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Advanced Installation Guide

The content in this document was split out from the install because it became unruly and the number of possible Python installation combinations and gotchas became very intense. However, that means that there's lots of truly helpful stuff in here, but becoming a python packaging expert isn't my goal, so the Splunk app install approach was introduced to alleviate much of this pain.

A portion of this document is targeted at those who can't install packages as Admin or are forced to use Splunk's embedded Python. For everyone else, please start with the one-liner!


Do any of these words for phrases strike fear in your heart?

  • pip
  • pipenv
  • virtualenv
  • wheel
  • pyenv (not the same as pyvenv)
  • python2.7 vs python27 vs py -27
  • RedHat Software Collections

If this list seems daunting, head over to install_splunk_app. There's no shame in it.


(Unfinished; more of a brainstorm at this point…)

  • Is Python installed? (OS level)
    • Is the version greater than 2.7? (Some early 2.7 version have quarks, but typically this is okay)
    • If Python 3.x, is it greater than 3.4? (I'd like to drop 3.4, but lots of old distros still have it.)
  • Do you have admin access? (root/Administrator; or can you get it? How hard? Will you need it each time you upgrade the ksconf?)
  • Do you already have a large python deployment or dependency? (If so, you'll probably be fine. Use virtualenv)
  • Do you have any prior Python packaging or administration experience?
  • Are you dealing with some vendor-specific solution?
    • Example: RedHat Software Collections – where they realize there software is way too old, so they try to make it possible to install newer version of things like Python, but since they aren't native or the default, you still end up jumping through a bunch of wonky hoops)
  • Do you have Internet connectivity? (air gap or blocked outbound traffic, or proxy)
  • Do you want to build/deploy your own ksconf extensions? If so, the python package is a better option. (But at that point, you can probably already handle any packaging issues yourself.)


There are several ways to install ksconf. Technically all standard python packaging approaches should work just fine, there's no compiled code or external run-time dependencies so installation is fairly easy, but for non-python developers there are some gotchas. Installation options are listed from the most easy and recommended to more obscure and difficult:

Install from PyPI with PIP

The preferred installation method is to install via the standard Python package tool pip. Ksconf can be installed via the registered kintyre-splunk-conf package using the standard python process.

There are 2 popular variations, depending on whether or not you would like to install for all users or just play around with it locally.

Install ksconf into a virtual environment

Use this option if you don't have admin access

Installing ksconf with virtualenv is a great way to test the tool without requiring admin privileges and has many advantages for a production install too. Here are the basic steps to get started.

Please change venv to a suitable path for your environment.

# Install Python virtualenv package (if not already installed)
pip install virtualenv

# Create and activte new 'venv' virtual environment
virtualenv venv
source venv/bin/activate

pip install kintyre-splunk-conf


Windows users

The above virtual environment activation should be run as venv\\Scripts\\activate.bat.

Install ksconf system-wide


This requires admin access.

This is the absolute easiest install method where 'ksconf' is available to all users on the system but it requires root access and pip must be installed and up-to-date.

On Mac or Linux, run:

sudo pip install kintyre-splunk-conf

On Windows, run this commands from an Administrator console.

pip install kintyre-splunk-conf

CentOS (RedHat derived) distros

# Enable the EPEL repo so that `pip` can be installed.
sudo yum install -y epel-release

# Install pip
sudo yum install -y python-pip

# Install ksconf (globally, for all users)
sudo pip install kintyre-splunk-conf

RedHat Software Collections

The following assumes the python27 software collection, but other version of Python are supported too. The initial setup and deployment of Software Collections is beyond the scope of this doc.

sudo scl enable python27 python -m pip install kintyre-splunk-conf


Missing pip?

If pip is missing from a RHSC then install the following rpm.

yum install python27-python-pip

Unfortunately, the ksconf entrypoint script (in the bin folder) will not work correctly on it's own because it doesn't know about the scl environment, nor is it in the default PATH. To solve this run the following:

sudo cat > /usr/local/bin/ksconf <<HERE
source scl_source enable python27
exec /opt/rh/python27/root/usr/bin/ksconf "$@"
chmod +x /usr/local/bin/ksconf

Use the standalone executable


This option remains for historical reference and will like be disabled in the future. If this seems like the best option to you, then please consider install the KSCONF App for Splunk instead.

Ksconf can be installed as a standalone executable zip app. This approach still requires a python interpreter to be present either from the OS or the one embedded with Splunk Enterprise. This works well for testing or when all other options fail.

