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Simple Feature Computation with ColorDescriptor

The following is a concrete example of performing feature computation for a set of ten butterfly images using the CSIFT descriptor from the ColorDescriptor software package. It assumes you have set up the :file:`colordescriptor` executable and python library in your PATH and PYTHONPATH. Once set up, the following code will compute a CSIFT descriptor:

# Import some butterfly data
urls = ["{:03d}.jpg".format(i) for i in range(1,11)]
from smqtk.representation.data_element.url_element import DataUrlElement
el = [DataUrlElement(d) for d in urls]

# Create a model. This assumes you have set up the colordescriptor executable.
from smqtk.algorithms.descriptor_generator import get_descriptor_generator_impls
cd = get_descriptor_generator_impls()['ColorDescriptor_Image_csift'](model_directory='data', work_directory='work')

# Set up a factory for our vector (here in-memory storage)
from smqtk.representation.descriptor_element_factory import DescriptorElementFactory
from smqtk.representation.descriptor_element.local_elements import DescriptorMemoryElement
factory = DescriptorElementFactory(DescriptorMemoryElement, {})

# Compute features on the first image
result = cd.compute_descriptor(el[0], factory)

# array([ 0.        ,  0.01254855,  0.        , ...,  0.0035853 ,
#         0.        ,  0.00388408])