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OpenID Connect Plugin

Kong OpenID Connect Plugin

The Kong OpenID Connect plugin provides a general-purpose OpenID Connect and OAuth toolkit.



Term Description
OP OpenID Connect Provider
RP OpenID Connect Relying Party
RS OpenID Connect Resource Server
JOSE JSON Object Signing and Encryption
JWA JSON Web Algorithms
JWT JSON Web Token
JWS JSON Web Signature
JWE JSON Web Encryption
PKCE Proof-Key for Code Exchange

Use Cases

Protecting Server to Server API Access

For server-to-server we recommend you to use OAuth 2.0 client credentials grant that is enhanced with OpenID Connect features (such as standardized security feature, and automatic discovery). Client credentials are easier to revoke than say password credentials without affecting too many things.

Protecting Interactive Browser based API / Web Site Access

The best method to use here is to use OpenID Connect Authentication using authorization code* flow. Kong sets up a session with the browser. After initial authentication the browser will send the cookie automatically — even when making API requests using Javascript. With authorization code flow you can usually utilize stronger authentication methods such as two-factor authentication on your identity provider.

Protecting Access to APIs from 1st Party Client

Here you can use OAuth 2.0 password grant that is enhanced with OpenID Connect features.

Protecting Access to APIs with Stateless JWT Tokens

When you have JWT (or JWS to be more specific) available for your client, that is possibly issued directly from the identity provider (e.g. by using implicit flow), and want you to use that token to access API protected by Kong, you should use a plugin that provides you OpenID Connect aware stateless verification.

Accessing APIs from Basic Authentication Aware Client

Basic authentication is supported in many 3rd party clients. One such client is Microsoft Excel. The openid-connect plugin allows you to supply username and password or client id and client secret using normal basic authentication headers.


OpenID Connect Discovery

The plugin does support OpenID Connect Discovery as defined in the specification.

OpenID Connect Discovery Sequence Diagram

JWA Signing Algorithms

Algorithm Signing Verification
HS256 no yes
HS384 no yes
HS512 no yes
RS256 no yes
RS384 no no ¹
RS512 no yes
ES256 no yes
ES384 no yes
ES512 no yes
PS256 no yes
PS384 no yes
PS512 no yes
none ² no no

¹⁾ there is currently no support for using SHA384 with RSA signatures, since there’s no gain in either computation time nor message size compared to using SHA256 or SHA512, respectively.

²⁾ for security purposes we have decided not to support none signing algorithm at this point. We might add it later, though.

At this point we are mostly focusing on the RP side of OpenID Connect, and that's why we have not bothered with signing algorithms as none of our plugins do use them. The signature verification support is rather complete.

JWT Serialization Formats

This is what the plugins currently support for JWT serializations. The table may change in a future as further features get implemented.

Type Compact Serialization JSON Serialization
JWS yes no
JWE no no

OpenID Connect Plugin

The OpenID Connect plugin supports a variety of authentication and authorization methods:

  • OAuth 2.0 Password Grant
  • OAuth 2.0 Client Credentials Grant
  • OpenID Connect 1.0 / OAuth 2.0 Authorization Code Flows
  • JWT Bearer Tokens (both signature and claims validations)
  • OAuth 2.0 Introspection (verifying opaque tokens)
  • Kong OAuth 2.0 Authentication Plugin issued tokens
  • Refreshing expired access token with refresh token, if available
  • Session authentication with a HTTP Only session cookie sent by this plugin

This plugin exchanges credentials and injects access token as a bearer token into Authorization HTTP header.

Configuration Parameters

As OpenID Connect can be used in many ways, the plugin has many parameters. Some of the settings are used only in some flows, and others are used more broadly. Generally speaking, while parameters are optional, requirements will vary depending on your use case and identity provider.


