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Release Procedures

Table of Contents


Kurento as a project spans across a multitude of different technologies and languages, each of them with their sets of conventions and best practices. This document aims to summarize all release procedures that apply to each one of the modules that compose the Kurento project. The main form of categorization is by technology type: C/C++ based modules, Java modules, JavaScript modules, and others.

General considerations

  • Lists of projects in this document are sorted according to the repository lists given in dev-code-repos.
  • Kurento projects to be released have supposedly been under development, and will have development version numbers:

    • In Java (Maven) projects, development versions are indicated by the suffix -SNAPSHOT after the version number. Example: 1.0.0-SNAPSHOT.
    • In C/C++ (CMake) projects, development versions are indicated by the suffix -dev after the version number. Example: 1.0.0-dev.

    These suffixes must be removed for release, and then recovered again to resume development.

  • All dependencies to development versions will be changed to a release version during the release procedure. Concerning people will be asked to choose an appropriate release version for each development dependency.
  • Tags are named with the version number of the release. Example: 1.0.0.
  • Contrary to the project version, Debian package versions don't contain development suffixes, and should always be of the form 1.0.0-0kurento1:

    • The first part (1.0.0) is the project's base version number.
    • The second part (0kurento1) is the Debian package revision:

      • The number prefix (in this example: 0) indicates the version relative to other same-name packages provided by the base system. When this number is 0, it means that the package is original and only exists in Kurento, not in Debian or Ubuntu itself. This is typically the case for the projects owned or forked for the Kurento project.
      • The number suffix (in this example: 1) means the number of times the same package has been re-packaged and re-published. 1 means that this is the first time a given project version was packaged.


      Imagine that version 1.0.0 of your code is released for the first time. The full Debian package version will be: 1.0.0-0kurento1. Later, you realize the package doesn't install correctly in some machines, because of a bug in the package's post-install script. You fix it, and now it's time to re-publish! But the project's source code itself has not changed at all, only the packaging files (in /debian/ dir); thus, the base version will remain 1.0.0, and only the Debian revision needs to change. The new package's full version will be 1.0.0-0kurento2.

    Please check the Debian Policy Manual and this Ask Ubuntu answer for more information about the package versions.

  • Kurento uses Semantic Versioning. Whenever you need to decide what is going to be the final release version for a new release, try to follow the SemVer guidelines:

    Given a version number MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH, increment the:
    1. MAJOR version when you make incompatible API changes,
    2. MINOR version when you add functionality in a backwards-compatible manner, and
    3. PATCH version when you make backwards-compatible bug fixes.

    Please refer to for more information.


    If the last Kurento release was 1.0.0, then the next development version would be 1.0.1-dev (or 1.0.1-SNAPSHOT for Java components).

    Later, the time comes to release this new development. If the new code only includes bug fixes and patches, then the version number 1.0.1 is already good. However, maybe this new release ended up including new functionality, which according to Semantic Versioning should be accompanied with a bump in the .MINOR version number, so the next release version number should be 1.1.0. The Debian package version is reset accordingly, so the full Debian version is 1.1.0-0kurento1.

    If you are re-packaging an already published version, without changes in the project's code itself, then just increment the Debian package revision: 0kurento1 becomes 0kurento2, and so on.


Made a mistake? Don't panic!

Do not be afraid of applying some Git magic to solve mistakes during the release process. Here are some which can be useful:

  • How to remove a release tag?
    • Remove the local tag:

      git tag --delete <TagName>
    • Remove the remote tag:

      git push --delete origin <TagName>
  • How to push just a local tag?

    git push origin <TagName>
  • How to amend a commit and push it again?


    # <Remove Tag>
    # <Amend>
    # <Create Tag>
    git push --force origin <TagName>


As of this writing, there is a mix of methods in the CI scripts (adm-scripts) when it comes to handle the release versions. The instructions in this document favor creating and pushing git tags manually in the developer's computer, however some projects also make use of the script, which tries to detect when a project's version is not a development snapshot, then creates and pushes a git tag automatically. However if the tag already exists (created manually by the developer), then the git tag command fails, and this script prints a warning message before continuing with its work.

