (Typically the 'local' conf file)
  TARGET             Configuration file or directory to push the changes into.
                     (Typically the 'default' folder) As a shortcut, a
                     directory is given, then it's assumed that the same
                     basename is used for both SOURCE and TARGET. In fact, if
                     different basename as provided, a warning is issued.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help         show this help message and exit
  --batch, -b        Use batch mode where all configuration settings are
                     automatically promoted. All changes are removed from
                     source and applied to target. The source file will be
                     removed, unless '--keep-empty' is used.
  --interactive, -i  Enable interactive mode where the user will be prompted
                     to approve the promotion of specific stanzas and keys.
                     The user will be able to apply, skip, or edit the changes
                     being promoted. (This functionality was inspired by 'git
                     add --patch').
  --force, -f        Disable safety checks.
  --keep, -k         Keep conf settings in the source file. All changes will
                     be copied into the target file instead of being moved
                     there. This is typically a bad idea since local always
                     overrides default.
  --keep-empty       Keep the source file, even if after the settings
                     promotions the file has no content. By default, SOURCE
                     will be removed after all content has been moved into
                     TARGET. Splunk will re-create any necessary local files
                     on the fly.

ksconf merge

usage: ksconf merge [-h] [--target FILE] [--dry-run] [--banner BANNER]
                    FILE [FILE ...]

Merge two or more .conf files into a single combined .conf file.  This could be
used to merge the props.conf file from ALL technology addons into a single file:

ksconf merge --target=all-ta-props.conf etc/apps/*TA*/{default,local}/props.conf

positional arguments:
  FILE                  The source configuration file to pull changes from.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --target FILE, -t FILE
                        Save the merged configuration files to this target
                        file. If not provided. the the merged conf is written
                        to standard output.
  --dry-run, -D         Enable dry-run mode. Instead of writing to TARGET,
                        preview changes in 'diff' format. If TARGET doesn't
                        exist, then show the merged file.
  --banner BANNER, -b BANNER
                        A banner or warning comment added to the top of the
                        TARGET file. This is pften used to warn Splunk admins
                        from editing an auto-generated file.

ksconf minimize

usage: ksconf minimize [-h] [--target FILE] [--dry-run | --output OUTPUT]
                       [--explode-default] [-k PRESERVE_KEY]
                       FILE [FILE ...]

Minimize a conf file by removing the default settings

Reduce local conf file to only your indented changes without manually tracking
which entires you've edited.  Minimizing local conf files makes your local
customizations easier to read and often results in cleaner add-on upgrades.

A typical scenario & why does this matter:

To customizing a Splunk app or add-on, start by copying the conf file from
default to local and then applying your changes to the local file.  That's good.
But stopping here may complicated future upgrades, because the local file
doesn't contain *just* your settings, it contains all the default settings too.
Fixes published by the app creator may be masked by your local settings.  A
better approach is to reduce the local conf file leaving only the stanzas and
settings that you indented to change.  This make your conf files easier to read
and makes upgrades easier, but it's tedious to do by hand.

For special cases, the '--explode-default' mode reduces duplication between
entries normal stanzas and global/default entries.  If 'disabled = 0' is a
global default, it's technically safe to remove that setting from individual
stanzas.  But sometimes it's preferable to be explicit, and this behavior may be
too heavy-handed for general use so it's off by default.  Use this mode if your
conf file that's been fully-expanded.  (i.e., conf entries downloaded via REST,
or the output of "btool list").  This isn't perfect, since many apps push their
settings into the global namespace, but it can help.

Example usage:

    cd Splunk_TA_nix
    cp default/inputs.conf local/inputs.conf

    # Edit 'disabled' and 'interval' settings in-place
    vi local/inputs.conf

    # Remove all the extra (unmodified) bits
    ksconf minimize --target=local/inputs.conf default/inputs.conf

positional arguments:
  FILE                  The default configuration file(s) used to determine
                        what base settings are " unnecessary to keep in the
                        target file.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --target FILE, -t FILE
                        This is the local file that you with to remove the
                        duplicate settings from. By default, this file will be
                        read and the updated with a minimized version.
  --dry-run, -D         Enable dry-run mode. Instead of writing the minimizing
                        the TARGET file, preview what what be removed in the
                        form of a 'diff'.
  --output OUTPUT       Write the minimzed output to a separate file instead
                        of updating TARGET. This can be use to preview changes
                        if dry-run produces a large diff. This may also be
                        helpful in other workflows.
  --explode-default, -E
                        Enable minimization across stanzas as well as files
                        for special use-cases. This mode will not only
                        minimize the same stanza across multiple config files,
                        it will also attempt to minimize default any values
                        stored in the [default] or global stanza as well.
                        Example: Trim out cruft in savedsearches.conf by
                        pointing to etc/system/default/savedsearches.conf
  -k PRESERVE_KEY, --preserve-key PRESERVE_KEY
                        Specify a key that should be allowed to be a
                        duplication but should be preserved within the
                        minimized output. For example, it may be esirable keep
                        the 'disabled' settings in the local file, even if
                        it's enabled by default.

ksconf sort

usage: ksconf sort [-h] [--target FILE | --inplace] [-F] [-q] [-n LINES]
                   FILE [FILE ...]