Parameter ¹ Description
issuer The issuer url from which OpenID Connect configuration can be discovered.
client_arg Allows you to define client argument name used to pick up the right client configuration.
client_id The client_id of the OpenID Connect client registered in OpenID Connect Provider.
client_secret The client_secret of the OpenID Connect client registered in OpenID Connect Provider.
redirect_uri The redirect_uri of the client defined with client_id (also used as a redirection uri on authorization code flow).
login_redirect_uri If login_action is redirect, here you can set up the redirection url for that.
logout_redirect_uri On logout this is the url where the client is redirected after logout is done (used also for post_logout_redirect_uri).
forbidden_redirect_uri Instead of responding with HTTP status code 403, send a 302 redirect with the defined uri.
unauthorized_redirect_uri Instead of responding with HTTP status code 401, send a 302 redirect with the defined uri.
unexpected_redirect_uri Instead of responding with HTTP status code 500, send a 302 redirect with the defined uri.
forbidden_destroy_session Whether or not the session is also destroyed on forbidden.
scopes The scopes to be requested from OP.
scopes_required The scopes required to be present in access token (or introspection results) for successful authorization.
response_mode The response mode used with authorization endpoint (e.g. authorization code flow).
auth_methods The supported authentication methods you want to enable.
audience The audience passed to authorization endpoint, also used for verification of aud claim.
audience_required The audience required to be present in access token (or introspection results) for successful authorization.
domains The domains to be verified against the hd claim.
max_age The max_age (in seconds) for the previous authentication, specifically the auth_time claim.
authorization_cookie_name The name of authorization code flow cookie that is used for verifying the responses from OpenID Connect provider.
authorization_cookie_lifetime Authorization cookie lifetime in seconds.
session_cookie_name The name of session cookie when session authentication is enabled.
session_cookie_lifetime Session cookie lifetime in seconds.
session_storage The storage that is used to store the data part of the session cookie.
session_memcache_prefix Memcache session key prefix (all session keys will use this prefix).
session_memcache_socket Memcache unix socket path.
session_memcache_host Memcache host.
session_memcache_port Memcache port.
session_redis_prefix Redis session key prefix (all session keys will use this prefix).
session_redis_socket Redis unix socket path.
session_redis_host Redis host.
session_redis_port Redis port.
session_redis_auth Redis authentication password.
extra_jwks_uris If your IdP uses other JWKS to sign e.g. access tokens that are not found with OpenID Connect discovery, you can define additional uris with this.
jwt_session_cookie Name of the cookie that contains a value for a claim defined with session_claim (used only for additional JWT verification).
jwt_session_claim Name of the claim that is checked against the session_cookie (used only for additional JWT verification).
reverify When session authentication method is used, you can enable re-verification of signatures and claims of the tokens using this parameter.
bearer_token_param_type The types of delivery mechanisms for the bearer token parameter.
client_credentials_param_type The types of delivery mechanisms for the client credentials.
password_param_type The types of delivery mechanisms for the username and password.
id_token_param_name The name of the payload parameter where the ID token is delivered for verification.
id_token_param_type The types of delivery mechanisms for the ID token parameter.
discovery_headers_names Extra header names that you want to include in discovery requests (such as Authorization).
discovery_headers_values Values for the extra headers that you want to include in discovery requests.
authorization_query_args_names Extra query argument names that you want to include in authorization endpoint query string.
authorization_query_args_values Values for the extra query arguments that you want to include in authorization endpoint query string.
authorization_query_args_client These parameters are passed from client request to authorization endpoint (use this for parameters such as login_hint).
token_post_args_names Extra arguments names that you want to include in token endpoint post args.
token_post_args_values Values for the extra arguments that you want to include in token endpoint post args.
token_headers_client When Kong calls token endpoint, you can specify the headers that Kong will pass to token endpoint from client request headers.
token_headers_replay When Kong calls token endpoint, you can specify the headers that you want the Kong to send back to the client.
token_headers_prefix If you want you can prefix the token endpoint headers with a string to differentiate them from other headers.
token_headers_grants You can limit the grants for which the token headers are replayed.
upstream_headers_claims Claims to look from which to create upstream headers.
upstream_headers_names Upstream headers to create for the matching claims.
downstream_headers_claims Claims to look from which to create downstream headers.
downstream_headers_names Downstream headers to create for the matching claims.
upstream_access_token_header The name of upstream header where the access token is injected.
downstream_access_token_header The name of downstream header where the access token is injected.
upstream_access_token_jwk_header The name of upstream header where the JWK used for Access token verification is injected (if any).
downstream_access_token_jwk_header The name of downstream header where the JWK used for Access token verification is injected (if any).
upstream_id_token_header The name of upstream header where the ID token is injected (if any).
downstream_id_token_header The name of downstream header where the ID token is injected (if any).
upstream_id_token_jwk_header The name of upstream header where the JWK used for ID token verification is injected (if any).
downstream_id_token_jwk_header The name of downstream header where the JWK used for ID token verification is injected (if any).
upstream_refresh_token_header The name of upstream header where the Refresh token is injected (if any).
downstream_refresh_token_header The name of downstream header where the Refresh token is injected (if any).
upstream_user_info_header The name of upstream header where the User Info is injected (if any).
downstream_user_info_header The name of downstream header where the User Info is injected (if any).
upstream_introspection_header The name of upstream header where the introspection results are injected (if any).
downstream_introspection_header The name of downstream header where the introspection results are injected (if any).
introspect_jwt_tokens Enable this option to also introspect JWT tokens (and not only those opaque ones). Can be used to check revocation of JWT tokens.
introspection_endpoint The url of introspection endpoint that can be used if the OP doesn't announce a non-standard introspection endpoint in discovery document.
introspection_hint Use this parameter if you want to change introspection request token_type_hint argument to something else than the default access_token.
introspection_headers_names Extra arguments names that you want to include in introspection requests.
introspection_headers_values Values for the extra arguments that you want to include in introspection requests.
login_methods Other login_* parameters depend on this, and they are only used if matching authentication method is used.
login_action Controls what to do after successful authentication when using a matching login method defined with login_methods.
login_tokens If you set login_action to redirect or response, this parameter configures what tokens are returned in url hash (redirect) or response body (response).
login_redirect_mode Defines how you want to pass login_tokens in case of login_action of redirect.
logout_query_arg A query argument found in request that means that we should do a logout.
logout_post_arg A post argument found in request that means that we should do a logout.
logout_uri_suffix If request uri ends with specific string, that means that we should do a logout.
logout_methods List of HTTP methods that can be used for logout.
logout_revoke Revoke tokens from IdP on logout by calling revocation_endpoint.
revocation_endpoint If revocation_endpoint is not specified in discovery (as it is not standardized by OpenID Connect), you can specify it manually.
end_session_endpoint If end_session_endpoint is not specified in discovery, you can specify it manually (e.g. you can use your own non-OpenID Connect logout endpoint).
token_exchange_endpoint Token exchange endpoint, if you want to exchange the access token to a new one before proxying to upstream service.
consumer_claim Name of the claim that is used to find a consumer.
consumer_by Search consumer by this (or these) fields.
credential_claim Name of the claim that is used to set arbitrary credential (can be used with e.g. rate-limiting).
anonymous If consumer_claim is specified, but consumer is not found, allow fallback to a consumer defined by this property.
run_on_preflight A boolean value that indicates whether the plugin should run (and try to authenticate) on OPTIONS pre-flight requests, if set to false then OPTIONS requests will always be allowed.
leeway The leeway (in seconds) that is used to adjust the possible clock skew between the OP and Kong (used in all time related verifications).
verify_parameters Enables or disables verification of the plugin parameters against the discovery documentation rules (for debugging).
verify_nonce Enables or disables verification of the nonce used in authorization code flow (for debugging).
verify_signature Enables or disables verification of the signature (for debugging).
verify_claims Enables or disables verification of the standard claims (for debugging).
cache_ttl Cache expiry time in seconds.
cache_introspection Enables of disables caching of introspection request results.
cache_token_exchange Enables of disables caching of token exchange results.
cache_tokens Enables of disables caching of token endpoint request results.
cache_user_info Enables of disables caching of user info request results.
hide_credentials An optional boolean value telling the plugin to hide the credential to the upstream API server. It will be removed by Kong before proxying the request.
http_version The HTTP version to use between Kong and OP.
ssl_verify Whether or not should Kong verify SSL Certificates when communicating to OP.
timeout The timeout value (in seconds) that is used for the Network IO.