We've been toying with different methodologies between handling the tags automatically in CI or handling them manually by the developer before releasing new versions; both of these methods have pros and cons. For example, if tags are handled manually by the developer, solving mistakes in the release process becomes simpler because there are no surprises from CI creating tags inadvertently; on the other hand, leaving them to be created by CI seems to simplify a bit the release process, but not really by a big margin.

Release order

First, the C/C++ parts of the code are built, Debian packages are created, and everything is left ready for deployment into an Aptly repository (for apt-get).

Before Kurento Media Server itself, all required forks and libraries must be built and installed (see dev-release-forks). These are:

The Kurento Media Server should be built in this order (see dev-release-media-server):

And the extra Kurento modules, which depend on Kurento's core, elements, and filters, can be built now:

With this, the Media Server part of Kurento is built and ready for use. This includes an JSON-RPC server that listens for connections and speaks the /features/kurento_protocol.

To make life easier for application developers, there is a Java and a JavaScript client SDK that implements the RPC protocol. These are libraries that get auto-generated from each of the Kurento modules.

The kurento-utils-js library must be built before Java modules, because it is a dependency of both kurento-java and kurento-tutorial-java:

Now, the main Java tools (see dev-release-java):

Main Kurento modules:

  • kms-core-java (org.kurento.kms-api-core)
  • kms-elements-java (org.kurento.kms-api-elements)
  • kms-filters-java (org.kurento.kms-api-filters)

Client SDK:

After kurento-java is done, the extra Kurento modules (which depend on kurento-java/kurento-client):

  • kms-chroma-java (org.kurento.module.chroma)
  • kms-crowddetector-java (org.kurento.module.crowddetector)
  • kms-datachannelexample-java (org.kurento.module.datachannelexample)
  • kms-markerdetector-java (org.kurento.module.markerdetector)
  • kms-platedetector-java (org.kurento.module.platedetector)
  • kms-pointerdetector-java (org.kurento.module.pointerdetector)

And lastly, the tutorials (which depend on the extra modules):

JavaScript follows a similar ordering (see dev-release-javascript). Starting from the main Kurento modules:

Extra Kurento modules:

Client SDK:

And tutorials:

Last, but not least, the project maintains a set of Docker images and documentation pages:

  • dev-release-docker
  • dev-release-doc

Fork Repositories

This graph shows the dependencies between forked projects used by Kurento:


Release order:

Release steps

  1. Choose the final release version, following the SemVer guidelines as explained in dev-release-general.
  2. Set the new version. This operation might vary between projects.

    # Change here.
    NEW_VERSION="<ReleaseVersion>" # Eg.: 1.0.0
    NEW_DEBIAN="<DebianRevision>"  # Eg.: 0kurento1
    function do_release {
        local COMMIT_MSG="Prepare release $PACKAGE_VERSION"
        local RELEASE_ENTRY="* $COMMIT_MSG"
        DEBFULLNAME="Kurento" \
        DEBEMAIL="" \
        gbp dch \
            --ignore-branch \
            --git-author \
            --spawn-editor never \
            --new-version "$PACKAGE_VERSION" \
            --release \
            --distribution "testing" \
            --force-distribution \
            debian/ \
        || { echo "ERROR: Command failed: gbp dch"; return 1; }
        # First appearance of "UNRELEASED": Put our commit message
        sed -i "0,/${SNAPSHOT_ENTRY}/{s/${SNAPSHOT_ENTRY}/${RELEASE_ENTRY}/}" \
            debian/changelog \
        || { echo "ERROR: Command failed: sed"; return 2; }
        # Remaining appearances of "UNRELEASED" (if any): Delete line
        sed -i "/${SNAPSHOT_ENTRY}/d" \
            debian/changelog \
        || { echo "ERROR: Command failed: sed"; return 3; }
        git add debian/changelog \
        && git commit -m "$COMMIT_MSG" \
        || { echo "ERROR: Command failed: git"; return 4; }
        gbp tag \
        && gbp push \
        || { echo "ERROR: Command failed: gbp"; return 5; }
        echo "Done!"
    # Run in a subshell where all commands are traced.
    ( set -o xtrace; do_release; )
  3. Follow on with releasing Kurento Media Server.

