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📓 Bash Step by Step Tutorial 📓

Here is the step by step tutorial of on running the entire pipeline manually through Bash. This is helpful in case you have your own files or just want to run a specific step.

If you would like to set up a run of the whole pipeline through Bash, see the Bash Workflow<🐚 Bash Workflow 🐚> section.

Before running anything make sure you have activated the conda environment using mamba activate autometa.

See the Autometa Package Installation page for details on setting up your conda environment.

I will be going through this tutorial using the 78Mbp test dataset which can be found here You only need to download metagenome.fna.gz from the above link and save it at a directory as per your liking. I'm saving it in $HOME/tutorial/test_data/. For instructions on how to download the dataset using command-line see the "Using command-line" section on Benchmarking page.

1. Length filter

The first step when running Autometa is the length filtering. This would remove any contigs that are below the length cutoff. This is useful in removing the noise from the data, as small contigs may have ambiguous kmer frequencies. The default cutoff if 3,000bp, ie. any contig that is smaller than 3,000bp would be removed.


It is important that you alter the cutoff based on your N50. If your N50 is really small, e.g. 500bp (pretty common for soil assemblies), then you might want to lower your cutoff to somewhere near N50. The tradeoff with lowering the length cutoff, however, is a greater number of contigs which may make it more difficult for the dataset to be binned. As was shown in the Autometa paper, as assembly quality degrades so does the binning performance.

Use the following command to run the length-filter step:

autometa-length-filter \
    --assembly $HOME/tutorial/test_data/78mbp_metagenome.fna \
    --cutoff 3000 \
    --output-fasta $HOME/tutorial/78mbp_metagenome.filtered.fna \
    --output-stats $HOME/tutorial/78mbp_metagenome.stats.tsv \
    --output-gc-content $HOME/tutorial/78mbp_metagenome.gc_content.tsv

Let us dissect the above command:

Flag Input arguments Requirement
--assembly Path to metagenome assembly (nucleotide fasta) file Required
--cutoff Length cutoff for the filtered assembly. Default is 3,000bp Optional
--output-fasta Path to filtered metagenomic assembly that would be used for binning Required
--output-stats Path to assembly statistics table Optional
--output-gc-content Path to assembly contigs' GC content and length stats table Optional

You can view the complete command-line options using autometa-length-filter -h

The above command generates the following files:

File Description
78mbp_metagenome.filtered.fna Length filtered metagenomic assembly to be used for binning
78mbp_metagenome.stats.tsv Table describing the filtered metagenome assembly statistics
78mbp_metagenome.gc_content.tsv Table of GC content and length of each contig in the filtered assembly

2. Coverage calculation

Coverage calculation for each contig is done to provide another parameter to use while clustering contigs.

from SPAdes

If you have used SPAdes to assemble your metagenome, you can use the following command to generate the coverage table:

autometa-coverage \
    --assembly $HOME/tutorial/78mbp_metagenome.fna \
    --out $HOME/tutorial/78mbp_metagenome.coverages.tsv \

from alignments.bed

If you have assembled your metagenome using some other assembler you can use one of the following commands to generate the coverage table.

# If you have already made a bed file
autometa-coverage \
    --assembly $HOME/tutorial/78mbp_metagenome.filtered.fna \
    --bed 78mbp_metagenome.bed \
    --out $HOME/tutorial/78mbp_metagenome.coverages.tsv \
    --cpus 40

from alignments.bam

# If you have already made an alignment (bam file)
autometa-coverage \
    --assembly $HOME/tutorial/78mbp_metagenome.filtered.fna \
    --bam 78mbp_metagenome.bam \
    --out $HOME/tutorial/78mbp_metagenome.coverages.tsv \
    --cpus 40

from alignments.sam

# If you have already made an alignment (sam file)
autometa-coverage \
    --assembly $HOME/tutorial/78mbp_metagenome.filtered.fna \
    --sam 78mbp_metagenome.sam \
    --out $HOME/tutorial/78mbp_metagenome.coverages.tsv \
    --cpus 40

from paired-end reads

You may calculate coverage using forward and reverse reads with the assembled metagenome.