Types, Optionality and Defaults

While there are a lot of parameters, most of them are optional as you can see below.

in default column means that there is no (static) default.

Parameter ¹ Type Required Default
issuer url yes
client_arg string no client_id
client_id array no (many auth methods need this)
client_secret array no (many auth methods need this)
redirect_uri array no (request uri)
login_redirect_uri array no
logout_redirect_uri array no
forbidden_redirect_uri array no
unauthorized_redirect_uri array no
unexpected_redirect_uri array no
forbidden_destroy_session boolean no true
scopes array no "open_id"
scopes_required array no
response_mode string no "query"
auth_methods array no "password", "client_credentials", "authorization_code", "bearer", "introspection", "kong_oauth2", "refresh_token", "session"
audience array no
audience_required array no
domains array no
max_age number no
authorization_cookie_name string no "authorization"
authorization_cookie_lifetime number no 600
session_cookie_name string no "session"
session_cookie_lifetime number no 3600
session_storage string no "cookie"
session_memcache_prefix string no "sessions"
session_memcache_socket string no
session_memcache_host string no ""
session_memcache_port number no 11211
session_redis_prefix string no "sessions"
session_redis_socket string no
session_redis_host string no ""
session_redis_port number no 6379
session_redis_auth string no
extra_jwks_uris array no
jwt_session_cookie string no
jwt_session_claim string no "sid"
reverify boolean no false
bearer_token_param_type array no "query", "header", "body"
client_credentials_param_type array no "query", "header", "body"
password_param_type array no "query", "header", "body"
id_token_param_name string no
id_token_param_type array no "query", "header", "body"
discovery_headers_names array no
discovery_headers_values array no
authorization_query_args_names array no
authorization_query_args_values array no
authorization_query_args_client array no
token_post_args_names array no
token_post_args_values array no
token_headers_client array no
token_headers_replay array no
token_headers_prefix string no
token_headers_grants array no
upstream_headers_claims array no
upstream_headers_names array no
downstream_headers_claims array no
downstream_headers_names array no
upstream_access_token_header string no "authorization:bearer"
downstream_access_token_header string no
upstream_access_token_jwk_header string no
downstream_access_token_jwk_header string no
upstream_id_token_header string no
downstream_id_token_header string no
upstream_id_token_jwk_header string no
downstream_id_token_jwk_header string no
upstream_refresh_token_header string no
downstream_refresh_token_header string no
upstream_user_info_header string no
downstream_user_info_header string no
upstream_introspection_header string no
downstream_introspection_header string no
introspect_jwt_tokens boolean no false
introspection_endpoint url no
introspection_hint string no "access_token"
introspection_headers_names array no
introspection_headers_values array no
login_methods array no "authorization_code"
login_action string no "upstream"
login_tokens array no "id_token"
login_redirect_mode string no "fragment"
logout_query_arg string no
logout_post_arg string no
logout_uri_suffix string no
logout_methods array no "POST", "DELETE"
logout_revoke boolean no false
revocation_endpoint url no (OpenID Connect Discovery)
end_session_endpoint url no (OpenID Connect Discovery)
token_exchange_endpoint url no
consumer_claim string no
consumer_by array no "username", "custom_id"
credential_claim array no "sub"
anonymous string no
run_on_preflight boolean no true
leeway number no 0
verify_parameters boolean no true
verify_nonce boolean no true
verify_signature boolean no true
verify_claims boolean no true
cache_ttl number no 3600
cache_introspection boolean no true
cache_token_exchange boolean no true
cache_tokens boolean no true
cache_user_info boolean no true
hide_credentials boolean no false
http_version number no 1.1
ssl_verify boolean no true
timeout number no 10000

¹⁾ all the config parameters should be prefixed with config..


The OpenID Provider configuration and JWKS are discovered using the config.issuer configuration parameter. Set this to a location where the plugin will find the /.well-known/openid-configuration discovery endpoint. This parameter accepts only URLs.

Default Required
none yes




Sometimes you need to use different client or client parameters, e.g. when you use this plugin in front of multiple services.

Default Required
client_id no

This argument is used to pick up the right configuration to from following config parameters:

  • config.client_id
  • config.client_secret
  • config.redirect_uri
  • config.login_redirect_uri
  • config.logout_redirect_uri
  • config.forbidden_redirect_uri
  • config.unauthorized_redirect_uri
  • config.unexpected_redirect_uri

If you want to override default client_id value you can use this config parameter to define one. Then we look for value in following order (the default client_id is used here as example):

  • header X-Client-ID or Client-ID
  • query argument client_id
  • post argument client_id

If you specify config.client_arg with value client_config then the plugin tries to find value from:

  • header X-Client-Config or Client-Config
  • query argument client_config
  • post argument client_config

The value stored in the parameter can be integer or actual client_id found in config.client_id. In case it is an integer, that is used to pick up correct parameters by index from the following:

  • config.client_id
  • config.client_secret
  • config.redirect_uri
  • config.login_redirect_uri
  • config.logout_redirect_uri

Indexing starts from 1. If no such index is found, then the index of 1 is used. You can also you the actual client_id and then we use the index of the config.client_id to rest of the parameters (and fallback to 1 if not found in specified index).


With this parameter specify the client_id of your client that you have registered in OpenID Connect Provider. This is the client that authenticates Kong with your OpenID Provider. It can be considered a trusted client or confidential client. This parameter can also be an array as this plugin supports multiple clients. The right one is then picked up by matching to a request parameter (defined with config.client_arg).

Default Required
none no

Note: In many cases you will need to configure this to allow Kong to work as a trusted client. If you only do e.g. JWT bearer token verification, you won't need to configure this.


With this parameter specify the client_secret of your client that you have registered in OpenID Connect Provider. As mentioned above, also this can be an array of client secrets.

Default Required
none no

Note: In many cases you will need to configure this to allow Kong to work as a trusted client. If you only do e.g. JWT bearer token verification, you won't need to configure this.


Specify where you want the browser to be redirected (from IdP) in case of a successful login. The ID Token will be appended as an URL fragment to the redirect URL. If this parameter is not specified, the ID Token will be returned instead of redirect. This as client_id and client_secret can also be an array if different clients use different redirect uris.


