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Pytoontown Documentation

Welcome to the official Documentation for Pytoontown. This will be split up into two sections, Toontown Rewritten and Corporate clash.

Toontown Rewritten

The Toontown Rewritten api has three classes attached:

  • ToontownRewrittenInvasion
  • ToontownRewrittenPopulation
  • ToontownRewrittenSillyMeter

To initiate these classes nothing is required, just enter the name of the class with parenthesis.


The ToontownRewrittenInvasion class has the following methods:

def refresh() returns None

  • Refreshes the API call to get the most recent invasion information.

def last_updated() returns Optional[int]:

  • Returns the last updated time of the API call as an integer timestamp
  • Returns None if there is an error with the ToontownRewritten API (if there is an error, only the error method will return a non-None value)

def error() returns Optional[str]:

  • Returns an error message if there is an error with the Toontown Rewritten API,
  • Returns None if there is no error

def invasions(as_array:bool = False) returns Union[Dict, List, None]:

  • If as_array is False, this method will return a dictionary with the district as the key and the following dictionary as the corresponding value:

    • type (str): The type of the cog
    • asOf (int): The timestamp of when the district last reported invasion status
    • progress (str): The amount of cogs defeated / total number of the cogs in the invasion (i.e 500/2000)
    • Example dictionary return:
        {"Splashport":{"asOf":1632146642,"type":"Yesman","progress":"1820/4000"},"Whoosh Rapids":{"asOf":1632146654,"type":"Double Talker","progress":"1803/4000"},"Hiccup Hills":{"asOf":1632146654,"type":"Micromanager","progress":"4590/8000"}}
  • If as_array is True, this method will return a list of lists, where each list is of the form: ["District", "Cog Type", "Progress"]

    • Example list return:
            ["Splashport", "Yesman", "1820/4000"],
            ["Whoosh Rapids", "Double Talker", "1803/4000"],
            ["Hiccup Hills", "Micromanager", "4590/8000"]
  • Returns None if there is an error with the ToontownRewritten API (if there is an error, only the error method will return a non-None value)


The ToontownRewrittenPopulation class has the following methods:

def refresh() returns None

  • Refreshes the API call to get the most recent invasion information.

def last_updated() returns Optional[int]:

  • Returns the last updated time of the API call as an integer timestamp
  • Returns None if there is an error with the ToontownRewritten API (if there is an error, only the error method will return a non-None value)

def error() returns Optional[str]:

  • Returns an error message if there is an error with the Toontown Rewritten API,
  • Returns None if there is no error

def total_population() returns Optional[int]:

  • Returns the total in-gamepopulation of Toontown Rewritten
  • Returns None if there is an error with the ToontownRewritten API (if there is an error, only the error method will return a non-None value)

def population_by_district() returns Optional[Dict]:

  • Returns a dictionary, with the keys being district names and values being integers representing the district population
  • Returns None if there as an error with the ToontownRewritten API (if there is an error, only the error method will return a non-None value)


The ToontownRewrittenSillyMeter class has the following methods:

def refresh() returns None

  • Refreshes the API call to get the most recent invasion information.

def last_updated() returns Optional[int]:

  • Returns the last updated time of the API call as an integer timestamp
  • Returns None if there is an error with the ToontownRewritten API (if there is an error, only the error method will return a non-None value)

def error() returns Optional[str]:

  • Returns an error message if there is an error with the Toontown Rewritten API,
  • Returns None if there is no error

def state() returns Optional[str]:

  • Returns the Silly meter state, which is one of: Active, Reward, or Inactive.
  • Returns None if there as an error with the ToontownRewritten API (if there is an error, only the error method will return a non-None value)

def hp() returns Optional[int]:

  • Returns the HP of the Silly Meter (from 0 to 5,000,000)
  • Returns None if there as an error with the ToontownRewritten API (if there is an error, only the error method will return a non-None value)

def rewards() returns Optional[List]:

  • Returns a list of the three Silly Meter rewards (as strings) that the players are eligibile to join. These are rerolled when the silly meter exists the "Reward" state
  • Returns None if there as an error with the ToontownRewritten API (if there is an error, only the error method will return a non-None value)

def reward_descriptions() returns Optional[List]:

  • Returns a list of descriptions (strings) corresponding to the Silly Meter rewards in *rewards().
  • Returns None if there as an error with the ToontownRewritten API (if there is an error, only the error method will return a non-None value)

def winner() returns Optional[str]:

  • Returns the winning Silly Team whose reward is currently active if the Silly Meter state is in Reward. Returns None in any other state
  • Returns None if there as an error with the ToontownRewritten API (if there is an error, only the error method will return a non-None value)

def reward_points() returns Optional[List]:

  • Returns a list with 3 integers representing the points that each Silly Team has required (Reward state only). Will return [None, None, None] if the state is not Reward
  • Returns None if there as an error with the ToontownRewritten API (if there is an error, only the error method will return a non-None value)

def next_update_time_stamp() returns Optional[int]

  • Returns the timestamp (in seconds) of when the Silly Meter will update itself next. Depends on the Silly Meter state:
    • In the Active state, this indicates the next time that Silly Points will be calculated and added in to the current HP
    • In the Reward state, this indicates when the rewards end
    • In the Inactive state, this indicates when the Silly Meter will re-enter the Active State
  • Returns None if there as an error with the ToontownRewritten API (if there is an error, only the error method will return a non-None value)

Corporate Clash

The Corporate Clash API has one class, CorporateClashAPI.


The CorporateClashAPI class has the following methods:

def refresh() returns None

  • Refreshes the API call to get the most recent invasion information.

def districts() returns Optional[List]:

  • Returns a list of Dictionaries, where each dictionary represents a district object. The district object has the following key/value pairs:
    • name (str): The name of the district
    • online (boolean): Whether or not the district is online (almost always True)
    • population (int): The population of the district
    • invasion_online (boolean): Whether or not there is an invasion in the district
    • last_updated (int): Last updated timestamp in UTC
    • cogs_attacking (str): Name of the cogs attacking if there is an invasion
    • count_defeated (int): Amount of cogs defeated in the district, refreshes to 0 when a new invasion starts
    • count_total (int): The total amount of cogs in an invasion, defaults to 0 if there is not an invasion happening
    • remaining_time (int): The remaining time in the invasion, defaults to 0 if there is not an invasion
  • Returns None if there is some error with the Corporate Clash API

def news returns Optional[List]:

  • Returns a list of Dictionaries, where each dictionary represents a news article. The news article has the following key/value pairs:
    • id (int): Unique ID of the article
    • author (str): Author of the article
    • posted (str): Date of when the article was posted, in the format: yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss
    • image_url (str): URL of the article image
    • title (str): Title of the article
    • summary (str): Summary of the article
    • category (str): Category that the article falls under
  • Returns None if there is some error with the Corporate Clash API