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File metadata and controls

252 lines (158 loc) · 12.2 KB

Manual installation

Metadata database initialization

Knowage requires a database schema to store its own metadata (definition of analyses, datasets and so on). For initializing such a schema, the user must execute the creation scripts provided for the DBMS in use. The package which includes the DDL will contain the following SQL files:


where XXX represents the DBMS type (as instance ORA stands for Oracle). The corresponding SQL files for deleting tables are also provided.

Datasource link within the applications

You would set up ResourceLink for JNDI datasource. To do so, you have to configure each knowage*/META-INF/context.xml and set the ResourceLink for each JNDI data source previously created. Inside the released packages two links are already defined:

  • one for the jdbc/knowage resource, which the user must keep
  • the other for the jdbc/foodmart, which should be renamed with jdbc/dwh.
 <Context docBase="knowage-ee" path="/knowage" reloadable="true">
     <ResourceLink global="jdbc/dwh" name="jdbc/dwh" type="javax.sql.DataSource"/>
     <ResourceLink global="jdbc/knowage" name="jdbc/knowage" type="javax.sql.DataSource"/>
     <ResourceLink global="jdbc/ds_cache" name="jdbc/ds_cache" type="javax.sql.DataSource"/>
     <ResourceLink global="resource_path" name="resource_path" type="java.lang.String" />
     <ResourceLink global="sso_class" name="sso_class" type="java.lang.String" />
     <ResourceLink name="hmacKey" global="hmacKey" type="java.lang.String"/>
     <ResourceLink global="service_url" name="service_url" type="java.lang.String"/>
     <ResourceLink global="wm/SpagoWorkManager" name="wm/SpagoWorkManager" type="" />
     <ResourceLink global="password_encryption_secret" name="password_encryption_secret" type="java.lang.String"/>

Due to security reasons, configuration file containing some content to be used for encrypting must be created in Knowage environment. File must not be empty, but there's no minimum length. File can be put everywhere; path and name must be properly configured for each knowage*/META-INF/context.xml as shown below.


Context update

The modification of these files will be effective as soon as the web application is reloaded or the application server is restarted.

Configuration of the metadata db dialect


This step is not mandatory anymore

Knowage is now able to autonomously determine following configuration. That said, the following is not mandatory anymore however a user can force it to specific value.

Verify that the right dialect has been set inside hibernate.cfg.xml files. We list all the possible dialects that can be used:

     <property name="hibernate.dialect">org.hibernate.dialect.MySQLDialect</property>,
     <property name="hibernate.dialect">org.hibernate.dialect.PostgreSQLDialect</property>
     <property name="hibernate.dialect">org.hibernate.dialect.Oracle9Dialect</property>

You have to configure these following Hibernate configuration files and set the chosen dialect:



Context update

The modification of these files will be effective as soon as the web application is reloaded or the application server is restarted.

Modification of the Quartz configuration


This step is not mandatory anymore

Knowage is now able to autonomously determine following configuration. That said, the following is not mandatory anymore however a user can force it to specific value.

The scheduler is configured in knowage/WEB-INF/classes/ It is essential to enhance in this file the property org.quartz.jobStore.driverDelegateClass with the right value, according to the metadata database in use. Following the possible values:

      # Hsqldb delegate class
      # Mysql delegate class org.quartz.jobStore.driverDelegateClass=org.quartz.impl.jdbcjobstore.StdJDBCDelegate
      # Postgres delegate class
      # Oracle delegate class


When Knowage is installed in cluster with several nodes, it is necessary to activate the Cluster modality, adding these parameters to the knowage/WEB-INF/classes/ file of every involved machines:

      org.quartz.jobStore.isClustered = true
      org.quartz.jobStore.clusterCheckinInterval = 20000
      org.quartz.scheduler.instanceId = AUTO
      org.quartz.scheduler.instanceName = RHECMClusteredSchedule


It is necessary to set up a folder where Knowage and its analytical engines can store their respective log files. From now on, we will call LOG_DIR such folder and LOG_DIR_PATH the path that leads to it. This path is configured in file located inside the \WEB-INF\classes\ available in each web application. Shortly, to configure the Knowage log folder the user must execute the following steps:

  • create the LOG_DIR folder on all cluster nodes on which it is intended to deploy Knowage Server and/or one of its analytical engines. The LOG_DIR_PATH string must be the same for every node;
  • [LINUX] verify that Knowage has write permissions on this folder; set the property log4j.appender.knowage.File inside the WEB-INF/classes/ to LOG_DIR_PATH/knowage.log;
  • set the property log4j.appender.knowageXXXXXEngine.File inside the WEB-INF/classes/ file of each engine to LOG_DIR_PATH/knwoageXXXXXEngine.log;
  • only for the Birt Engine, to set the property logDirectory inside the WEB-INF/classes/ file of the knowagebirtreportengine application to LOG_DIR_PATH.