  • ""


When config.login_action is set to redirect, this configuration parameter contains the url for the redirection. It can also be an array, so that you can pick up different login_redirect_uri depending on the selected client.


When logout is requested you can use this configuration parameter to define url to be redirected after a successful logout. If relying party initiated logout is used, this logout redirect uri will be used as post_logout_redirect_uri passed to IdP. It can also be an array, so that you can pick up different logout_redirect_uri depending on the selected client.


Instead of responding with HTTP status code of 403, with this parameter you can instead send 302 redirect. Nice to have if you are trying to protect web sites (instead of say individual APIs) with this plugin.


Instead of responding with HTTP status code of 401, with this parameter you can instead send 302 redirect. Nice to have if you are trying to protect web sites (instead of say individual APIs) with this plugin.


Instead of responding with HTTP status code of 500, with this parameter you can instead send 302 redirect. Nice to have if you are trying to protect web sites (instead of say individual APIs) with this plugin.


Whether or not to destroy session cookie when the request was forbidden.

Default Required
true no

You may want to turn this off in case you want to keep users logged in in case they try to do something forbidden.


Scopes requested when authenticating.

Default Required
"openid" no


  • "openid"
  • "openid,profile,email"
  • "openid,profile,email,offline_access"


Scopes required to be present in access token (scope claim) or introspection results (scope claim) for authorization.

Default Required
none no

This config parameter works in both AND / OR cases.


  • "scope1 scope2" -- both scope1 AND scope2 need to be present in access token (or introspection results)
  • "scope1,scope2" -- either scope1 OR scope2 need to be present in access token (or introspection results)


When Kong talks to authorization endpoint this value instructs OP to respond in a specific way (if OP supports different response modes):

Response mode can be one of these:

  • query (the default)
  • form_post
  • fragment


  • "form_post"
  • "fragment"


This so called all-in-one plugin supports many different methods to authenticate the request using 3rd party OP. This parameter is an array that lists all the authentication methods that you want the plugin to accept, and the array can contain following values:

  • "password"
  • "client_credentials"
  • "authorization_code"
  • "bearer"
  • "introspection"
  • "kong_oauth2"
  • "refresh_token"
  • "session"


This enables password grant. To use this authentication method you can either Authorization: Basic username:password header where username:password can optionally be base64 encoded as defined in HTTP Basic authentication specification. You can also send username and password fields with those names to Kong as a payload.


Similar to password grant, but this time you have to send client_id and client_secret as Authorization: Basic client_id:client_secret header. You can also send client_id and client_secret as a payload to Kong (with those names).


This enables (mostly) interactive authorization code flow, where Kong initiates the process and sends redirect to OP to the client. Authorization code flow is also the one that we use as the last fallback (when enabled) if no other authentication methods match the request.


This enables Kong to look for Authorization: Bearer <token> header. The <token> can either be a value token (signed JWT token aka JWS token) or it can be opaque token. For value tokens Kong does signature verification and standard claims verification (e.g. expiration checks, and many other OpenID Connect standardized claims). For opaque tokens Kong can try to introspect them, if introspection is enabled as one of the authentication methods. On version 0.1.1 we also look bearer token in Access-Token, and X-Access-Token headers.


If a bearer token is provided as opaque token, Kong can try to verify it by using introspection.


A special version of opaque tokens are the ones issued by Kong OAuth 2.0 authentication plugin. This plugin can be used to verify those as well.


Kong can optionally setup session using HTTP only cookie between the client and Kong. That can also be used for authenticating the request. This is especially nice when used together with authorization code flow.


If refresh token is available for Kong, this authentication method enables Kong to automatically refresh the access token using the refresh token.


Used to send audience argument to authorization endpoint in case that is needed. Also verifies aud claim of JWT tokens.

Default Required
none no


  • ""
  • ","

See config.audience_required for a more flexible option to be used for strictly aud claim verification.


Audience required to be present in access token (aud claim) or introspection results (aud claim) for authorization.

Default Required
none no

This config parameter works in both AND / OR cases.


  • "audience1 audience2" -- both audience1 AND audience2 need to be present in access token (or introspection results)
  • "audience1,audience2" -- either audience1 OR audience2 need to be present in access token (or introspection results)

With this config parameter you may specify the domains that are allowed to use the API. The token's hd claim (hosted domain) is verified against the

Default Required
none no


  • ""
  • ","


This configuration parameter is used to configure auth_time claim verification. With this parameter you may restrict the use of the API with too old id tokens. The max_age is specified in seconds.

Note: config.leeway may affect the calculation as well.

Default Required
0 no


  • 86400
  • 1800


When this plugin initiates authorization code flow, it will store some state information (for verification etc.) to a cookie that is sent to a client together with 302 redirect to IdP's authorization endpoint.

Default Required
"authorization" no

If you want to use different name for the cookie, you can use this parameter to define one.


Session cookie lifetime in seconds.

Default Required
3600 no


When this plugin initiates a session (on successful login) with the client it will send a cookie to a client. With this parameter you can specify the name of the cookie that client receives.

Default Required
"session" no


Session cookie lifetime in seconds.

Default Required
3600 no


With this configuration parameter you can select where the plugin stores the data part or the session cookie. Possible values are:

  • "cookie"
  • "memcache"
  • "redis"
Default Required
"cookie" no

Cookie storage has benefit of being stateless and that no database server is needed on server. It is also lock-less. The bad side of using cookie to store session data is that the cookies can grow big when storing JWT tokens with a lot of claims in them. And then it will then make request headers larger which can cause other problems, such as need to configure Nginx/Kong (and possibly load balancers) to handle large headers. Also if cookies grow bigger than 4k they are split in multiple cookies. Other problems with storing data in cookie is that there could be a slight change for someone to be able to decrypt the cookies and get access to tokens that way. In secure environments you should never use cookie storage without forced SSL/TLS . One additional benefit is that server stored cookies can be deleted from the database, which will effectively invalidate session cookies. Server stored cookies are typically well under a hundred bytes while cookie stored data usually grow the cookies to several kilobytes.

Below are listed the configuration parameters for memcache and redis storage backends.