New Development

After the whole release has been completed, bump to a new development version. Do this by incrementing the Debian revision number.

The version number (as opposed to the Debian revision) is only changed when the fork gets updated from upstream sources. Meanwhile, we only update the Debian revision.

# Change here.
NEW_VERSION="<NextVersion>"   # Eg.: 1.0.1
NEW_DEBIAN="<DebianRevision>" # Eg.: 0kurento1

function do_release {
    local COMMIT_MSG="Bump development version to $PACKAGE_VERSION"

    DEBFULLNAME="Kurento" \
    DEBEMAIL="" \
    gbp dch \
          --ignore-branch \
          --git-author \
          --spawn-editor never \
          --new-version "$PACKAGE_VERSION" \
          debian/ \
    || { echo "ERROR: Command failed: gbp dch"; return 1; }

    git add debian/changelog \
    && git commit -m "$COMMIT_MSG" \
    || { echo "ERROR: Command failed: git"; return 2; }

    gbp tag \
    && gbp push \
    || { echo "ERROR: Command failed: gbp"; return 3; }

    echo "Done!"

# Run in a subshell where all commands are traced.
( set -o xtrace; do_release; )

Kurento Media Server

All KMS projects:


Release order:

Preparation: kurento-module-creator

  • If kurento-maven-plugin is getting a new version, edit the file src/main/templates/maven/model_pom_xml.ftl to update it:

    • <version>1.0.0</version>
    • <version>1.1.0</version>

Release steps

  1. Choose the final release version, following the SemVer guidelines as explained in dev-release-general.
  2. Set the new version. This operation might vary between projects.
  3. Commit and tag as needed.
  4. Start the Kurento Build job with the parameters JOB_RELEASE ENABLED and JOB_ONLY_KMS DISABLED.

    The Kurento Build job is a Jenkins MultiJob Project. If it fails at any stage, after fixing the cause of the error there is no need to start the job again from the beginning. Instead, you can resume the build from the point it was before the failure.

    For this, just open the latest build number that failed (with a red marker in the Build History panel at the left of the job page); in the description of the build, the action Resume build is available on the left side.

  5. Wait until all packages get created and published correctly. Fix any issues that might appear.

All-In-One script:

# Change here.
NEW_VERSION="<ReleaseVersion>" # Eg.: 1.0.0
NEW_DEBIAN="<DebianRevision>"  # Eg.: 0kurento1

cd kms-omni-build/

# Set the new version.
./bin/ "$NEW_VERSION" --debian "$NEW_DEBIAN" \
    --release --commit --tag

Verify and push

Before pushing commits, test that the Kurento API Java module generation works. This is a great way of testing that everything is correct across a variety of components, including Kurento Module Creator, and Kurento Maven Plugin.

First, build the new version (if any) of kurento-module-creator, install it to the local Maven cache, and set the PATH appropriately:

cd kurento-module-creator/
mvn -DskipTests=false clean install
export PATH="$PWD/scripts:$PATH"

Then, do the same for kurento-maven-plugin:

cd kurento-maven-plugin/
mvn -DskipTests=false clean install

Install dependencies:

apt-get update ; apt-get install --no-install-recommends \
    kurento-module-creator \
    kms-cmake-utils \
    kms-jsonrpc-dev \
    kms-core-dev \
    kms-elements-dev \

Lastly, attempt to build all modules:

cd kms-omni-build/

function do_release {
    local PROJECTS=(

    for PROJECT in "${PROJECTS[@]}"; do
        pushd "$PROJECT" || { echo "ERROR: Command failed: pushd"; return 1; }

        mkdir build/ && cd build/ \
        && cd java/ \
        && mvn -DskipTests=false clean install \
        || { echo "ERROR: Command failed"; return 1; }


    echo "Done!"