autometa-coverage \
    --assembly $HOME/tutorial/78mbp_metagenome.filtered.fna \
    --fwd-reads fwd_reads_1.fastq \
    --rev-reads rev_reads_1.fastq \
    --out $HOME/tutorial/78mbp_metagenome.coverages.tsv \
    --cpus 40

In case you have multiple forward and reverse read pairs supply a comma-delimited list.

autometa-coverage \
    --assembly $HOME/tutorial/78mbp_metagenome.filtered.fna \
    --fwd-reads fwd_reads_1.fastq,fwd_reads_2.fastq \
    --rev-reads rev_reads_1.fastq,rev_reads_2.fastq \
    --out $HOME/tutorial/78mbp_metagenome.coverages.tsv \
    --cpus 40


  1. No spaces should be used when providing the forward and reverse reads.
  2. The lists of forward and reverse reads should be in the order corresponding to their respective reads pair.

Let us dissect the above commands:

Flag Function
--assembly Path to length filtered metagenome assembly
--from-spades If the input assembly is generated using SPades then extract k-mer coverages from contig IDs
--bed Path to alignments BED file
--bed Path to alignments BAM file
--sam Path to alignments SAM file
--fwd-reads Path to forward reads
--rev-reads Path to reverse reads
--cpus Number of CPUs to use (default is to use all available CPUs)
--out Path to coverage table of each contig

You can view the complete command-line options using autometa-coverage -h

The above command would generate the following files:

File Description
78mbp_metagenome.coverages.tsv Table with read or k-mer coverage of each contig in the metagenome

3. Generate Open Reading Frames (ORFs)

ORF calling using prodigal is performed here. The ORFs are needed for single copy marker gene detection and for taxonomic assignment.

Use the following command to run the ORF calling step:

autometa-orfs \
    --assembly $HOME/tutorial/78mbp_metagenome.filtered.fna \
    --output-nucls $HOME/tutorial/78mbp_metagenome.orfs.fna \
    --output-prots $HOME/tutorial/a78mbp_metagenome.orfs.faa \
    --cpus 40

Let us dissect the above command:

Flag Function
--assembly Path to length filtered metagenome assembly
--output-nucls Path to nucleic acid sequence of ORFs
--output-prots Path to amino acid sequence of ORFs
--cpus Number of CPUs to use (default is to use all available CPUs)

You can view the complete command-line options using autometa-orfs -h

The above command would generate the following files:

File Description
78mbp_metagenome.orfs.fna Nucleic acid fasta file of ORFs
78mbp_metagenome.orfs.faa Amino acid fasta file of ORFs

4. Single copy markers

Autometa uses single-copy markers to guide clustering, and does not assume that recoverable genomes will necessarily be "complete". You first need to download the single-copy markers.

# Create a markers directory to hold the marker genes
mkdir -p $HOME/Autometa/autometa/databases/markers

# Change the default download path to the directory created above
autometa-config \
    --section databases \
    --option markers \
    --value $HOME/Autometa/autometa/databases/markers

# Download single-copy marker genes
autometa-update-databases --update-markers

# hmmpress the marker genes
hmmpress -f $HOME/Autometa/autometa/databases/markers/bacteria.single_copy.hmm
hmmpress -f $HOME/Autometa/autometa/databases/markers/archaea.single_copy.hmm

Use the following command to annotate contigs containing single-copy marker genes:

autometa-markers \
    --orfs $HOME/tutorial/78mbp_metagenome.orfs.faa \
    --kingdom bacteria \
    --hmmscan $HOME/tutorial/78mbp_metagenome.hmmscan.tsv \
    --out $HOME/tutorial/78mbp_metagenome.markers.tsv \
    --parallel \
    --cpus 4 \
    --seed 42

Let us dissect the above command:

Flag Function Requirement
--orfs Path to fasta file containing amino acid sequences of ORFS Required
--kingdom Kingdom to search for markers. Choices bacteria (default) and archaea Optional
--hmmscan Path to hmmscan output table containing the respective kingdom single-copy marker annotations Required
--out Path to write filtered annotated markers corresponding to kingdom Required
--parallel Use hmmscan parallel option (default: False) Optional
--cpus Number of CPUs to use (default is to use all available CPUs) Optional
--seed Seed to set random state for hmmscan. (default: 42) Optional

You can view the complete command-line options using autometa-markers -h

The above command would generate the following files:

File Description
78mbp_metagenome.hmmscan.tsv hmmscan output table containing the respective kingdom single-copy marker annotations
78mbp_metagenome.markers.tsv Annotated marker table corresponding to the particular kingdom

5. Taxonomy assignment


Autometa assigns a taxonomic rank to each contig and then takes only the contig belonging to the specified kingdom (either bacteria or archaea) for binning. We found that in host-associated metagenomes, this step vastly improves the binning performance of Autometa (and other pipelines) because less eukaryotic or viral contigs will be placed into bacterial bins.

The first step for contig taxonomy assignment is a local alignment search of the ORFs against a reference database. This can be accelerated using diamond.

Create a diamond formatted database of the NCBI non-redundant (nr.gz) protein database.

diamond makedb \
    --in $HOME/Autometa/autometa/databases/ncbi/nr.gz \
    --db $HOME/Autometa/autometa/databases/ncbi/nr \
    --threads 40

Breaking down the above command:

Flag Function
--in Path to nr database
--db Path to diamond formated nr database
-p Number of processors to use


diamond makedb will append .dmnd to the provided path of --db.

i.e. --db /path/to/nr will become /path/to/nr.dmnd

Run diamond blastp using the following command:

diamond blastp \
    --query $HOME/tutorial/78mbp_metagenome.orfs.faa \
    --db $HOME/Autometa/autometa/databases/ncbi/nr.dmnd \
    --evalue 1e-5 \
    --max-target-seqs 200 \
    --threads 40 \
    --outfmt 6 \
    --out $HOME/tutorial/78mbp_metagenome.blastp.tsv

Breaking down the above command:

Flag Function
--query Path to query sequence. Here, amino acid sequence of ORFs
--db Path to diamond formatted nr database
--evalue Maximum expected value to report an alignment
--max-target-seqs Maximum number of target sequences per query to report alignments for
--threads Number of processors to use
--outfmt Output format of BLASTP results
--out Path to BLASTP results

To see the complete list of acceptable output formats see Diamond GitHub Wiki. A complete list of all command-line options for Diamond can be found on its GitHub Wiki.


Autometa only parses output format 6 provided above as: --outfmt 6

The above command would generate the blastP table (78mbp_metagenome.blastp.tsv) in output format 6

5.2 Lowest Common Ancestor (LCA)

The second step in taxon assignment is determining each ORF's lowest common ancestor (LCA). This step uses the blastp results generated in the previous step to generate a table having the LCA of each ORF. As a default only the blastp hits (subject accessions) which are within 10% of the top bitscore are used. These subject accessions are translated to their respective taxids (prot.accession2taxid.gz) to be looked up in NCBI's taxonomy database (nodes.dmp). Each ORFs' list of taxids are then reduced to its lowest common ancestor via a range minimum query.


For more details on the range minimum query algorithm, see the closed issue (#170) on Github and a walkthrough on topcoder

Use the following command to get the LCA of each ORF:

autometa-taxonomy-lca \
    --blast $HOME/tutorial/78mbp_metagenome.blastp.tsv \
    --dbdir $HOME/Autometa/autometa/databases/ncbi/ \
    --lca-output $HOME/tutorial/78mbp_metagenome.lca.tsv \
    --sseqid2taxid-output $HOME/tutorial/78mbp_metagenome.lca.sseqid2taxid.tsv \
    --lca-error-taxids $HOME/tutorial/78mbp_metagenome.lca.errorTaxids.tsv

Let us dissect the above command:

Parameter Function Required (Y/N)
--blast Path to diamond blastp output Y
--dbdir Path to NCBI databases directory Y
--lca-output Path to write lca output Y
--sseqid2taxid-output Path to write qseqids sseqids to taxids translations table N
--lca-error-taxids Path to write table of blast table qseqids that were assigned root due to a missing taxid N

You can view the complete command-line options using autometa-taxonomy-lca -h

The above command would generate a table (78mbp_metagenome.lca.tsv) having the name, rank and taxid of the LCA for each ORF.