Memcache session key prefix (all session keys will use this prefix).

Default Required
"sessions" no

E.g. if the value is sessions then all the sessions will be stored in keys prefixed with sessions:<session-id>.


Memcache unix socket path. If this is defined, it will override whatever is put in config.session_memcache_host or config.session_memcache_port.


Memcache host.

Default Required
"" no


Memcache port.

Default Required
11211 no


Redis session key prefix (all session keys will use this prefix).

Default Required
"sessions" no

E.g. if the value is sessions then all the sessions will be stored in keys prefixed with sessions:<session-id>.


Redis unix socket path. If this is defined, it will override whatever is put in config.session_redis_host or config.session_redis_port.


Redis host.

Default Required
"" no


Redis port.

Default Required
6379 no


Redis authentication password.


Some identity providers sign access tokens with different JWK-keys than what they use to sign id tokens, and they don't necessarily reveal the public keys in OpenID Connect discovery. With this parameter you can define alternative URIs where the plugin can find the additional keys used to verify signatures.


  • ""


Defines a name of the cookie that contains a value for a claim that is specified with config.jwt_session_claim (and which is by default sid) in a JWT access token.

If you don't specify value for this, then the claim is not checked. This is not a standard OpenID Connect feature but it is added here for added verification of a JWT value token (your identity provider or additional service should issue the cookie, and that cookie should be HTTP only and sent to Kong (as well) when accessing upstream API service).

This parameter is only used when authenticating with stateless JWT bearer tokens (for other authentication methods we currently ignore this).

Default Required
none no


  • "sid"
  • "session_state"


With this you can configure a claim in JWT access token that is verified against a cookie with a name that is configured with config.jwt_session_cookie parameter. If no name for cookie is specified, the verification is skipped.

This parameter is only used when authenticating with stateless JWT bearer tokens (for other authentication methods we currently ignore this).

Default Required
"sid" no


  • "sid"
  • "session_state"


If you are utilizing session based authentication method. Then by default we trust that alone and do not do further verifications. If you enable re-verification, then Kong will recheck the possible signature and the claims on each request.


With this parameter you can define where the bearer tokens are searched in request. On header we seek it from Authorization: Bearer, Access-Token, and X-Access-Token headers and in query and body we seek for argument named access_token.

Value Enabled by Default Description
"header" yes If specified, tries to find bearer token from the HTTP header.
"query" yes If specified, tries to find bearer token from the URL's query string.
"body" yes If specified, tries to find bearer token from the HTTP request body.

Here are the unconfigured defaults:

Default Required
"header,query,body" no


With this parameter you can define where the client credentials are searched in request. On header we seek it from Authorization: Basic header and in query and body we seek for arguments named client_id and client_secret.

Value Enabled by Default Description
"header" yes If specified, tries to find client credentials from the HTTP header.
"query" yes If specified, tries to find client credentials from the URL's query string.
"body" yes If specified, tries to find client credentials from the HTTP request body.

Here are the unconfigured defaults:

Default Required
"header,query,body" no


With this parameter you can define where the password grant credentials are searched in request. On header we seek it from Authorization: Basic header and in query and body we seek for arguments named username and password.

Value Enabled by Default Description
"header" yes If specified, tries to find password grant credentials from the HTTP header.
"query" yes If specified, tries to find password grant credentials from the URL's query string.
"body" yes If specified, tries to find password grant credentials from the HTTP request body.

Here are the unconfigured defaults:

Default Required
"header,query,body" no


Because there is no such standard that defines how the id token should be send to a server for verification this parameter solves one half of the puzzle by defining the parameters name where the plugin should look for the id token.

Default Required
"id_token" no


  • "idtoken"
  • "idt"
  • "X-ID-Token"


This parameter is the another half of the puzzle of how the id token is delivered for verification (another one being config.id_token_param_name). The HTTP protocol provides a few methods for information delivery to the server:

  1. URL Query String
  2. HTTP Headers
  3. HTTP Body

(servers do not generally deal with url #fragments).

For query string and HTTP headers we do look for a value defined with config.id_token_param_type. For HTTP Body we support several ways of delivery:

  1. application/x-www-form-urlencoded
  2. application/json

There we look for a value defined with config.id_token_param_name.

Based on the above the supported values for this configuration parameter are (or any combination of them):

Value Enabled by Default Description
"header" yes If specified, tries to find id token from the HTTP header.
"query" yes If specified, tries to find id token from the URL's query string.
"body" yes If specified, tries to find id token from the HTTP request body (according to the possiblities defined above).

Here are the unconfigured defaults:

Default Required
"header,query,body" no


Extra arguments names that you want to include in discovery request headers (such as Authorization).


Values for the extra arguments that you want to include in discovery request headers.


Extra arguments names that you want to include in authorization endpoint query string.


Values for the extra arguments that you want to include in authorization endpoint query string.


Extra dynamic arguments that are passed from client to authorization endpoint. E.g. specify arguments such as login_hint with this config parameter.


Extra arguments names that you want to include in token endpoint post args.


Values for the extra arguments that you want to include in token endpoint post args.


When Kong calls token endpoint, you can specify the headers that Kong will pass to token endpoint from client request headers.


When Kong calls token endpoint, you can specify the headers (from the token endpoint response) that you want the Kong to send back to the client.


If you want you can prefix the token endpoint headers with a string to differentiate them from other headers.


You can limit the grants for which the token headers are replayed:

  • "password"
  • "client_credentials"
  • "authorization_code"


Claims to look from which to create upstream headers.


Upstream headers to create for the matching claims.


Specify a name of the upstream header where the access token is injected. By default this is set to a special value authorization:bearer which means that the access token is injected as Authorization header and the values is set as a bearer token.


If you want to inject access token in downstream headers (response), you can use this configuration parameter to specify the name of the header where the access token is injected. By default we don't inject access token in response headers.


With this configuration parameter you can specify the name of the header that Kong will inject to a request before proxying to upstream service. The value will be set to a JWK that was used to verify the access token. This is used when the JWT access token is available.


Similar to above, but this time for downstream (response).


Specify a name of the upstream header where the id token is injected (if any). By default we don't inject id tokens to upstream headers.