# Run in a subshell where all commands are traced.
( set -o xtrace; do_release; )

If everything looks good, push commits and tags to the git repo:

# Push committed changes.
git submodule foreach 'git push --follow-tags'
git push --follow-tags

New Development

After the whole release has been completed, bump to a new development version. Do this by incrementing the .PATCH number and resetting the Debian revision to 1.

All-In-One script:

# Change here.
NEW_VERSION="<NextVersion>"   # Eg.: 1.0.1
NEW_DEBIAN="<DebianRevision>" # Eg.: 0kurento1

cd kms-omni-build/

# Set the new version.
./bin/ "$NEW_VERSION" --debian "$NEW_DEBIAN" \
    --new-development --commit

# Push committed changes.
git submodule foreach 'git push'

Then start the Kurento Build job with the parameters JOB_RELEASE DISABLED and JOB_ONLY_KMS DISABLED.

Kurento JavaScript client

Release order:

Release steps

  1. Start the Kurento JavaScript job and wait for it to finish.

    The Kurento JavaScript job is a Jenkins MultiJob Project. It will auto-generate the JavaScript Client libraries (from each of the Kurento Media Server modules that contain KMD API Definition files, *.kmd.json), and will commit them to their corresponding repos (see below).

    At this point, all other JavaScript repos which are not auto-generated modules, will get a development build, which is good to verify that their jobs work fine, before the actual release build.

  2. Check that the auto-generated API Client JavaScript repos have been updated and tagged with the new version:


    During release 6.18.0, some of the jobs didn't publish a new version to NPM because the scripts detected a development number; the jobs had to be started manually a second time to make it detect a release number. Watch out because it's possible that there is a bug somewhere in the process.

  3. Also check that the JavaScript modules have been published by CI:
  1. Choose the final release version, following the SemVer guidelines as explained in dev-release-general.
  2. Check there are no uncommitted files.
  3. Check latest changes from the main branch.
  4. Set the new version. This operation might vary between projects.
  5. Check there are no development versions in any of the dependencies.
  6. Test the build. Make sure the code is in a working state.

    The most common issue is that the code is not properly formatted. To manually run the beautifier, do this:

    npm install
    # To run beautifier over all files, modifying in-place:
    node_modules/.bin/grunt jsbeautifier::default
    # To run beautifier over a specific file:
    node_modules/.bin/grunt jsbeautifier::file:<FilePath>.js
  7. Commit and tag as needed.

All-In-One script:


The jq command-line JSON processor must be installed.

# Change here.
NEW_VERSION="<ReleaseVersion>" # Eg.: 1.0.0

function do_release {
    local COMMIT_MSG="Prepare release $NEW_VERSION"

    local PROJECTS=(

    for PROJECT in "${PROJECTS[@]}"; do
        pushd "$PROJECT" || { echo "ERROR: Command failed: pushd"; return 1; }

        # Check there are no uncommitted files.
        # Exclude JSON files, to allow re-running this function.
        git diff-index --quiet HEAD -- '!*.json' \
        || { echo "ERROR: Uncommitted files not allowed!"; return 1; }

        # Check latest changes from the main branch.
        git pull --rebase --autostash \
        || { echo "ERROR: Command failed: git pull"; return 1; }

        # Set the new version.
        ./bin/ "$NEW_VERSION" --release --git-add \
        || { echo "ERROR: Command failed: set-versions"; return 1; }

        # Check there are no development versions in any of the dependencies.
        grep -Fr --exclude-dir='*node_modules' --include='*.json' -e '-dev"' -e '"git+' \
        && { echo "ERROR: Development versions not allowed!"; return 1; }