Sort a Splunk .conf file.  Sort has two modes:  (1) by default, the sorted
config file will be echoed to the screen.  (2) the config files are updated
inplace when the '-i' option is used.

Manually managed conf files can be blacklisted by add a comment containing the
string 'KSCONF-NO-SORT' to the top of any .conf file.

To recursively sort all files:

    find . -name '*.conf' | xargs ksconf sort -i

positional arguments:
  FILE                  Input file to sort, or standard input.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --target FILE, -t FILE
                        File to write results to. Defaults to standard output.
  --inplace, -i         Replace the input file with a sorted version. Warning
                        this a potentially destructive operation that may
                        move/remove comments.
  -n LINES, --newlines LINES
                        Lines between stanzas.

In-place update arguments:
  -F, --force           Force file sorting for all files, even for files
                        containing the special 'KSCONF-NO-SORT' marker.
  -q, --quiet           Reduce the output. Reports only updated or invalid
                        files. This is useful for pre-commit hooks, for

ksconf unarchive

usage: ksconf unarchive [-h] [--dest DIR] [--app-name NAME]
                        [--default-dir DIR] [--exclude EXCLUDE] [--keep KEEP]
                        [--git-sanity-check {off,changed,untracked,ignored}]
                        [--git-mode {nochange,stage,commit}] [--no-edit]
                        [--git-commit-args GIT_COMMIT_ARGS]

Install or overwrite an existing app in a git-friendly way.
If the app already exist, steps will be taken to upgrade it safely.

The 'default' folder can be redirected to another path (i.e., 'default.d/10-upstream' or
whatever which is helpful if you're using the ksconf 'combine' mode.)

Supports tarballs (.tar.gz, .spl), and less-common zip files (.zip)

positional arguments:
  SPL                   The path to the archive to install.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --dest DIR            Set the destination path where the archive will be
                        extracted. By default the current directory is used,
                        but sane values include etc/apps, etc/deployment-apps,
                        and so on. This could also be a git repository working
                        tree where splunk apps are stored.
  --app-name NAME       The app name to use when expanding the archive. By
                        default, the app name is taken from the archive as the
                        top-level path included in the archive (by
                        convention). Expanding archives that contain multiple
                        (ITSI) or nested apps (NIX, ES) is not supported.)
  --default-dir DIR     Name of the directory where the default contents will
                        be stored. This is a useful feature for apps that use
                        a dynamic default directory that's created and managed
                        by the 'combine' mode.
  --exclude EXCLUDE, -e EXCLUDE
                        Add a file pattern to exclude. Splunk's psudo-glob
                        patterns are supported here. '*' for any non-directory
                        match, '...' for ANY (including directories), and '?'
                        for a single character.
  --keep KEEP, -k KEEP  Specify a pattern for files to preserve during an
                        upgrade. Repeat this argument to keep multiple
  --allow-local         Allow local/ and local.meta files to be extracted from
                        the archive. Shipping local files is a Splunk app
                        packaging violation so local files are blocked to
                        prevent content from being overridden.
  --git-sanity-check {off,changed,untracked,ignored}
                        By default 'git status' is run on the destination
                        folder to detect working tree or index modifications
                        before the unarchive process starts, but this is
                        configurable. Sanity check choices go from least
                        restrictive to most thorough: Use 'off' to prevent any
                        'git status' safely checks. Use 'changed' to abort
                        only upon local modifications to files tracked by git.
                        Use 'untracked' (the default) to look for changed and
                        untracked files before considering the tree clean. Use
                        'ignored' to enable the most intense safety check
                        which will abort if local changes, untracked, or
                        ignored files are found. NOTE: Sanity checks are
                        automatically disabled if the app is not in a git
                        working tree, or git is not installed.
  --git-mode {nochange,stage,commit}
                        Set the desired level of git integration. The default
                        mode is 'stage', where new, updated, or removed files
                        are automatically handled for you. If 'commit' mode is
                        selected, then files are committed with an auto-
                        generated commit message. To prevent any 'git add' or
                        'git rm' commands from being run, pick the 'nochange'
                        mode. Notes: (1) The git mode is irrelevant if the app
                        is not in a git working tree. (2) If a git commit is
                        incorrect, simply roll it back with 'git reset' or fix
                        it with a 'git commit --amend' before the changes are
                        pushed anywhere else. (That's why you're using git in
                        the first place, right?)
  --no-edit             Tell git to skip opening your editor. By default you
                        will be prompted to review/edit the commit message.
                        (Git Tip: Delete the content of the message to abort
                        the commit.)
  --git-commit-args GIT_COMMIT_ARGS, -G GIT_COMMIT_ARGS