From the GitHub releases page, grab the file name ksconf-*.pyz, download it, copy it to a bin folder in your PATH and rename it ksconf. The default shebang looks for 'python' in the PATH, but this can be adjusted as needed. Since installing with Splunk is a common use case, a second file named ksconf-*-splunk.pyz already has the shebang set for the standard /opt/splunk install path.

Typical embedded Splunk install example:

mv ksconf-${VER}-splunk.pyz /opt/splunk/bin/
cd /opt/splunk/bin
ln -sf ksconf-${VER}-splunk.pyz ksconf
chmod +x ksconf
ksconf --version

Reasons why this is a non-ideal install approach:

  • Lower performance since all python files live in a zip file, and pre-compiled version's can be cached.
  • No standard install pathway (doesn't use pip); user must manually copy the executable into place.
  • Uses a non-standard build process. (May not be a big deal, but could cause things to break in the future.)

Install the Wheel manually (offline mode)

Download the latest "Wheel" file file from PyPI, copy it to the destination server and install with pip.

Offline pip install:

pip install ~/Downloads/kintyre-splunk-conf-0.4.2-py2.py3-none-any.whl

Install with Splunk's Python


Don't do this anymore. Please use the KSCONF App for Splunk instead.

Splunk Enterprise 6.x and later installs an embedded Python 2.7 environment. However, Splunk does not provide packing tools (such as pip or the distutils standard library which is required to bootstrap install pip). For these reasons, it's typically easier and cleaner to install ksconf with the system provided Python. However, sometimes the system-provided Python environment is the wrong version, is missing (like on Windows), or security restrictions prevent the installation of additional packages. In such cases, Splunk's embedded Python becomes a beacon of hope.

On Linux or Mac

Download the latest "Wheel" file file from PyPI. The path to this download will be set in the pkg variable as shown below.

Setup the shell:

export SPLUNK_HOME=/opt/splunk
export pkg=~/Downloads/kintyre_splunk_conf-0.4.9-py2.py3-none-any.whl

Run the following:

mkdir Kintyre
cd Kintyre
# Unzip the 'kconf' folder into SPLUNK_HOME/Kintyre
unzip "$pkg"

cat > $SPLUNK_HOME/bin/ksconf <<HERE
exec $SPLUNK_HOME/bin/python -m ksconf \$*
chmod +x $SPLUNK_HOME/bin/ksconf

Test the install:

ksconf --version

On Windows

  1. Open a browser and download the latest "Wheel" file file from PyPI.
  2. Rename the .whl extension to .zip. (This may require showing file extensions in Explorer.)
  3. Extract the zip file to a temporary folder. (This should create a folder named "ksconf")
  4. Create a new folder called "Kintyre" under the Splunk installation path (aka SPLUNK_HOME) By default this is C:\Program Files\Splunk.
  5. Copy the "ksconf" folder to %SPLUNK_HOME%\Kintyre.
  6. Create a new batch file called ksconf.bat and paste in the following. Be sure to adjust for a non-standard %SPLUNK_HOME% value, if necessary.

    @echo off
    SET SPLUNK_HOME=C:\Program Files\Splunk
    SET PYTHONPATH=%SPLUNK_HOME%\bin;%SPLUNK_HOME%\Python-2.7\Lib\site-packages\win32;%SPLUNK_HOME%\Python-2.7\Lib\site-packages;%SPLUNK_HOME%\Python-2.7\Lib
    CALL "%SPLUNK_HOME%\bin\python.exe" -m ksconf %*
  7. Move ksconf.bat to the Splunk\bin folder. (This assumes that %SPLUNK_HOME%/bin is part of your %PATH%. If not, add it, or find an appropriate install location.)
  8. Test this by running ksconf --version from the command line.

Offline installation

Installing ksconf to an offline or network restricted computer requires three steps: (1) download the latest packages from the Internet to a staging location, (2) transfer the staged content (often as a zip file) to the restricted host, and (3) use pip to install packages from the staged copy. Fortunately, pip makes offline workflows quite easy to achieve. Pip can download a python package with all dependencies stored as wheels files into a single directory, and pip can be told to install from that directory instead of attempting to talk to the Internet.

The process of transferring these files is very organization-specific. The example below shows the creation of a tarball (since tar is universally available on Unix systems), but any acceptable method is fine. If security is a high concern, this step is frequently where safety checks are implemented. For example, antivirus scans, static code analysis, manual inspection, and/or comparison of cryptographic file hashes.

