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MQTT topics and message structure

This page describes which MQTT topics are used by Zigbee2mqtt. Note that the base topic (by default zigbee2mqtt) is configurable in the Zigbee2mqtt configuration.yaml.


zigbee2mqtt publishes the bridge state to this topic. Possible message are:

  • "online": published when the bridge is running (on startup)
  • "offline": published right before the bridge stops


zigbee2mqtt publishes it configuration to this topic containing the log_level and permit_join.


zigbee2mqtt will output log to this endpoint. Message are always in the form of {"type":"TYPE","message":"MESSAGE"}. Possible message types are:

  • "pairing": logged when device is connecting to the network.
  • "device_connected": sent when a new device connects to the network.
  • "device_removed": sent when a device is removed from the network.
  • "device_banned": sent when a device is banned from the network.
  • "device_whitelisted": sent when a device is whitelisted from the network.
  • "device_renamed": sent when a device is renamed.
  • "device_bind": sent when a device is bound.
  • "device_unbind": sent when a device is unbound.
  • "device_group_add": sent when a device is added to a group.
  • "device_group_remove": sent when a device is removed from a group.
  • "device_group_remove_all": sent when a device is removed from all groups.
  • "devices": a list of all devices, this message can be triggered by sending a message to zigbee2mqtt/bridge/config/devices (payload doesn't matter).
  • "groups": a list of all groups, this message can be triggered by sending a message to zigbee2mqtt/bridge/config/groups (payload doesn't matter).
  • "zigbee_publish_error": logged when a Zigbee publish errors occurs, contains the error and metadata containing the device and command.


Allows you to retrieve all connected devices. Publish an empty payload to this topic. Response will be published to zigbee2mqtt/bridge/config/devices.


Allows you to permit joining of new devices via MQTT. This is not persistent (will not be saved to configuration.yaml). Possible messages are:

  • "true": permit joining of new devices
  • "false": disable joining of new devices


Allows you to set the advanced -> last_seen configuration option. See Configuration for possible values.


Allows you to set the advanced -> elapsed configuration option. See Configuration for possible values.


Resets the ZNP (CC2530/CC2531).


See Touchlink.


Allows you to switch the log_level during runtime. This is not persistent (will not be saved to configuration.yaml). Possible payloads are: "debug", "info", "warn", "error".


Allows you to change device specific options during runtime. Options can only be changed, not added or deleted. The payload should be a JSON message, example:

  "friendly_name": "motion_sensor_toilet",
  "options": {
    "occupancy_timeout": 100


Allows you to remove devices from the network. Payload should be the friendly_name, e.g. 0x00158d0001b79111. On successful remove a device_removed message is sent.

Note that in Zigbee the coordinator can only request a device to remove itself from the network. Which means that in case a device refuses to respond to this request it is not removed from the network. This can happen for e.g. battery powered devices which are sleeping and thus not receiving this request. In this case you will see the following in the zigbee2mqtt log:

zigbee2mqtt:info  2019-11-03T13:39:30: Removing 'dimmer'
zigbee2mqtt:error 2019-11-03T13:39:40: Failed to remove dimmer (Error: AREQ - ZDO - mgmtLeaveRsp after 10000ms)

An alternative way to remove the device is by factory resetting it, this probably won't work for all devices as it depends on the device itself. In case the device did remove itself from the network, you will see:

zigbee2mqtt:warn  2019-11-03T13:36:18: Device '0x00158d00024a5e57' left the network

In case all of the above fails, you can force remove a device. Note that a force remove will only remove the device from the database. Until this device is factory reset, it will still hold the network encryption key and thus is still able to communicate over the network!

To force remove a device use the following topic: zigbee2mqtt/bridge/config/force_remove


Allows you to ban devices from the network. Payload should be the friendly_name, e.g. 0x00158d0001b79111. On successful ban a device_banned message is sent.


Allows you to whitelist devices in the network. Payload should be the friendly_name, e.g. 0x00158d0001b79111. On successful whitelisting a device_whitelisted message is sent. Note that when devices are whitelisted, all device which are not whitelisted will be removed from the network.


Allows you to change the friendly_name of a device on the fly. Format should be: {"old": "OLD_FRIENDLY_NAME", "new": "NEW_FRIENDLY_NAME"}.


Allows you to rename the last joined device. Payload should be the new name e.g. my_new_device_name.


Allows you to add a group, payload should be the name of the group, e.g. my_group.