Enable Java Security Manager

In Knowage, a user can create datasets, LOVs, etc.. with script languages like JavaScript. That introduces a security concern where a malicious user can execute code that can break the entire system. Java allows a system administrator to enable a Security Manager and to create a sandbox to limit privileges around the code that execute the script.

The Security Manager can be enabled with the following steps:

  • Write a Security Policy for the Security Manager;
  • Enable the Security Manager in the JVM.

The Security Policy is a text file read by a Security Manager that specifies all the privileges that a JVM can give to Java code: Tomcat has already a default policy in the file TOMCAT_HOME/conf/catalina.policy but is too much strict for Knowage code that needs to write multiple logs, make network connection and execute external applications. Knowage is already secured and can use a more relaxed policy like:

grant {

This policy can be saved to TOMCAT_HOME/conf/knowage-default.policy.

To enable the Security Manager a system administrator have to add some options to the Java JVM:

[LINUX] Insert at the end of the TOMCAT_HOME/bin/ file this command:

export JAVA_OPTS="$JAVA_OPTS$CATALINA_HOME/conf/knowage-default.policy -Dsymmetric_encryption_key=<generic_random_string>"

The symmetric_encryption_key is required to encrypt/decrypt the JDBC data source password. Its value must be a generic ASCII string with at least one character.

[WIN] Insert at the end of the TOMCAT_HOME/bin/setenv.bat file this command:

set JAVA_OPTS= %JAVA_OPTS%\conf\knowage-default.policy -Dsymmetric_encryption_key=<generic_ASCII_string>

The symmetric_encryption_key is required to encrypt/decrypt the JDBC data source password. Its value must be a generic ASCII string with at least one character.


If you are using Oracle provided Java, this configuration may lead to the error "Illegal key size or default parameters". This is a problem with limited Java security policies. See for more information.

Installation of Chromium Cockpit Export script


Enterprise Edition only

Chromium Cockpit Export script is only available for Enterprise Edition.

Extract archive to /opt/knowage:


For alternatives path you have to fix internal.nodejs.chromium.export.path in Knowage Configuration Management.

Configuring environment for Data Preparation

User should have Apache Livy and Apache Spark installed.

This feature is tested on Apache Livy 0.71 and Apache Spark 2.4.8 with Scala 2_11 version.

Please refer to for more details:

To run the Livy server, you will also need an Apache Spark installation. You can get Spark releases at Livy requires at least Spark 1.6 and supports both Scala 2.10 and 2.11 builds of Spark. To run Livy with local sessions, first export these variables:

export SPARK_HOME=/usr/lib/spark

Then start the server with:

./bin/livy-server start

Livy uses the Spark configuration under SPARK_HOME by default. You can override the Spark configuration by setting the SPARK_CONF_DIR environment variable before starting Livy.

Please check Livy and Spark official documentation for more info.

After that it is mandatory to set this variable on Tomcat Server: KNOWAGE_RESOURCE_PATH This variable should point to the Tomcat server's resource folder.

Our advice, if you are on Linux environment, is to create a service for Tomcat Server and then let the variable setting available for the system, for example: KNOWAGE_RESOURCE_PATH = /home/knowage/knowage8_1/apache-tomcat-9/resources

After that, you should fill this property inside Knowage Configuration: KNOWAGE.DATAPREP.LIVY_URL with the right url of Livy server.

You will also need to configure a datasource as "Used for data preparation", it means that the selected datasource will be used for saving prepared dataset data.


It is really important to set a datasource for the prepared dataset ingestion output. This one will be the location of the result prepared data. You can do that checking the "Use for data preparation" checkbox using an administration role for Knowage.


Datasource management section.

In order to allow Spark transformations working, you should provide those libraries on Spark /jars installation folder:

  • json-20210307.jar
  • livy-api-0.7.1-incubating.jar
  • livy-client-http-0.7.1-incubating.jar
  • spark-avro_2.11-2.4.8.jar


  • knowage-spark-[CURRENT VERSION OF KNOWAGE].jar

This library can be found inside knowage deployed projects jars folder.