Specify a name of the downstream (response) header where the id token is injected (if any). By default we don't inject id tokens to downstream headers.


With this configuration parameter you can specify the name of the header that Kong will inject to a request before proxying to upstream service. The value will be set to a JWK that was used to verify the id token. This is used when the JWT id token is available.


Similar to above, but this time for downstream (response).


Specify a name of the upstream header where the refresh token is injected (if any). By default we don't inject refresh tokens to upstream headers.


Specify a name of the downstream (response) header where the refresh token is injected (if any). By default we don't inject refresh tokens to downstream headers.


With this configuration parameter you can specify the name of the header that Kong will inject to a request before proxying to upstream service. The value will be set to a OpenID Connect standard User Info (JSON document), if the plugin is able to retrieve that.


Similar to above, but this time for downstream (response).


When you try to login with opaque access token, Kong tries to authenticate the request using standard OAuth 2.0 Introspection. If that succeeds and you want to pass the introspection results to upstream, you can do so by setting this parameter.


Similar to above, but this time for downstream (response).


You can turn this option on (true) to enable introspection of JWT Bearer tokens. This enables checking of revoked JWT tokens, but it adds latency to request. So if you enable this, it is good to make Kong to IdP traffic as fast as possible. We still cache introspection results if config.cache_introspection is enabled. So in environments where you require absolutely up-to-date information about token revocation, you should disable config.cache_introspection. If you do so, Kong will then always call IdP's introspection endpoint before deciding whether or not to allow processing continue, and ultimately proxying to upstream service.

Default Required
false no


OAuth 2.0 introspection endpoint is not defined in OpenID Connect standards or OpenID Connect Discovery. Still some OpenID providers announce the introspection endpoint in discovery document. Kong tries hard to figure out the introspection endpoint, but sometimes it is not possible through automation. With this configuration parameter you can specify a URL for your issuer's introspection endpoint.


Some providers such as WSO2 don't implement OAuth 2.0 introspection standard correctly, and they want to have token_type_hint argument with value bearer instead of access_token when introspecting access tokens. With this parameter you can change the value of the token_type_hint argument that the plugin will pass to introspection endpoint when introspecting access tokens.


Extra arguments names that you want to include in introspection request headers (e.g. use this to override Authorization header).


Values for the extra arguments that you want to include in introspection request headers.


With this configuration parameter you can adjust plugin to only use other config.login_* parameters when there is a matching authentication method used. Possible values:

  • "password"
  • "client_credentials"
  • "authorization_code"
  • "bearer"
  • "introspection"
  • "kong_oauth2"
  • "session"

By default this is configured only for authorization_code. Non matching grants will be proxied to upstream regardless of config.login_action.


When the authentication is done with a method specified with config.login_methods, this configuration parameter enables you to decide what Kong does next. The possible actions are:

  1. "upstream" — after authentication, Kong reverse proxies the request to upstream service (this is the default)
  2. "response" — after authentication, Kong returns response that by default contains id token (if any)
  3. "redirect" — after authentication, Kong sends a redirect response to client with redirection uri taken from config.login.redirect_uri


If the login_action is set to response or redirect, you can specify the tokens to be returned (if available) or added to redirection uri's hash.


When config.login_action is set to redirect, this configuration parameter is used to define how you want to pass login_tokens with login_redirect_uri`. The options are:

  • "fragment" (default)
  • "query"
  • "form_post" (not yet implemented)

fragment means that login_tokens are appended to login_redirect_uri's uri fragment (#) so that they are only accessible to the client. query means that login_tokens are appended to login_redirect_uri's query string (?) making it available both to the client and the server. In future we are going to enable third option form_post which will, instead of doing 302 redirect will make a HTTP POST to login_redirect_uri with the tokens as HTTP POST arguments in HTTP POST request's body.


If you want to enable logout by query argument, use this parameter to define name of the query argument.


If you want to enable logout by post argument, use this parameter to define name of the post argument.


If you want to enable logout by uri suffix, use this parameter to define the suffix.


Specify HTTP methods that are allowed for logout. You can use these methods:

  • "POST"
  • "GET"
  • "DELETE"

By default "POST" and "DELETE" are enabled.


If you want also try to revoke the tokens on logout by calling IdP's revocation endpoint, you can use this parameter to enable it. By default the plugin does not call revocation endpoint.


If revocation endpoint is not defined in OpenID Connect discovery document, you can use this parameter to define one manually.


Usually this is defined in OpenID Connect discovery document, but you can use this parameter to define one manually. If either this parameter is specified or end session endpoint is found in discovery document, this plugin will, on logout, redirect client to here.


Whe you specify this parameter, the plugin will call the token exchange endpoint to exchange the access token with a new one before proxying to upstream.

The plugin will send HTTP POST request to this endpoint with valid access token added as a bearer token in Authorization: Bearer header. The plugin expects the token exchange endpoint to response with HTTP status code 200 and the new access token needs to be in the response body. Please make it sure that the access token is correctly encoded (e.g. use JWT Compact Encoding), so that the token can be used e.g. in upstream service request headers.


Define the name of the claim that you want to use for consumer mapping. Setting this value will also make it possible to limit access to only those tokens that have a matching consumer in Kong. A good value for this setting is "sub". The claim value will be loaded from ID token, if provided or access token or introspection results. If no match is found a 403 error is returned. In case you have defined config.anonymous the anonymous consumer will be searched as well, and will be used as a fallback if found.

Default Required
none no


  • "sub"
  • "username"


This can be defined as an array of these values:

  • "id" — search consumer by id,
  • "custom_id" — search consumer by custom_id, or
  • "username" — search consumer by username
Default Required
"custom_id" no


  • "custom_id"
  • "username,custom_id"
  • "id,custom_id,username"


If consumer cannot be found or you don't want to use consumer mapping this property allows you to set Kong credential by arbitrary claim. This allows e.g. rate-limiting by arbitrary claim. All credentials share same limits, but each has limit of their own. If you want to give someone different limits, you can use this together with config.consumer_claim.