        # Test the build.
        if [[ "$PROJECT" == "kurento-client-js" ]]; then
            # kurento-client-js depends on kurento-jsonrpc-js, so we'll use
            # `npm link` here to solve the dependency.
            # Use a custom Node prefix so `npm link` doesn't require root permissions.
            mkdir -p /tmp/.npm/lib/
            NPM_CONFIG_PREFIX=/tmp/.npm npm link ../kurento-jsonrpc-js
        if [[ -f package.json ]]; then
            npm install || { echo "ERROR: Command failed: npm install"; return 1; }
        if [[ -x node_modules/.bin/grunt ]]; then
            node_modules/.bin/grunt jsbeautifier \
            && node_modules/.bin/grunt \
            && node_modules/.bin/grunt sync:bower \
            || { echo "ERROR: Command failed: grunt"; return 1; }


    echo "Everything seems OK; proceed to commit and push"

    for PROJECT in "${PROJECTS[@]}"; do
        pushd "$PROJECT" || { echo "ERROR: Command failed: pushd"; return 1; }

        # Commit all modified files.
        git commit -m "$COMMIT_MSG" \
        || { echo "ERROR: Command failed: git commit"; return 1; }

        # Push new commit(s).
        git push \
        || { echo "ERROR: Command failed: git push"; return 1; }

        #git tag -a -m "$COMMIT_MSG" "$NEW_VERSION" \
        #&& git push origin "$NEW_VERSION" \
        #|| { echo "ERROR: Command failed: git tag"; return 1; }
        # NOTE: the CI jobs automatically tag the repos upon releases


    echo "Done!"

# Run in a subshell where all commands are traced.
( set -o xtrace; do_release; )


When all CI jobs have finished successfully:

  • Open the Nexus Sonatype Staging Repositories section.
  • Select kurento repository.
  • Inspect Content to ensure they are as expected:

    • kurento-module-chroma-js
    • kurento-module-crowddetector-js
    • kurento-module-datachannelexample-js
    • kurento-module-markerdetector-js
    • kurento-module-platedetector-js
    • kurento-module-pointerdetector-js
    • kurento-utils-js
    • kurento-jsonrpc-js
    • kurento-client-js

    All of them must appear in the correct version, $NEW_VERSION.

  • Close repository.
  • Wait a bit.
  • Refresh.
  • Release repository.
  • Maven artifacts will be available within 30 minutes.

New Development

After the whole release has been completed, bump to a new development version. Do this by incrementing the .PATCH number.

All-In-One script:


The jq command-line JSON processor must be installed.

# Change here.
NEW_VERSION="<NextVersion>" # Eg.: 1.0.1

function do_release {
    local COMMIT_MSG="Prepare for next development iteration"

    local PROJECTS=(

    for PROJECT in "${PROJECTS[@]}"; do
        pushd "$PROJECT" || { echo "ERROR: Command failed: pushd"; return 1; }

        # Set the new version.
        ./bin/ "$NEW_VERSION" --git-add \
        || { echo "ERROR: Command failed: set-versions"; return 1; }


    echo "Everything seems OK; proceed to commit and push"

    for PROJECT in "${PROJECTS[@]}"; do
        pushd "$PROJECT" || { echo "ERROR: Command failed: pushd"; return 1; }

        # Commit all modified files.
        git commit -m "$COMMIT_MSG" \
        || { echo "ERROR: Command failed: git commit"; return 1; }

        # Push new commit(s).
        git push \
        || { echo "ERROR: Command failed: git push"; return 1; }


    echo "Done!"

# Run in a subshell where all commands are traced.
( set -o xtrace; do_release; )

Kurento Java client

Release order:

  • kurento-module-creator-java (org.kurento.kurento-module-creator)
  • kurento-maven-plugin (org.kurento.kurento-maven-plugin)
  • kurento-qa-pom (org.kurento.kurento-qa-pom)
  • kms-core-java (org.kurento.kms-api-core)
  • kms-elements-java (org.kurento.kms-api-elements)
  • kms-filters-java (org.kurento.kms-api-filters)
  • kurento-java (org.kurento.kurento-client)
  • kms-chroma-java (org.kurento.module.chroma)
  • kms-crowddetector-java (org.kurento.module.crowddetector)
  • kms-datachannelexample-java (org.kurento.module.datachannelexample)
  • kms-markerdetector-java (org.kurento.module.markerdetector)
  • kms-platedetector-java (org.kurento.module.platedetector)
  • kms-pointerdetector-java (org.kurento.module.pointerdetector)
  • kurento-tutorial-java (org.kurento.tutorial.*)
  • kurento-tutorial-test

