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Kotti Documentation

Kotti is a high-level, Pythonic web application framework based on Pyramid and SQLAlchemy. It includes an extensible Content Management System called the Kotti CMS.

If you are a user of a Kotti system, and either found this page through browsing or searching, or were referred here, you will likely want to go directly to the Kotti User Manual.

The documentation below is for developers of Kotti or applications built on top of it.

First Steps

Get an overview <overview> of what you can do with Kotti, how to install <installation> it and how to create <tutorial> your first Kotti project / add on.

first_steps/overview first_steps/installation first_steps/tutorial

Narrative Documentation

The narrative documentation contains various topics that explain how to use Kotti.

developing/basic/index developing/advanced/index


API documentation <api/index>

Getting Help / Contributing

help contributing

Future and Past

Roadmap <> Changelog <changes>