5.3 Majority vote

The next step in taxon assignment is doing a modified majority vote to decide the taxonomy of each contig. This was developed to help minimize the effect of horizontal gene transfer (HGT). Briefly, the voting system helps assign the correct taxonomy to the contig from its component ORF classification. Even with highly divergent ORFs this allows for accurate kingdom level classification, enabling us to remove any eukaryotic contaminants or host DNA.

You can run the majority vote step using the following command:

autometa-taxonomy-majority-vote \
    --lca $HOME/tutorial/78mbp_metagenome.lca.tsv \
    --output $HOME/tutorial/78mbp_metagenome.votes.tsv \
    --dbdir $HOME/Autometa/autometa/databases/ncbi/

Let us dissect the above command:

Flag Function
--lca Path to LCA table
--output Path to write majority vote table
--dbdir Path to ncbi database directory

You can view the complete command-line options using autometa-taxonomy-majority-vote -h

The above command would generate a table (78mbp_metagenome.votes.tsv) having the taxid of each contig identified as per majority vote.

5.4 Split kingdoms

In this final step of taxon assignment we use the voted taxid of each contig to split the contigs into different kingdoms and write them as per the provided canonical rank.

autometa-taxonomy \
    --votes $HOME/tutorial/78mbp_metagenome.votes.tsv \
    --output $HOME/tutorial/ \
    --assembly $HOME/tutorial/78mbp_metagenome.filtered.fna \
    --prefix 78mbp_metagenome \
    --split-rank-and-write superkingdom \
    --ncbi $HOME/Autometa/autometa/databases/ncbi/

Let us dissect the above command:

Flag Function Requirement
--votes Path to voted taxids table Required
--output Directory to output fasta files of split canonical ranks and taxonomy.tsv Required
--assembly Path to filtered metagenome assembly Required
--prefix prefix to use for each file written Optional
--split-rank-and-write Split contigs by provided canonical-rank column then write to output directory Optional
--ncbi Path to ncbi database directory Optional

Other options available for --split-rank-and-write are phylum, class, order, family, genus and species

If --split-rank-and-write is specified then it will split contigs by provided canonical-rank column then write a file corresponding that rank. Eg. Bacteria.fasta, Archaea.fasta, etc for superkingdom.

You can view the complete command-line options using autometa-taxonomy -h

File Description
78mbp_metagenome.taxonomy.tsv Table with taxonomic classification of each contig
78mbp_metagenome.bacteria.fna Fasta file having the nucleic acid sequence of all bacterial contigs
78mbp_metagenome.unclassified.fna Fasta file having the nucleic acid sequence of all contigs unclassified at kingdom level

In my case there are no non-bacterial contigs. For other datasets, autometa-taxonomy may produce other fasta files, for example Eukaryota.fasta and Viruses.fasta.

6. K-mer counting

A k-mer (ref) is just a sequence of k characters in a string (or nucleotides in a DNA sequence). It is known that contigs that belong to the same genome have similar k-mer composition (ref1 and ref2) . Here, we compute k-mer frequencies of only the bacterial contigs.

This step does the following:

  1. Create a k-mer count matrix of k4/2 dimensions using the specified k-mer length
  2. Normalization of the k-mer count matrix to a normalized k-mer frequency matrix
  3. Reduce the dimensions of k-mer frequencies using principal component analysis (PCA).
  4. Embed the PCA dimensions into two dimensions to allow the ease of visualization and manual binning of the contigs (see ViZBin paper).

