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The most recent Autometa benchmarking results covering multiple modules and input parameters are hosted on our KwanLab/metaBenchmarks Github repository and provide a range of analyses covering multiple stages and parameter sets. These benchmarks are available with their own respective modules so that the community may easily assess how Autometa's novel (taxon-profiling, clustering, binning, refinement) algorithms perform compared to current state-of-the-art methods. Tools were selected for benchmarking based on their relevance to environmental, single-assembly, reference-free binning pipelines.

Benchmarking with the autometa-benchmark module

Autometa includes the autometa-benchmark entrypoint, a script to benchmark Autometa taxon-profiling, clustering and binning-classification prediction results using clustering and classification evaluation metrics. To select the appropriate benchmarking method, supply the --benchmark parameter with the respective choice. The three benchmarking methods are detailed below.


If you'd like to follow along with the benchmarking commands, you may download the test datasets using:

autometa-download-dataset \
    --community-type simulated \
    --community-sizes 78Mbp \
    --file-names reference_assignments.tsv.gz binning.tsv.gz taxonomy.tsv.gz \
    --dir-path $HOME/Autometa/autometa/datasets/simulated

This will download three files:

  • reference_assignments: tab-delimited file containing contigs with their reference genome assignments. cols: [contig, reference_genome, taxid, organism_name, ftp_path, length]
  • binning.tsv.gz: tab-delimited file containing contigs with Autometa binning predictions, cols: [contig, cluster]
  • taxonomy.tsv.gz: tab-delimited file containing contigs with Autometa taxon-profiling predictions cols: [contig, kingdom, phylum, class, order, family, genus, species, taxid]


Example benchmarking with simulated communities

# Set community size (see above for selection/download of other community types)

# Inputs
## NOTE: predictions and reference were downloaded using autometa-download-dataset
predictions="$HOME/Autometa/autometa/datasets/simulated/${community_size}/taxonomy.tsv.gz" # required columns -> contig, taxid

# Outputs
output_wide="${community_size}.taxon_profiling_benchmarks.wide.tsv.gz" # file path
output_long="${community_size}.taxon_profiling_benchmarks.long.tsv.gz" # file path
reports="${community_size}_taxon_profiling_reports" # directory path

autometa-benchmark \
    --benchmark classification \
    --predictions $predictions \
    --reference $reference \
    --ncbi $ncbi \
    --output-wide $output_wide \
    --output-long $output_long \
    --output-classification-reports $reports


Using --benchmark=classification requires the path to a directory containing files (nodes.dmp, names.dmp, merged.dmp) from NCBI's taxdump tarball. This should be supplied using the --ncbi parameter.


Example benchmarking with simulated communities

# Set community size (see above for selection/download of other community types)

# Inputs
## NOTE: predictions and reference were downloaded using autometa-download-dataset
predictions="$HOME/Autometa/autometa/datasets/simulated/${community_size}/binning.tsv.gz" # required columns -> contig, cluster

# Outputs

autometa-benchmark \
    --benchmark clustering \
    --predictions $predictions \
    --reference $reference \
    --output-wide $output_wide \
    --output-long $output_long


Example benchmarking with simulated communities

# Set community size (see above for selection/download of other community types)

# Inputs
## NOTE: predictions and reference were downloaded using autometa-download-dataset
predictions="$HOME/Autometa/autometa/datasets/simulated/${community_size}/binning.tsv.gz" # required columns -> contig, cluster

# Outputs

autometa-benchmark \
    --benchmark binning-classification \
    --predictions $predictions \
    --reference $reference \
    --output-wide $output_wide \
    --output-long $output_long

Autometa Test Datasets


Simulated Communities

You can download all the Simulated communities using this link. Individual communities can be downloaded using the links in the above table.

For more information on simulated communities, check the located in the simulated_communities directory.

Synthetic Communities

51 bacterial isolates were assembled into synthetic communities which we've titled MIX51.

The initial synthetic community was prepared using a mixture of fifty-one bacterial isolates. The synthetic community's DNA was extracted for sequencing, assembly and binning.

You can download the MIX51 community using this link.


Using autometa-download-dataset

Autometa is packaged with a built-in module that allows any user to download any of the available test datasets. To use retrieve these datasets one simply needs to run the autometa-download-dataset command.

For example, to download the reference assignments for a simulated community as well as the most recent Autometa binning and taxon-profiling predictions for this community, provide the following parameters:

# choices for simulated: 78Mbp,156Mbp,312Mbp,625Mbp,1250Mbp,2500Mbp,5000Mbp,10000Mbp
autometa-download-dataset \
    --community-type simulated \
    --community-sizes 78Mbp \
    --file-names reference_assignments.tsv.gz binning.tsv.gz taxonomy.tsv.gz \
    --dir-path simulated

This will download reference_assignments.tsv.gz, binning.tsv.gz, taxonomy.tsv.gz to the simulated/78Mbp directory.