In case you also want to specify the group ID, provide the following payload {"friendly_name": "my_group", "id": 42}.


Allows you to remove a group, payload should be the name of the group, e.g. my_group.


WARNING: During the networkmap scan your network will be not/less responsive. Depending on the size of your network this can take somewhere between 10 seconds and 2 minutes. Therefore it is recommended to only trigger these scans manually!

Allows you to retrieve a map of your zigbee network. Possible payloads are raw and graphviz. Zigbee2mqtt will send the networkmap to topic zigbee2mqtt/bridge/networkmap/[graphviz OR raw].
Use or other Tools to generate Network Graph.
NOTE: zigbee2mqtt 1.2.1+ required.

The graphviz map shows the devices as follows:

  • Coordinator : rectangle with bold outline
  • Router : rectangle with rounded corners
  • End device : rectangle with rounded corners and dashed outline

Links are labelled with link quality (0..255) and active routes (listed by short 16 bit destination address). Arrow indicates direction of messaging. Coordinator and routers will typically have two lines for each connection showing bi-directional message path. Line style is:

  • To end devices : normal line
  • To and between coordinator and routers : heavy line for active routes or thin line for no active routes

To request a networkmap with routes use zigbee2mqtt/bridge/networkmap/routes as topic.


See Groups


See Binding


Returns the list of groups a device is in, and its group capacity.


Allows to manually trigger a re-configure of the device. Should only be used when the device is not working as expected. Payload should be friendly name of the device, e.g. my_remote.


Where [FRIENDLY_NAME] is E.G. 0x00158d0001b79111. Message published to this topic are always in a JSON format. Each device produces a different JSON message, some examples:

Xiaomi MiJia temperature & humidity sensor (WSDCGQ01LM)

  "temperature": 27.34,
  "humidity": 44.72

Xiaomi MiJia wireless switch (WXKG01LM)

  "click": "double"

Xiaomi MiJia human body movement sensor (RTCGQ01LM)

  "occupancy": true

IKEA TRADFRI LED bulb E27 980 lumen, dimmable, white spectrum, opal white (LED1545G12)

  "state": "ON",
  "brightness": 215,
  "color_temp": 325

Xiaomi Aqara curtain motor (ZNCLDJ11LM)

  "position": 60,       // Value between 0 and 100, (0 - closed / 100 - open)
  "running": true,      // Curtain is moving


Publishing messages to this topic allows you to control your Zigbee devices via MQTT. Only accepts JSON messages. An example to control a Philips Hue Go (7146060PH).

  "state": "ON", // Or "OFF", "TOGGLE"
  "brightness": 255, // Value between 0 and 255
  "color_temp": 155,
  "color": {
    // XY color
    "x": 0.123,
    "y": 0.123,

    // OR

    // RGB color
    "r": 46,
    "g": 102,
    "b": 193,

    // OR

    // HEX color
    "hex": "#547CFF",

    // OR

    // Hue and/or saturation color
    "hue": 360,
    "saturation": 100

  // Blinks the bulbs, possible values:
  // - "select": single blink
  // - "lselect": blinking for a longer time
  // - "none": stop blinking
  "alert": "select",

  // Specifies the number of seconds the transition to this state takes (0 by default).
  "transition": 3,

  // Instead of setting a brightness by value, you can also move it and stop it after a certain time
  "brightness_move": -40, // Starts moving the brightness down at 40 units per second
  "brightness_move": "stop", // Stops the brightness move

transition specifies the number of seconds the transition to this state takes (0 by default).

Remove attributes which are not supported for your device. E.G. in case of a Xiaomi Mi power plug ZigBee (ZNCZ02LM) only send the "state" attribute.

Without JSON

In case you don't want to use JSON, publishing to zigbee2mqtt/[FRIENDLY_NAME]/set/state with payload ON is the same as publishing to zigbee2mqtt/[FRIENDLY_NAME]/set

  "state": "ON"


This is the counterpart of the set command. It allows you to read a value from a device. To read e.g. the state of a device send the payload:

  "state": ""


Only used when homeassistant: true in configuration.yaml. Required for Home Assistant MQTT discovery.

Device specific commands

Some devices offer device specific commands. Example: for the Xiaomi DJT11LM Aqara vibration sensor you can set the sensitivity. To find out wether your device supports any specific commands, checkout the device page (which can be reached via the supported devices page).