Dependency graph:


Preparation: kurento-java

  • If kurento-qa-pom is getting a new version, edit the file kurento-parent-pom/pom.xml to update it:

    • <version>1.0.0</version>
    + <version>1.1.0</version>


  • If kurento-maven-plugin is getting a new version, edit the file kurento-parent-pom/pom.xml to update it:

    -  <version.kurento-maven-plugin>1.0.0</version.kurento-maven-plugin>
    +  <version.kurento-maven-plugin>1.1.0</version.kurento-maven-plugin>
  • If kurento-utils-js is getting a new version, edit the file kurento-parent-pom/pom.xml to update it:

    -  <version.kurento-utils-js>1.0.0</version.kurento-utils-js>
    +  <version.kurento-utils-js>1.1.0</version.kurento-utils-js>

Release steps

  1. Choose the final release version, following the SemVer guidelines as explained in dev-release-general.
  2. Check there are no uncommitted files.
  3. Check latest changes from the main branch.
  4. Set the new version. This operation might vary between projects.
  5. Check there are no development versions in any of the dependencies.

    In kurento-java, all dependencies are defined as properties in the file kurento-parent-pom/pom.xml.

  6. Test the build. Make sure the code is in a working state.

    The profile 'kurento-release' is used to enforce no development versions are present.

  7. Commit and tag as needed.
  8. Start the Kurento Java job and wait for it to finish.

    The Kurento Java job is a Jenkins MultiJob Project. For each Java project, it will use Maven to compile, package, generate JARs with sources and JavaDoc, and finally deploy them to Sonatype Nexus, which is the gateway for publication to Maven Central.

All-In-One script:

# Change here.
NEW_VERSION="<ReleaseVersion>" # Eg.: 1.0.0

function do_release {
    local COMMIT_MSG="Prepare release $NEW_VERSION"

    local PROJECTS=(
        kurento-tutorial-test # FIXME tests fail because Kurento Test Framework needs improvements

    for PROJECT in "${PROJECTS[@]}"; do
        pushd "$PROJECT" || { echo "ERROR: Command failed: pushd"; return 1; }

        # Check there are no uncommitted files.
        # Exclude XML files, to allow re-running this function.
        git diff-index --quiet HEAD -- '!*.xml' \
        || { echo "ERROR: Uncommitted files not allowed!"; return 1; }

        # Check latest changes from the main branch.
        git pull --rebase --autostash \
        || { echo "ERROR: Command failed: git pull"; return 1; }

        # Set the new version.
        ./bin/ "$NEW_VERSION" --kms-api "$NEW_VERSION" --release --git-add \
        || { echo "ERROR: Command failed: set-versions"; return 1; }

        # Check there are no development versions in any of the dependencies.
        grep -Fr --include='pom.xml' -e '-SNAPSHOT' \
        && { echo "ERROR: Development versions not allowed!"; return 1; }


    echo "Everything seems OK; proceed to commit and push"

    for PROJECT in "${PROJECTS[@]}"; do
        pushd "$PROJECT" || { echo "ERROR: Command failed: pushd"; return 1; }

        # Commit all modified files.
        git commit -m "$COMMIT_MSG" \
        || { echo "ERROR: Command failed: git commit"; return 1; }

        # Push new commit(s).
        git push \
        || { echo "ERROR: Command failed: git push"; return 1; }

        #git tag -a -m "$COMMIT_MSG" "$NEW_VERSION" \
        #&& git push origin "$NEW_VERSION" \
        #|| { echo "ERROR: Command failed: git tag"; return 1; }
        # NOTE: the CI jobs automatically tag the repos upon releases


    echo "Done!"