Use the following command to run the k-mer counting step:

autometa-kmers \
    --fasta $HOME/tutorial/78mbp_metagenome.bacteria.fna \
    --kmers $HOME/tutorial/78mbp_metagenome.bacteria.kmers.tsv \
    --size 5 \
    --norm-method am_clr \
    --norm-output $HOME/tutorial/78mbp_metagenome.bacteria.kmers.normalized.tsv \
    --pca-dimensions 50 \
    --embedding-method bhsne \
    --embedding-output $HOME/tutorial/78mbp_metagenome.bacteria.kmers.embedded.tsv \
    --cpus 40 \
    --seed 42

Let us dissect the above command:

Flag Input arguments Requirement
--fasta Path to length filtered metagenome assembly Required
--kmers Path to k-mer frequency table Required
--size k-mer size in bp (default 5bp) Optional
--norm-output Path to normalized k-mer table Required
--norm-method Normalization method to transform kmer counts prior to PCA and embedding (default am_clr). Choices : ilr, clr and am_clr Optional
--pca-dimensions Number of dimensions to reduce to PCA feature space after normalization and prior to embedding (default: 50) Optional
--embedding-output Path to embedded k-mer table Required
--embedding-method Embedding method to reduce the k-mer frequencies. Choices: sksne, bhsne (default), umap, densmap and trimap. Optional
--cpus Number of CPUs to use (default is to use all available CPUs) Optional
--seed Set random seed for dimension reduction determinism (default 42). Useful in replicating the results Optional

You can view the complete command-line options using autometa-kmers -h

The above command generates the following files:

File Description
78mbp_metagenome.kmers.tsv Table with raw k-mer counts of each contig
78mbp_metagenome.kmers.normalized.tsv Table with normalized k-mer frequencies of each contig
78mbp_metagenome.kmers.embedded.tsv Table with embedded k-mer frequencies of each contig

Advanced Usage

In the command used above k-mer normalization is being done using Autometa's implementation of the center log-ratio transform (am_clr). Other available normalization methods are isometric log-ratio transform (ilr, scikit-bio implementation) and center log-ratio transform (clr, scikit-bio implementation). Normalization method can be altered using the --norm-method flag.

In the above command k-mer embedding is being done using Barnes-Hut t-distributed Stochastic Neighbor Embedding (BH-tSNE). Other embedding methods that are available are Uniform Manifold Approximation and Projection (UMAP), densMAP (a density-preserving tool based on UMAP) and TriMap, a method that uses triplet constraints to form a low-dimensional embedding of a set of points. Two implementations of BH-tSNE are available, bhsne and sksne corresponding to the tsne and scikit-learn libraries, respectively. Embedding method can be altered using the --embedding-method flag.

Autometa uses a k-mer size of 5 and then embeds the resulting k-mer frequency table into 50 PCA dimensions which are then reduced to two dimentions. k-mer size can be altered using the --size flag, number of dimensions to reduce to PCA feature space after normalization and prior to embedding can be altered using the --pca-dimensions flag and the number of dimensions of which to reduce k-mer frequencies can be altered using the --embedding-dimensions flag.


1. Even though bhsne and sksne are the same embedding method (but different implementations) they appear to give very different results. We recommend using the former.

  1. Providing a 0 to --pca-dimensions will skip the PCA step.

7. Binning

This is the step where contigs are binned into genomes via clustering. Autometa assesses genome bins by examining their completeness, purity, GC content and coverage A taxonomy table may also be used to selectively iterate through contigs based on their profiled taxon.

This step does the following:

  1. Optionally iterate through contigs based on taxonomy
  2. Bin contigs based on embedded k-mer coordinates and coverage
  3. Accept genome bins that pass the following metrics:
    1. Above completeness threshold (default=20.0)
    2. Above purity threshold (default=95.0)
    3. Below GC content standard deviation threshold (default=5.0)
    4. Below coverage standard deviation threshold (default=25.0)
  4. Unbinned contigs will be re-binned until no more acceptable genome bins are yielded

If you include a taxonomy table Autometa will attempt to further partition the data based on ascending taxonomic specificity (i.e. in the order superkingdom, phylum, class, order, family, genus, species) when binning unclustered contigs from a previous attempt. We found that this is mainly useful if you have a highly complex metagenome (lots of species), or you have several related species at similar coverage level.