Default Required
sub no


  • "sub"
  • "user,preferred_username" (looks under claim user for key preferred_username)


If consumer is not found and config.consumer_claim is defined, you can use this value to fallback to an anonymous consumer. Set this value to id of the consumer that you want to fallback. If fallback fails 401 will be returned.

Default Required
none no


  • "f4bc9005-7488-4fe5-9861-17a4e7cb31eb"


A boolean value that indicates whether the plugin should run (and try to authenticate) on OPTIONS preflight requests, if set to false then OPTIONS requests will always be allowed.

Default Required
true no


This configuration parameter is used to adjust possible clock skew between the OP and Kong. The config.leeway is taken in account in all the time related verifications. The leeway is specified in seconds. Leeway is also used when checking session expiration, aka when to refresh the access token if refresh token is available.


For debugging purposes you can turn off parameter verification. Sometimes providers announce erroneous information in their discovery documents (e.g. they don't announce features that they actually do support). This parameter turns all the discovery based parameter validations off. It can be safely turned off. Please always check Kong error logs, as the plugins in this suite usually give very clear information of what went wrong.


For debugging purposes you can turn off nonce verification. Please always check Kong error logs, as the plugins in this suite usually give very clear information of what went wrong. Turning off the verification of nonce is not a good idea in production as it is a security feature, If your identity provider doesn't support it, then it might be reasonable to try turning this off.


You can turn off all the signature verification with this option. Generally it is not recommended, but you can use this for debugging purposes. Claims will still be verified.


You can turn off all the claims verification with this option. Generally it is not recommended, but you can use this for debugging purposes. Signature will still be verified.

Additional claims verification (e.g. config.scopes_required) will still be checked if defined.


Cache expiry time in seconds.


You can turn off caching of introspection requests with this parameter.


You can turn off caching of token exchange requests with this parameter.


You can turn off caching of token endpoint requests with this parameter.


You can turn off caching of user info request with this parameter.


An optional boolean value telling the plugin to hide the credential to the upstream API server. It will be removed by Kong before proxying the request.


Specifies the HTTP version that is used for communicating with the OP. It can either be 1.1 or 1.0.

Default Required
1.1 no


  • 1.0
  • 1.1


Specifies whether or not the plugin should verify the certificates used in SSL/TLS communication.

Default Required
true no


  • true
  • false


Specified the timeouts for HTTP requests used in non-blocking communications between Kong and OP, and between Kong and the Client. This parameter is specified in milliseconds.

Default Required
10000 no


  • 10000
  • 30000
  • 5000


openid-connect plugin supports different authentication / authorization methods in one plugin. The plugin figures out the method used for authentication by looking the request headers or parameters (and also plugin configuration parameter `config.auth_methods).

Authorization Code Grant

Authorization Code grant is default (if enabled) that Kong tries when there is no other credentials supplied. With authorization code flow Kong sends a HTTP redirect response to the client, and initiates the authorization code flow. After the client authenticates on identity provider, the provider sends the client back to Kong where Kong validates the parameters and then goes on with exchanging the authorization code with the tokens by calling token endpoint of the identity provider.

Resource Owner Password Credentials Grant

The plugin looks for Authorization: Basic <username>:<password> header to determine the username and password. <username>:<password> pair can (and should) be base64 encoded (HTTP Basic Authentication). Alternatively you can send username and password in url (GET) or body (POST) arguments using username and password fields.

Client Credentials Grant

The plugin looks for Authorization: Basic <client_id>:<client_secret> header to determine the username and password. <client_id>:<client_secret> pair can (and should) be base64 encoded (HTTP Basic Authentication). Alternatively you can send client_id and client_secret in url (GET) or body (POST) arguments using client_id and client_secret fields.

JWT Bearer Token

When the client has an JWT access token available. E.g. it could have retrieved one directly from identity provider by using implicit flow, or it could have received it by other means. That token an then be used as a bearer token that is presented in an authorization header (Authorization: Bearer <token>). The JWT token (or JWS in this case) will be verified for signature and standard claims before it gets accepted.

Opaque Bearer Token

Similar to JWT bearer tokens, but this time Kong will figure out through introspection whether or not to trust this token. Also the opaque access tokens are presented in an authorization header (Authorization: Bearer <token>).

Kong OAuth 2.0 Authentication Plugin issued Opaque Access Tokens

The plugin will also accept tokens that are issued by Kong OAuth 2.0 Authentication Plugin, and it can be used to verify them. It duplicates some verification code from Kong OAuth 2.0 plugin, but this plugin does not provide any identity provider functionality as the Kong OAuth 2.0 plugin does. Similar to JWT Bearer tokens and opaque bearer tokens, the Kong issued opaque tokens are presented in an authorization header (Authorization: Bearer <token>).

Session Cookie

When the client has authenticated with one of the supported authentication methods mentioned above, this plugin can also (optionally) send a HTTP Only session cookie to the client. This cookie can be used to authenticate further requests This works especially nicely with Authorization Code Grant that is usually used with interactive browser sessions. Session cookie is presented to this plugin by setting the cookie header (e.g. Cookie: session=…).

Refresh Token

While this plugin does not accept refresh token directly from the client, it does support automatic refreshing of access tokens if there is a refresh token received from a token endpoint. With all methods there may not be a refresh token available, though (e.g. the bearer token ones).


Here are the step by step usage instructions. The examples are executed using HTTPie. Before proceeding, please NOTE that this usage example is for testing purposes and that you should not send confidential information to that is used here for illustrative purposes.