# Run in a subshell where all commands are traced.
( set -o xtrace; do_release; )


When all repos have been released, and all CI jobs have finished successfully:

  • Open the Nexus Sonatype Staging Repositories section.
  • Select kurento repository.
  • Inspect Content to ensure they are as expected:

    • org.kurento.kurento-module-creator
    • org.kurento.kurento-maven-plugin
    • org.kurento.kurento-qa-pom
    • org.kurento.kms-api-core
    • org.kurento.kms-api-elements
    • org.kurento.kms-api-filters
    • org.kurento.kurento-client
    • org.kurento.module.chroma
    • org.kurento.module.crowddetector
    • org.kurento.module.datachannelexample
    • org.kurento.module.markerdetector
    • org.kurento.module.platedetector
    • org.kurento.module.pointerdetector
    • org.kurento.tutorial.*

    All of them must appear in the correct version, $NEW_VERSION.

  • Close repository.
  • Wait a bit.
  • Refresh.
  • Release repository.
  • Maven artifacts will be available within 30 minutes.

New Development


You should wait for a full nightly run of the Kurento Media Server pipeline, so the next development packages become available from KMS API modules: kms-api-core, kms-api-elements, and kms-api-filters. This way, the properties in kurento-parent-pom/pom.xml will get updated to the latest SNAPSHOT version.

After the whole release has been completed, bump to a new development version. Do this by incrementing the .PATCH number.

All-In-One script:

# Change here.
NEW_VERSION="<NextVersion>" # Eg.: 1.0.1

function do_release {
    local COMMIT_MSG="Prepare for next development iteration"

    local PROJECTS=(
        # FIXME: The interaction between this and kurento-java needs to
        # be addressed in the CI jobs. Probably copying the JAR artifacts.


        # Do nothing; tutorials are left depending on release versions.

    for PROJECT in "${PROJECTS[@]}"; do
        pushd "$PROJECT" || { echo "ERROR: Command failed: pushd"; return 1; }

        # Set the new version.
        ./bin/ "$NEW_VERSION" --kms-api "${NEW_VERSION}-SNAPSHOT" --git-add \
        || { echo "ERROR: Command failed: set-versions"; return 1; }

        # Install the project.
        # * Skip running the tests.
        # * Do not use `-U` because for each project we want Maven to find
        #   the locally installed artifacts from previous $PROJECT.
        mvn -Psnapshot -DskipTests=true clean install \
        || { echo "ERROR: Command failed: mvn clean install"; return 1; }


    echo "Everything seems OK; proceed to commit and push"

    for PROJECT in "${PROJECTS[@]}"; do
        pushd "$PROJECT" || { echo "ERROR: Command failed: pushd"; return 1; }

        # Commit all modified files.
        git commit -m "$COMMIT_MSG" \
        || { echo "ERROR: Command failed: git commit"; return 1; }

        # Push new commit(s).
        git push \
        || { echo "ERROR: Command failed: git push"; return 1; }


    echo "Done!"

# Run in a subshell where all commands are traced.
( set -o xtrace; do_release; )

Docker images

A new set of development images is deployed to Kurento Docker Hub on each nightly build. Besides, a release version will be published as part of the CI jobs chain when the Kurento Build job is triggered.

The repository kurento-docker contains Dockerfiles for all the Kurento Docker images, however this repo shouldn't be tagged, because it is essentially a "multi-repo" and the tags would be meaningless (because which one of the sub-dirs would the tag apply to?).

Kurento documentation

The documentation scripts will download both Java and JavaScript clients, generate HTML Javadoc / Jsdoc pages from them, and embed everything into a static section.

For this reason, the documentation must be built only after all the other modules have been released.

  1. Write the Release Notes in doc-kurento/source/project/relnotes/.
  2. Ensure that the whole nightly CI chain works:

    Job doc-kurento -> job doc-kurento-readthedocs -> New build at Read the Docs.