Use the following command to perform binning:

autometa-binning \
    --kmers $HOME/tutorial/78mbp_metagenome.bacteria.kmers.embedded.tsv \
    --coverages $HOME/tutorial/78mbp_metagenome.coverages.tsv \
    --gc-content $HOME/tutorial/78mbp_metagenome.gc_content.tsv \
    --markers $HOME/tutorial/78mbp_metagenome.markers.tsv \
    --output-binning $HOME/tutorial/78mbp_metagenome.binning.tsv \
    --output-main $HOME/tutorial/78mbp_metagenome.main.tsv \
    --clustering-method dbscan \
    --completeness 20 \
    --purity 90 \
    --cov-stddev-limit 25 \
    --gc-stddev-limit 5 \
    --taxonomy $HOME/tutorial/78mbp_metagenome.taxonomy.tsv \
    --starting-rank superkingdom \
    --rank-filter superkingdom \
    --rank-name-filter bacteria

Let us dissect the above command:

Flag Function Requirement
--kmers Path to embedded k-mer frequencies table Required
--coverages Path to metagenome coverages table Required
--gc-content Path to metagenome GC contents table Required
--markers Path to Autometa annotated markers table Required
--output-binning Path to write Autometa binning results Required
--output-main Path to write Autometa main table Required
--clustering-method Clustering algorithm to use for recursive binning. Choices dbscan (default) and hdbscan Optional
--completeness completeness cutoff to retain cluster (default 20) Optional
--purity purity cutoff to retain cluster (default 95) Optional
--cov-stddev-limit coverage standard deviation limit to retain cluster (default 25) Optional
--gc-stddev-limit GC content standard deviation limit to retain cluster (default 5) Optional
--taxonomy Path to Autometa assigned taxonomies table Required
--starting-rank Canonical rank at which to begin subsetting taxonomy (default: superkingdom) Optional
--rank-filter Canonical rank to subset by the value provided by --rank-name-filter default: superkingdom Optional
--rank-name-filter Only retrieve contigs with this value in the canonical rank column provided in rank-filter (default: bacteria) Optional

You can view the complete command-line options using autometa-binning -h

The above command generates the following files:

  1. 78mbp_metagenome.binning.tsv contains the final binning results along with a few more metrics regarding each genome bin.
  2. 78mbp_metagenome.main.tsv which contains the feature table that was utilized during the genome binning process as well as the corresponding output predictions.

The following table describes each column for the resulting binning outputs. We'll start with the columns present in 78mbp_metagenome.binning.tsv then describe the additional columns that are present in 78mbp_metagenome.main.tsv.

Column Description
Contig Name of the contig in the input fasta file
Cluster Genome bin assigned by autometa to the contig
Completeness Estimated completeness of the Genome bin, based on single-copy marker genes
Purity Estimated purity of the Genome bin, based on the number of single-copy marker genes that are duplicated in the cluster
coverage_stddev Coverage standard deviation of the Genome bin
gc_content_stddev GC content standard deviation of the Genome bin

In addition to the above columns 78mbp_metagenome.main.tsv file has the following additional columns:

Column Description
Coverage Estimated coverage of the contig
gc_content Estimated GC content of the contig
length Estimated length of the contig
species Assigned taxonomic species for the contig
genus Assigned taxonomic genus for the contig
family Assigned taxonomic family for the contig
order Assigned taxonomic order for the contig
class Assigned taxonomic class for the contig
phylum Assigned taxonomic phylum for the contig
superkingdom Assigned taxonomic superkingdom for the contig
taxid Assigned NCBI taxonomy ID number for the contig
x_1 The first coordinate after dimension reduction
x_2 The second coordinate after dimension reduction

You can attempt to improve your genome bins with an unclustered recruitment step which uses features from existing genome bins to recruit unbinned contigs. Alternatively you can use these initial genome bin predictions and continue to the Examining Results section.

Advanced Usage

Completeness = Number of single copy marker genes present just once / Total number of single copy marker genes

Purity = Number of single copy marker genes present more than once / Total number of single copy marker genes

These are default parameters that autometa uses to accept clusters are 20% complete, 95% pure, below 25% coverage standard deviation and below 5% GC content standard deviation. These parameters can be altered using the flags, --completeness, --purity, --cov-stddev-limit and --gc-stddev-limit.