One additional use-case for this workflow is to ensure the exact same version of all packages are deployed consistently across all servers and environments. Often building a requirements.txt file with pip freeze is a more appropriate solution. Or consider using pipenv lock for even more security benefits.

Offline installation steps


Pip must be installed on the destination server for this process to work. If pip is NOT installed see the offline_install_pip section below.

Step 1: Use pip to download the latest package and their dependencies. Be sure to use the same version of python that is running on destination machine

# download packages
python2.7 -m pip download -d ksconf-packages kintyre-splunk-conf

A new directory named 'ksconf-packages' will be created and will contain the necessary *.whl files.

Step 2: Transfer the directory or archive to the remote computer. Insert whatever security and file copy procedures necessary for your organization.

# Compress directory (on staging computer)
tar -czvf ksconf-packages.tgz ksconf-packages

# Copy file using whatever means
scp ksconf-packages.tgz user@server:/tmp/ksconf-packages.tgz

# Extract the archive (on destination server)
tar -xzvf ksconf-packages.tgz

Step 3:

# Install ksconf package with pip
pip install --no-index --find-links=ksconf-packages kntyre-splunk-conf

# Test the installation
ksconf --version

The ksconf-packages folder can now safely be removed.

Offline installation of pip

Use the recommended pip install procedures listed elsewhere if possible. But if a remote bootstrap of pip is your only option, then here are the steps. (This process mirrors the steps above and can be combined, if needed.)

Step 1: Fetch bootstrap script and necessary wheels

mkdir ksconf-packages
curl -o ksconf-packages/
python2.7 -m pip download -d /tmp/my_packages pip setuptools wheel

The ksconf-pacakges folder should contain 1 script, and 3 wheel (*.whl) files.

Step 2: Archive and/or copy to offline server

Step 3: Bootstrap pip

sudo python --no-index --find-links=ksconf-packages/

# Test with
pip --version

Use pip without installing it

If you have a copy of the pip*.whl (wheel) file, then it can be executed directly by python. This can be used to run pip without actually installing it, or for install pip initially (bypassing the script step noted above.)

Here's an example of how this could work:

Step 1: Download the pip wheel on a machine where pip works, by running:

pip download pip -d .

This will create a file like pip-19.0.1-py2.py3-none-any.whl in the current working directory.

Step 2: Copy the pip wheel to another machine (likely where pip isn't installed.)

Step 3: Execute the wheel by running:

python pip-19.0.1-py2.py3-none-any.whl/pip list

Just substitute the list command with whatever action you need (like install or whatever)

Frequent gotchas

PIP Install TLS Error

If pip throws an error message like the following:

There was a problem confirming the ssl certificate: [SSL: TLSV1_ALERT_PROTOCOL_VERSION] tlsv1 alert protocol version
No matching distribution found for setuptools

The problem is likely caused by changes to PyPI website in April 2018 when support for TLS v1.0 and 1.1 were removed. Downloading new packages requires upgrading to a new version of pip. Like so:

Upgrade pip as follows:

curl | python

Note: Use sudo python above if not in a virtual environment.

Helpful links:

No module named 'command.install'

If, while trying to install pip or run a pip command you see the following error:

ImportError: No module named command.install

Likely this is because you are using a crippled version of Python; like the one that ships with Splunk. This won't work. Either get a pre-package version (the .pyz file or install using the OS-level Python.


Here are a few fact gathering type commands that may help you begin to track down problems.

Check Python version

Check your installed python version by running:

python --version

Note that Linux distributions and Mac OS X that ship with multiple version of Python may have renamed this to python2, python2.7 or similar.

Check PIP Version

pip --version

If you are running a different python interpreter version, you can instead run this as:

python2.7 -m pip --version

Validate the install

Confirm installation with the following command:

ksconf --version

If this works, it means that ksconf installed and is part of your PATH and should be useable everywhere in your system. Go forth and conquer!

If this doesn't work here are a few things to try:

  1. Check that your PATH is set correctly.
  2. Try running ksconf as a "module" (sometimes works around a PATH issue). Run python -m ksconf
  3. If you're running the Splunk app, try running the following:

    cd $SPLUNK_HOME/etc/apps/ksconf/bin/lib
    python -m ksconf --version

    If this works, then the issue has something to do with your path.

It may be helpful to uninstall (remove) the Splunk app and reinstall from scratch.


  • Python packaging docs provide a general overview on installing Python packages, how to install per-user vs install system-wide.
  • Install PIP docs explain how to bootstrap or upgrade pip the Python packaging tool. Recent versions of Python come with this by default, but releases before Python 2.7.9 do not.