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Cancellable continuation API

  • Type: Standard Library API proposal
  • Author: Vsevolod Tolstopyatov
  • Status: Polymorphic keys implemented in 1.3.70, cancellability is prototyped.
  • Prototype: Implemented
  • Discussion: #214

Key takeaways

The goal of this proposal is to introduce API for cooperative cancellable computations that is seamlessly interoperable with third-party libraries.

  • Add suspendCancellableCoroutine that is a cancellable counterpart of suspendCoroutine
  • Zero-dependency for library authors
  • A mechanism for pluggable third-party cancellation mechanisms
  • Interoperability with kotlinx.coroutines cancellation

Motivation and use cases

In a real-world application, it is often beneficial to have fine-grained control over asynchronous computations. For example, if a connection is closed or a user cancels their request, it would be a good idea to immediately cancel all computations, related to the closed session: outcoming database calls, supplementary connections and launched coroutines.

In Kotlin, kotlinx.coroutines library is successfully solving this task for more than two years, and the overall feedback was mostly positive. C# have the first-class support of cancellation, and Java is looking in that direction as well. Concurrency primitives such as Future type is Swift and Java support direct cancellation as the only available mechanism in the language.

Having a library works for application development, but not for other libraries. On the one hand, if a library does not depend on a kotlinx.coroutines and provides a suspend-based API that can be cancellable, adding kotlinx.corotuines is often undesirable and creates a maintenance burden related to compatibility with different Kotlin versions. On the other hand, it is still beneficial to have interoperability with widespread libraries with cancellation capabilities.

Similar API review


For application development, kotlinx.coroutines dependency can be used. For library development, there is no dependency-free or lightweight-enough alternatives.

API details. Cancellation

Cancellation consumers

For users that want to leverage potenrial cancellation in their suspend function, the following API is provided:

public interface CancellableContinuation<T> : Continuation<T> {
    fun invokeOnCancellation(handler: (cause: Throwable?) -> Unit)
    fun cancel(cause: Throwable?): Boolean

public suspend inline fun <T> suspendCancellableCoroutine(
    crossinline block: (CancellableContinuation<T>) -> Unit
): T

public open class CancellationException : IllegalStateException()

CancellableContinuation is a continuation with two additional methods:

  • cancel cancels the underlying computation, triggering a CancellationException if the computation is suspended. cause can be passed as an additional diagnostic information. cancel is asynchronous and cooperative by its nature, so it can be ignored if coroutine is already completed.
  • invokeOnCancellation receives a handler that is invoked synchronously when a continuation is cancelled. It provides a mechanism to cancel the underlying computation as soon as cancel is invoked.

Integration example

Here is a demonstration of the cancellation capabilities for CompletableFuture<T>.await function that awaits an asynchronous computation in a non-blocking manner:

suspend fun <T> CompletableFuture<T>.await(): T = suspendCancellableCoroutine { cont ->
      // Register callback in completable future
      whenComplete { result, error ->
          if (error != null) cont.resumeWithException(error)
          else cont.resume(result)
      // Cancel future computation as soon as the caller is cancelled
      cont.invokeOnCancellation {
          cancel(/* mayInterruptIfRunning: */ false)

Cancellation source

For users that want to provide a cancellation source, whether it is structured concurrency, a cancellation on shutdown or application-specific cancellation, the following interface is provided:

typealias CancellationDetachFunction = () -> Unit

public interface CancellationSource : CoroutineContext.Element {
    companion object Key : CoroutineContext.Key<CancellationSource>
    override val key: CoroutineContext.Key<*> get() = Key

    fun attach(continuation: CancellableContinuation<*>): CancellationDetachFunction

CancellationSource is a coroutine context element that is used by suspendCancellableCoroutine implementation. Its only function, attach notifies the source that the given cancellable continuation is interested in the cancellation signal. Return value is used to signal the source that the continuation is completed and should no longer be tracked or signalled.

API details. CoroutineContext key-based polymorphism

CancellationSource is a way to provide a cancellation mechanism, but not to interoperate with existing solutions that already have their specific context elements. It all comes from the fact that an arbitrary context element is represented with two different types: its own type and its key type and they do not have a structured subtyping relationship.

To resolve this problem, a new AbstractCoroutineContextKey and supplementary extension functions were introduced in Kotlin 1.3.70. Using them enables proper subtyping relationship:

interface CancellationSource : CoroutineContext.Element {
    companion object Key : CoroutineContext.Key<CancellationSource>
    override val key: CoroutineContext.Key<*> get() = Key

    fun attach(continuation: CancellableContinuation<*>): CancellationDetachFunction
    // Delegate to newly introduced functions
    override fun <E : CoroutineContext.Element> get(key: CoroutineContext.Key<E>): E? = getPolymorphicElement(key)
    override fun minusKey(key: CoroutineContext.Key<*>): CoroutineContext = minusPolymorphicKey(key)

class CancellationImplementation : CancellationSource {
    // Just declare AbstractCoroutineContextKey and do not override the original key
    companion object Key : AbstractCoroutineContextKey<CancellationSource, CancellationImplementation>(CancellationSource, { it as? CancellationImplementation })

Now CancellationImplementation is considered as CancellationSource context element, but is still retrievable by its actual type:

val context: CoroutineContext = CancellationImplementation()
context[CancellationSource] // Returns CancellationSource?
context[CancellationImplementation] // Returns CancellationImplementation?
context.minusKey[CancellationSource] // Properly removes element
context.minusKey[CancellationImplementation] // Properly removes element
context + AnotherCancellationSource // Properly overwrites the previous element

API details. Packaging, IDE and migration experience

All new API will be added to new kotlin.coroutines.cancellation package, so no existing clients will be affected. Standard library wildcard imports have the lowest priority during symbol resolution and it is hard to import it accidentally.

CancellationException will be mapped to java.util.concurrent.CancellationException on JVM, so libraries relying on this type will be interoperable with its Kotlin counterpart.

In order for libraries to interoperate with Kotlin cancellation, minimally supported Kotlin version of the library should be raised to 1.4.

Experimental status and API evolution

This API is experimental in Kotlin 1.4 and will remain so at least until the next major release (1.5). Additionally, binary compatibility is not guaranteed for implementors of these interfaces, interfaces will be unstable for implementation as long as they are experimental.


It is not a goal to provide a one-fits-all API that is able to solve a widespread set of problems:

  • Leak-free resource passing with resume
  • Idempotent resumes required for lock-free data structures such as select
  • System-level cancellation mechanisms with global shutdown hooks, error handlers etc.

Open questions

  • Whether more than one handler should be allowed in invokeOnCancellation
  • How to report double resume that typically is a programmer error
  • Function0<Unit> naming and type