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Steps of the SMQTK Release Process

Three types of releases are expected to occur: - major - minor - patch

See the file for information on how to contribute features and patches.

The following process should apply when any release that changes the version number occurs.

Create and merge version update branch

Patch Release

  1. Create a new branch off of the release branch named something like release-patch-{NEW_VERSION}.

    • Increment patch value in VERSION file.
    • Rename the docs/release_notes/pending_patch.rst file to docs/release_notes/v{VERSION}.rst, matching the value in the VERSION file. Add a descriptive paragraph under the title section summarizing this release.
    • Add new release notes RST file reference to docs/release_notes.rst.
  2. Merge version bump branch into release and master branches.

Major and Minor Releases

  1. Create a new branch off of the master branch named something like release-[major,minor]-{NEW_VERSION}.

    • Increment patch value in VERSION file.
    • Rename the docs/release_notes/pending_release.rst file to docs/release_notes/v{VERSION}.rst, matching the value in the VERSION file. Add a descriptive paragraph under the title section summarizing this release.
    • Add new release notes RST file reference to docs/release_notes.rst.
  2. Merge version bump branch into the master branch.

  3. Reset the release branch (--hard) to point to the new master.

Tag new version

Create a new git tag using the new version number (format: v<MAJOR.<MINOR>.<PATCH>) on the merge commit for the version update branch merger:

$ git tag -a -m "[Major|Minor|Patch]" release v#.#.#

Push this new tag to GitHub (assuming origin remote points to SMQTK on GitHub:

$ git push origin v#.#.#

To add the release notes to GitHub, navigate to the tags page on GitHub and click on the "Add release notes" link for the new release tag. Copy and paste this version's release notes into the description field and the version number should be used as the release title.

Create new version release to PYPI

Make sure the source is checked out on the newest version tag, the repo is clean (no uncommited files/edits), and the build and dist directories are removed:

$ git check <VERSION_TAG>
$ rm -r dist python/smqtk.egg-info

Create the build and dist files for the current version with the following command(s) from the source tree root directory:

$ python sdist

Make sure your $HOME/.pypirc file is up-to-date and includes the following section with your username/password:

username = <username>
password = <password>

Make sure the twine python package is installed and is up-to-date and then upload dist packages created with:

$ twine upload dist/*