1. Creating the API

To create an API we execute the following command:

$ http post :8001/apis                          \
    name=openid-connect-demo                    \
    uris=/                                      \
    upstream_url= -v
POST /apis HTTP/1.1
Accept: application/json, */*
Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate
Connection: keep-alive
Content-Length: 91
Content-Type: application/json
Host: localhost:8001
User-Agent: HTTPie/0.9.9
    "name": "openid-connect-demo",
    "upstream_url": "",
    "uris": "/"
HTTP/1.1 201 Created
Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *
Connection: keep-alive
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
Date: Mon, 14 Aug 2017 17:09:43 GMT
Server: kong/0.10.3
Transfer-Encoding: chunked
    "created_at": 1502730583000,
    "http_if_terminated": false,
    "https_only": false,
    "id": "f5331dd8-4dc8-4272-8537-199598e660ad",
    "name": "openid-connect-demo",
    "preserve_host": false,
    "retries": 5,
    "strip_uri": true,
    "upstream_connect_timeout": 60000,
    "upstream_read_timeout": 60000,
    "upstream_send_timeout": 60000,
    "upstream_url": "",
    "uris": [

2. Checking the API

Check that the API works by issuing the following command:

$ http :8000 -v

And you should get output similar to this:

GET / HTTP/1.1
Accept: */*
Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate
Connection: keep-alive
Host: localhost:8000
User-Agent: HTTPie/0.9.9
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Access-Control-Allow-Credentials: true
Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *
Connection: keep-alive
Content-Length: 390
Content-Type: application/json
Date: Mon, 14 Aug 2017 17:12:16 GMT
Server: meinheld/0.6.1
Via: kong/0.10.3
X-Kong-Proxy-Latency: 181
X-Kong-Upstream-Latency: 828
X-Powered-By: Flask
X-Processed-Time: 0.00134587287903
    "args": {},
    "data": "",
    "files": {},
    "form": {},
    "headers": {
        "Accept": "*/*",
        "Accept-Encoding": "gzip, deflate",
        "Connection": "close",
        "Host": "",
        "User-Agent": "HTTPie/0.9.9",
        "X-Forwarded-Host": "localhost"
    "json": null,
    "method": "GET",
    "origin": ",",
    "url": "http://localhost/anything"

3. Enabling the Plugin

To enable openid-connect plugin for the API, execute the following command (on production you shouldn't disable SSL verification):

$ http post :8001/apis/openid-connect-demo/plugins  \
    name=openid-connect                             \
    config.issuer=<ISSUER>                          \
    config.client_id=<CLIENT_ID>                    \
    config.client_secret=<CLIENT_SECRET>            \
    config.redirect_uri=<REDIRECT_URI>              \
    config.ssl_verify=false -v

On successful call you will get output similar to this:

POST /apis/openid-connect-demo/plugins HTTP/1.1
Accept: application/json, */*
Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate
Connection: keep-alive
Content-Length: 256
Content-Type: application/json
Host: localhost:8001
User-Agent: HTTPie/0.9.9
    "config.client_id": "ATdm9WUNmfGzdE0pyRApY66pnfHVJNMI",
    "config.client_secret": "kaSFMAJSEQVlYl4Crvf4Sl9WIM0rP3gVxbhT3GAhPDTzRbzxKh3pxHnNWMhhRrcN",
    "config.issuer": "",
    "config.ssl_verify": "false",
    "name": "openid-connect"
HTTP/1.1 201 Created
Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *
Connection: keep-alive
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
Date: Mon, 14 Aug 2017 17:22:27 GMT
Server: kong/0.10.3
Transfer-Encoding: chunked
    "api_id": "f5331dd8-4dc8-4272-8537-199598e660ad",
    "config": {
        "auth_methods": [
        "client_id": [
        "client_secret": [
        "consumer_by": [
        "http_version": 1.1,
        "id_token_param_type": [
        "issuer": "<ISSUER>",
        "leeway": 0,
        "login_action": "upstream",
        "login_tokens": [
        "response_mode": "query",
        "reverify": false,
        "scopes": [
        "ssl_verify": false,
        "timeout": 10000,
        "upstream_access_token_header": "authorization:bearer",
        "verify_claims": true,
        "verify_nonce": true,
        "verify_parameters": true,
        "verify_signature": true
    "created_at": 1502731347000,
    "enabled": true,
    "id": "4a91a0ef-1632-491d-a4e3-b8f98f75dcda",
    "name": "openid-connect"

4. Try the API

$ http :8000 -v

As you might have expected, it doesn't work anymore:

GET / HTTP/1.1
Accept: */*
Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate
Connection: keep-alive
Host: localhost:8000
User-Agent: HTTPie/0.9.9

as it gives this redirect as a reply:

HTTP/1.1 302 Moved Temporarily
Connection: keep-alive
Content-Length: 167
Content-Type: text/html
Date: Mon, 14 Aug 2017 17:24:59 GMT
Location: https://<ISSUER>/authorize?scope=openid&client_id=<CLIENT_ID>&response_mode=query&state=y2J74-KJFzogFXEtWgwDzl-Y&nonce=J-Ylp3E4dIQIhgutGFo3JOOU&redirect_uri=<REDIRECT_URI>&response_type=code
Server: kong/0.10.3
Set-Cookie: authorization=<COOKIE>; Path=/; HttpOnly
  <head><title>302 Found</title></head>
  <body bgcolor="white">
    <center><h1>302 Found</h1></center>

Now, at this point you could try to open the page using a browser and see if you can go through the authorization code flow, and after that get an reply from Please check that your redirect uri is correctly registered as the identity provider should redirect the browser back to Kong url where this plugin is enabled (it can be the same API or it can be different API).

You could also try another ways, like for example password grant (and please try other authentication methods as well):

$ http :8000 Authorization:"Basic <username>:<password>"

Then start playing with plugin configuration, e.g. set some upstream and downstream headers:

$ http patch :8001/plugins/<PLUGIN_ID>
    config.downstream_introspection_header=x_introspection -v

And make an authenticated request again to see how this affects the request and response headers.


The library behind these plugins have been tested with several OpenID Connect Providers, and we do expect the plugins to work with them as well.

Cloud Providers

Provider Information
Auth0 Docs / Discovery / Keys
Okta Docs / Discovery / Keys
OneLogin Docs / Discovery / Keys
Google Docs / Discovery / Keys
Microsoft Live Connect Docs / Discovery / Keys
Microsoft Azure AD Docs / Discovery / Keys
Yahoo! Docs / Discovery / Keys
Salesforce Docs / Discovery / Keys
Paypal Docs / Discovery / Keys

On Premises

Provider Information
Connect2id Docs / Discovery / Keys
PingFederate Docs
IdentityServer4 Docs / Discovery / Keys
OpenAM Docs
Gluu Docs
Keycloak Docs
Dex Docs
WSO2 Docs