  3. Edit VERSIONS.env to set all relevant version numbers: version of the documentation itself, and all referred modules and client libraries.

    These numbers can be different because not all of the Kurento projects are necessarily released with the same frequency. Check each one of the Kurento repositories to verify what is the latest version of each one, and put it in the corresponding variable:

  4. In VERSIONS.env, set VERSION_RELEASE to true. Remember to set it again to false after the release, when starting a new development iteration.
  5. Test the build locally, check everything works.

    python3 -m venv python_modules
    source python_modules/bin/activate
    python3 -m pip install --upgrade -r requirements.txt
    make html

    Note that the JavaDoc and JsDoc pages won't be generated locally if you don't have your system prepared to do so; also there are some Sphinx constructs or plugins that might fail if you don't have them ready to use, but the Read the Docs servers have them so they should end up working fine.

  6. Git add, commit, and push. Trigger a nightly build, where you can check the result of the documentation builds to have an idea of how the final release build will end up looking like, at

    # Change here.
    NEW_VERSION="<ReleaseVersion>" # Eg.: 1.0.0
    COMMIT_MSG="Prepare release $NEW_VERSION"
    # `--all` to include possibly deleted files.
    git add --all \
        VERSIONS.env \
        source/project/relnotes/ \
    && git commit -m "$COMMIT_MSG" \
    && git push \
    || echo "ERROR: Command failed: git"
  7. Run the doc-kurento CI job with the parameter JOB_RELEASE ENABLED.
  8. CI automatically tags Release versions in both Read the Docs source repos doc-kurento and doc-kurento-readthedocs, so the release will show up in the Read the Docs dashboard.


    If you made a mistake and want to re-create the git tag with a different commit, remember that the re-tagging must be done manually in both doc-kurento and doc-kurento-readthedocs repos. Read the Docs CI servers will read the latter one to obtain the documentation sources and release tags.

  9. Open Read the Docs Builds. If the new version hasn't been detected and built, do it manually: use the Build Version button to force a build of the latest version. Doing this, Read the Docs will "realize" that there is a new tagged release version of the documentation in the doc-kurento-readthedocs repo.
  10. AFTER THE WHOLE RELEASE HAS BEEN COMPLETED: Set VERSION_RELEASE to false. Now, create a Release Notes document template where to write changes that will accumulate for the next release.

    All-In-One script:

    # Change here.
    NEW_VERSION="<NextVersion>" # Eg.: 1.0.1
    function do_release {
        local COMMIT_MSG="Prepare for next development iteration"
        # Set [VERSION_RELEASE]="false"
        sed -r -i 's/\[VERSION_RELEASE\]=.*/[VERSION_RELEASE]="false"/' VERSIONS.env \
        || { echo "ERROR: Command failed: sed"; return 1; }
        # Set [VERSION_DOC]
        local VERSION_DOC="${NEW_VERSION}-dev"
        sed -r -i "s/\[VERSION_DOC\]=.*/[VERSION_DOC]=\"$VERSION_DOC\"/" VERSIONS.env \
        || { echo "ERROR: Command failed: sed"; return 2; }
        # Add a new Release Notes document
        local RELNOTES_NAME="v${NEW_VERSION//./_}"
        cp source/project/relnotes/v0_TEMPLATE.rst \
            "source/project/relnotes/${RELNOTES_NAME}.rst" \
        && sed -i "s/1.2.3/${NEW_VERSION}/" \
            "source/project/relnotes/${RELNOTES_NAME}.rst" \
        && sed -i "8i\   $RELNOTES_NAME" \
            source/project/relnotes/index.rst \
        || { echo "ERROR: Command failed: sed"; return 3; }
        git add \
            VERSIONS.env \
            source/project/relnotes/ \
        && git commit -m "$COMMIT_MSG" \
        && git push \
        || { echo "ERROR: Command failed: git"; return 4; }
        echo "Done!"
    # Run in a subshell where all commands are traced
    ( set -o xtrace; do_release; )