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File metadata and controls

107 lines (69 loc) · 4.06 KB

Encryption Key

Kylo uses a encryption key file (/opt/kylo/encrypt.key) to both encrypt credentials stored in its metadata store, and to allow properties in Kylo's configuration files to be encrypted. This same key is shared with NiFi (/opt/nifi/ext-config/encrypt.key) so that it can supply that key to the Spark jobs that it launches; allowing those jobs can decrypt the credentials needed to access their data sources.

The Kylo key file is usually generated automatically during installation. This same key is automatically configured for NiFi during installation when using the ../installation/SetupWizardDeploymentGuide. There are also manual configuration steps to provide this key to NiFi as described in ../installation/ManualDeploymentGuide.

Encrypting Configuration Properties

By default, a new Kylo installation does not have any of its configuration properties encrypted. Once you have started Kylo for the first time, the easiest way to derive encrypted versions of property values is to post values to the Kylo services/encrypt endpoint to have it generate an encrypted form for you. You could then paste the encrypted value back into your properties file and mark it as encrypted by prepending the values with {cipher}. For instance, if you wanted to encrypt the Hive datasource password specified in (assuming the password is “mypassword”), you can get its encrypted form using the curl command like this:

$ curl -u dladmin:thinkbig -H "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8" localhost:8400/proxy/v1/feedmgr/util/encrypt –d mypassword

You then copy that value and replace the clear text password string in the properties file with the encrypted value:


The benefit of this approach is that you will be getting a value that is guaranteed to work with the encryption settings of the server where that configuration value is being used. Once you have replaced all properties you wish to have encrypted in the properties files, you can restart the Kylo services to use them.

Encrypting Configuration Property Values with Spring CLI

  1. Install the Spring CLI client Mac example. In this example we will use Home Brew to install it on a Mac:
$ brew tap pivotal/tap
$ brew install springboot
$ spring install
  1. Install the Spring CLI client Linux example:
$ wget
$ sudo mkdir /apps/spring-boot
$ sudo tar -xvf /tmp/spring-boot-cli-1.5.3.RELEASE-bin.tar.gz -C /apps/spring-boot/

$ sudo vi  /etc/profile
export SPRING_HOME=/apps/spring-boot/spring-1.5.3.RELEASE
export JAVA_HOME=/usr/lib/jvm/jre-1.8.0

$ source /etc/profile

$ sudo chown -R centos:centos /apps/spring-boot/
$ spring install
  1. Copy the /apps/kylo/encrypt.key file to the computer with the Spring CLI client (if different)
  2. Encrypt the values. Note: Make sure to use single quotes around the password. If not special characters like $ will cause issues:
$ spring encrypt 'Pretend$Password' --key ./encrypt.key
  1. Decrypt values
$ spring decrypt dda0202d65ac03d250b1bc77afcf1097954wee08fc118b0f804a66xx286f61ae --key encrypt.key