There are two binning algorithms to choose from Density-Based Spatial Clustering of Applications with Noise (DBSCAN) and Hierarchical Density-Based Spatial Clustering of Applications with Noise (HDBSCAN). The default is DBSCAN.

It is important to note that if recursively binning with taxonomy, only contigs at the specific taxonomic rank are analyzed and once the binning algorithm has moved on to the next rank, these are not considered until they fall under another taxonomic rank under consideration. I.e. Iterate through phyla. Contig of one phylum is only considered for that phylum then not for the rest of the phyla. If it is still unbinned at the Class rank, then it will be considered only during its respective Class's iteration. The canonical rank from which to start binning can be changed using the --starting-rank flag. The default is superkingdom.

8. Unclustered recruitment (Optional)

An unclustered recruitment step which uses features from existing genome bins is used to classify the unbinned contigs to the genome bins that were produced in the previous step. This step is optional and the results should be verified before proceeding with these results.


The machine learning step has been observed to bin contigs that do not necessarily belong to the predicted genome. Careful inspection of coverage and taxonomy should be done before proceeding with these results.

Use the following command to run the unclustered recruitment step:

autometa-unclustered-recruitment \
    --kmers $HOME/tutorial/78mbp_metagenome.bacteria.kmers.normalized.tsv \
    --coverage $HOME/tutorial/78mbp_metagenome.coverages.tsv \
    --binning $HOME/tutorial/78mbp_metagenome.binning.tsv \
    --markers $HOME/tutorial/78mbp_metagenome.markers.tsv \
    --taxonomy $HOME/tutorial/78mbp_metagenome.taxonomy.tsv \
    --output-binning $HOME/tutorial/78mbp_metagenome.recruitment.binning.tsv \
    --output-features $HOME/tutorial/78mbp_metagenome.recruitment.features.tsv \
    --output-main $HOME/tutorial/78mbp_metagenome.recruitment.main.tsv \
    --classifier decision_tree \
    --seed 42

Let us dissect the above command:

Flag Function Required (Y/N)
--kmers Path to normalized k-mer frequencies table


--coverages Path to metagenome coverages table


--binning Path to autometa binning output


--markers Path to Autometa annotated markers table


--output-binning Path to write Autometa unclustered recruitment table


--taxonomy Path to taxonomy table


--output-features Path to write Autometa main table used during/after unclustered recruitment


--output-main Path to write Autometa main table used during/after unclustered recruitment


--classifier classifier to use for recruitment of contigs. Choices decision_tree (default) and random_forest


--seed Seed to use for RandomState when initializing classifiers (default: 42)


You can view the complete command-line options using autometa-unclustered-recruitment -h

The above command would generate 78mbp_metagenome.recruitment.binning.tsv and 78mbp_metagenome.recruitment.main.tsv.

78mbp_metagenome.recruitment.binning.tsv contains the final predictions of autometa-unclustered-recruitment. 78mbp_metagenome.recruitment.features.tsv is the feature table utilized during/after the unclustered recruitment algorithm. This represents unbinned contigs with their respective annotations and output predictions of their recruitment into a genome bin. The taxonomic features have been encoded using “one-hot encoding” or a presence/absence matrix where each column is a canonical taxonomic rank and its respective value for each row represents its presence or absence. Presence and absence are denoted with 1 and 0, respectively. Hence "one-hot" encoding being an encoding of presence and absence of the respective annotation type. In our case taxonomic designation.

The 78mbp_metagenome.recruitment.binning.tsv file contains the following columns:

Column Description
contig Name of the contig in the input fasta file
cluster Genome bin assigned by autometa to the contig
recruited_cluster Genome bin assigned by autometa to the contig after unclustered recruitment step

Advanced Usage

The clustering method for the unclustered recruitment step can be performed either using a decision tree classifier (default) or using a random forst algorithm. The choice of method can be selected using the --classifier flag.