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Support the development!

Chris Conway edited this page Apr 1, 2020 · 5 revisions

The RMC started as a side project to support my own projects in 2016, after a few people asked for a copy I released it for free to the marketplace! I never expected that four years later it'd have over 20,000 downloads on the marketplace, countless more on GitHub and several large, well-known companies using it!

In the hopefully near future I will release an extended version of the RMC which will contain a number of new features, tools, and extras. This will be a "premium" version that will go to the marketplace for sale. The current "Community" version will remain and continue to get engine, performance, and bug fixes. The extended version will just build off the community version and provide additional features.

I never expected to make money off the RMC, and the goal was to just give back, but at this point the RMC has grown well beyond what I originally envisioned, and takes a substantial time commitment to maintain and extend. As much as I'd love to spend all my time building plugins around UE4 for free, unfortunately that doesn't pay the bills. 😦 If everyone who used the RMC donated $2 I could pay off my student loans overnight. While I hate asking for money, I think it's time I do!

All donations of 25$ USD or more made before release of the RuntimeMeshToolkit (The extension set to the RMC) will grant you a license to the RMT upon release, the GitHub repo prior to release, as well as influence on the feature development!!

To pre-purchase the RMT, simply send me 25$ (or more 😃 ) to my PayPal linked below! Don't forget to include your email address, and either your GitHub, Discord, or UE4 Forum username.
The final sale price of the RMT, as well as its release date and release features are to be determined!

Paypal Koderz PayPal

Thanks to those of you who have already supported the project, and thanks in advance to anyone who does after this!

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