  • reference_assignments: tab-delimited file containing contigs with their reference genome assignments. cols: [contig, reference_genome, taxid, organism_name, ftp_path, length]
  • binning.tsv.gz: tab-delimited file containing contigs with Autometa binning predictions, cols: [contig, cluster]
  • taxonomy.tsv.gz: tab-delimited file containing contigs with Autometa taxon-profiling predictions cols: [contig, kingdom, phylum, class, order, family, genus, species, taxid]

Using gdrive

You can download the individual assemblies of different datasests with the help of gdown using command line (This is what autometa-download-dataset is using behind the scenes). If you have installed autometa using conda then gdown should already be installed. If not, you can install it using conda install -c conda-forge gdown or pip install gdown.

Example for the 78Mbp simulated community
  1. Navigate to the 78Mbp community dataset using the link mentioned above.
  2. Get the file ID by navigating to any of the files and right clicking, then selecting the get link option.
    This will have a copy link button that you should use. The link for the metagenome assembly (ie. metagenome.fna.gz) should look like this :
  3. The file ID is within the / forward slashes between file/d/ and /, e.g:
# Pasted from copy link button:
#                 begin file ID ^ ------------------------------^ end file ID
  1. Copy the file ID
  2. Now that we have the File ID, you can specify the ID or use the prefix. Both should work.
gdown --id ${file_id} -O metagenome.fna.gz
# or
gdown${file_id} -O metagenome.fna.gz


Unfortunately, at the moment gdown doesn't support downloading entire directories from Google drive. There is an open Pull request on the gdown repository addressing this specific issue which we are keeping a close eye on and will update this documentation when it is merged.


Data Handling

Aggregating benchmarking results

When dataset index is unique
import pandas as pd
import glob
df = pd.concat([
    pd.read_csv(fp, sep="\t", index_col="dataset")
    for fp in glob.glob("*.clustering_benchmarks.long.tsv.gz")
df.to_csv("benchmarks.tsv", sep='\t', index=True, header=True)
When dataset index is not unique
import pandas as pd
import os
import glob
dfs = []
for fp in glob.glob("*.clustering_benchmarks.long.tsv.gz"):
    df = pd.read_csv(fp, sep="\t", index_col="dataset")
    df.index = fpath: os.path.basename(fpath))
df = pd.concat(dfs)
df.to_csv("benchmarks.tsv", sep='\t', index=True, header=True)

Downloading multiple test datasets at once

To download all of the simulated communities reference binning/taxonomy assignments as well as the Autometa v2.0 binning/taxonomy predictions all at once, you can provide the multiple arguments to --community-sizes.

e.g. --community-sizes 78Mbp 156Mbp 312Mbp 625Mbp 1250Mbp 2500Mbp 5000Mbp 10000Mbp

An example of this is shown in the bash script below:

# choices: 78Mbp,156Mbp,312Mbp,625Mbp,1250Mbp,2500Mbp,5000Mbp,10000Mbp
community_sizes=(78Mbp 156Mbp 312Mbp 625Mbp 1250Mbp 2500Mbp 5000Mbp 10000Mbp)

autometa-download-dataset \
    --community-type simulated \
    --community-sizes ${community_sizes[@]} \
    --file-names reference_assignments.tsv.gz binning.tsv.gz taxonomy.tsv.gz \
    --dir-path simulated

Generating new simulated communities

Communities were simulated using ART, a sequencing read simulator, with a collection of 3000 bacteria randomly retrieved. Genomes were retrieved until the provided total length was reached.

e.g. -l 1250 would translate to 1250Mbp as the sum of total lengths for all bacterial genomes retrieved.

# Work out coverage level for art_illumina
# C = [(LN)/G]/2
# C = coverage
# L = read length (total of paired reads)
# G = genome size in bp
# -p  : indicate a paired-end read simulation or to generate reads from both ends of amplicons
# -ss : HS25 -> HiSeq 2500 (125bp, 150bp)
# -f  : fold of read coverage simulated or number of reads/read pairs generated for each amplicon
# -m  : the mean size of DNA/RNA fragments for paired-end simulations
# -s  : the standard deviation of DNA/RNA fragment size for paired-end simulations.
# -l  : the length of reads to be simulated
$ coverage = ((250 * reads) / (length * 1000000))
$ art_illumina -p -ss HS25 -l 125 -f $coverage -o simulated_reads -m 275 -s 90 -i asm_path