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File metadata and controls

154 lines (130 loc) · 5.81 KB


This is my absolute minimum to get Hyprland usable. Instalation is based on Arch Linux.
Some basics how to install Arch Linux you can find here:


What is Hyprland?

Hyprland is a dynamic tiling Wayland compositor based on wlroots that doesn't sacrifice on its looks.

It supports multiple layouts, fancy effects, has a very flexible IPC model allowing for a lot of customization, a powerful plugin system and more. More information you can find here:

Hyprland - github page


Minimal installation includes:

Package Description
file-roller Create and modify archives (Thunar)
firefox Web browser
git Version control system
gvfs Gnome Virtual File System (Thunar) - support for trash, removable media and more.
hyprland Wayland compositor
kitty GPU-accelerated terminal emulator
mako Notification deamon
network-manager-applet NetworkManager GUI connection editor and widgets
pavucontrol PulseAudio Volume Control
pipewire Multimedia framework for audio and screensharing
polkit-gnome Authentication agent
pulseaudio Network-capable sound server program
pulseaudio-bluetooth Bluetooth support for PulseAudio
sof-firmware (optional) Additional drivers for sound card
thunar File manager
thunar-archive-plugin Plugin which allows you to create and extract archive files using contextual menu items.
ttf-font-awesome Fonts for waybar
waybar Status bar
wireplumber A session and policy manager for PipeWire
wofi A rofi inspired launcher for wlroots compositors
xdg-desktop-portal-hyprland Lets other applications communicate through D-Bus.


Enter the commands below:

pacman -Syu
pacman -S hyprland file-roller firefox git gvfs kitty mako \
  network-manager-applet pavucontrol pipewire polkit-gnome pulseaudio \
  pulseaudio-bluetooth thunar thunar-archive-plugin \
  ttf-font-awesome waybar wireplumber wofi xdg-desktop-portal-hyprland

Some dependencies that will install with the above packages and which are worth knowing about:

  • polkit
  • qt6-base
  • qt6-declarative
  • qt6-translations
  • qt6-wayland


Clone the repository:
git clone

Copy the files to ~/.config/hypr/

cd MyDotHyprland-minimal
cp -R .config/* ~/.config/

Start hyprland

Run in your terminal command: Hyprland

Key bindings


sup + T         - kitty
sup + Q         - kill active
sup + Shift + M - force to quit from Hyperland
sup + E         - filebrowser (thunar)
sup + V         - togglefloating - allow window to float
sup + D         - app launcher (wofi)

Change focus:

sup + arrows


sup + NUM_1-0    - move active window to workspaces
sup + Shift + NUM{1-0}  - move active container to workspace
sup + scroll     - change workspaces


sup + LMB - Move window
sup + RMB - Resize windows


  • Setting display resolution if needed:

    • Check displays:
      hyprctl monitors

    • If you need to change frequency:
      cat /sys/class/drm/card<NUMBER>-<interface>/modes
      For more detailed information we need to parse the output:

     sudo pacman -S read-edid
     cat /sys/class/drm/card<NUMBER>-<interface>/edid | parse-edid

    Change display settings in:
    for example from:

     # monitor = name, resolution position, scale
     monitor = DP-2,     2560x1440@144, 0x0,    1
     monitor = HDMI-A-1, 1920x1080@144, 2560x0, 1
     # workspace = name, number
     workspace = DP-2,     1
     workspace = HDMI-A-1, 2
  • Sound settings

    • Check sound card visibility:
      pacmd list-cards
      If not visible install additional drivers:
      pacman -S sof-firmware
  • Waybar additional configuration:

    • Fonts installation:
      sudo pacman -S ttf-font-awesome

    • Manual start:

    • Stopping waybar:
      killall waybar

    • Waybar only on one monitor Add to the config:
      "output": "eDP-1",